
under a legal ment in But com to the best to com Sersion ni HKLW arey ur We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
full In the rural in American Bazaar ไ9. 11: เC GRAND UNITED CRDER grew older. This however, was OF ODDFELLOWS.
Grand Variety not tbe cs, and the cricket SANDERS Sets enthusiasts were compelled to Entertainment bow to the inevitable.
Hold Second Annual Ses Tutor in the day, the disan.
sion at Colon ies wade up for this ty It will hear front and is ennara arranging for an uncorptu on: with an institution and to used. Colon, July lo spite of the ampio se in the wholesale It will be the te nithe ning on the facit at there were some copa departinn. Demt Commissars, Un showers to dry. th. Panana onteinssid Hartley PARK VIEW HOTEL Distnet of the Grand United known birbir, The little event Ice House and Auditorium for odpad Oldflows working was immensely enjoyed Coloreel ng!
divenution grant IWY Uit Uitue u ibe Auditorum!
England beluits Sec Red Rose Ball waly wait andre, tusila och.
UN Annual Ad Rose Rulit given by 1. it into an thing the Atlantic ca in To be evening o the officers and delevats wouloond to take place at the Park July 12, at o clock sierp blue bien assebli Vw Auditorium, 23 Blivar Doubletween the bours of 11 ad troet, on Saturday next the 17th in the above word Audioriem 12. Jupiter Pluvius ceasele HOUSE NO. 23, EOLIVAN STELUT peraie, and King Sol begant As far as can be gathered from Le blusk filling sching forth, thus rendering it internated parties, this functie blo fur we meeting to be promises to be nue in advance Come and hear site of the best music beld.
of anything of its kind that his. Toel and instrumental. Calend The greeinn took the nt the ben atomped in these parts.
romething else And it will not be a Bureka Lodge Hall, Bruad av The dry for her Breure your ticke is time from the the lens of been cessus arrangere by Messrs perseverance Lan, No. 10, 105 Said Cyril Lireneware rele min 11 Pilgrim Wilkins at his GU. O EFS Hindusthose who at office just next der to set hotel The presenterade pemascotter and var stret.
Orchestra from the Drug Sor, 182 R Million D MN strungth Dinging bliek to the Bol var street, Colon.
Alim Dis. Sicy A Tra, minds of the dacorers memo RLFIESTMENTS WILL BE SERVD T; Livs Wade Hres of hy zone day, and renter: Brown. Chaplum. LS, the latestand most up to date ON THE PREMIS Guardian and jus of the day, a Return by that the invetition is in Alter the uso foi really at time con le antici tenue to be there in Chinand Wer mine through the sett doulins on the Isthmun) for coloured was deelare della INSIDE It is understood that the gan of vital inportance in the nation will it bu ciressed in and welfare of the order, while acued.
Anety obreria To mirtirg lad wt19 Commissary Prices to be salvo lol after which an excellent tout les Dangast je bil Reducod, Workource It is under tirs that Mr. J. report of the res of Jon Gal Manager of the the Session will shartly. ROCSLIV diri, the od in the hands of the pinler CUOA by him be prepared for circula nuit Sony DLAR S16 Ciab. Pred the COLON PANAMA Dey Barcly Esca es Boails. as of y pics in Colon, July hepetailing 10 wa welemme maintained on the ir.
irit olmth and rejeking tens to the many this on 12. which exhibited its. Ifto en un bhaithms whare. surer wariantı extat in Tavidag from the Libatt Circulan 16, Jounenter of tech len is being held forward with KAS. BALTY PARLOR Early cost him dard eigemess and anxdurys ed an innocent auteur in jail 198 Palie letecen ya 90 This your inter in Cl! Christina Endeavour ConS. Colon.
with nary himself with three vention 33 in CERTERIES TICHENOR AUTISEPTIC front of the ed impinel Hotciin Colon, July Rearly 20 Bolivar nu, ao noembers of the Christinn til Meal Cuts and one known reasen suddiely ran atacarour Society Courreged from Variety Entertainment and Bolivar Streets, ing sad other ratherings. It was Osticly.
into the street robotici itae actic to the Atlantic side Mrs. Manalan, sister in lowerer, accepted with the motor cai which 39 GINO 1o tuite art in the Coventut our ot mancipation Day inawin nurse Manah whool ce fut leart by the various planter rariety entertainment in hon.
wards him. He was incled over which took place at the Colonnounced to take place at Christi practice in this city, was ameng around rule the inhabitants of in the visiocc Court by the car, and had it not been Cristobal Church to day.
for the stency steching of the At of the Canal chureh schoolroom on Mt. day, the passengers who arrived to the city consideronit fit aiter.
that Weather by which it was evarustem who wanted to laws the meetings would haven August 2nd, when an eficient Fruilt on board one of the United nation to the hot and uncorn.
Fruit company steaners icom band will be in attendance him while he lay Zono washed out Port Linn.
ground the result might have the previous day was the case on owing to Word has just been receiver Simmonds Tel!
been heavy ans, but after a Daviu was immediately takica clouds rolled away and hope whilothe troi Aliss Ed Hamlett, who it known member of the Colon Was DIVISION OF CRISTOBAL.
Personal and Ceneral will be remembered left a short levan church was among the pas by the same car and carriedrived in the hearts of every one.
to the Colon Hospital, where on Gorernor Harding spent the 5th time ago for New York to the sengers who sailed on the Thanks to the Cartago for New Orleans on MOLLIE NALCA induitable axaminatien the doctor proverite courage and rem of the social de Sheria Weis divertido a pleasant and uneventful voyages Wednesuny last the 7th inst.
at Fort with daugh eficet that to. Niss Simonds was very ac com inilter, the church was very to take part in the celebration at is at present suffering tissu RANAMIN NALCA artisticalls and tastefully deco Cristobal, he dectined saying from scarcits of fruits. Twaripe tively engaged in the vartous do Two Aeronauts killed.
antness and real e joyment to the day with his family, rated, which len an air of pleas that he was desirous of spending bananas are now being sold for partments of charch work and CIVIL No. 334. cents, and one mango of inod will be very much wissed by her co Workers.
Colon, July The Holiday ce to proceedings, Messrs. Ashton and Arnold Mr. Cambridge, well. crate size for cents.
The tirst eeting for the day known real estate agent of this the Naval Air NOTICE hon, france Hija, bare been mar. was an executive session, which city has removed his office to the this vide on Sunday and come Mount Ilope, tere passengers you are requestel to appear ia Henry showers of rain fell on Cooper, late of the printing plant To red to day as the took 10 30 a. the corner out all the church meetdeath of Lieut. Degon and which matters concerning the obe Santa Marta which Bergenst Doucett, who were feture working of the Union sailed on Thursday the Sth for the abovenamed plaintin in the an action bronght against you by accidentally kiled ns the result were discussed.
of an aeroplme mishap above entitled court for an absoHeaded by the Colonial Band Patrons of the America Theatre lute divorce and to answer the noticed on Thursday night last Shortly after o clock these the The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin members inarched to the officers xose from the linse, and Wesleyan Church where they that the colored pianist who had complaint filed therein on or beLIQUIR wa fore Sept. 4, 1920 always given ample satisfaction while still over the field the plane were joined by members of the Avd are further notified suddenly began to spin and came was replaced by a white one.
Wesley Guild who joined in the if you fail to appear and Springtelera down rapidly to the ground caus demonstration to the Baptist ing the instant death of Lieuten Church, wheru an interesting Cor:Ing Events.
answer the said complaint, as ant Degon, while Sergeant Dou. Kev. Witt, President of the service was presided Gentlemen. Nie Queen preparatons ba yo coma wonders for my art above required, the plaintife will tried nearly every toing to clear my complexion of pimples. Liver spots and Wack Aake judgment against you by Rett sustained injuries of so se Rev.
heads shoua succes. until found Kashmir Nil. Queen. Now my skin detsolo and demand from the Nous a nature that he died short. Uison tho gas gavo a Smoo and lovely on can be and any tair has grow Holong and closey. sy friends all inspiring acero it. will vur Wutuea woki uy Nila Queen Kerr will be the court the relief prayed for in her ly before o clock in the after and instructive Yery truber You Among the dress preacher at the Colon Wesleyan taid complaint.
from Pa church to norrow, at 11 a. and naroa wera Revds. corBOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTONS Ar. Goodall, at 30 CAMPBELT bourne and Tylerbos both 133 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon.
Boxa, Csikoz Asst. Cierk District Court Foresters to Hold Big Mally of whom gare very encouraging addresses which were enjoyod The cantata Jesus of NazrExtensive preparations are reth, which was rendered on NOTICE Exterior a monstera Rag time belle close of the service ail. the 22nd ulto. at the Colon Tres THE PARK HOTEL VIEDY, Rally to be held at the Court THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE leyan Church by the choir, will Brock Lodge Hall, O. Sth and retired to the school puerta where be rendered by them at the ICE HOUSE AND AUDITORIUM streets, on Saturday next the refreshments were served. very enjoyable inusical pro17th inst, in connection with the care 167 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
Methodist Episcopal Church, 3rd street, and Brosdway, on Wed. FOR. COLOURED PEOPLE King David Templo No 2, Bw. gram was rendered at night Call and inspect our stock of parlor clocks with when maus of the local stars nesday night, the 4th inst. of will be finally opened in house This event promises to be an were heard to advantage. This cathedral gongs, office and kitchen clocks; a full asNo. 25, Bolivar St. one block though The Sussex will hold its from 3rd St. on the evening of extraordinary success and the program somewhat sortment of alarm clocks, plain and luminous dials; lengtliv was, due to the skilful entire public is invited.
handling of the chairman, Rev.
regular general meeting on Tues the 12th proximo, with a grand baby and big Bens, and must get up. large day night, the 13th inst, when musical entertainment to begin Witt, put through in time to Crickot Games Washed lower part variety of Ladies wristlet watches, emblem rings, ala some important business will be at Bp. sharp, the diamond rings, diamond la vallieres, etc, etc.
Admission will be by titet: Adults 00 and children in the Brain lora by the The Rerd.
Ail at Marvellously Low Prices Norfolk and Leo. Johnson walleries 50 cts. Cy, man in sfery wel chosende utle: Colon, July Due to the in. man in remarks eris os rairements whe Both Scora S EXPERT REPAIRING DONE elemency of the weather, the thanked the Panamaz nosubers Sinulair Curstures for both the hypa thac thi societies would steund on the premisce for their present, and expressed WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS And sbon match between the continue to exhibit the spirit of Baltimore, Md. Kid 1 View Hotel, Colon, o. Kiwther particulars app which was scheduled to unity now so unch in evidence folk knocked out Silas Gips, Cristobal, or in person Westmoreland and Pedro. Miguel Made to Order the eighth round of a scheda among them, il in Wilkins at his atice, take place at ine ireless oral twelve round bout on Decuratiun Lucur to the boval premier had to be abandoned. The morn.
JAMES WILLIAMSON, Proprietor. Day. Leo. Johnson, lightweight, corner Bolivar and 3rd Streets, ing broke sultry, but hopes were TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC BOX TE CRISTOBAL, abea scored putting out where tickets will be sold for the ootariained that the weather Fremy Lowery of Pbidelphla, in entertainment and arrangements would have improved as the day rollovos Indigestion and Colle, Neo third round.
mado for quarters, eto.
the 12 Aun VS.
you Kashmir Dental Co.
Chicago, IL.
Sgd. BALLE TOID woon.
low the visitors to Out.
ajor 95


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