
touch with Barbados no slaying few START washing day well with men bred Negro le at or every bar, DOS of Depar Publica PAGE SIX THE WORK IN, SATURDAY, JU VE 26, 1920, Integrsting News from the a acanong nananaman the Caribbean continue to be strangers to esch other? hope to see the day Continued from page 2)
when Barbadian cricketers will put up fresh records in Jamaica and bres when the weilders of the Wants Miners From willow from that land of Trinidad springs will appear at Kensington Oval, Barbados. This kind of think There is a great scarcity of takes money, and a fund should miners in El Callao and Peru, in be accu nulated by our Cricket consequence of which fact Mr Committee for the purposes of Simons Superintendent of wurs.
Peru Mining Co. has gone to am also ot opinion that Trinidad with the object, if pos.
West Indian Cricket Team should sible, of securing the services of Le got together for a tour in some men. He is a guest of the Canada. It is many years ago Queen Park Hotel that West Indians visited the Dominion and the United States of America and The Port of Spain Gazette of yed cricket in those countries.
The team thlon which ventured on that tour was It is intended to open the new a poor one measured by our Anglican High School for Giris in September this year. As we prepresent cricket standard. have no idea however of our men going viously mentioned Mins Stevens, again in Philadelphia. am thinkB. of London University, bas ing of our getting into been secured as Headmistress.
our Canadian friends and fellow subjects. Such a tour would have valuable political as well social and sporting results. The as average Canadian to day thinks of the West Indian as a backward SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING native more expert in The Negro World SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY alligators and capturing parru in playing the high game of odern civilization. Read by High Barbadian our crie Officials eters on the playing fields of the Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes Dominion would have a most on the line early, and the meals cellent effect in educating the BARBADOS FREE COUNTRY ready to time. The afternoon is Canadian mind as to the kind of in the West Indies AND PEOPLE CAN READ WHATthen yours to spend at your own think our boys are capable of EVER THLY LIKE, SAYS sweet will.
rubbing it in, and waking the Canadian to certain granite facts HERALD.
Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient in connection with West 10 work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife dians, The Barbados Barald of the does her work most efficiently, most easily.
22nd ultimo, say s: There is no mystery. You get out of soap Barbados Property Sales We have learnt of the horrified just what the makers put into it, The cream fhuil contortion exhibite. and of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
The name Lever on Soup The business premises sitused the commeat of alarm uttered by is a Guarantee of Purity in Broud and Prince William the acting Head of a very in The Sunlight environment is in keeping Henry Streets, and Excellence.
Bridgetown portant Government Department with its mission of cleanliness and Barbados, at present occurred be on seeing one of the sentor Clerks ware by Messrs. Bryan Co.
efficiency no soap is better fitted to enjoying a copy of the serve the British house wife than Sunlight sold on the 15th inst, at the me of Massrs. Carrington Sealy bowl. rar shock, and su Soap. Prove this to day.
Suliciwr s, for 4, 50) pounds gested to the clerk who by the ling. The name of the purchaser way is not of motrichous origin 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on has not been disclosed. that it would be dangerous if VID the Colonial Secretary came ng in the parish of Christ across hiin with the paper in nurch, was session. Not at all Mr. acting the office of Mitleite Head of rimant! Not at all!
ford Co, Sites There is no Seditious UH. Kuch for 2, 195 pounds tona Bill in vogue here. This is sterling free community and wen here are frie agenta: fully capable of From the lewe learn that Cho seleting their own literary fare an offer of 400) 10 se for consumption and in the posi LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED PORT SUNLIGHT.
ling for Maxwellsplantation, tion of being able to extract the Xt Church, bas been clined wheat from the chall in any pubTae plantation Is Ontly lication. And, by the way, what situate within a few miles of the wrong with the Noro World?
And what wrong with you?
but much of this has been sold And the same cominent applies off and converted into a residen a senior clerk who out pated lice She then carried the two il distrit by the sea coast.
his plenes on a junior Mother and Sons children to the Hospital and officer reading the Crisis. Why Poisoned Lynch followed. Germained not look horritied when you see TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC had slightly recovered remained some other reading the Hearst will Heal Cuts and Wounds An inquest was beld at the at home publications all cramined with Dr. Skeete in giving evidence Quickly.
anti British stuff. The Heads of Barbados General Hospital on said that Lynch was admitted to Departments read the New York Saturday May 22, by Mr. BRANDON BAN)
the General Hospital about 10. 25 Dr. OGILVIE American Evening Journal and Seon, Acting Coroner, and a and was given the usual others of similar straius.
SECURITY treatment, but died about 11. 20 IS SOW LOCATED AT one turns up the whites of his touching the death of Ada of Spooners Hill, and her two eyes with Pharasaical stage el children Conrad and Frank who SERVICE The boy Conrad was admitted 157 Central Avenue, corner fect. Mind your business!
died at that institution the night Jat 10 o clock pm and died 25 Street.
before Panama (Founded 1863)
minutes after admission.
Colon Franks arrived at the institu HOURS: 81 11. 30 a.
Americans Want to. Helen Worrell said she was the mother of the tion already dead to 30 pm Our large Resources and Mil known 30 to Dr. Lionel Hutson who made a Buy Sugar Plan Lynch with whom she lived at Sundays: to 11 an Spooners Hill. It was custoexamination of the conservative Management Cord untations mury for her to provide food for three bodies said the three Lynch and her children Gerquestioned security for ever dollar msine, Conrad and Frank. She deaths were all due to irritant Appoint nents and arran d!
Te enhan. poison, the nature of which he Offer of one Million Pounds about o clock on Friday morn.
was a vendor and left home deposited with this bank was unable to say. He had pre.
pared the intestines of the three NOTICE AS for Estate, Turned bodies to send to the Govern.
ing giving Lynch some sugar to Whereason fast. She retresat 2p.
inent Analyst to buy break Down account of the The inquest was therefore ad infidelity of my wife Mrs. Ca.
when brought home flour journed sine die vending the remilla Morgan, have been There is a rumour current and other articles and told her turn of the Government Ana obliged to put her away from to cook them for dinner, lyst, me, hereby warn the public that a strong American syndi. She then left home to sell, ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON that will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her.
obtain large agricultural hold and returned about 30 President.
Vice President.
treasurer when she found Lynch and her ings in Barbados, and have three children lying down and Touring Teams of FREDERICK MORGAN Chase some of the bigger sugar immediately after she had eaten inaking an effort to por: vomiting. Lynch told her that Cricketers Dr. LOWE plantations. We do not know is than From Jottings in the Barbados this rumour has anything to do the food, she felt badly and her. Standards the following lis L, Edin.
with a further story in circula children were also in the same 139 CENTRAL AVENUE tion that the Hon. Pile has condition. Lynch told her to get It is a matter for regret that refused 1, 000, 000 (one million some syrup for her which she for his estate in St. The two boys Conrad and EDUCATION What is t?
did but Lynch only tasted it PANAMA CITY touring teams of cricketers from George, including the Bulkets refused to drink any of the syrup The systematic development and cultivation of the natural wers. The this island no longer visit the Pile, but power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be a minor, lesser cricireting colonies, keep Office Hours: 30 a. p.
we understand, alive the game in those pla.
has refused the offer which she woman in any company ing p. p.
on the ground that it is some. She (Worrell)
called one vomit.
ces and increasing good will be what below the valuation he neighbours to help, and THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOL tween Barbados and her neigh Box 793 Office 844 her No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz on Will Phones: some one play the Anco.
places on his considerable prop: arrival she advised Worrell to Residence 1002 erty. If this be true, then Mr carry all of them to Hospital, OFFERS ELEMENTARY AND HIGHER EDUCATIE AT role of the late Mr. St. Hill as an Pile attitude is strong indica: Worrell again questioned Lynch MODERATE TERMS organizer of such teams? It is tion of the optimistic outlook in, to whether she had eaten any Day School for Children.
not boys Night School for Adulta.
with Trinidadians and regard to the future infthansuar ar thing besides the food she had grapple with The net should maintenance of Subjects: English, Arithmetio, Algebra, Praotical and leoretical.
high prices. We cannot contirm she had put soda in the flour.
given her cook Tailor and Outfitter Geometry, Geography, History, etc. Elements of Spanish, tach and be wider and shouid enmesh the the rumours and we give them Worrell then found her share of Latin Grammar. Course in Bookkeeping, Business Forme Lettercricketers of St. Vincent, St.
for what they are worth, but we the dinner along with those of writing Lucia, Antigua and St. Kitts.
are informed that the Pile story Lynch and Germaine who had FREE practice on Underwood Typewriter and es Kimball Now the war is over and the Dealer in School Books, is based on fact.
and Stationery Organ for advanced day and night pupils.
more The only eaten a small portion.
sporting spirit is once Our motto is Vouloir est pouroir (Where there it is there rampant in these colonies of the neighbour advised Worrell not to is way. Caribbean, our cricketers should eat any of the food as it had TICHENOR ANTISEPTIS Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambridge nior)
be prepared to crusade to all No. 11 Street, Pana na made the others ill. She there Box 1044, Ancon, parts of the West Indies where chains from Central Ava, Address: takes the Burn out of Burns tore kept it until Saturday morn.
the game flourishes, Why should and Scalds.
ing when she gave it to the Pothe Eastern and Western part of Box 395, Anoon, C, SUNLIGHT SOAP.
M4 و و فه دهی.
KAMA to a Panama Banking Company pose mortem ghe General Banking Business Trisacted boen taken: after began to be the bours.
Wm. Lawrence 18


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