
PAGE SEVEN The Woman Exchange hemin leit.
tome of our etc, וזו ס:D cans that if shred of Heroes.
a men young offic officers Treat iered Dr. Campbe. OPPORTUNITY Exce or Furniture Store. AND on Jamaica.
Opportunity at rome time koks at the door of every one, and thrise who ir loyment Agency The Rev. RJ. Campbell oelect their chances are always most nd other artis boucht, rold and exchanged, hai mans interesting comment boud in composing of hird luck and NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA to be cond tionsan hefur misfortune when they observe the sue eri Runcob. Whatever you wait Lunel Emaica, from which ens of o her wluch they could bise DRESSMAKERS Din just tored in a recent commanded to try not allowed their SEE ME FIRST.
itir in the Church Family Neuschnece ti slip boy As kinds of information given.
paper, written just before To the people of the Republic of Pa Knowing the service that is demanded from httacks the question of ship name and the Canal Zsue OPPORTU.
every garment in these days of high prices, we have SANGUINETTI BROWN, ping considers that somthinx SITY. now knocking at their down Corr3rd Nov. and 19th Sts. Gusehapali.
should be don IN edily for it rid them of a lile long trow and set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK.
main in this matter. Nothing in perusture Death, which are the MANSHIP.
PO Box 1130 160!
his opinion, is more badly wanted none of long standing Kidony and Than British owned line of Bladder troubles, which can always be enn ships, if the present rapid traced by Roy of the following oy np ANN THOMAS, ly growing prosperity of the is GOOD WILL land is to be maintained.
Lame back, burning sensaProprietress.
Peaceful Penetration, tion certain parts of the body, business lives through its customers. And its greatest Ve have been hearin echos dizziness, headache, rheumaasset is their good will on the side, he continues, of tism, swollen feet and joints, STERLING Our service has always the discussions in England and scanty and discolored urine measured up to this stand Amerien relative selling the with sediments, inflamation of Ard and brings forth volu British West Indies or some part bladder, puffiness of flesh, etc. FAMELE TONIC tary expression of frieni: thereof to the United States in ship and confidence.
liquidation of oportion Come in and see our New enorious rious war debtThat some Watts of Et gland we Tonic and Alterative Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold Americans seem to desire such a 76 years old when this King of all EVER ers. Better than pins.
transaction is evident, not only medicines extracted stone from his STPIME FULLER from certain of their Pross com bladder, and gave Burgoons and Physi Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and ments, but from what American cians a big surprise at seeing De Witt acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, YOU JEWELER tourists occasionally say about it Pille do what they could not Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, quite openly. More than once the Bold in two viene at all fret class obrer vation bas been made tome Drug Stores, Beware etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial rePanama, RP.
of imitations sults may be anticipated.
by Americans never by Jamaier some dealers are banding out.
referendum were taken on the subject tomorrow in De Wit Co. Ltd, London, The Sterling Laboratory, IMPORTANT NOTICE. Dr. JOHNSON this one colon, there would be morte de printed on the speed City Center or maey wrappersTHE CITY Los Angeles, PHARMACY, 139, Central Avenue SURGEON DENTIST votes in favour of immediate an exclusively agents on the Republic and For the information of Contr. Address nexation to the United States. It butors we bereby bex to state Phone 1008 the Canal Zone.
is an an sing claim without a that all communications to this Ancon 852, eridence to to support it, British Empire Ex Welcome to our office should be addressed The and one can only conclude that WORKMAN PRINTERY PO Box the wish is father to the thought these waters and anchoring in hibition.
74 Papuna or Box 1102 Ancon Dr. WILLIAMS have asked Jamaicane of all de Biltish ponde, und one is complete Zone.
grees of ledwo why. No sight is (M CH. EDIN. er such a desire exists; in fact in fact, commoner than that of companies Time To Wake Up Na The Belize Independent of June FITZ BOWEN PHYSICIAN SURGEON the question to nearly everyone along Kingston streets or congre tionally.
30, welcomes the detachment of the 1s. Bat. Regiment on weet and the answer is always rating in public places The other itu arrival in that Colons from JATHE WELL KNOWN TAILOR and in variably the same: Jaual night ventured to ask a burly, Has removed temporarily to United great Imperial Exhibition is maica to relieve the Royal Sus23 November Street, San Miguel cans do not wish to transfer volubl, good natured Atted to be held in Loodon in 1923. The sex Regiment, transferred from Long Building 5045. Section A, No. their House 20.
er allegiance from Great Bri: Stutes naval surgeon what can scheme was launched at a meet there to Bermuda, in the follow FOLKS RIVER in to any other power. do not meant. He was the cherry of mer centieing held at the Mansion House ing terms den that they might have some of a group with whom hen on June 7th, which was attended meriy, All cases fully Examined We heartily and sincerely ex.
thing to gain materially from en by the Lord Mayor whe presid tend a Dr. OGILVIE welcome to this Colony to such a change, for there is great mn o friendly conversation do need of the infusion of some meas.
are of American Visorinto affairs can American Warshin ed. Lui Vilner, and the repre. the Detałchment of the 1st Batsentatives som tante is SO MATIT the Overseas Do. tation West Indian Rexiinent, so often? Inquire minions 157 Central Asenne, corne: WILKINSON here, but the general sentimene are you trying to extend the prisoners en ondes Tae king who arrived horn on Sensored Street.
1? Not at of the inhabitants is utterly Monroe doctrine or what?
CONTRACTOR BUILDER against the loss of the historicall, sir, no politics. But our own give his biciously pleased to inst, on the Transport Gissen parronare to the exhibi from to relieve the Grenment is to Royal First Class Workmanship which woull be in volved in place and engine commere Brays have to rent by Parliament, will enable it to sojourn amongst us provenient a Bill which, if ferred. May drink. inay been Plans and Specifications Free ing it under any other flag.
Yet the American ilgis much sone truth in the avowal, but it Participant of 100, 000 provided hope that they may ever main.
in the boon and blessing, and we Sundays: to 11 u.
in evidence, and not only in the so the fact is little to our national that 300, 000 is forthcoining from itin. ticers, NC. Os and Men)
Hou e 50 mercantile marine.
American credit.
other sources, This was an that noted reputation of decorum, pointments can be arranged 15th Street Wit Te ephone 878 Box 411, Panama, war vessels are continually in nounced by the Prince of Wales stability behaviour Three Months Vacation in a letter which was read by the which is endorsed in the historia Mayor, text of Without Pay. which will be found in the daily every part of the world where newspapers Mr. Lioyd Georkesto bapers of June sth. stationed, even from time immein a letter norial.
BY TEACHER regretting his to attend, the There are many persons, now The children are glad for the long vees to be gained by that allvantage alive who can vindicate and reing in such an exhibition as is gagements entered into and those participat. echo the several successful en But the tencher views it as cause for proposed, and Lord Milner lachieved by this gallant and he warınly commended the scheme roie Rugiment against hostile For lis troubles increase, to the citizens of London, and to foes who had invaded this Brit While resources. Througti mouths enforced relaxation, would enable all to see how we triets and who had suppressed the British people generally. It domaia in the Northern DisThe scholats rejoice in their freedom another in developing the vast re its inhabitants from peril, dan could afford mutual help to one uprisings in our midst, saving from books, But the master face wears suo disquiet we in this country were short of On behalf of the community we sources of the Empire. Now that ger, and the Colony from ruin.
sugar and cotton, not to mention wish them an enjoyable time.
He in deep reverie, many other raw materials which er bis hard destiny, mon Get Alive to Your Interest our overseas possessions were And the buffets of Fate that be brooke eminently capable of supplying, Installation Ceremony And yet of himself least of all does he it was time to wake up nationally thinkThe installation of officers of the Star He from pond ring o er personal ecmforts to learn about recent of Guiana Lodge No. 16 for the ensuing would shrinkdevelopments in enterprise, in term was performed on Sunday, July His thoughts only trend, vention, and science in this coun. 18th, by the following Grand Officers of After those who depend, But OrTy destra ele xbibition was nọt the Past Masters Concave dap di Cerand only In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Upon him for their food and their drin side. Anything that attracted me Christian Encampment No. 1, which Vacation a period intended for rent, of the Dominions and people of were as follows: Co Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone. When the mind for a while seeks some lonies to this country, making Ernest Boyce. Oliver Yearwood Sir Knights Chas. St. Hilaire, new interest them better known to us and to War from daily routine one another; anything that help. Fred. McKay, Randall Phillips, Secry. James Toppin, Treas: o the business machine, ed us to realise our several capa. Evans Boyce, Guardian; With ieh vigour itas to invest. cities and what we could contri. Arnold Yearwood, Grand Tyler.
bute to the common stock, had a But Time not Respite. does the teach social and political value and made William The officers intalled were Bros.
The circulation of The Workman is the largest of for interdependence and unity.
William Roach, worshipful master Every minute is bis but he cannot take Deputy; Augustus Jorany All English paper printed in the Republic of Take Notice dan. Secretary; and CharFor the mesbes of debt les Hewitt, Treasurer; William PickerIuto which he would get ing. Alex. Henry, Thos.
He would have no resource to unweave. hereby beg to notify the pub Guard; Gerald Forde, Tyler.
Irish, Chaplain; James Weeks, Inner Oh for a vacation that one can enjoy; lic in general that will not be The ceremonies being ended responsible for any debt or debts Worshipful Master thanked the Grand Instead of a time to seek other employ! contracted by my wife, Rosevina Officers for their presence and the ample Therefore THE WORKMANTo go where you please, With comfort and ease, Greaves, she having left my home manner in which the ceremony was peris a paying Advertising Medium and protection without my con formed inviting the general body to parLeaving dult cares behind that annoy?
take of the refreshments and brought CLIFFORD GREAVES.
the meeting to a close in due form. NEW PAMPHLET here so has been HOURS: to 11. 30 to 30 pm 71 to 30 in cuarantee fund great the in emphasised tion, BUSINESS MEN vexation ing looks ADVERTISE had much to er receive, Adulphus Asus Agard, lenve!
the Wm. Lawrence Dr. LOWE ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable.
either Have you seen the book Resumé of the Silver Employees Tallor and Outfitter Strike on the Canal Zone, by.
Attorney Thompson. If not, get one quickly from Dealer in School Books, The Workman Printery Office; and Stationery The City Pharmacy; The Grocery, Calidonia; No. 11 Street, Panama or The Colon Ind. Mutual Association, Hudson and 6th streets. chains from Central Ave. Address: Don Dolay Box 895, Ancon, C, L, Edin.
139 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY Office Hours: 30 a. Ipole p. pime Bar 798 office 844 Ascan, Phonos: Residensa 1002


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