
LA BOCA If you are not using Stag Blue Soap Three JURIUS you are wasting your Money CAN YOU AFFORD IT!
Lucia and were re maica was Leiween new Slou Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies It is pleasing to note that the WALROND, as the onoe Coolcai tion. Correspondence on all matters parents and guardians of the age and corner of GS Panama, of puulle interest invited Children of Boca are wlowing de Krost interest in the prospect of All copy for publication must to the private school to be kept by PC. Fox 74, Fanon Tritten on one side of paper only, and Teachers Walters and Reynolds RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the auf during the vacation One en 40 0; writer, col becessarily for pabilo This attitude on their part is on but as a mark of good faith.
Both very cominendible anwy BCE CO DO ndertale etura that they are fully alive to the Coe jucled correspondence.
best interests of their children and will allow no opportunity to pass bich is (svorable to their The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights advancement SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1920, GATUN THE LABOR RUSH TO CUBA There is a persistent rano that mountain Cow nalo late new substitute for one rocher About four years ago, when the nations of Europe supplies of beef. If this true stared wildly round for sugar. ub: became the focus of their gaze and from then onward the Pearl of the Antil Joseph Rally Move. the change is by no mu: 18 come. Wa do not lika li.
Jes has become the most valuable economic thoroughlare mort at Colon.
The soldiers have can in the Western hemisphere. steady wave of iminigration AFTER SHAVING word for credit. Tallit has been sweeping on into that island until now great tides On the last night of the St.
Use DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC flow from every island in the Wist Indies, Central and dor, who facilitates that Joseph Bazmer 6th June which bone The locati út van was held at the mmaculate Con credit account is a y.
North America, and, last but foremost, Panama.
Intelligence to hand from the West Indies furnisties It feels fine. Preventa soreness, chapping, burning, ception Hall, a little rally was known as Mary Jawb. se Clafling the information that steamship accomodation is inadequate programme in thich Barbados, on the pay day (generally the pulled (f as the ast item on the outstanding debts are cola!
to break up the congestion at the ticket oficns of the va If you have often you can do wishond it.
amaica re of each month. rious shipping companies. The cxodus from these coun day Inexpensive, eary 10 1146 Just a clash in a bowl of Seri that Jamaica trusting diary was badiy stunt.
presented bad won the firs: prize, a worthy Most of her money is on the tries, although caused by an external condi ion that is fra water. Keps your face smooth an comfortable.
vorable to the working people must, tinally, have a ruinous ntleman, 51. Lucian, gave a way to tho good oll USA pleasant, fatisfactory mouth was. Use it for challenge to and her gentleman, and may be collected at the tim effect upon the islands thenselves.
a Jamaican, tiat Si Lucia can of the Greek Kale wab We do not believe that Barbados or Jamaica, for in beat, and wil bat, Jamaica at the nerer come.
stance can afford to release all of the labor overvet these At your Drugsisi. You Need it.
next Bazar and get the first places along with their sister islands seein powerless to price. The ke: leman from Ja Parkinson yan, celebrata the Glorious Four not low in in accepting by it check the tremendous outflow of men and women whose the challenge. le result is, that mango picking excur. ion, un absenc reduces the labor market with most valuable effect in tead of waiting for the next fortunately came to earth from outside people will always leave nili indkin and song Up, t. so it structure became decidedly niade to pull in a inonster Con This is homeseccunt of after it.
complex Ther: were mushroom growthis of bincks. test Rally la the lock, e said undoubtedly tough Parky has a large funily the enigration epidemic, the Isthmisthost 10 crcons. ehto its the distinctive rights St. Lucia Sand Jamaicans, in the Black Star Line Propec of all the countries that must inevitally suiter from sumbox. adroons. Uns. mulaitos and oe mentioned partes at the said dll on 12th August 1920. Barbadians What of the in. coming boat of ed and her case is not exactly the same as that of it and privileges seichss.
Colon heads like Hoist as a result a cirect bearing on the question cars open wide. Shake up your news of her. Can the local ngant, yeast. tive travellers are West In lies or any other place. Here, it is internal irro sistance. The epidemie was found the cuni: y sick, and it inimicosenatic. There was brougat at the issue the selves, lay by a few diues and (Colyn) make au an 10 incewear?
pread is therefore naturally easy.
conomic sido matis. Back to their offspring dolar to back up your country, it seems to us that if one is li the conditions of labor in Cuba are inviting en to move in the soul, and so it was richt dong cook out for the leaders of the placed in service on the Clona as to call people there, the conditions on the 12 Zone the entire live It was no surpr sing there for that a few different islands nained. They Jamaica Cuba route, it in id ha ale rough enough to drive them faster, The people cars ago our som en mere incided to climate the seription. During your sus a tood thing, for we want to get Don would rather go to Cuba and Tous! He ha! su hire pure bac negro Burla irora the list of eligibles in the enity away. The result of the Tacent letters froin Nr. C3r!
and suck it. Iw Ive ol sixtears stay on tie Zoue Laal warned, and as a resuit the ebony huel coacest will go to the funds for has not improve the financial status of the masses, and comes scugit din caure ís: their offsorng a touch of the new St. Joseph Church to the Assistant Tren urrif Valuable price he Bhick Star Line state that it would be a stupid assumption to expect 9000:10:1 Cloc be Negro sexries Corporation in the desima Canalis TS 131 13 a viabilitasid vai culo, ingrel breed, children of white future.
Bouling iron: the operating of this false standard in will be given to the leasiers.
19 dins remarkably well; in fret, Ensia. lation of ers.
11 point of civilend production, most ellicini pren. Dating the past three months over fathers and basis masters; a type, in the main, said to will eclipso the Bank Star Line Comy.
two thousand able bodied lara erking men have saila the vie of th races, and the virtus ot chier.
Tesla nich, June 2014 away from these shores to Cubia; prior ti that, the time But with the last decade, a new concorsne lies ei of with a 21sfaction Independence Day presed on way scady but subtle, and hundreds of people smid been released from its birth pains the consciousness of the Orlicers. 35 and present quietly in Catan. There weia adios to Panama; an, judging from present indications, Race. We 23 a people have come toulace a new (stituate members and the concourse of natant showers of rain. Most the current threatens to becom; not only unconquerable, upon ourselves, such estimate being in terms of racial visitors at ino Morning Sta: lo tia celebrating ras in ti pride, and it is a matter for keen gratification that to day the occasioa of their Installatio wasa UO. PS:01 ting som to terminal lut irresistille.
towns dance Our most experienced carpenters, masons and black we speak of True Negro, Pure Negro, All Negio. This is of Oficers for the ensuing tern house, the Silver Pity Pand su; was pulled off at the Silver Club smiths are going, or have gone, and we can call ibem back a healthy sign of a new epoch in our national development, Bro Barnes acted as CAL. Ply loud enough for them to hear. one cent or even two cent an epoch in which we shall discover ourselves. a nd march fond performansion the ceremonies Independence, am ve Aroper plying music. This is the 14th of America increase is not enough butter on the biscuit. The Canal on to achieve our destiny.
the in masterly authorities must pipe haruer than that if they want Thrown into close contact with the white man, we minnes of to day the spirit of true de is the happiest sort of cconomic jazz that is furnished least of which is expressed in the West Indian proverb Jordon, Reuben ing, Vox populi vw Dei.
quashie to dance. The music is all in Cuba now and it have le at sore useful and important lessons; not the officery stalling the followiny spirit of 79 is still the spirt Bro. William Bernard, G: mocracy epitomized in the say.
anywhere. Every John crow think im pickney white. We have ar. Day. 6) Secretary; Cyril When will the Colon team of The contrast between conditions on the Panaina Cana! rived at that point where we have unconsciously laid aside St. Graham, PIG. Treas. cricketers show up? After all and conditions in Cuba is great. Here, the quarters and our banal and fatuous prejudices, our foolish class discrepa Baker, Durant deieat. The skipper may not Burrowes. it does so harm to postpone. lodging rooms may be more numerous and commodious, tinctions, and we are pressing onward.
Chaplin; Graham. agree with this, but we think it but what the people are looking for at this stage of the One in hope and doctrine, One in body we.
Tyler; Nathaniel Francis, Inner is a certainty.
game, is not quarters but coins. Here, the popular sub We have been relegated to one side of the line and we Secretary Sydney King, Assistant terfuge of reduction of force works disparagement accept our social Rapprochement, and we are not inclined Mr. Laurio was the reamong industrious men. In Cuba the job looks for the to worry over it. We are content to live our own lives, and repaired 10 the banquet room, His eldest nephew who was in After the ceremony, the crowd cipient of sad news from home.
man, and not the man for the job.
to profit from the lessons of the past. We are working for where they reinained till a very tbe employ of the Bauxite Co.
The inducements for labor of all forms, in Cuba, are the unification of the Race and so we are marching on to ate hour doing justice to a he va (British Guiana)
was severeiy fascinating to be resisted and we ventyre to opine Fate abreast. We have fought, and we will tight, for viety of nicities among with ice crushed when caught in a jom that discontent with local conditions will drive even the equality of opportunity. We have fought, and we will shundance. Firhet zabies were in the depailed cars conveying sand.
white employees from the Panama Canal to seek wore fight, for a day wage for a day work. There is no stig heon, and must be highly consis: joys of bachelor hood for Beno.
inanngement of He enhancing cireurastances in the neighboring republic. ma attachable to us as a people for such a fight. We are beon, the Morning Star Lodge have Cleeda Bracey forsook the So far as the West Indians are concerned, they are going both necessary partners in the labor Contract. Away from tula and respected for their and will keep on going till Cuba can take no more of them. that, it is best for us botii to Stand Off. The line of Setermostiera to dedur alcoholic inst. At any rate Citudes perde glories on Saturday The factory whistles of the sugar plantations in Cuba cleavage should be more clearly definate the Social Rela bovendencérom their Temple. a Glorious Fourth. latest the of which, sets Bound considerably sweeter than the sirens of the machine tion, and we would say. Hands Off!
great moral example to kindred On Wednesday several of tho shops of the Canal Zone, while the pay office is a pleas Following up this line of thought, it seems strange Orders.
female denizens were seen exe anter rendezvous than the local pay cars and pay windows. avi passing strange too) that the representatives of the cuting a peculiar dance. It was and for these and other reasons, the people are going superior race are up against the colored man, but the not the it was while the going is good. How they are raising the nioney animal instincts of tho white roue błots out the color Dr. QUIÑONES the lungo; nether was it a two is a tall question but we know that necessity is the line when he ogles like an amorous toad for the embraces Phys! clan and Surgeon step, or a goose step. It was mixture of all, mother of invention. and there is no form of oppressien of colored women. His table is barred, but his bed is open all, a sort of Indias that hasn its riddance.
Is there no color line when it is a question of carnality. FREE CONSULTATION. there was nothing seriously the war dance On enquiry, we were very The Panama Canal has long ceased to be attractive There is something humorous in the sight of these white as a labor market. Cuba out bids it by an inconceivable rakes, literally crawling after our women. It seems to be DAILY FROM 12 T01 matter, but they had receivce letters from Cube!
margin. No amount of advertising is necessary for the Nature revenge for unnatural discrimination. The color encouragemect of immigration to the sugar estates of the question is exploded by the attraetion of our women. It is United States Pharmacy, On Saturday night, July 3, the Caribbean republic. The work is there, the money is all clap trap; all moonshine. The white man, stepping 149, Central Ave.
Cristobal team of billiardisis came up with the laudable aim of there, and good tea needs no bush.
down from his dignity does not respect it; neither do we. new and inexperienced class of labor will have to NEW PAMPHLET lowering the colors of the Gatun Our white friends are not heeding the signs of the cue experts. They went back be found for the Panama Canal. Where will they turn times. They are not following the trend of events. They very much wiser trying to figure for this? Perhaps they will execute their hackneyed bave neither seen nor sensed this new spirit that has arisen Have yon seen the book Re. how to wipe off their 16 points threat and use negroes from the States or employ native The old order is passing, and we are ringing in the new. It Strike on the Canal Zone, by sumé of the Silver Employees in arrears.
labor. Of course, the problem is theirs, not ours. is now Color for Color and Class for Class.
Nurse Douglas has been ill for Attorney Thompsop? several weeks, and is under The colored girls and women of yesterday have under If HANDS OFF!
gone regeneration, and the needs of the race are to them withierat. set one quickly from medical treatment in Colon.
more than the white man siniles more potent than the The Workman Printery Office: Appig at House 229, Noy Gaton.
Evening classes are held daily, wbite mid gold.
The City Pharmacy; Tue Grocery, Calidonia; tion during vacation time.
Give your children pruper tut Thus it is that they bitterly resent the approaches of or The Colon Ind. Matual Asso: Up to a few years ago it was a well known but rather regrettable fact that a light skinned negro had superior the rako so, Hands Oi! Stick to your own, and leave ciation, Budson and 5th streets.
chances in the economic field than one of darlier hue. On Jours alone.
Don Deay English Islnglass at The Want Pharsnacy No. Guard at the


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