
Demerara Wax Candles tome Mr.
English Isinglass Hervey روور اوودی plaints :ااان The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKER Bro.
Opportunity at some time knocks at FAMELE TONIC the door of every one, and those who Distinguished Soldiers argieet their chances are always thost loud in complaining of hard luck and Protest Against Treat toisfortune when they observe the suoTonic and Alterative ment in Istand. cess of others which they could have commanded had they not allowed their Sterling Female Tonic contains in palatable and acheter rently published the name and the Canal Zone OPPORTUThe Empire News of Man chance to slip by.
Quality To the people of the Republic of Pa acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, in colours Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, following from its Liverpool cor NITY is now knocking at their door etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial reand respondent:sults may be anticipated.
Liverpool. S signal trid them of life long sorrow and Price. and. from a steamer while at sea premature Death, which are the conse quences of long standing Kidney and brought me to the Garston Dock Bladder troubles, which can always be The Sterling Laboratory, at Liverpool this afternoon when traced by any of the following ap The Best the vessel was safely bertbed.
Los Angeles, The sender of the wireless was at Mitchell Hedger, and Lame back, burning sensahe was waiting with the Briga tion certain parts of the body, The West dier General Sadlier Jackson. dizziness, headache, rheumaGOOD WILL who was with the British Press in Russia, and Major Walter Lord tism, swollen feet and joints, scanty and discolored urine business lives through its customers. And its greatest These three formed a depute with sediments, Inflamation of ion from the body of passengers bladder, puffiness of flesh, etc. asset is their good will.
Arun. Our service has always as we know it on whuse behalt they made etc.
measured up to this standnumber of most serious comMr. Watts of Ecgland ints with regard to the treatFOLLOW THE SHADOW ard and brings forth volun.
in the West tary expression of friendmet passengers had received 76 years old when this King of all OF HER:WINGS TO at Kingston, Jamaica, the port of medicine extracted one from his ship and confidence.
Come in and see our New THE WEST PHARMACY. doparture; and also as to certain bladder, and gave Burgoons and PhysiSlip Grip Soft Collar Holdincidents during the not uneven cians big surprise at weing De Witt Pillo do what they could not.
ers. Better than pins.
ful trip.
CORNER 18 STREET Allegations of a most serious Bold in two size at all first class FULLER character were made, not only Drug Stores, Beware of imitation verbally, but In vritton ropre ope dealers are handing out.
JEWELER sentation signed by the phason. Dowikt Co. Lid, London, a 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, IMPORTANT NOTICE. Dr. JOHNSON gore which is to be placed in the bottle with BLUE BEAL City Phary Panams, P.
hands of the Board of. macy. THE CITY SURGEON DENTIST It was made quite clear that no PHARMACY, 189 Central Avenue For the information of Contributors we hereby beg to state Phone 1003 Address chart was made against the exclusively gente as the Republic and Captain and of the that all communications to this Ancon 852, office should be addressed The Baptional Ceremony WORKMAN PRINTERY Box Tho Sparkling Com Juve74 Panama or Box 1102 Ancon The bome of Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. WILLIAMS Walter Grant ol Casb street, nile Logo Installe Canal Zone.
Orfoers (M CH. EDIN. Colon, was in a state of high festivity Bunday evening. On Sunday, July 4, the abovend FITZ BOWEN PHYSICIAN SURGEON Lublin oke the lines intante unha bodo otrocinar Dimensione July 11, the occasion the ter THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Has removed temporarily to LO. hold Mae In addition to artistic arrangement of plants and hoti hainelor Unity, so donde se converting Our workmanship reflects that Proficiency 28 November Street, San Miguel Lone Building 5045. Section A, Mo.
ers, there were plenty of refresh Colon, for the purpose of installing (buit which is acquired only by yearsjof Experience.
House 20.
wente otc. on hand, Songs and Moore for the ensuing teran; also wala addrenges also enlivened the pro Ward performed the installation FOLKS RIVER brawing their first anniversary.
NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA All cases fully Examined the God parents Mr.
ceremony when the following offers Dr. OGILVIE ware installed Mrs. Curtin, there were present Bro. Herbert Ward, son of tbe old ANN THOMAS, IS NOW LOCATED AT Messrs. Blenman, Knight opera 157 Central Avenue, corner WILKINSON) Doyle, Clarence Reid, Lynch moreThe band the honor of installing Proprietress.
and of the fair bis won. of Sisters Edna Tomlinson, DM; Street CONTRACTOR BUILDER sex Mr. Clarence Reid an er. West Thompoon, C; Marnin. Tro. King, CC. Lambert, HOURS: 8910 11. 30 a.
who possesses a te5. 30 First Class Workmanship well modulated voice sung Johnson, Sherrin, 40 British Bodies in German Lles About Black 30 to 30 Plans and Spocifications Free couple of Bens tolos which wero G; Garrett, Assistant Secretary Bros. IL 6s; Id. Tomlinson, Troops Sunday: to 11 a.
a Cellar.
highly appreciated, Sister Peterson, House 90 Demerara Coloured Candles Appointments can be arranged 5th Street West After the installation seremony Paris, France, May27. Germany Te ephone 875 Box 411, Panama, Discovery at Ypres.
at The West Pharmacy concluded, a three minutes interminion charge that black soldiere were running Wat riven, and at the sound of the wild among the German women of the pavel the second part of the program was opened with Greeting Song by soldiers have just been discovered The bodies of forty British Rhineland were printed abroad.
The official French Bro. Lloyd with Sister Riebarod in a cellar at Ypres during the ing Germag shach lavestigation, prov.
report was then read. giving the financial work of clearing the ruins, says seived lidergoa faleehoods, bave reproviding at the organ. The Secretary publicity.
the Nation Belge, Brussels.
charged that French black and numerical strength of the Lodge for The building was the troops were acting like mvage, that the year ending June 30, 1020, which had Grande place, and the men had thirty thoumud of them were encamped the audience spell bound, and much energetie work of bringing the Gom to were lying in peaceful attitudes, praise was given the Guardians for their WD 29 been overcome in their in the Rhino country, and that she would by a gas attack, for they make complaint to the United States xa1 such succes. An appual we made by some with their heads pillowed The French government imme Mately ibe Guardians asking parents to send out in the their children to to the Lodge on meeting arms odered an official investigation.
Identification of the bodies nights, so that their progress may not be should be easy, also the fixing the soldiers in the field, the blacko vero The investigation showed that of all impeded.
of the period when the men died. causing the least trouble. They were members of the Gem then entertained the visitors with recitations, diaIn the summer of 1915 a Ger. thoroughly diciplined, they attended to logues and songs. Special mention must ruins of the Cloth Hall at Ypres arimas of any kind against the peace and man shell, which fell into the their own busines, they did not commit be made of the duet entitled HAYO mercy on me o God. sung by Sisters penetrated into the cellars be. dignity Who government, they did not Get Alive to Your Interest Boyd and Fairelough which was kastily infantry stated at the time to rapes of any kind, and Germany had to low where about one platoon of steal or insult the natives, or commit outencored, aloe the welo, Not lost but gone to the Duke of Cornwall admit it all.
before by Sis. Wallin.
Addresson on behalf of the Lodge and Infantry was billeted. It Lights their Guardians were given by Bros H, was reported at the time that Take Notice Coombo, McLean, Garrett and c: practically the whole platoon Golbourne. The Installing Master Bro. Was wiped out, rescue party Ward on behalf of the Sparkling Gem which went to dig out the sur.
by the town major hereby beg to notify the pub In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Lodge then thanked the visitors for their vivors also suffered heavy cas. lic in general that will not be presence, aiter which refreshments were Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone. served and the evening function ualties from a second shell which responsible for any debt or debts contracted by my wife, Rosevina brought to close. We wish the Gloom arrived shortly afterwards.
Greaves, she having left my home bon voyage on their second milestone CORRECT SURMISE and protection without my conTICHENOR ANTISEPTIC In a letter to The Dally Mail, sent. Baleman, late SergeantCLIFFORD GREAVES.
can be used Internally or Ex. Major, Duke of Cornwall Light ternally.
Infantry, says: Your surmise The circulation of The Workman is the largest of REASSURING HER, that these men probably belong.
Dr. LOWE ed to la platoon of the Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry is L, Edin. sailor had been showing an old lady correct. The men belonged to 139 CENTRAL AVENUE over a large liner, and after thanking him Company, 6th Panama.
she suddenly remarked.
and was the sergeant major in PANAMA CITY see that according to the ship or charge.
ders, tips are forbidden.
Therefore THE WORKMAN It is a long story of a miracu. Office Hours: 30 a. 1p.
The sailor then turned to the vistor lous escape on my part, and it 4p. p.
and, with a knowing look, answered;i piece of sheer stupidity is a paying Advertising Medium. Why, bless yer, ma am so were ap on the part of the authorities to Box 798 Phones: Office 844 ples in the Garden of Eden. Exchange put men into such a place. The Ancon, Residence 1002 number of the bodies, 40, can NEW PAMPHLET however, hardly be correct, my company at the time numbered 180. About 20 men were Have you seen the book Re dug out with me, and a few got sumé of the Silver Employees away when the first shell Tailor and Outfitter Strike on the Canal Zone, by dropped.
Attorney Thompson? All these s and men If not, get one quickly from can easily be identified, as their Dealer in School Books, either Our RATES are Reasonable.
effects, including their pay books, The Workman Printery Office; should be on their persons.
and Stationery The City Pharmacy; The Grocery, Calidonia; or The Colon Ind. Mutual AssoNo. 11 Street, Panama TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC ciation, Hudson and oth streets. takes the Burn out of Burns chains from Central Ave.
EP. Address: Don Delay and Soalds.
Box 806, Ancon, Gerunko BUSINESS MEN Great Britain in their arm The the ADVERTISE any All English paper printed in the Republic of was as Wm. Lawrence ADVERTISE TO DAY 11 5953


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