
PAGE TWO DA; gee Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica that INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION sand Lu.
Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Antigua Demerara Mr.
here, OL ten between news in CPX. ma W10 Trinidad tralised but due libe ill. wis illerdi.
In connection with the gift of We might ay that th chasis 500 pounds sierling by Sir Ed of this amb ince belongs to an ward Darson, to the town of Ber.
old motor cur, in fact it is one berice it will be remembered the oldest car in the colony No.
In the Report the year 1918 the Esplanade was suggested ornainental fountain on P2, and it might be of interes to the Port afain authorities.
19 en Jamaica, No. 24 of Color contly, however. Sir Elward in view of the committee that nial Reports. Annual, it is stated thought in view of the highest Owned By that 175 tons of honey were ex of materias the amount of the has been appointed to enquire from builders the price, etc. o posted, to the value of 151, 700 would not be suficient to de an ambulance for Port of Spain, pounds telling. fortunately Pray the expenses THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, as an Yours faitstaly, year, on th the cianshipment of infected bridge at the junction of Queen Head Office, 55, Wall Street, The Ste. Madelelo: sugar, Co. honey from Cnna in the port of suwn and Main street ve widen Per FEN LAY Kingston, the disense known as ed. Sir Edward has promised American Foul Brood sained that on his return to Englund he 15th May, 1920 an intrance into the colony will communients to the Couacil through the access of local bees definitely on the matter.
The Trinidad Lyn to the Cuban honey in the port.
As the dineuse was spreading Sixty thousand poun rapidly, it was decide to destroy Official Depository of the Republic of Panama were received from Bar id ali bives of bees within an area St. Vincent and St. Kitti to of approximately miles from the Parish Church, Kingston DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL subscribing to the one million pounds sterling loan that is be This was done in January, 1919, ing toated in Trinidad in th: and reporte received indicate Antigua and the AgriculDEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD short space of days, alter the the complete success of the ope tural College colonies were informed of nition The Port of Spain Gaselle says: loan. letter was received from the Through its Agencies in the Interior and Its Forelo Branches Agricultural and Commereial Man Roasted Alive at Society of Antigon, intimating this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Princes Town that culony willingness to eon tribute 5, 000 pounds sterling Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands. Kajim, a venerable old Indian towards the establishment of the CADO farmer and proprietor of Demerara Maglstrate Un West Indian Agricultural College INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT, PER ANNUM Realis Rond Lengua Village, was due Interference.
of Trinidad literally roasted alive on Monday Tripp said that as soon as night. As related by several Trinidad has decided to. to put down his relatives and other eyo. wt.
CHIEP JUSTICE STRICTURES the 50. 000 pounds sterling re nesses, he was one of the party During the preent hearing of a quired to establish the College of about forty, getting ready to telegraphed infupMa intrator appealing Dicar mation at bolesna ine What India WILKINSON WILSON Thursday, after His Honour attend the wedding of the son of His Honour the Chief Justice re Mr. Luce Smith, bora markod that from the record Committee, which was also com CONTRACTOR BUILDER DYER AND RENOVATOR Como issioner, Robert Simmons lake Bronte that night, and as ther seem dan grettable communicated to the Colonial was brought ip in custody be was dark, one of the inen stoo;petition en course and the which was delighted with the First Class Workmanship to a Central Avenue and corner cars of a mi nenarce order in to guide thein on their way. foro His Honor for 3s. Od. ar. ad down while lighting Maistate in contation Plans and Spesifications Free of the winess Efects of the om for oth wile wile Felicia Sim. deniy, outllew the blazing we staments made by the witne monsPo n before His Hon of the torch and saturated his.
541 599: 11:10 four, the redant ple ded suil upper armats with the the the Maritrate un Cox 411, Panans, Bidawer to the ques. oil. The old man strugkled misit with he wis ready to and main word hot ving exion Quest on by the PING bad not the means bu burning clolites, bautis atrast Mate Power questions in pon the complain came entangled in the sue Declas Happenings in our me, and using an entis comod, and this rendered intrat in romlista Gulf Then and NULLE JPLACTIC CORSET his diserand lie top to her picant un pact Testice the Court Dit is explaid remark.
Now Stilius 16 Wel, Nithur mind that was the Ministrie usual form je to complaint we is with nothing cha RESIN the sun in pre intentibutor til YOU to pay the in this CN lle alw en casound to hep away on the Cuptont (with tears in that Curtis possil for fear of 010 dag losing LG Panas nithe teinpur LOW dielli Many of the catars in Prired by a la The annars tailandia, ICShoulder bios, Deu e ara, pozicularly in roads and no loroes out!
which can never the Prosine Sherlo coins its init to the doings of 233lody, while Uudy is to build for the labourers who with the combinant iodu trociue alii ibe culory chler ter that heterogeneous fans of free s and rates, the very closely behind it.
the Comition Scheme Aneers, whose de formate POGO Treaty Civaring Sheldurpis Loni; ACCO Erialaj Sid Tale lice med sticano je poster blame de room are bordsd.
Leaf from Barbadia2 Anti ue of the orbo ised by bunters for drying where Morg Legislation Span Gazette says: Tha Caoreetown Cricket Club de worked alheir bodies in Barbads and son today meeting of the Legi has remain a letter from dojkearted upon his notorious ca power; then he AND COMPES LAND OTNORS 10 inkl. ve Comcil there will be in Atin, of Barbados stating that he is uoste to bring roer. Upon one of his marad PLAST CROUND PROVISIONS trodaced a bill to provide for the establishent of a locul Clearing he The Corset of tire Century.
ny, and susting that Mr. tools terto del Principe in Cuba, cor Papendont thilo la Order 1919. The objects and Onics under the Creaty of Peace Tavilion he requested to do and Puerto Bello, the then SOLDAT PANAMA DY ins with pleasure of the exteareasons tre set forth as follows. The Cee will write Mr strongest position the New La SIX Sears, Santa la Ples; King, sion of hos Kro through Central Ave. establish a Clearing Ofice Tarilton, 4, it is beloved. has Worid; forced his way across the oat Trinidad, even to the regret in tais Colony. in accordance alrendy been proached by Mr. Istinus of Darien and subse ECIALCOON BY fal exclusive of rice growing, ex Austin on the subject quently settled in Jamaica as Latv reng Co. Wins Yuen Co. Swag Cheng Long presses the opinion that the local the Treaty of Peace for On the of. Co. Wing Lung Co. Ais Balco.
Vestiging an Covernment could well cs leat from Barbadian nationals, as well by and collecting all debts the island. Scarcely The Rev. GG. James. ML. rions was John Peach, the gem.
LEECHONG Co. Sole Agents and conspel every firson cheas as claims by British will open a college in George Heman pirate.
in mortalised by HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE inse is the growing of canes, tos against German nationals ration: Lowo wire students can qualify Michael Scott in Tumn Gringle 62 Central Ave, 134 140 Bolivar Street for the Durham University ex Log Ho was known set apart a certain proportion of Black as ound preparing accounts for submisColon, P.
Parma, his or her lands to grow grounds and consulto forte externes bourd and was an unmitigated sa timogn the Central Clearprovisions, penalts. BA. Oxford 30X 35, C3, Box 152. Phono 90 scon: rel Gae Thero essz be no doubt that man Clarine Ofice: furnishing ze Incala, Collate hancur beri band cart Sam Doluci: unless more ground provisious the Central Claring Oitice with. of Preceptors and the Guiana Sulanarul Venezuelans and Creoles as are grown, even the farther, who detailed particulars of all Gr add oes Schularships Stuis the nss of the high prices naa property, rigtits and interhis favourite amuse wives; dents can also receive lectures paid for cenes will sutier for the fests; and aunting for the proprior to their entering a Univers went was totalie Itis comrades to hold of his ship want of foodsius.
ceeds of the liquidation of the cive, or divinity Bookkeeping stone matches. He would also sity for the study of law, suffocate them by kindling brim businesses of German patiosals Motor Antigua e Buil212 in his coiony.
shore hand will also be scatter gold coins ia nis cabin, taught. At this College stndents extinguish all the candles and Trinidad will also be afforded the oppor. blaze away with his pistols at English Isinglass talnity of taking up a commere random. Aaron Bang recorded The following is taken from cial course.
the Porl of Spair Gazette of May at The Wast Pharmacy that: 18th. baving relation to a Motor. Howu tho mildest manner man Considered the best blood and Ambulance built and equipped Dr. JOHNSON There appears to be some like That ever noutaled ship, or cut a throat by the Ste. Madeleine Sugar Coin libood of the establishment of With such true breeding of a gentlemen Nerve tonic in the World pany for the comfort of its SURGEON DENTIST temporary communication by You never eouid discern his real thought, employees who it may be neces.
hydroplane between Demerara Pily he loved adventurous life variety sary to transport from distant Phono 1663 Address and French Guiana. There are was so great a loss to goodl society.
Is highly recommended by press and public for points of its estates to the central Ancon 352, at present in the latter colony, hospital at Petit Morne Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Dekliity and estate:two hydroplanes engaged in Since my last appearance in the Yesterday we received the foltransporting mails and perish. Gazetta a fortnight ago, the general depression of the whole system. lowing lotter from the Sto Mal MRS. LILIAN MAYNARD able goods trom the costal towns murderous act of certain piratiFor Both Men and Women.
deleine Sugar Company, Limit to the interior. It is understood cal and patrid minded Venezue ed, accompanying a photograph Certified Midwife and Nurse, that a proposal is under conside iaus tends to show that the pusi.
Sole distributors for Central and South America of the ambulance wagon, to ques. Fer Parama and Canal Zone rauju by Masrs. Pairaudean lanimous deeds of Blackbeard of which we shall be pleased Co. for these hydroplanes to call the 17th ceatary at being rePANAMA DRUG STORE to show to any of the Begs to notify the public, that at Demerara to convey foel, the vived to day.
who may wish to see it:shortage of which is also being Dear Sir. We here with enclose Boca and can be found at House she has removed back to La felt in Cayenne. represent Soft hearted ComMuller Building you photograph of an an Ambulance 1029 Dear the Salvation Army ative of the French owners is explainant pected to arrive shortly in the Wagon which we have just fin. Church.
ished for taking patients from TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC colony further to discuss the pro In the quasi criminal jurisdiothe various estatas to our central Seot.
sion of the District Court on hospital a Petit Korne estate. cure Skin Irritations. Srat 112 noto and and bin. medi auti New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengtheningőmpound sick tion.
the authorities


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