
Intersting News from the GAILL0000 210cumsanoon Barbados Trinidad Rev.
ed His Excellency thehere arriv.
Governor 2012 che concession post to the children party repaired to SUNLIGHT ESOAP every bar.
SUNLIGHT SOAP. Continued from page 2)
Celebration of the League of Empire Big Increase In Very Pleasant Function at Queen Park Sugar Output.
THE UNION JACK SALUTED We understand that the Orange Grove Sugar Factory, Tacarigua, BY BOY SCOUTS, CADETS AND made fully 700 tons in excess of GIRL GUIDRS.
last year crop. If there had been railway facilities to bring Cance to the factory when they pleasant function took place.
couvern obtained, ther.
down that the output would at Queen Park, Bridgetown, Barbados, on Empire Day, when ce the League of the Empire com.
Ten trucks ordered for this rac memorated the anniversary of tory by the Government Railway the Birthday of Queen Victoria came down from the USA, Among those present were Sir along with the latter recent ar and Lady Carter, Mr.
rival of rolling stock. It is un Some Cocks, Acting Head derstood that Orange Grove will master of Harrison College, Mr.
be ordering forty more of these Burton, Head Master trucks for nexr year crop.
of Combermere School, SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNIN Ellis. Rev.
Nicholls Oil Concession.
SUNLIGHT ALL THE DA Wolor of Schools, Canon AM Mrs.
We notice that by Deed 2512 for this year, the Government has granted rights to the Uros START washing day well wil Brien Capt. Richardson Oifield Co. Ltd. in respect to Sunlight Soap. Have the clothe c, Lieut Colonel and 1, 500 odd acres of land in the Mrs. Jenkins who were received Biscbe. Milan District in on the line early, and the mea by the reception committee. His Ward of Cocal. The act in the ready to time. The afternoon Excellency then inspected runs from the 184 mile then yours to spend at your own Ruard of honor composed of a the 20 mile post on the Cunapo number of cadets from ComberSouthern Road. This sweet will.
mero School, after which the enterpris ing company also holds mining gubernatorial Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient rigtits on the Dundary belonging to the heirs of Farnum, ace work. With Sunlight Soap the housewif The proceeding on the lawn in the Piparo District, as also on does her work most efficiently, most easily were opened by a song by the the lands until lately belonging There is no mystery. You get out of soap Harrison College Glee Club, to Mr. Nath. Grabam, in the just what the makers put into it. The cream which received great applauso same district. We understand The name Lever on Soap of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
The Queen a College Girls also that it is proposed is a Guarantee of Purity rendered to commence Bong which we operaiions, simultaneously in the The Sunlight environment is in keeping and Excellence.
beartily chored.
uree fields. Messrs. Falconer with its mission of cleanliness and Lady Brion then presented and Ashmend Bartlett are the prises to the successful competiCompany technical advisers efficiency no soap is better fitted to tors for the best Essays written and Mr. Fordham is the serve the British housewife than Sunlight by members of the Lougue.
Manager, and has already taken Soap. Prove this to day.
Governor Address.
up residence on the Farnum Es tute, Piparo. 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on His Excellency then delivered the following address: Ladies, Gentlemen and ChildAdmitted to the Bar ren.
The following is taken from Let me congratulate you on the the Port of Spain Gazette dated excellent assembly of people and June. children and for all the arrangements of this function. It gives By the full court yesterday, Lady Brien and myself great Mr, Clare Noel Scipio Pollard, pleasure to see such a gathering uth: Midu e Temple, was adof Cadets, Buy Scouts and school nitted to practise at the Bar of children and so many happy this colony. He is the eldest son LEVER BROTHERS LIMIT PORT SUNLIGHT.
faces of the late Emmanuel ScipioPllard The prayer of his have just received from home photograph of the shield prepetition was moved by the At sented to the Regiment torney General who like the by the women and children of Beaca advised Mr. Scipio Pollard the British Isles in in recognition to follow in bis father footsteps are still at large but deligent Fatal Fall from a Tree. silken of their excellent services and a search is being made for them.
Union presented by Naw Constabulary There was begun at the City the League of the Einpire. La Bıca it is reported Magistrate Court yesterday, original shield and Union Jack before de Verteuil, have been sent to Jamaica and shhe new Constabulary Str sitting as Coroner, an inquest in. e. ch of the other West Indian Din and Court house at Point to the circumstances which led to Colonies is having a copy of the Fortin under construction by Magistrate Strictures. BRANDON BK)
the death of Teile Guerra, at the photograph of the shield and a contractor King of San Fernan After being sentenced by the Colonial Hospital on the 5th May duplicate of the beautiful colours.
do is nearly completed. There Acting City Magistrate yester was a suspension of work in con day to serve a term of six months SECURITY Singing upon a fall the sus. It two days previous from Appeared to me the most suitoccasion to let as gequence of the shortage of imprisonment with bard labour SERVICE tree at building material. The building for unlawful possession of cer Santa Cruz, From the people as possible see the shield evidence of the deceased wife, and flag, so have brought them which is being erected on mod. tain articles, a youth named ern lines will be completed by James Boyd appealed to His Panama son and neighbour, it appeared with me today. The question as (Founded 183 Colon she middle of June. The pris. Worship for the imposition of a that he and Kisson were picking to where they shall eventually be cocoa and the latter went for a placed will have to be e considered oners cell is capable of accommo fine which he declared might be Our large Resources an lell known pail of water while the deceased when an announcement dating one dozen persons. paid by his mother.
had already climbed the tree. will be made. I! will be in the His Worship: No, nothing of conservative Management fford unOn his son return, he (deceased) memory of people present that Another Sugar Deal the sort. am going to stop this was found lying on the ground, the original presentation was union questioned security for ery dollar kind We understand that the Para for rascal sons. am tired of that of his head resting on a made in Hyde Park by her Royal deposited with this bank dise Estate, at Tacarigut, Trini now. The only way to deal with large piece of wood. His nose Highness Princess Alexander of was bleeding, and head bruised. Teck on the 5th May 1917 on be!
dad, has been acqnired from Mr. you people is to send you up to report was and un half of the League of Empire.
Thavenot, by Mr. Norman Mal jail for six months or a year, if fortunate man was taken to the. Now children, trust you all colmson for the sum of 58 000 possible. That the only safe Colonial Hospital, where he died thoroughly realise tais day what om on the paying off of way in punishing you and if it two days later. on the 5th ultimo. it commemorates the 24th May the legacy of of the Archbishop on does not help you by sending you The hearing was adjourned to is the anniversary of the birth the 8th instant, for the evidence and Good, to whom the British Orange Grove, this is evidence to jail, it would save others who day of Queen Victoria, the Great of Mr. Maicolmson faith in the are in the same position. But ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDO II. BRANDON of the doctor future it is not this getting mothers to pay fines Empire owes a deep debt of grain the circumst President.
Vice President.
the circumstances, for their rascal sons is the height Treasurer TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC titude. Queen who was a pet that he will make this group of of nonsense.
tern to all her subjects of devoestates what it formerly was, will Heal Cuts and Wounds tion to duty and simplicity of one of the largest producing Quickly.
life, combined with all that one. centres in the island.
Huge Shark Caught.
reveres in womanhood, of kind.
The Port of Spain Gazette of Notice ness. sympathy and breadth of Venezuelan Murderers Still June 6th, says: view. great King or a great Yesterday afternoon, those is an asset for any nation.
at Large on board the RM Quillota EDUCATION What ilt?
My wife, Irene Goodman, hav. They set an example of high ing left my home and protection thinking and good living to their The Port of Spain Gazette of saw some sport which is not at all The systematic development and cultivation of the powers. The June 1st writing about the Gult common in these parts. The asof her own will, hereby notify subjects and even after luey the public that will not hold have passed away serve as a Piracy, an account of which apsistant baker, Mr. Smith Roberts, power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be ked men or myself responsible for any debt beacon to all.
peared in our issue of June 5th, put out a stout line with large woman in any company or debts she may contract.
says: awaited the result. It hook and THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL 100L This day has been dedicated to We are in a position to inform wasn long before there were No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz ALLEN GOODMAN commemorate the life of this our readers that the launche Water the fun begun. After playing with signs of a bite, and then great iady and to give us all and OFFERS ELEMENTARY AND HIGHER EDUAN AT June 6th, 1920.
particularly children an 02, 20 MODERATE TERMS lans made their escape after kill his fish for over an hour and tunity of dwelling on the greathaving signs that he was getting Day School for Children.
Dr. OGILVIE ness of our Empire and the priNight School for Adults.
Messrs. Hargreaves and Jones the better of the battle, Mr. Rob vilege that each and every Subjects: English, Arithmetie, Algebra, Practical Theoretical IS NOW LOCATED AT in the Gulf a few weeks ago; was erts commenced hauling, and one of us enjoys as being a mem.
found by the Police of Pedernales assisted by the ship tackle Geometry, Geography, History, etc. Elements of Sparrench and 157 Central Avenue, corner ber of this wonderful Enpire in the mouth of the Gumbrio (after the fish in its fury had Latin Grammar. Courses in Bookkeeping, Busines Fond Letterwhich stretches across from end Street to end of the world. It is no time River, that is writing.
where it enters the lashed and bounded up) brought FREE practice on Underwood Typewriter and Kimball for bragging but for deep refleu Guampa River. The hood was up on deck tiger shark which HOURS: to 11. 30 am.
completedly Organ for advanced day and night papils.
and there scaled 800lbs. It measured 12ft.
tion on all the British Empire is.
Our motto is Vouloir est pouvoir (Where there will there 10 30 and what it stands for. The next was a large hole at the bottom. It Bins, and 17 ins across the jaw. 30 to 30 is a way. Sundays: 10 Il a.
ste) will be to think how much we is not unlikely that these men on The head weighed 75 lbs. The Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambr Senior)
aru iadividually doing to justily deserting, the launch rowed up monster was cut up and the flesh the river in small boats to some divided among the steredore Box 1044, Ancon, Appoir mənts can be arranged the greatness of our heritage.
place of refuge. The miscreante Jabourers.
Te ephone 875 (Continued on Page 8154 94 Jack The proceso la station Jail for Rascal Sons Panama Banking Company a e as many a hereafter the back of Was mada, the un Following General Banking Business insacted of sugar, and impossible a Queen is evident Wrecked 22. 16


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