
West Indian News INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Owned By Jamaica nfort Trade Of Jamaica.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD WEST Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Ath June: bakery by the fuss NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET Demerara reason toine in their belir. Would DOOL the Jamaican Government have time as one of the Junior Mas arranged, in cmnection with the ters of the Jamaica Cuilege, proposal for the electrification pursue his studies in medicine of the railways, to call in the ser at McGill University; and ware vices of two English experts a sure that the news of his suc are likely to go in the same direc. his latives and friends in Ja tion. While, therefore, it is true maica enough that a large proportion of Jamaica orders go to the United The Manufacture of BaWhy The United States Of States owing to geographical con.
America Have So Large siderations, and in recent years nana Figs also to the difficulties encounter Share Of It. ed by United Kingdom manufac lc PROPERTY BOUGHT BY turers in regard to export activi.
ties, it would altogether an ex INDIA MERCANTILE COMPANY.
THE RAILWAY SUPPLIES eceration, aggeration to tion to suggest that Anem.
canas now obtained practically The Gleaner learns that the Tac Extent Of The Importations the whole of the trade of the wind in rcantile Copos To Jamaica From Mother lony. That Jamaica rec a recognises to of Kingston with which Mr. the full its obligation as part of Rowley is closely identi Country.
the Empire is not to be question fied, have acquired the southern ed, as witness the big preference half of the large block in the The following article appears in of 40 per cent. now accorded to upper part of Orange Street. The British Export Gazette for British goods, and we are spak Kingston, at which the late tirin ing on behalf of the local mercan of MeNinh Ltd. carried on a It might be imagined, judgink whenever British goods can be tile community when we say that on the subject in cer On the newly acquired site the tain quarters that Jamaica is ini placed on the market on cqual West India Mercantile Company tin an entirely new policy in terms with those from other will erect. large dohydrating placing recent orders for railway countries they will be preferred. plant for the manufacture of rolling stock in America instond banana figs. As a matter of fact sf togland. The truth is, of course Hon. Bertram banana figs are already being made on the premises, but the that a very large proportion of Jamaican engineering and other Retires. company plans at going into the business on a larger scale.
contracts, to say nothing of ven.
United States or Canada, the states that with the resignation oral trade, goes either to the recent issue of the Gleaner on hengis brconditional that of the Hon. Lodi Bertram Com cal Kingston is only some 800 miles from the Post of Auditor Gen: en from the coast of American eral, there is now a vacancy in We learn that anong the new public, it is more than five the Privy Council. and it would companies registered in zorge.
times that distance from Liver. not be surprising if the Hon. wwn, Demerara, on May was it is easily understood that Robert Johnstone, G, ISO the Colonial oil Development hough Jamaica in as Toyal to the Collector General. were selected Syndicate, a Lid. Pue nominat Mother Country as any part of to succeed Mr. Bertram.
capital of the company has ben It is learnt that the Secretary time at 20, 000 in 40, 000 prefe.
she Einpire, a considerable proportion of the island orders of State for the Colonies will rential shares of 5s, each snut inevitably gravitate to the communicated with in respect stearer source of supply. That no one successor to Arrangements are being made annecessary share of the trade is thus diverted, so far as contracts Mr. Pietersz has been by the Georvetown Cricket Club for public works are for the holding of cycle and ath.
confirined concerned, in the appointment of switched by the Crown Agents Chilst meira Camelybes been and an attractive programme chief clerk in in the Audit Otie etic sports on Monday, August it is uncerstood will be remembered, they inter promoted senior cler.
ven in regard to a contract for representative of the Daily hat representatives fruin Ber: free liced in the United States urday and was inturined that no itd.
rolling swek that was to have Gleaner made enquires on Su balos and Trinidad have been with the result that the order was a pointment had yet been made li vided between that country and in respect to the post of Deputy It is announce that His Ex Canada Adminis rator General, and a cleny the Governor of De ce far as can be rathered there is rara s appoint: a Comisin BRITIST SHARE LARGER only one applicant for the posisir Chat HAN SOME IMAGINE, tion.
KCMG, barrister at law, and the Hons. Piton And Diree the It would, however be a great mistake to suppose that Jamaica Studying Medicine tor of Sea Dnes ud.
Biden 021) to inquire into átnports from the United Kingdom We are pleased to note in the the causes of the increased are negligible in volume. They Montreal Star of the 12th cost of the necessaries of life in still amount to about a million June last, that among the names the coway. The Commissioners sterling annually, as gaist of those appearing in the results are erred to sui non witabout double that sum in respect of the tirst year medical examina nesses and examine them upon of purchases from the United tion at the McGill University, is oath, Sir Chas Cox will be States British cotton goods that of Mr. Reginaldo Phillips, Cox of the Colonial Scretary Chairman, while MAC clothing, and boots are in special a son of the late Phillips, request, and are importet in wo builder and contractor of Kings office, will be secretary to the me very little less than from w: Paillips was placed at the the Commission will be published Jama ca.
Commission. The full text of the United States There is also Mr.
za god demand from Great Bri head of the list as the prize in an Extraordinary Oficial tain for building materials, hard winner of his College in his Gazette.
ware and ironmongery, and ma year. He left there a little over a chinery. It is significant, too, that year ago, after acting for some The Demerar Chronicle says the necessary papers have been forwarded to tle Secretary of State for the Coloples in connection with the matter in which His Worship Mr. Gil christ, Magistrate of George town, proposes bringing an ac tion for libel against John Bull.
The papers have been sent with a view to Mr. Gilchrist proceeding further in the matter. We understand that there is the possibility of our city being mechanically swep befo close of the year. As a matt of tact since the pidemic of strikitis in our midst, the lies employed in sw. eping the strerts have been holding affai own sweet way streets are now never as clearly swept as before, and as For n Collymore, we believ gladly testify, he has been having quite a hot time to get the work done as it was performed in ante strike a days. The introduction of the two motor sweepers will enable the city to be scaverg. cleaner and cheaper than it presa ent, and it must be add d, inore reliab ork on the steam car brought out by the Railway for use on the local service between the city ad Tacarigua which was suspend some time ago, has been result ed. Their engines are being converted into oil burners.
St. Lucia The Corset of the Century SOLD AT PANAMA BY La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, Cen. Ave.
SOLD AT COLON BY Lam Ming Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long Co. Win Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents HEAD OFFICE: 131 110, BIvar St. Cole PO, Box 19 Phone 90 BRICII OFFICE: 6ntral Ave, Panam. Box 585 neon. Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om plote 90c. silver hintep Seditious Publications Oidinance Passed In moving the second reacing of the Seditious Publications dinance at a meeting of the islative Council held at the Go ernment Ortice on the 28th June last. the Acting Attorney General. Hon. Salmon, very naively suggested that is it w:S butter to have the plague than not, inasmuch as, should it prove Loo virulent, recourse could be had to the doctor, in the person of the Secretary of States, and failing him the Throne could be in support of his contention that appealed to. He further stated, the Bill was greatly to be desired for the welfare of the Colony ature through which propaganda gainst law and order and well organised ried on and sustained by foreign sed government was car.
capital, and was not as repress ive a measure as some people thought, that it was identically the same as had been passed at St. Vincent, Grenada and be be.
lieved Trinidad, and be quoted the refreshingly thread barev a bad law well administ red is hede better than a good law ba y administered.
The other gentlemen of the Council Oficials and Unofficials)
evidently agreed entirely with the Acting Attorney General as the Bill was passed without any amendments.
for SAVES Central Drug Store Trinidad FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
Panama Furniture Company Notice 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it in a reputable permicide and are disiarectant YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children keep them healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
Under the direction of Mr. Anderson, 1st Assistant City Eneineer, with City Overseer Crichlow in charge of the City Council is carrying out asphalt road paving experimen on South Quay, which may proue to be of the greatest benefit to Port of Spain. Over the con Crete foundation laid on Suu Quay a couple of years ago, in place of the fine metal and crude oil, a macadam binding is being laid, boiling asphalt being em ployed in place of crude oil. This system which has proven so very successful on the Eastera Main Road, should prove equally satis factory on the South Quay. The asphaltcauldrums etc. have been loaned by the Mechanical Street Sweeping for Port of Spain The following is taken from the Port of Spain Gawette just to band Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
The publie in general is hereby notified that will not be responsible for any debts that my wife, Wilhelmina Brown, may contract, she having left my home and protection. BROWN Dr. QUIÑONES Physician and Surgeon LIFEBUOY SOAP WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture.
Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND. FREE CONSULTATION. DAILY FROM 12 TO at the United States Pharmacy 149, Central Ave.


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