
Interesting News Fpm the West Indian Islands Jamaica INTERATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Lucia re.
25 pounds, a in getting fruit other cotton open market.
goods Demerara tinued to try some tal need able to td be the Jamnicu Ipuisla.
pounds, and we ar interest ur, to increase the srlaries tf the rate of per cent per an.
overnment officers who are in bun, free of ine Tax, tout Cript of 300 per annum and the 15th day 1:12. Det inder. It is expected that the able half yearly on the 15th of ncrease will work out at 25 December 1921 on the 15th Tre War in Bana ent.
of June 1921, and on the 15th of Owned By Assisting Schools.
June, and the loch December na Buying in each subsequent er, at the The Governinant of Jamaica office of tue Treasurer, St.
has appointed a Select Committee THE NTIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, The Prices Soar.
of the Legislature, to report on Each Debenture days to the proposal to make a grant in Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
tached thereon cou The following items of new aid of 7, 000 pr annum, by way hall searly intere reculled from the Times of of further assistance to Secondthereon and will be transferable June 10th.
ary Schools in the colony.
by delivery An event of this week has been Jamaica Govt. Asked to Capital, ırplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 The Debentures will be the start in full force of the deemed by drawings of onestruggle betxeen the different Import Cotton For Genfourth, one third, one half in fruit companies. They want fruit eral Public remainder on the 15th June in and in the strugule to get it the Official epository of the Republic of Panama each succeeding year.
price per bunch in some places At a recent meeting of the Ja Applications must be a ldressgone up tolls. Elsewhere maica Legislative Council an unDEPOTORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL ed to the Treasurer not it has been 6s, 6s. 61 and 85. official representative gave notice than the 10th June 1920, and These varying prices have been of the following resolution the case of applications for sans paid by the United Fruit Co.
DEPOSDRY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD it the of 25 pounds and under, the pany, the Atlantic and Baltimore troller of Price and Profits be plication must be accompan The Jamaica Fruit and Shipping instructed to import and have by a remittance in full. In the Company has paid the Uniform sold at a sinail but reasonable Through hAgencies in the Interior and its Forel zn Branches case of application for sums over rate offs, and 9d. Her bunch, and profit throughout the island, two a deposit of pou. us far succeeded fairly types of cotton goods to enable this litution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
per cent. must accompany the It is thought by many that the cloth for clothing at a reasonable the general public to purchase application, and the subsequent Drafts on maica and the other West Indian Islands. payu. ent of the balance applied present is an attempt to kill out rate and also to enable tbe gen for must be made to the Tease the Jamaica Fruit and Shipping eral pablic to have a reliable urer not later than the 15th June Company by carrying the prices basis to work on before deciding INTERESTI ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM 1920.
beyond the paying line, and what is likely to be an unreasonIn the case of default in he getting hold of all the fruit in the able price for payment to be on or before the pen 15th June 1920, the deposit will Others point to the fact of a destruction of the crop round be liable to forfeiture.
Santa Marta as an explanation. WILKINON WILSON Washington. His mother Rebec In the case of partial allot The battle it is said will be con ca Conway, and his sister Estelle ment the excess of deposit will CONTRACTOR BUIR DYER AND RENOVATOR Conway, who lived at 97 Regent be applied towards the payment It is worth noting that the Street, Bourda, were mentioned of the balance of the amount was entirely with First Class Workinbaip 1072 Central Avenue and corner also dead and the sexton beas the beneficiaries, but they are lotted, Pattatea fruidora de salon dira mot go Prospects in Brittsh Plans and Specification. com 16 Street Weit. comes the sole legatee. The ne o to Santa Martaat all.
Drowning Fatality Guiana.
cessary documents will be sign. May 3d three men went 5th Streat W35t Ново ed an forwarded to New York Ashing from Anise LR ye, dur Auxiliary Schooner Arno Phone212. PC Box 12 Box 411, Panema!
Th sexton proposes to get maring the course of the day a lige An Exchange states that an in.
non Canal Zone The merchants and the Public ried in Georgetown bulure ravshark was hood and in the run will hail with great satisfaction teresting letter has been received ing for New York vle that ensued while trying to the arrival of the above vessel from British Guiana which deals secure this tish the canoe ODB when will be put on the coastal hopefully with existing conditions Demerara Stevodores Agained ed and one of the men.
trade by getting the Packet Company. Shis is at last on the eve of import NULIFE SELFACING CORSET Shippers to on Strike entangled in the line get carried and under and was no more seen. The and frou outports have been ant developments. The most vi Demerara, June 1st. The ste two others succeeded in righting need is an increased popula handicapped for some lion, and it is very much vedore labourers have since yesthe boat and returned to the vil years by not being understood that ship terday again struck. In conse lage.
their produce to various points the efforts of the Colonization quence, the steamers Mayaro and without a great delay and we Committee which visited England Chinecto have been unable to un wish every success to the ship last summer have paved the way load or load any cargo, Buys a Plantation and the Company, who are filling for the introduction of native la bour from India Mr. Hull has bought Ro long talt want.
uon is being paid to sanitation in sunt, one of the two East Iosu Sugar Factory for 95, 000 all its branches, and the authori.
dian women who bavo served pounds sterling plus possible ndBrushing up Kingston ties are carnestly tackiing all swelve month of the tern of diuional 15. 000 pounds for stocks, In several particulars, Kingsquestions relating to the improve.
eighteen months imprisonmen stores, machinery etc.
ton is being brashed up and put ment of health conditions gener for the abduetion of two year has old Molly Schule, was was release OBITUARY sibly to prepare for the coming preliminary report inade on the from the Georgetown Gaol at of the Prince. The market pier water power resources of the 00 o o clock on the morsing of the Dled at Soutriere on Saturday 18 put into a state of thor long, and operations for pros 20th May. 15 It will be be remember the 20th of May, inies Jastine od that six mon paid the extreme Myors eldest daughter of Mr.
ough repair and complete clean. pecting for mineral oil by the liness. Work is being done to sinking of wells under expert ΟΙΣ penalty for the murder of little William Myers and sister to Mr.
reduce the rule in the streets. rection are to be the other The benches, in the park have The extensive bauxite deposiin Myers, clerk at Messrs in prison in la Now!
Www som igualarlane Moffat and Co. Carbeen repainted, so the Band are now attention in dan, purety Dot having been tries, to Mr.
Stand. Work is being done on Great Briwin, and a declaration found to siga a bond for 100 Galon Myors of this Dolces in re the fenda pul the Old Wolowers of the Government bine pounds Aberllog obtain horse of 66 years after a long illness building for mining is It was lernt, however losting several months. Tae fu.
anxiously awaited by the publie that Best Indies womaa nam, peral which was largely attended The Demeran Company od Bype, of Lagotville, Welok place at 10 o clock next The Corsot o 1o Contury.
Benk, prepared one for morning, Sunday the 30th.
considerable ward, that event, Surjoo The WORKMAN extends its area SOLD AT PAMA BY lative Council released will be secured.
condolence to the beruavod. some 20, 000 acres of freehold lead on the Demerara River. La Luna Silk Store, Sant Plens Key Hing, Central TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC dabing and drying plant is beVuo.
OOPING WITH THE DROUGHT or ing erected on the river at Mack ECLL RION BY curos Skin Irritations.
Ata sitting of the Legislativo enzie, about seventy miles from Lafru Ming Co. Wing Yuan. Sang Chong Long Council of Jamaica, Mr. Ewa Georgetown, where ocean going Co. Wing Lung Cok Kai Co.
was told that during the recent steamers can load the ore for LEE CHONG Sole Agents districts in St. Ann cost the Gov. of diamonds during 1919 was 16, drou cht, supplying water to dry transport overseas. The output HEAD OFFICE RANCH OFFICE Government Floaternment 44, Parochial 108, 7064 carats, some of the stones 134 140 Bolivar Street Trelawny: Government 14. boing of fair size and exceptional 62 Central Ave.
ing a Loan Boom In Charcoal.
Parochial Colon, R, 25. 6d. An engineer quality, and owing to be the inPanama, is being placed in charge of water Hebed value of diamonds, Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Anoon. recent visitor to St. Vincent rapply schemes, and will make ially in the United Stabes, they To Meet the cost of a seld. There is great father in experimental borings in the Tre often fotek u muok a twenty Coastal Motor Service tho fool market of St. Vincent as a result of the restrictions Jawny dry districts.
pounds soorat in the rough.
placed on the exportation of fireWATER FOR PEDRO It is gratifying to note that the Colony. There has been great wood and charcoal from this Mr. Sangster was told that in Windfall for Deme1913 a preliminary survey for the Awakening to the benefitsiint Vincent charcoal and not only various West Indian Islands and demand from Barbados for St.
that irrigation of Pedro Plain, St.
Elizabeth rara Sexton are to be obtained by, raising not completed, but the estimate both was mede. Plans were loans locally. Trinidad, it would are persons residing in St. Vin.
was about 83, 000. The plan will pace and now cent shipping charcoal in large be oonsidered in connection with Becomes Heir to 6, 900 loed of the Hon. Gideon Murray: lators in the island making parSt. Lucia, foliowing the wise quantities to Barbados, but there lan CENTRAL AVENU PANAMA and a number of Barbadian speca the proposed oleotrifloaNon of William Conway, sexton of has thrown on the local market Lator the railway Bt. Bernabas Church, GeorgeNext Door to Ceelli heatre 6, 000 pound sterling loan torchases for themselves. This has JURY MEN town, Damerare, hu robelved Pabllo UNlives the following resulted in an advance in the Mr. Smith was told that the the good newa that he is onsitled oxoorpt from the Oneal Gaprloo of the article by about 100 por cent.
Government would consider reto 8, 900 Roxt of kin bo his of shat Oolony sbows: Headquarters or funding reasonable out of poe tot brother UlarenA. Corway, invito applications for 5, 000 The Government of St Lucia English Islnglass expenses for travelling and sub who was drowned in collision Rietence to jurors attending Cir.
York harbour on October at The Woot Pharmacy High Class FHniture pound Debonteres to be issued cuit Courts. 1918, bot woon bis ship, who at par under the provisions of Westgage and another the Local Loan Ontinanoo, No. Dr. WILLIAMS Banking Business.
stomer. The Conway brothers All New Geods Soldt of 1980 Bill for regulating the carry. were born in Demerara of Bar The Loon is raised to meet the (M CH. EDIN. ing on of Banking business in Ja badian parentage. The deceased cost of la Constal Motor Service maica, by aliens, has been accept as a tailor in Barbados until Reasonale Terms.
hiele in connection where witb, and for providing a motor ve PHYSICIAN SURGEON ed by the Legislature of that 1911, when we accompanied Nr.
colony, and notice has been given Shepherd, the well kne wn and is secured on the General WEST INDIANS will find it profitab to consult US for the third reading at next Barbados cricketer to Wow Revenues Has removed temporarily to and Assets of the meeting of the Counci.
York. He joined the Navy when buying Furni Colony Long huliding 5045. Seetlen A, No.
Increase of Salaries.
as a wardroom steward in 1917 The Deben siro will be of de and insured his life with the FOLKS BIYER Welcome is extended to all to vidhur largo Stock nominations of fire. Ion, wontsThe pum of 88, 000 has been Burend of War Risk Insurance Dys, Atty and one hundred All cases fully Examined being puw be sworved shortly.
attracting Burjoo, dod city, at the Innrd to the this ore lease Sitting of the Legis se obrned Crown Leate and also controls St. Lucia St Vincent Panama Furniture Company appear has set iho setto in Now


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