
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica Grenada INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION fault door very high prices asked for for live cen the er the campaign and as reTrinidad cently as last yea presuin of Tobago som sest CION style with tayers at Bacolet continue to do kood authority that should well.
his importation proven success he will an der six more on the same terms, provided they can be landed here in SepProposed Grant to tember. There will be a plenty of time to get them ready and ownThe Legislature of Jamaica has under consideration the THE MEAT SITUATION.
Owned By ers need have no fear of being handicapped. As a matter of fact, granting of 000 pounds sterling if there is any fault, that in respect of the financial year THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, ending 31st March, 1920, to the The Grenada West Indian of might be safely laid at the of horse owners and local sportsJanica branch of the Young June 4, says: Men Christian Association, and Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
men, the T. having done all The meat situation in St.
als, the giving of further grants George has become very se and more that could be expected of them as filowa rious Yesterday morning when (1) grant of 600 pounds sterling in respect of the year meat stalls be found them ala representative called at the Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Drunken Man Run Over 1921. 1922 by a Cart. 2) grant of 400 pounds ster.
Lost empty. On enquiry concerning the cause of shortage ling in respect of the year 1922 he was told that it was due to the very unfortunate mislip be.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Tell a man called Casey who is 3) grant of 200 pounds ster stock which make it impossible now laid up at at the St. Joseph ling in respect of the year 1923. for butchers to buy. It is claimed DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL Hospital suffering from a broken 1924. left)
leg. Apparently, a number The Legislature is also consid. that butchers cannot buy at the of cow carts (6) owned by Mr.
ering the voting of a grant fron present market rate and sell at a Rapвey, public funds to the parent branch profit if they are to be guided by the rates fixed for that purpose Leisurely along a road at San of the Young Women Christian by the Government.
Juan, driven by different cart Association in England in order with rearers of stock demand Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches on the evening of the 9th to induce them to send a repre.
instant at about 6:30, They were sentative to organise a branch in ing every cent for every pound this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
travelling in Indian tile. On Jamaica similar to that of the live weight of their animals and butchers unable to pay them one of thein was seated Casey Jamaica Young Men Christian what they ask, a situation most Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands. who was not quite tirin on the Association cart and fell for sard to the The Government interest in pressing indeed has arisen From ground. When he was picked ар.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM all appearances matters are likeorganisation hus been stimua wheel of the cart had already un over luted bs the decision of the Nat. Ky to last for a long time if some.
run ional Council of the CA. to thing wise be not done to relieve Corbim Corporal Toomson the situation.
to be an eye witness and quickly extend its establishment through out the West Indies. Jamaica assisted in taking the jured has been selected as the starting Grenada Congratulated man who was very drunk the WILKINSON WILSON point of the St. Joseph Hospital where he year Mr. Robert CONTRACTOR BUILDER DYER AND RENOVATOR was admitted and treated by Dr. Pringle was sent out to begin POR HER PLUCKY FIGHT AGAINST Perez, the and detained on account of the seriousness of sence in Jamaica a considerable TIONS BILL First Clase Workmanship 107 a Central Avenue and corner Serious Fire the injury money was raised and Plans and Specifications Free 16 Street Vest.
commodious and suitable pre Demerara correspondent mises acquired for the use of the writing to the Grenada West Emminent Lawyer ApHouse 90 5th Street Wost Association in Jamaica.
Indian says: The Port el Spain Gazette of Phone 218 B, PO Box 712 pointed to Legislative Box 411, Panama, Ancon Canal Zone 13th says: Congratulations to the people of We have been informed that a Council.
Grenada on their kvih serious fire broke out at Parry against the so cald Seditious Linds, a a most productive sec The Hon. Emmanuel Zumbo Publications Bil. An attempt Lazare was the recipient of many Lion of the oil producing section was made to introduce a similar of the United British West congratulatious on his stinn Bill in Demerara but the people NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET eies Petroleum Syndicate, Ltd. to till a vacancy in the Legislative Council. Although bin nominabere, through the elected mem.
as the result of which The Bacolet Estate closed its nhas come as a surprise to the kad vished, dbat it bash shelved wells were well a gusher. with was known, in certain quarters, Public, it is understood that it 11 Totlowing day the Metay ers, their wives and children in Demerara, readers are aware, never become law in Derara. productire capacity of 10, 000 that he had been selected for the re given the customary crop, there is a mixed population, We barrels a day, had, just while before been brought in. In fact he will fill the position with honour, and few will gainsay the over entertaininent in grand are all one here. Do we mean the gush, one of the heavy dignity. Notwithstanding that he feasting, music and business?
stones st some iron work in is dancing Speeches were deliv.
the derrick and the spark caused ered and promises made by the friction brought on the associated with the for and ready to protect larger cane cultivation this and At the Grenville meetins, an trouble.
at all costs, the Hon. M.
future years: The greatest har. effort was made to raise tha Everything was going well extremist type. He has always Lazıre has never been of the mony prevailed throughout the Managing Editor of the Grenaa 10 30 o clock the morning day a id evenings rejoicing, al. West Indian from the stand and was but one Pussy carry him through the crowd on derrick No. 117 caught of Friday, the 11th instant, when advocated constitutional que thods, being sternly opposed to foot amongst the large gather. the shoulders of some sturdy at Parry Land. From information action. and strongly reing and he the manager of the peasant proprietors. He resisterect in which case estate. Owing to the favorable somewhat, it appears that the de the received anything like what took prices ruling for sugar this seasea crowd. cheered again and rick is a new one and was drill. place during the closing months again.
son and the high prices advices Mr. G. Donovan said to or ing for oil tor some time Mr.
from London and New York pre Marryshow: That was have been made in the the Preparations were being past, last year. No better choice dict for next year and farther proudest moment of my the gush and it general policy of having every gested that some on, the Metayers are up and do You were trained in my newsone ined represented class at the Council, tently threw some inflamable and trust that his health will ing in no hesitating manner, in paper office, and the demonstra improving and enlarging their fion of favour by the people in material into it with the result permit of his putting forth all his that it energy in his new sphere of fields apart from the large influx your behalf shows that, were to the whole day and night caught fire which utility.
of new men clearing lands for die now, you are here to carry on planting. The crop was reaped the good work of causing our The Corset of the Century.
al Kendall, in case of Point Fortin Constabulary Sta. Apprenticeship Bursaries in a mutually pleasant way, with people to continue in the discovSOLD AT PANAMA BY tion and his men in company with out friction of any importance, ery of tbeir manhood.
La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, some of the Coy men and of a circular issued from the The following is the substance satisfactory to parties con Central Avenue.
other cerned. No cases engaged, the turned out and rendered valuable assistance in woud Covernment Buildings, Port ofeCLCRI COLON BY in endeavours Magistrate attention for the past six months nor was police Lam Ming Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long to confine fire to the par Trinidad The Board of Industrial Train.
assistance invoked. The Matay ticular derrick. Bnt unfortunate Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kal Co.
ly about tive ers sugar was bought on the LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents other derricks were ing proposes to award two Trade burnt down which means a great Joint Examigation to be held ere Bursaries on the results spot as soon as manufactured at a sults of News has come to hand that loss to the Ltd, of Point conjunction with the Board of that gave satisfaction in HEAD OFFICE some enterprising local capital BRANCH OFFICE Next year crop is a tire anticipated presented ists in St. Lucia, seeing the ur 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
to double this year output and gent necessity for it, have detispectacle Education (who also offer two by night from a Colon, R, tance off. We understand that Girls School, Port of Spain, be.
Panama, R, this are albursaries. in the Tranquillity Box 152. Phone 90 Mr. Russell, the manager of the afoot. The wages Box 585, Ancun.
paid to lights in that colony. The enterthe laborers on this group of prise will be inanced by St.
Company, was near the particu ginuing at a. on Saturday, lar derrick when the fire burst estates bear favorable compari Lucians and shares will be called out and he very nearly got burnt. prenticed in due form in one or The winners must become apo son with paid on other for.
estates in the island. The cocoaother of the following trades, to nut crop begins at once, cocoa is Trinidad Turf Club which alone bursaries will be yielding and there FOR SALE is now DEECETERORISEERDE awarded (unless further offers talk of rearing one own cattle, are received from Licensed Mashorses and mules.
Imports English Thoroughters before the day of examinapoultry thrive amazingly on the ONE KIMBAL ORGAN tion):valuable property. The dry sea.
In Good Order also breds.
Tailor, Blacksmith, Printer, son ended on the evening of the (Pressman. Compositor. 2nd Jun 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA when heavy rains fell LOT OF FURNITURE June, recent issue of the Port ofto everyone delight and thank Next Door to Cecilia Theatre Spain Gazette says.
fulness. Planting cane, corn and Race Track at Waterloo We are now able to inform our yams is now general where the For particulars apply to sporting readers that an order Estate lands are already prepared. BaMrs. CHARLES HAY colet was the first estate to iniHeadquarters for has been sent for six English thoroughbreds to be shipped at the Port of Spain Gazette says:Under the headline Sport tiate weekly cash payments to No. 10, Street the earliest opportunity. These its laborers forty years ago and Panama, High Class Furniture horses will be put up for Sale at loo Estate authorities are cutting We understand that the Waterto introduce mongoose in the Public Auction on arrival and not out a race track on their plantaIsland, fortunately the Africans on the statementele meled a tooth Dr. WILLIAMS All New Goods Sold at be distributed by drawing as was tion and already furlongs of previously intended the scheme level land has been promptly ate (M CH. EDIN. proposed by the Turf Club not Judging from the rata at waich everyone of them.
The writer is glad to see sugar PHYSICIAN SURGEON Reasonable Terms.
having been taken up by horse supreme and its bright fu.
owners and local sportsmen. The work is being carried out. it is fair tore prospects, as he has had portation on their own initiatiye will be able to promote their own who are financing this im seer to presume that by next year, all going well, this conce loi gexperience of the reverse side Has removed temporarily to WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US and taken the responsibility have meetings with Mr. Rochie of the industry. Never within Long Building 5045. Section A, No.
when buying Furniture.
decided on this course. We feel Field, who knows how to go its bistory has Tobago uncured sugar fetched the high prices it FOLKS RIVER sure(it we know our public about things relating to sport, Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock right) that a great many will be this venture should be a en ese has done this year. long may it All cases fully Examined disappointed in securing these fourish and the owners and Me thoroughbreds, but we have it (Continued on Page 3)
til afire made could life.
to receive the St. Lucia ing the prices Fortin. The a dis prog 3rd July 1920 what is still Pigs and Panama Furniture Company some dish and again


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