
Rates for Advertisement on appiira Cami land Ifyou are not using Dux 74. Panowa RP ust be accompanied by the same One Year We do not undertake return el Three Slag Blue Soap amount nec youore wasting your Money CANYOU AFFORD IT?
being de t. 3C Jall without Stoute Urges CoTHE WORKMAN operation.
The yet starring them rubled on Saglays by ployees of the ama WALe Cerai avv. tion. Correspondence on ail maiters RR. bave tong been of the opi.
aur an urus Sureet. Praata, of public interest invited.
nion that Goarding, the only copy for ulication must be Governor of the canal Zone dur written on one side of paper only, and ing whose rexime there have RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION been recurrent strikes of in1. 40!
se writer. Dal becessarily for publica creasing mag iade, displays characteristis similar to a conon but as a mark of good faith bination of the quiti ui Pax roah and Pontions Pilate; and jected corresoadence his this opinion was renforced when we contrasted his swed incor. The Talberty of the Proes is the palladium of our rights JURICA est in his silver e np y es with his disposition of our hedule of SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1920, minimum necessary in harmony with our opinion we for one employee duriaga. unta THE PROTEST OF CONSCIENTIOUS publicly denounced the Govern.
o acts of oppres in big tyrannical and autocrul is expression of our opinion caused us to be branded as undesirables. bazof incontrovertible self assertion swept over Another Quack silver employees towk place and When the unlawful eviction of the whole Cana! Zone and Panamı last Monday morning when it became known that a sledge hammer resolution in DR. TICHHOR ANTISEPTIC Held.
scant belongings smashed condemnation of Governor Harding pardon of Fred Feuille into firewood by th ngents of Gov was thrown out from the Metal Trailes Council to the public, Harding during the recent Is in the home thousands of families which havo as the expression of general denouncement against what is For Preying on a Impletion of the public in the following strike, we again called the attenofton sare Doctors biby having it popularly looked upon as the most reckless act of maladMinded and Over Credu words: Ministrs of religion, You should carryme a bottla to lay brokosa you or ministration that could ever take place in a self respecting Isus VẤctim. and all other Christians, watch your wile or children y need it to inorro.
the power of MIGHT and FORCE The Metal Trades Council, eomposed as it is, of deleDR. TICHOR ANTISEPTIC against JUSTICEandPOVERTY, It is printal b) har o record and decide whether German gates from more than thirty five locals scattered all over der German Is certain relief burns, dobio itch, bruises, cute again a case of miticated vill tocracy has not something to the Canal Zone, and including in their membership only any practis. in this city by one learn.
and soreness in all of the body The charge it is the one best of white American Citizens, met last Sunday in an all day of tie too numerous Healers spotio was supported!
by the session to discuss the impropriety of the act which created prescription for colic cops and diaraha large, on a mor and probabiy, guarded sympathy of publie illiterate su et ufow days ago which dared not express its mind such a wholesale scandal in Zonian circles last week.
Ask your luggist. Buy now bine Go Weekes, Pofessor in through fear of the vials of wrath In this met ng, which was characterized for its fierce liypnotis Rosline Fitovately, which may at any moment bo antipathy to the unjust proceedings which gave rise to its However, the police (epartment poured upon its head from Bal.
call, the American colony formed itself into a tribunal to of the Ripublic has today icen boa Heights where a wcracy New Lodge Gpone tr.
pass upon the doings of the Executive lead of the Panama info can wompa e favorably, is sits enthroned.
Caland to say to the civilized world that an un Ameri The Lola! Pro 16, tag 17 their returned, ath the best to in its treyskysels where.
At this time we oficially called can act could not be performed in their presence without C, 11. FFS.
On they were cordel Inn Web ml unced his ons on the Canal upon the white labor Maniere nichfest resentment and honest disapproval.
pened in this i y on ary 2005 in Panama victima Pances has.
Zone for help ile il lv romas, recent at they did not asist us, and in our last editora! we said toi tue men who signed by the wish to give then will have before them an eternal task to coliv. of the Path Tintin interest the exbotne of us thought tunt they 53. Dicoma vored icaiserism on the Zone: but vinca bonest and lur minded pune tirti the vaunting Contemported mira Horecades org.
Un made his we know how that they could not plurere are too good to go to jail.
Nos Millington, DNA of the of and detective Brotherhood was at that time at his offer any assistance because the that the Metal Tr de Councitas spoken out expry5623 An DS Alt Ne 203, Dit on the liliated with the American Fedth: true American sclitiment matters of equity the prisoned litie and buled blue Inspector suspended by that bly since SOUZU naberacion of Labor, buving be 11110. 1645 musi julise sardines on the trunk on an elephant muiesterience a sense of shuddering shame at have disagreeable connecting ostir anda the Santa Ana December; and so they had to ing kabatir simasures to a document that has been tracatering viladel.
o Corrietuin, who enteni. Cab. for each knew well i! Sioull develop that a cha DUAN so opisati sv, teicompromisingly criticizel, and in won seated. gine was really the Titanka LIC bou enough that any known attempt to nec to via which only aan inilen ble vystlase y louki jne. TV and is the one et tristie in Wishington Postal adlari wery and the naming brand of czarison assist us in tight vent the rod nekrowledging truly would in een will, there might be instbeli vo puikio. employ.
That Card Zone 15 lackad toe come time is le the discovery of who recoecer! is such il. obais de Station fearl which might ct with yo avasthe 35 true if. couple of liun, le consider that she was upon those use of 70. Otchers who creous qually fixie to punis: bally is al vars a coward: Joel litt om my te WAL Jul justice and ter sit out. The il est should the currecte, 37. tite bounding oth: 10ml of they designte, ocely, the le chats This paid cians petition to la for the pardon una realita nature to beinster to hire and love how it currince of anything is of the lite biterion laik net dve prevented many outrages and the term lease of the ivo collo are serving out year lotu nisaid.
ordered the stiikill walk to in considerato regolarities to the underlings?
sentence ai Camboa for tharticipation in the Duck a route este inte Ubited would not have acquired such a serious appetite. The all robbery was turned down one statement that Wo Csiss Baptist C, E, is recordation for tal Traies Counci, whose condonatory resolutions have wrongs never did make a rieb and although the public Pre made public aiter their doprio by all of feel that the freedlot of works in discriminatory Adriversary loyees are the victims of pub thirty five locats representing the whole body of the white hardship upon these mer reteneral frankness predis. y, but are not had torking force, was nui suken iso latis, zor, by any poses all concerned to me the principle of justice padenvour Society has prepare a we may appeul, our parent The Color Dapat Christian bat bango we hac mae to mans. last spoke softly; must predominate osoeverstoor consideration.
We kniv, 20:V, that wrongs perpetrated in a guar.
This principie of justice we wish to see applied songs and choice anthous for its saul. The local Trade Cound, ting program consisting body being is veral broken fer of the Zone and by any secuon, whether of the roof.
to the scaadal now before the pic eye, and if the ac an. vesary, which is to come wit White, would not line: fw0t, in the future, he smothered or chok to the detri defend themselves. Tf guile, bakelien their medicine; Sie hier ben burung also expressa de baiserism and in.
arent of the hard working class, and it is our fondest hope it immocent, stup talking.
tay Monday, when it will entertain the representatives perialism, could not that this attitude will mark a profitable change in the manover cyht societies from the National body in Washington, the to, and be heard by, their agement of the big ditch at this end of the rope.
Pacific end. WELL EARNI VACATION slight reference was made in one of last Saturday The Union was formed about a Labor and Justice, and the Pre1. of the Departurnis of articles 10 the cattle industry scandal and at the tiine year go by Ror. Witt, who is sident of the United States.
we regarded it with passing notice. But during the pre Judge John îlanan has leon a well earned vacathe President, and others, and it invites every body to its enter.
Of course we can strike; but sent week the rumor of a catch game in high circles in tion, and this paper wishes to anus quota of apprecia tainment on Monday in order what the use when instead of connection with the cattle businos nas assumed such huge tion for bis efforts to secure the partial administration that the progress, which has breaking the strike by inethods proportions that we think it is time to call for an investiga of justice in the courts over while presides; such efforts been made in its work for the recognized to be lawful, the rutotion, to ascertain the truth or falsity of the allegations. It having a decided reflex action de tranquility of the Master, and for the uplitt ol ha instrument of Bein geeignete, teevard is a right due the Canal Zone Public, in general, and the Canal Zone, in relation to the obseance of Law. since its in: Instoal evictedwe our uniture inay be nalled Washington Government, in particular, that the matter be up the building There is no gainsaying the factat his position has ception can be seen.
erquired into thoroughly and minutely, been a trying one. Justice on the inal Zone is not to be set on fire, or we may be moved Talsis another case in which plain taiking would be represented as the abstract idea delineated by the Wedding Belis.
down by machine guds oported ho the be in l4g the scales evenly)
cht of autocracy.
cmphatic manner by those who know that their names are but is rather a flexible apparatus being adjusted a pretty little wedding took to the we mentioned in connection with the reported deals; if true, to meet contingent requirements.
at St. Paul Church, Panama, rest of John Neverson is fresh in hin there is no other alternative but to bring the guilty parties to justice for misappropriation oi funds not theirs; the of cational honesty, the situation mus bavo undoubtedly Miss Trip Moore and hon direniging to throw of time Lor a mau of Judge Llanan emerament and foun: tha contracting parties being our mind an hire we tell our upute iespair? No. ficial position of no iddividual suspect should be taken as been trying.
McDonald. the the reason for covering the crime. he higher the position, man of strict probity, posset to a marked de mony the happy couple oppression. Those of us who can raise to home the pas passage money will the fiercer should be the prosecution.
gree, the unswerving, uncompromisinhonesty of the old ents where the guests enjoyed cave for other ports as fast as Government funds are appropriated for the mainten, Quakers; impartial to a fault, a keet, udicial analyst; yet quite a nice reception which in: the ships ance and while the others who remain fi pocket; and if it is not all applied in a legitimate way we exemplified all the best qualities of model judge.
hours of the morning.
stores and make lite less miserably while ought to know, and, at least, the Washington Government He has followed the line of Duty nd has subserved trying to raise their passage ought to know where it is, and how it got there. It is time every other impulse or feeling to this Se.
TICHENORS ANTISEPTIC inoney. Not until oppression that graft, if it does exist here, be put an end to, for the His reply to the petition of the ser employees on rellevas Indizastion and Colic, ceases on the Canal Zone shall we cense to think of lesving the people who deserve and are denied the full recognition of behalf of Saunders and Motta is worth of the man. The their services are the ones who must suffer in the end. Jesuit maxim of doing wrong to secue right, specious Isthmus.
Governor Farding Intest erThe rank and file of the machine shops, the bricklayers though it is, does not come within the lental processes of NEW PAMPHLET hibition of idiosyncrasy in and plagterers, and the carpeters and joiners are the men jurist of Judge Hanan type, so in dreply remarkable on a most famsy excuin who are doing Uncle Sam work with the indispensable for its outstanding clarity, he set forthis reasons, and pardon for Fred assistance of the West Indians; and if the best interests with these reasons every right thinkin man ought to Hare you seen the book Re Feuile only, although there are of these people are circumvented by a policy of pie agree.
some of the Silver Employees two other co defendants who like so on the Canal Zone, by Feuille, have been sentenced to slicing which leaves nothing more than the crumbs for He rests, and rightly so, on the kinwledge that his Attorney Thompson? serve a term of one year cach in the workers after the chair warmers have gulped down the firdings have been according to law The offenders If not, get one quickly from the Penitentiary of the Canal big pieces, it is time that an arrest of such practices be against the law were punished according the provisions either Zone, satisfactorily supports our made.
of the law. So far he has done his dad The rest is left The Worlman Printer Office: coutention that the quly Governor City The rumor seems to be passing from the dimensions before the bar of public opinion.
of the Canal Zone, under whose The Grocery, Calidonia; regime there have been strikes, of gossip into those of serious reflection, and it does not We wish the Judge a period of enjorlent in its full or The Colon Ind. Mutual Asso is an antocrat, and that autocracy make a very effectivo narcotic for the parties whose names ness, hoping that he will return to take his work with ciation, Hodson and 5th streets, knows no color line. We should are hinted as being mixed up in thò scandal. It is a very renewed seal.
Don Delay (Continued on page lon silier came vietimo y Datse viene. ground forget if they PM in our quarters, and by local. silver ups operated employees, we pessimistic cerein conditionel OB

    Working Class

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