
Blando and love for player the we fare wwht of the OVEC to every bar, on line BOCAS NEWS An Industrial School (From our Corresponderu)
Under the shore oprice, the Independent of be. Bi Hades, July 13, 1920 cument editor aliy hus On Friday last at about 15 At the last went the Legialaive the Sulair Oi! Mine Caption Cancil the fra launch Beritur, wil Galerie!
tant ludustri of which was being captain, Caths ich engineer, insyano Edward Brian through its rousing The Menn Demure as ara dy twee to Luneta Port Lion ride against th int Costa Rica mot thered outh who has has becom Porto ultfnvou of the county, a to frele complicated with two frown quires that som something be tetova Jibution the chuvel Win bite from ruin and disaster.
sbestern til the enptain While we do not know when the Bets take in the Irg They were taken to ure will alwally come in thr Nairy Cyptal for treatment mu pleseed to see this a sod Igles to I, where he is awitin laws of the Colony whis trial. As Bryan condition was not without ite desired doet 14 serioun he was not dosined in hospital Government have been wo but Bandfurd is id under the duelor.
the important nation we can help a trentment frein exprowing our thanks to th went administration for horias shown Mr. Felix Merra, in charge of the wuch, droponition towards this les felt a Cor. Carminery at Elena Farm, the Colony Sucesor to Parler who was placed in who will endeavour to do mathing o Government jnil some time ago for shortage, hustis better the burals of its people in appeared without kivi notice of any do well, it will be the means of the kind to be buss. Mr. E Baiky. In SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, ing better til et who will be able to spector of Collaries.
realise their responsibility to the laul During the pool werk voleva leen SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
they inhabit.
fnynurd with a heavy showers which Once the law is put into operation wa Cuerdote ir to rein in louis or can bor me an end of the frequent patronize the cabinen on ry mind START washing day well with appearance of boys in the courts for Rain nelle lor rain and with Sunlight Soap. Have the clothes face for which they had to lindasit our poor steel, whow!
with in the usual way and sent to prisa on the line early, and the meals when found guilty This has been Mr. Eplersins plinse (Evangel ready to time. The afternoon is viry sad happen ng bith it to have ist. nely Mr. plete, then yours to spend at your own boys ant to prison and making up with WAAR VINET other too: Piny errunde who neem to have lutte Instandin Sunily moting here sweet will.
un regard for lawan the pulitele in Chinant Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient arable to the Old Bathinte ett be budu Mive alry Cay, Wiscte a work. With Sunl ght Soap the housewife for Corte does her work most efficiently, most easily.
There is no mystery. You get out of soap During the way just what the makers put into it. The cream of soap materials go into Sunlight 36ap.
The name Loder on Soap it was for the benefit of is a Guarantee of Purity Mrs Mi The Sunlight environment is in keeping and Excelence.
Cla with its mission of cleanliness and fick to Atact eliic ency no soap is belter fitted to miento serve the British housewife than Sunlight Wort that it is not 11 Soap. Prove this to day.
Hensb ht, but wint tu 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on in the Grant not anel, anis S0008 08 Slow Swiu hivo lirateten We there is eart to ready bliviour of the be our of the buys it is not fait the planet will be Als to unde in 619 dress htojusiice to the weaker folke tel towards la ns they likewise ruire the Mrs. sito in base has same beton wa on muut ul lack this CV At her address the try had to recognis their te LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED PORT SUNLIGHT.
called to y as future Les trials and moet; slet hat!
Mat which many interesting ad tha cost the polar dresses and toists were given.
Lard stigning Cho the. LU benned Limees swervingly, Successful Student Fidelity Lodge, No, 29 on the 201. 4th a 5h Tu ThirraPrs.
days at p. in St. Jams cue the big tits Lalon Sua Street screen to material Six months acheter Emile Den Hudson Line, Colon.
sintades. The inly enable Sydney Norman les iert The deity Lodge No.
fentur use with it Tentu the ilmus to enter the is Lield its installation A, AR HER, update through it caviglectus Co le, te career. He made his for the new osilcers for HA KING.
elently av While the end (DRANDON LIN3)
first showing by taking a distant Decon bur terto, at the St. James The land wat betwe nae and he leat in Puglish in his louro e Lodger room, Colon. The ceremony while we alisent ote fem ano SECURITY boys the first week he entered was peeformed 1, Bro. STICHENOR ANTISEPTIC the View to Neleas.
College; at the end of the Duncan, who acted ns cas ba used laternally or in SERVICE terin, he held the seventh place Grand Master, and assisted by Many are wondering what las lecote.
in the form News bas just other brethrea fron the sister of ibe MCA that was to be of Bad reaclied us that the same en poses The following ofticers Mitchell Writas Back From th: by the UX, 1, ad P3576512 (Focards1663)
Calon who taken An entertainment was held at San Misecond place, making 80 in were then installed, Cole, Our large Resources and well known short hand, 94 in English. 87 Worthy Master: Willians, De the States Hall some time ago, with the object of raising funds for said CA. but in Geometry, 88 in Algebra, put puty Master: Pitt, Serilor conservative Management afford unsince then we are heard of no other en 89 in Arithmetic, 91 con; Cargill, The many friends of Michael tertainment ning this line. Ilas it ended ry, 90 in scripture, Curtis, treasure Mitchell, lately questioned security for every dollar of Colon, in vapor as pret cuboerne here? We hope and 90 in Spanish Nond, Tyler. Bro. Larrier, who who departed to the United not as it is a long let need.
deposited with this bank Master Emile has always heen was elected as Junior: Deae in States recently, will be glad much beloved for his quiet, was unable to attend through ill to know that has written that The Venerable Archdeacon Vibert modest, kind disposition uudness.
Hickson, MA. of St. Marl Chur ness. Aiter the ceremony be has arriva tiere safely. Mr.
Port Timor, and Rev. Troll of high moral. He is a very pro brochen rapaired to the Banquet Mitchell formerly held the posi.
mising cricketer and pianist nil, da afd justice to the nice tion as their. a: the Army Germania. Ce Rei, a expected Lero General Banking Business Transacted Much shortly. Rev. Tot will take charge of is thin. prepared them, and Hayles, who has been thi a tolo toted Pes the besoever held in bal. It is his intention to work thing Simon Church ing Rectue John teacher ol ylung Bruilc uy to the nany m2018. Bro, Russell. way through College, 2014 to Lon JAVO ISAAC BRANDON NATANIEL BRANDON I, BRANDON uime be entered College. To han Worthy Master made become a dentist. Wo wish him Ler nstuia impotence is nice President.
be dealt with us their arrival, Vipe President.
hati those whon Mrs. Hayley is the rostbanking the bre. well in bis efforts.
Trearc kw, thero is no surprise that the support they gave The UT Co. will soon be putting in College: Mrs, Heyles qualifica and wished the new officers suc Education What is it?
ner son is mailos himşeu felt in. operation their large, comfortable and nc.
comme dating hospital at Almirants which tion as school teacher places her vess. Bros. Cocking, Acher, will take the place of the persent cue at in the first rank of teachers on McLean and Anderson also spoke, Nasty Cay.
under the various concession monts with regard to reciprocal tho Istb mus. We wish Master and the gathering dispersed, The syutomatic development and out etc. The docu Nats, on the tariffs and better shipping facil. Emile continued succese. with the popular. chorus For He tiyation the nature powers. The powe whole, pre very comprehensive, ities are being drafted, and the is. Jolly Good Pellow. ar to think clearly talk in terestingly Mining Astivity in Co and should unquestionably go a question of better cable comme Royal King Solomon Lodge. to be a roarkod inea or, woman in sy lombia long way towards encouraging nications is being tackled. It is cocapany the influx of foreign capital for expected that the finishing. No. 11, Loyal Invincible Larige, THE CLASSICAL AND CON the exploitation of the vast ro touches will be given to the No. 24, JO.
Under the abore caption, the sources of this practically un agreements next week In view Royal King Solomon Lodge No.
night July 24, MERCIAL SCHOOL No. 2, Cufle Domingo Diaz Port of Spain Gazette of Trin developed and rich country. of the general desire to arrive 11 0: M, conferred tho Thó Loya! Inviacible Lodge, Olien Elementary and Tigher Eduga! on dad comments thus:at an understanding which ani. Pourta and Picth Degrees on No. 24, held a plere seeins little doubt that All moderate Teras mated the delovates, thero Canada and the West in the nearby Republio of Co little reason to doubt that the following officers for the half. Inst. when the officers for the eigbt members and installed the meeting on Saturday aight, 1762 Day School for Children.
lombia, no pains aro being spar.
Indies conference would achieve the Night School for Adulta, eu to encourage and develop the July. Deceraber terin were insObject it had ta view, and its December Holder, Ektopings, tailed.
not too much to hope that is wid. Brennan, Sul juots: English, Arithmetio, Algebra mining resources of the coun Practical and Theoretical Goometry. occups.
try, We have recently bad the pleasure of reading the Les che London Times Trade Sop, prosperous ora for the British Lantiese Harowoud, A, assisted by cificers of several punista och med en formas The following extracted from nark the beginning of a new and Lasules. Spencer Tyler; ing the chair as Grand Master Sporthyreocht medi El consenso 120 ca 1919. pronului dea cu picinent of June 12 shoala ba of Salonies in the Cerioben Seas, Dania, Treasures Layne, other lodges, avly po tarınéd the southeasteroperabile coeping, Bacines Forma.
the 20th December of year) interest to readers: the Gulf Mexico auitterwriting.
in three diferont ian.
Chaplain and Holder Inner ceremony of instailing tho un. It would appear from the reFREE pacties on Understool TypeGoard.
dermentioned officers: guages, Spanish, English of. the brzier end ostava Kimball Organ for rench to this baneni sbt for Canadian Minister of Trade and WILSON od inde abia man nerse which re Marshall, 24. King The cereiponies performA. Archer, acrans doy and night papila.
gnera desirous of en barking Commerce, at an official dinner Our rootto is Vonir est poua on enterprises in the country to the delegates from the West DYER AND RENOVATOR flects credit bly on those entrus. Secy, Alder, Treas. Woip (Where there is a will there are It depis very exhanstively with Indies who are conferr rring with ed with that duty. Many visitors Cunba, Gil, NO. BUILDING, CALIDONIA the duties of won a be concessioh Dominion Government from yarious sister lodges were De Burg, Asst.
Secy; way. at naires in. egard not ovly to the Ottawa, that there is every pros. Opposite Muller Building) present, and a p108. enjoyable Best, Chapiain; Gill, Guard; Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY State but also the individuals pect of a completely successful time wes, spent in. he banques Moore, Tyler. Cambridge Benior)
as well as the royalties payable result being reached, Agree BOX 3176 ANCON, C, hall after the Installation, The usual banquet followed Box 1014, Abeon, 2, SUNLIGHT SOAP.
944 14 すか みう Panama Banking Company Des Hinta in Latory; the in published Bros eigners


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