
PAGE POR TIN TAPS SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1927 Canal Zone Notes THE WORKMAN PARAISO Caution to Housewives All Blue Soap is not the Same.
Thr The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our right JUNI Insist on the mark STAG Dr. Tichenor Antiseptic Dr. Tichenor Antiseptic Montes geboo!
wise be persuaded The tons of the tropies Published on Saurdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies ALEBOND. at the centraation Correspondence on all matters are dry and rany, which follo Bu druer of Street, Panama of pubito ales inviud.
each ocher wit. onlo dei All copy for publication must be larity. In thi beautiful valley of oxid, the P. Box 74, Pandipa RP IN Hsbeat, tritten on one side of paper cuty, and and all the ery. tuin, rain.
RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOX tot be accompanied by the same of 82. 40 cy the writer, got necessarily for publica One Year King Sol des not indulge on but as a mark of good faith Bix Monts much sm Since STAG has been on the market DOW itud we do not undertake to retart hance it is rahe weldor acted currendere imitations are being offered.
Doi: Kardening tira de Be carefui the woeds are bikin possession of the gardens; Corun, as well as for the an vence of deriain porto dist SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1920, mental officer, the gari. ersare liudisposed.
THE TYRANT DYING RAGE IT ENGLISH Oh ye wicked middlen, why do you provoke the by and Hw abiding workers of Accumulation of evidence, generalities of circumstancelleney? The rumour that your ces and self explanatory fool hardiness, as seen on the iecent interferene, 13 heights. are the points contributing to our conclusion experiences gained in Panama is causing much arable land io gate pay roll deduction that the economic tyrant is heaving his last death throes and their present friendly re run waste. Do you kaow chut as the doom of his political career stands written in the dations with the Panamanians the waters are already troubled, hall of retribution and attested with his own seal and should help them to maintain and the least molestation discolor them!
sensible and discreet attiHe has auctioneered himself to the low gt bidder and tude towards the Cubans. The clerks seem to make their has been sold for a trifle. Yet in the deal he has registered to the one beet prescription for itchins, bruises, cele, The West Indians should domotion quietly and contented.
some of the most crooked and shutan tricks ever heard of.
sprains and feah wounde.
at once make up their mindo. wid portain boss. You The poor have suffered ignoble treatment while the satel.
As an internal remedy for orumpo, oollo und diarrbeos lites have drawn the greatest radiance from him. In fact, to respect the laws of Cuba, books to you. Giulio dren as talk. but he it beca an equal.
inculante a friendly esteem thiake und and acts. When he they have absorbed all his brillianoe till now be stands as You want instant rollel and you ket it.
for the Cubans keep out of dona los think la continent be pale and wan as a wizard.
politics and try like the deuce thinks in Cube Dying with the greatest certainty, he is doing it hard, to save their monios with lotter from the Queen of and before he breathes his last he is trying to overorowd wbich after four or ive years the Antilles declares that the the calender with a cumbersome list of crimes and outrag.
BUY IT AT THE DRUG STORES they can turn to their worked for at least 18. 00 per day 68. It seems as though he is vieing with the Kaiser and tire bom and live in com. The strong able bodied Beelzebub for first place in the proverbial hot storage.
Starting on a handicap of time the Falcon of the men such we Uncle Sam 18 viledged lave in the Panwa Isthmus has kept up the race and in less than a year be Called to the ter Canal vertice do not accept day bas overtaken in violence the Beast of Berlin. He has Excelsior Furniture Store pay. They contract for bor, sunken no ships, nor bombed any defenceless towns, but he and thereby make. AND Mr. Edmund Bubert Challey, money, Lys oi has crushed the weak and helpless into despair. Those the eldest 106 of Mr. Samuel whom the Kaizer terror has killed in war are now free Employment Agency Chenalloy, merchant of this city. The rally scheduled for the from pain, but the victims of el hombre duro are still hoe boon called to be Bar 13th inst. the Bulvation Hall writhing in agony amid the scenes of a professed peace. An Hods of Purnitun ned other artinin bought, cold and veryd, Gray Inn, London, England. for the purpose of aiding the Su far, the Kaiser is now out of the race and the Isth Order, taken for Waterproof Raio coal. Whatever you want to sell, Mr. Chenalloy was born to Mr Nigent School of Colon solange, ate.
mian Pharaoh and Beelzebub are having the hottest maraJamaica Was Duotioned until SEE ME FIRST.
in the year 1892. At the age of a busine, the comedian, shone the 10th. thon in history; and judging from the past few laps the All kinds of Information shown.
fire he was sent to arch fiend seems destined to lose the belt.
private in Kinkekon, and at the in his woual lustre, and added to January of next year will be the day of days, and SANGVINETTI BROWN, oldight, he left that Island the grouraphical stock of a cerevery West Indian and Panamanian ought to get a red rag Corner 3rd Nor, and 191 Ble. Gehepali, and came over to Colon to hie Lain few. who now will not other ready for the grand occasion which ought to be a holiday parents sed the attended the Rev. wise be Areon Box 1130. Phone 180 as to why the Hendrick opt at the sun rises in the eist The ebool from Panama to Gulon, the chief feature of which should time at Christ Church by becken perpetually tralted in their rises everything seems to be east be, the burning of the tyrant in effigy.
until 1905 when to Among the latest evidences of the tyrant insanity are 2, 000 s To Be Fired! bave merey on your soul! or Jamaica and entered the Wol minds. This reminds the removal of important land marks, the camouflaging of if not raay you find comfort mer High School at Kingston local comedian Capital of labor, the perversion of justice, the starving of children, Recent reports circulated in the torrid streams of the Returning to Colon shocu, attor Spain, Portugal.
riche lemon chemicamentelopes inferno!
tlaenoppression at the weakusthe, taking staarabu earthquake GAN Wets in the Dr Lagland, nath not, the defiance of justice, the disregard of right, of the Panama Canal and Paand entered SATUN the participation in pie slicing and the trampling of truth nama Railroad Company are. All Aboard for Caber Blackheath under the the R:v u the dust, responsible for the exciting. Aveling, An unprecedented furiousness has reddened his rage announcement that 2, 000 Sil Yes! and it is a mfo pro Arteag AB Se in 1001 Christ Heavy showers of nin bare ol been daily. The truck of and he raves like a tortured bull, knowing that he must ver employees are to be fired phecy to say that January 10 University of Calubrida, Sardens armand line booking succumb, in the next few months, to the decrees of destiny. within the next few weeks, 1st, 1921 will find Panama in and at the end of 1014, was gredind their appearance angurs wed But before the end he will undoubtedly try to out Herod on account of exhaustion in Cuba, so far as colored labor. He with de miles were der Lancom tor a good crop of vegetables, then entered Herod. He will try to show all outside the area of aris. Canal appropriations(9ers is concerned, The economic mesa into Mr. Chenwiloy in expacted to the moderanes Perseyarance which he was called to the Bar It is rumored around that tocracy that autocracydis its synonymore he will plučke the Phew! the thermometeria Vantorpool, the elosive last feather from the economic fowl (fool. he will avenge going up and the temperature which the labor element has arrive here from England himself on the s. and he will rip the out of is becoming suffocating. been hurled by autocracy in shortly, and if there is landicher Erdges in back main on entire the s. while the will reap treachery for their Meanwhile, merchants in the Canal Zone is the cause inducement, may remain Leo mus. No wonder it he has brought Ostablisb along in bis gripa brand new fidelity.
Panama and Colon are com of the streamingexodus from get ricb quick scheme!
fiis Demoniacal Fiercenese must feel like a blank plaining that business is par these shores to Cuba, and the Mira. Ella Johnson School The United Fruit Co. accord when he recalls that for a whole term all that he has alysed, and the Chamber of slogan is all aboard for ing to rumor, is likely to operate succeeded in doing is to gather clouds of the darkest Commerce will soon go into Cuba. opprobrium around himself. He tried to make quashie mourning. This sounds sigThe night school which was largely in Colombia. This would At the expiration of the started by Mrs. Elle Johnson, be an excellent opportunity for wear puss and live on banánas, but he took a six nificant. Does it mean that year West Indian labor will lately of Brown Town, st. those who are contemplating try.
for a nine; he thought he was bright, but he learnt Papama is being strångled disappear from the Isthmus Ano, at the 8t Joseph School. ing a new field. The Co ang that all big heads don carry brains; be considered that economically?
almost entirely and nothing room. Colon is making steady excellent paymastere, and in he was a big It, but he has seen that he isn even The tyrant still vomiis his but the Canal and the Locks progress. The school is divided their service there are excellent into four departments, and each opportunities for advancement.
small iota. he believed he saw fortune out lined on his spleen and rolls his eyes like will remain to tell that they is in charge of a competentassis Most of the domestic fowis horizon, but it proved to be the signal of doom; he con a true scion of the diabolical have ever been here, while tant, Shorthand TypoVer ont under the knile on Sunday last. This was on Girls, General sigh insomnia.
violent than ever. But he roofs of Cubs will notice being served on all owners He is going, and long may he reign down there where may again appear in his of betray the presence and acing to This school was not their presence.
tion, comprising Grammar Writ of egk laying pets, and stratting Science and other chanticlers to rid the section of snow balls and butter don last long! Five months of fice coat and pajama pants, tivities of nearly half a milsubjects.
Agony and affliction remain to quashie but if he could or sit at his breakfast table lion natives of the British started as a money maker but to endure for forty three months, he can certainly hold out without touching the viands, and French West Indies. assist and help the Negro Race, Miss Catherine Lawrence et for ive more.
or tos3 like a haunted sea. cat Providence has a wonder to better standard, to under Panama was a week end visitor between his pillows, or use ful way of working and the wishing to enron can apply to the last. She spoke at length of the take higher positions. Any one to her niece at Gatun on Sunday Old Scotch for coffee or call from Cuba for laborers principal, any evening desired. exodus to Cuba, and said that NINETY DAYS OF VACATION ride around with s, or came at just the time when Panama is fast looking like a dofinally commit suicide. Such starvation and death stared CHURCH NOTICES. serted city.
We have very little to say about the Canal Zone is the fate of the Nero But our people in the face.
Milton Griffith, believing frWe must warn West In St. Peter Church, La Beca ly in the philosophy that women school system. It is a gift and according to the old adage when that day comes we will and leather are better for being it is not wise to look a gitt horse in the inouth. We say like Judge Hanan to the dians in going to Cuba not to JULY 25, 1920, beaten, tried the experiment on are expected to be thankful for small mercies right around murderers, may the Lord try and run the place. The his spouse, Amy. The presiding the circle. These institutions of learning are of great serjudge at Cristobal, not being in vice from a utilitarian point of view, as they undoubtedly behind where we commenced. This is a serious matter.
Eight Sunday after Trinity favor of such a doctrine charged and relieve work weary parents of the necessity of looking Yet in large measure it is personal. Each parent should Milton twenty dollars for his divafter their charges during the busier hours of the day. seek a solution for himself and herself Festival of James the Apostle.
But we may hope for absolution from the deadly sin of But it seems as if we are flying off at a tangent, so, There will be Morning Prayer Roberts, the mascot of the wishing that they were equally useful on the educational revenons moutons (let us return to our mutton)
and Holy Communion at 11 a. in. Shamrock C, wore an expanobverse side.
sive grin on Saturday last. On Ninety days emancipation from books and tasks is ty Evensong and Sermon at 30.
At best, the training given is far from being inten no means desirable. Such a provision may be all right for MULCARE, inquiry, it was learnt that Coolie had given him a bouncing sive. As we understand it, the ultimate aim of Educa. the white boys and girls. Their time in school is almost Rector.
baby girl, tion is to fit for the stem realities of life to give ille child unlimited. Our boys and girls are forced out at fourteen St. Barnabas, Empire The younger generation are such an equipment that he can fight his battle successfully1 y ears by economic pressure. We cannot avail ourselves upon in equipment. We need not discuss this. We all know it. or Colleges and Universities. We want all we can get in Morning Prayer and address as not were amazed in the gende og The finished product under this system is woefully lacking of Continuation Schools, Technical Schools, High Schools. Chare, will be celebration of sumption that the old must die at Sidney Frances Ver We are by no means satisfied. Yet with our natural lack the all too short six years of school life jl a. Evening Prayer and wedlock on Sunday last. The adaisical nonchalance, we do not seek a remedy. Our We would evggest that parents ece to it that during address at p.
Buptials were celebrated ab ohildren, according to the law of progress, should com these three months the childien get an opportunity to conJ. MULCARE, Christ Church, Colon, and the mence, where wei end. RiThey are on the contrary, far tinue their studies with some capable private teacher.
Priest in Chargo. Continued on page from ere this babe poverty groan, but he has heaved many astro de melhor becoming more the same kinetarakes care este de votre bor George account of


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