
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 10. 1920 PAGE SEVEN Continued from Page 6)
Link upoit LISTYCY Interesting News. Give Me Liberty or for Health Sales Give Me Death.
Further Increase of Salaries Demerara Wax Candles SAVES me liber Force a in colours. andLIFE of the world.
The West English Isinglass SOAI is more. sure disin fectant.
Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants Kods who have Every atteint for Central Drug Store king One hundrel and forty four years ago ben American colonists were aming to lunch forth in bloody wat to free them selve from the oppre sion of England, In a reply to the Governor the famous Patrick Henry in one of hi Message re the appointinent of a al addressed: Give me staff officer for the Volunteer ty, or ex me death The e sentiments Quality com in te of the House from a farless and indomitable soul in of Assembly has recommende spired with love of freedom, hurled with and an increase of the salary attach volcanic momentum on a halting audience ed to the post to 400 pounds ster electrified and united them for the titanie ling, as well as the payment by struckle, the outcome of which ranks Price the Treasury of the pension Con America today as one of the leading tribution of the oficer in case it powers of the The Prince of Holland when Pore pres The Best was necessary wed by by cruel Spain exclaimed: Before at Resolution was passed by we submit to our etemes, we will give the House of Assembly on June our entry back to the sen aminur God The great dykes were opened YOUTH and happiness are linked 1st granting 2, 043 0s 11d to ond Holland was sved. Toussint up with health Link up with meet the 25 per cent increase to stand the salaries of the staff of the 1st Ouverture the great Negro leader, of his Life suoy for health and for the and 2nd grade schools for the ine on a cliff and viewing the ships SIMONS, Remember children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proLIFEBUOY current financial year and an enemies, calmly declared to his lieutenant Proprietor and Drugoist roles health happy, smiling health; other for 491 118 3d for the pur. Cristophe. Rather than go back into as we know it than soap. it it protects the children from the poses of such increase from 1st slavery, we will lay waste our land with fire and starve the invaders. There is a reputable January to 31st March 1920.
dangers of contagious diseases.
lotty ideas and sublime expressions ema germicide and FOLLOW THE SHADOW in the West Lifebuoy Scap has a twofold use it disinfects nating from mortale like oursely ourselves and OF HER WINGS TO as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Flag and Shield Presented put into practical use, substantiate the Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap to Barbados Axiom that Th End Justifies the Means THE will safeguard the children keep them WEST PHARMACY.
No cros, no crown. History ropesio henlthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
In a Message forwarded the itself, and nothing great can be accom CORNER 18 STREET GUACHAPALI.
House of Assembly on June 1st, plished without sacrifice. America be.
stated that he had received a viven country; but when discontented replica of the fag given, with a Englishten found life unbearable at large photographic reproduction home, they toiled, saved and sacrificed; of the shield presented, by the braved the dangers of the sea and the STERLING League of the Empire tu the terror of the wilderness; slaughtered the MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
British West India Regiment. It Indians, fought for and gained their in FAMELE TONIC LIVR BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT ENGLAND, was proposed to place them in dependence.
the Council Chamber as the most West Indians on the Isthmous for years suitable place for them to be have been groaning under economic serlTonic and Alterative dom spiced with a variety of unwarrantThe flag would be displayed on able and brutal outrages. Unprotester. Empire celebrations.
misrepresented, we are the prey of insa tiable negro haters, and, like a ship with Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC acceptable forin, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, out a rudder, buffetted about on coloseul Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervuin, Black Haw, beats all as in Mouth Wash waves of oppression, seeking in vain for etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial rehaven of refuge from the storms of the a The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, who have sunk us in the depthis sults may be anticipated.
collecting, and permit of the bottle being, thorougly 340, 000 Persons Made For of dark despair, and the stagnant pour cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
The Sterling Laboratory, tunes During War.
of moral degradation a betterment. ba Real Hygienic Feeder been strangled by the ruthluss hands of Los Angeles, Three hundred and forty thousand the emissaries of evil, who, like Baslam, On pleie 90c. silver persons of the country made fortunes durefuse to see the avenging angel in the ing the war, according to an inland rev. way with drawn sword, until his foot enue official testifying at a mee ing of was crushed against the wall. And yet GOOD WILL tie House of Commons Select Commit. with all this we are loyal to our toe on War Fortunes, which is debating and country. Shades of Hannibal! What business lives through its FOUNDED IN 1881 whether this wealth should be especially Patriotism!
The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
customers. And its greatest taxed, and if so, how. The evidence this We must learn to respect ours far given indicates that the committees and so demand it from others. We asset is their good will.
MANUEL ESPINOSA ta will be most complex and difficult must bear in mind that we are barely Our service has always Central Avenue, 33 tolerated as cheap bensts of burden for measured up to this standOpposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
Demerara Coloured Candles ard and brings forth volun.
the Canal Zon Government, cummodi tary expression of friend at The West Pharmacy tics for the merchants, and the land ship and contidence lords harvests. We are vietims of Ne.
DIDIT Come gro men who live by our hard earned in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold dollar, and yet shelter behind nind LBS.
EVER ers. Better than pins.
and s.
either too coward or through a camouflage between life, STPIKE FULLER are not step forward and lead us We Υου must never stop at obstacles. Let us JEWELER fight to the bitter end and win or die in to the 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, the attempt Panams, There will be the Thomses, the Ja.
dases, the Job comforters and even Delilahy; but we must be prepared to CHELSE OBERTORETO thrust these aside and battle for right and justice.
There is a brilliant future before us Let us advance to meet and prepare the way for our children and their children.
Remember that in war, victory has its price to pay. There is a silent, urgent call the call of a mother for her child.
Let us detuolish the mountains of insuGet Alive to Your Interest larity; ford the stream of difficulties; arm ourselves with determination; mar.
shal our intellectual and financial forces. Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency hold aloft the banner of race pride and which is acquired only by years of Experience.
march to Afrio sunny climes our heritage. Let the slogan be: GIVE ME NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH.
ANN THOMAS, Education in British Honduras.
Bishop Dunn in his synod adProprietress.
dress notes that there is no centre in British Honduras for training men for the Church, nor one for training teachers. high Resolution of Sympathy mourn, a copy to the local newspapers school for boys is also needed.
for publication, and one page of our The Bishop has an ambitious It is with deep regret we chronicle the ing of same as a perpetual expression to Minute Book be devoted to the recordplan for a chain of of institutions from Belize on to San Jose. This death of our Bro. Chas. Simmons, who the memory of our departed brother.
departed this life for his eternal reward has the warm support of influen, on the st day of June, 1920.
CYRUS MITCHELL tial men in the University of And in his memory the Triumphant Cambridge and tinancial support Star Lodge No. 28 adepted the following Secretary.
from American sources. resolution PHILLIPS. Wh raa Death has removed from lis The colony of British Hondu. earthly sphere of activities, our esteemed ras was of material use to the Bro. Chas. Simmons, an active member Empire in the prosecution of the in fraternity, and FITZ BOWEN war, by supplying large quanti Whereas, In the lamented death of ties of mahogany or making Bro, Simons, his family has lost a loved THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR aeroplane propellors. The export protector; his friends, a true, wise, and 28 November Street, San Miguel of the wood was conserved and earnest counsellor; and fraternity at House 20.
controlled solely for military uses large, one of its most useful and influent ial representative of the Admiral members. Now, therefore, be it ty was members of of the year output.
ing assembled, express to the bereaved family of our departed brother our most L, Edin.
earnest, heartfelt sympathy in this, the 139 CENTRAL AVENUE and inseparable loss; and be it The California Restaurant further PANAMA CITY Resolved, that the dispensation of JUST OPENED AT No. 6, ST. Triumphant Star Lodge No. 28 be drap Office Hours: 30, a. 1 Courteous and up to date ped in mourning for boxpace of 30 days 4p. p.
Service. a memorial to our departed brother; OPEN DAY AND NIGHT that aloopy of this resolution be for Box 798 Şoffice 844 Phone: varded to the family with whom we Ason, Residence 1002 BUSINESS MEN The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKER ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
a The circulation of The Workman is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
Therefore THE WORKMANis a paying Advertising Medium.
make contracts for the purchase Triumphant Star Lodge, in regular moet. Dr. LOWE ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATE are Reasonable.


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