
PAGE SEVEN for si ined by one o!
Demerara Wax Candles SAVES on the Dents Quality and in colours Lorbell LIFE rice. and The Best at The West English Isinglass Remember LIIFBUOY DAP more han sapit Stable cident sure die rectant SUMOS, Proprietor and Druggist as we know it FOLLOW THE SHADOW in the West OF HER WINGS TO THE WEST PHARMACY.
GUACHAPALI by the great Dominions, Lions and our thee.
Link up with LIFEBUOY Interesting News. Guides ont present to day to received on the silver Cross of the Guides Association for Health Sake. Continued from Page 6)
te. This is the this The British Empire was not hich is tion gained of Barbados and the born through sloth and indir ence. but is the outcome of the hope be the forerunner of courage und intelligence and the other pint deeds Briefly the seil devotion of men and women, circumes were as follows Puisi: race, who if Miss September of las their parent to find other year staying out Lance coast and whil Comuniti and countries St. to go na ins hes and to bring top trun alliberty to the heardit one of the Margaret Na less faioured class of the humas ning at sea Kyshowing only her a race Sow how has this been attain. Plun the sex and with the ile of a uan she brought od: Has it not been by copul theortunate woman in and assis Stormly the work of the appl respiration. Sad to sa: Cins and the sympathetic assistance of the classes in an exonan succumbed but thority in the homeland? It is is not detract from the easy to rail against burvanciacy: iad o truly maintained one of talk of this, your Barbadia against the authorities across the YOUTH and happiness are linked sea. No doubt istakes have been the best ideals of the Girl up with health. Link up with made mistakes til at have cose as Go nanely that of helpful lus de others. Cheers. Lifebuoy for health and for the dearly but after all no com muri Excellency then presented children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proty, no human being can avoid motes health happy, smiling health; in aking mistakes or there would ther Cross to the Captain of tha Company be little progress in the world it protects ihe children from the or initiative would suffer Sure GB Barton then mor dangers of contagious diseases. ly the proof that the Governote of thanks to His Excel li which was accorded, and Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects ment and direction froin the as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where fromeland has in the main been hear three cheers which Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Sonp has College Glee Ciub then will safeguard the children keep them been shown by ren.
healthy as well as cloan. Insist upon them rally of our another song which brought using it before school, after play, before meals.
our sister na proceedings on the lawn to a colonies in USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE VE WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH great war through which ve lefreshments were served, and have recently passed and which Excellenes and party pro iT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT, has been won by the unity of ded to the cricket ground purpose of ourselves and ourere the Cadets, Boy Scouts allies against the forces of brutalj Girl Guides saluted the flag MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE sense for tror prenene ting his ended the above comba keynote of PINULT ENGLAND co operation and kindlinessy. His Excellency in a few marehed passed in the usual Take the place of those fine fereciation and entire satisfaction ind strenuous work to try anjosen words. ap that the British Empire shou The pleasant function came ows who have given their liveith their performire live close by the singing of the Na.
Eclipse Feeding Bottle If these few words of mifonal Anthem. The Police Band cause you young people to paras present, and rendered suitfor Infants der over the duties of a citix ble pieces for the occasion.
of the British Empiry and The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, strive to fulfil them am The Rush to Cuba collecting, and permit of the bottle being thoroug! y content cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. think the examiners of Continues essays of the Empire Lea Real Hygienic Feeder will agree with me that?
Om plete ooc, allver whole they are of a a bi bij Barbadians Write Back stundarit ihin las: year.
bear tho imprint of more in Encouraging Reports dual judgment and less th sult of a parrot like comm to memory of a lecture that there is another rusb just The Barbados Globo atates FOUNDED IN 1881 from an instructor or in The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and tho most Moder One. ess. The prize winners fy now being made for Cuba opinion Lare well earned er independent means. Opportunity MANUEL ESPINOSA places.
is being sought by a steamer Contral Avonu. 33 am indeed sorry that of dusan Barbados at any moment, Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama. Leader Margaret Kyshond and the offices of the agents are Barbados Empany on daily besieged by numeroas able bodied men and women in quest of a passage.
Reports thone already there are encouraging and the field is wide ofer.
ing opportunities for advancement. Health conditions are favourable and the people aro disposed to be friendly.
STERLING FAMELE TONIC Tonic and Alterative lis Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Paris, Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Biack Haw, etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial results may be inticipated.
The Sterling Laboratory, Los Angeles, Central Drug Store GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its great st Asset is their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this standard and brings forth volun.
tary expression of friend.
ship and confidence.
Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Holders. Better than pins. FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panamı, from DIDIT EVER STRIKE You BUSINESS MEN TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC can be used Internally or Externally.
LINERS AS HOSPITAL SHIPS AND CRUISERS The Woman Exchange Proud neeerd of the Beats DRESSMAKER Get Alive to Your Interet ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every bst Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zon meiden River Plan Wahip hospital The circulation of The Workman is the large of any Ab English paper printed in the Republif Panama.
Therefore THE WORKMANis a paying Advertising Meum.
The Royal Mail Steam Pocket Com Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency pany, the oldest tractanto steamship ceapaay incorporated by Boyal charter, which is acquired only by years of Experience.
bu a fine record since its foundation in 1869 with the object of providing im.
NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA proved mail service between England and her West Indian colonies.
In July, 1905, the Aragon, the first ANN THOMAS, of the famous class of steamers Proprietress.
made her trip. Beard and the followed rapidly by the Amazon, Araguaya, Anon, Asturias, Arianza, Andos, Alcantare sed Al complete wransformation from ruleer to DING DING.
mancora, On the outbreak of the war wil steamer, and inspected her (maye the Government requisitioned the whole the London correspondent of the Glas Chink by the name of Ching Log of the the boats All of them did you Herald) at Southampton Doeke Yell oil a street ear hing! bing!
veluable war war service, but the most fame on the eve of leaving for ber first voyage The son turned his head, aus was undoubtedly the Asturies, to Spain, Portugal, Brasil, and the River To the passengers said; The car lost washer Ding! Ding!
which ran for three yours Plato. She is in overy way a most lux and was finally torpedoed by the urious vessel, various periodo of old TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Germans alter one abortive earlier at English styles having been adopted boats all as In Mouth Wash tempt. The general idea was that to ber decoration. Two principal features beat Amburice ww last but as a mester en el bare assortmedintiene in minte Dr. JOHNSON fact she was only badly damagod, and don and beautiful hall after repairs will robako her place in the Blimbetban mode. Her dining saloon in company flook.
Georgian style is probably at least qual SURGEON DENTIST The Alcantara ale bereme fuero, in nine to any roturan wabere, fitted and, Amisted by the Andes, mucceeded it Address ti to socommodate over 800 pesos Phono 003 in minking the German rider Griel is mens ot a time. London Daily TeleAncon C, 852, the North San, in which somion she also repk.
wafortunately The last of the clase, the AlvaanFOR SALE pro was being fitted out. Mow.
Damorara Calourod Onnelles Partead Walt yard at Bellast when at The West Pharmacy ONE KIMBAL ORGAN wer broke ont, and the Government to qariwitioned her before the could make In Good Order also ber maiden voyage. She was turned Ho se man wrard duior and the hotel The Callfornia Restaurant LOT OF FURNITURE and interesting are, including Aaro with the Ariance and the Orcome in the sexrol for the mider Moote in M.
For particulars apply to JUBT OPENBD AT No. 6, BT.
Atlantic, sibe ww dóepminioned jum Courteous and up to date Mrs. CHARLES HAY year ago, after having steamed total Service No. 10, Stroat mileage war one of 191, 040.
Mane lot Juay she has undergone. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Parama, mak.


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