
te that who podd ice to one of their tioni con in market not been lay tho foundation stone bime to endise Sur carlythe afternoon 15 hard, With the high aro anothia St Vincent SUNLIGHT tead SOAP. a. Trinidad PAGO FOUR 123 WOREMAN, BATİRDAY ADQUY, 1920, latporsting News from tho the Princes et de la comarca Dominica Rext stond in in Service Dress Continued from page 3)
Demerara Green limes went up in price Trinidad last werk, was being edected at LOs. per brl. The Korona which left here on Friday last, carried It is announced that His Excel. about 2, 000 brls. to New York.
Dishonest Methods has appointed a Commission com a pe Lency the Governor of Demerara Ripe limes. continue to fetch 78 works.
per brl, delivered at the Bath Practised Barrister at law, and the fire broke out at the Bee Hons, Paton Auld, Director or Hive. Mr Shillingford shop Sea Defences and Biden, in New Street on Monday morn Meat Vendors and Shop. BA. Oxon. to enquire into the ing at about 4:30. The Fire Brikeepers causes of the increased cost of gade and other willing helpers the necessaries of life in this co promptly responded to the alarm lony. The Commissioners are and handled the fire so well that Spain Gazette, Trinidad, states ses and examine them upon oath. siving the town from a possib recent issue of the Porto empowered to summon witnes it was quickly extinguished, thus et us the result of a raid, made Sir Chas, Cox will be Chairman, serious disaster.
on ttie shopkeepers of that ſcity while Mr. Cox of the Co by the Inspector of Weights and lonial Secretary Office, will be Measures, complaints were Secrewry to the Commission.
BOCASİNEWS Ust them before the City what we have learstro. At a meeting of the Demerara (Prom our Correspondent)
the cently through complaints Pade. the Town Hall a few days ago, pick up gang of Margarita boarded be War Memorial Committee held On the 31st of May last, the usual by housewives it seems certain the Mayor stated that if it was work train at o clock. for few SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, were to like up of this city of the visit of Bis les to the region. After working until o cock Royal HighSUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
ness the Prince of aftemoon, the thirteeb men ment ver corriend herekeeper, colony, bo wonld red wone bime to comprised the same took their didner, stallkeeper they restarted work, and nonument to be erected in hon. Continued without the home or until wearly START washing day well shopkeepers about our of British Guian soldiers 12 olook in the night. The man would Sumlight Soap. Have the clothes Zato bo could come to ad Concettia shery How longer withstand the range oil on the line meals posciate the biblical The items propers before His Roy. terdent Atwood to phone the Core ha parade of they Sheie foreman bain Luna Maked Super then yours to spend at your own returned price al Highness.
swoet will.
being charged by these shylocks Fibon for everyday necessities, they Ponours Wake of Thu tror have the heart to further cheat bunale laborers through for at det work With Sunlight Soap the housewife the Moor poor people who are comwere unable to online the door her work moolYou get out of hoap mod carily pelled to purchase their wares, by giving them short weight work any one and the news came There is no mystery.
Now that is the limit, and it steps that no food would be supplied the full just what the makers put into it. The cream are not taken to ensure protee The St.
Vincent Times com unity of bannan was not taken up of soap materiale so into Sunlight Sonp.
The name Lever on Soup time to the public from these menta on the Seditious Publica that night. On pay day, to the great od Guarantee of Purity volves we would be curious to tions Ordinance as follows. We surprise of the labourere each man The Sunlight environment is in keeping and Excellence.
know the reason.
do not for a moment believe that pay ww minus 00 gold and the fore. with its mission of cleanliness and for it is the intention of the Govern. map of the rang was discharged efficiency no soap is better fitted to Some bigger fish serve the British housewife than Sunlight Tobago correspondent sayo:ment to interfere with the liber mismanagement, sios of these for miman de finale Soap. Prove this to day, of. supply sitting this month for his new law are drastie enough to store for the laborers and the Superin Sendent had only to give the order 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on examination Mr. Pilgrim was ment in the world. And again and the condition would have taken formerly a scholar at Codrington this very drastic enactment, different course; but bis Gere Germanic kulunaer une present Lord Bishop which was strongly opposed in tur would not permit him to have the every bar.
of Trinidad, who all the time was British Guiana, and slightest consideration for the starving Principal of the College. Grenada, was carried through labourers who were willingly doing tbe the local legislature at a single Company work. This is but one of 10 is semi officially announced sitting, and the inhabitants who the many disadvantages that are causing in Trinidad that all ofticers and will be seriously atlected by the so much dissatisfaction among farm la men, who have recently served uneasure were not even given an borers in this division of the United abroad and who intend to be opportunity to record their ap. Fruit Company. Central American Oras nt at tl e n ling of proval or disapproval. Erpress.
Mr. Delson, native of Jamaica, who retty arved there and wemployed in Vechpreity of timekeeper on Catarina at in the Costa Rican divi DO YOU PRAY FOR EDITORS? but the words of the editor are written Dr. OGILVIE tion, died from an att ek of pneumonia on Wednesday last at Nancy Cay llos down, and may be considered and re eft read until they are firmly fixed in the Is Sow, LOCATED AT pital after being an inmate for only a The amount of good cr vil acom mind. How important that the words few day Nits. Lang, couin of the de. plisted by the press is ine: cul be. The spoken be right words, even words of 157 Central Avenue, corner censed took charge of the funeral, which may be half a dozen ministers on the wisdom ard truth! Street.
Calls attention only took place on Thursday morning at 30. globe who prench regularly Flow little we know of the mons Rector Johnson after performing the five thousand people; but there are com which the apostle preached: but the to things that are first part of the funeral service, his body paratively few papers which do not epistles which they wolk have HOURS: to 11. 30 a.
was committed su ihe Hand Over Ceme reach this number, allowing an average dowa to us was an unfailing treasury cone needed, but difficult to be had elsewhere. tery by Mr. Edward Alleyne. De of five persons in each bome to which of truth. In view of such facta, should Sundays: to 11 LOAF SUFAR, CANceased leaves a wiſe here and other rela. the paper goes; while in numerous cases not Christian men and wotden engage in DLES in all co ours.
tives in the island of Jamaica to mourn the congregation of an editor amounts to earnest supplication for those on whom Appointments can be arranged.
their irreparable luss.
ENGLISH ISINhundred of thousanda o persons. is laid the responsible charge of conductTepphone 575.
The minister speaks, perlops to two ing the publie press? Surely no Chris GLASS as we know On the 4th inst. David Nathaniel or it in the West.
Clarke was shot by Thaddeus Cawley infirm, as rule having to aged sod ta should hear with indifference there mo part in s quest of an editor when he says Bres let Dos Canus) according to remoue the Notice FOLLOW HIM, HE LEADS TO sause of the booting in that some time ministrations. The words of the editor terva pray for us. Boston Christian Clarke loaned Cawley 00 and as the member of the family who roads. The to directly to the home, and reach overy THE WEST PHARMACY, WILSON The publicis hereby notified CORNER 18 STREET care and was told bo ec me to his horns may fail to exprea adequately hit DYER AND RENOVATOR thats Live not hold myself res: GUACHAPALI but be belle thought; the of editor ponsible for any debt or debts two lodging in the best and one in the likely to be more carefully considered NO. BUILDING, CALIDONIA transacted by my wife, Julia Abdomek. vus taken to the Nan and his thought were exactly okpressed. Opposite Muller Building Lloyd, she having left my home oy Cay Hospital and the other to mit Words be forgotten, and and protection.
in Bora, he im may be unable to recall them; BOX 1176 ANCON, C, LLOYD Excelsior Furniture Store Professional Training for. ANDWest Indians In Employment Agency Wort ladina, in inervingly large numbers are taking advantage of probe All kinds of Purniture and other arbicies bought, sold and exehanged.
sional training offered by the United Orders taken for Water proof Rain coate. Whatever you want to sell, buy, States. La res is of the Goexchange, etc.
nads West Indian the names of in SEE ME FIRST.
West Indians were published we Owned By All kinds of Information given.
nine in Dentistry. One Grenadin SANGUINETTI BROWN, THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, iam Elias Whyte, wie she forme diet, and another, Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Ste. Gunohapali. Biscotte, in the latter. Mr. Du Bimotte Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
Anoon Box 1180. Phone 160 is brother to Michael Du Bigsetle, who will soon be a Doctor of Medicine. large number at West Indiabe are still in Howard, and other reputed Universities in the United States, and in Dandima They have a way of rising to the We notice that is among the list of dentisto, Amy Elise Official Depository of the Republic of Panama NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Lip to young women in other DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL short time we may have to congratulate Dr. Fred Klexander DRESSMAKERS DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD who will soon be leaving the Liverpool University in the Mother Country. Ho Knowing the service that is demanded from a studying for sometime in Canada and in the United States but wont over overy garment in these days of high prices, we have Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Forelgn Branches to England in order to qualify for British set a vory exacting standard to STYLE and WORK.
bingitis Drogisteation this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
FITZ BOWEN Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands, ANN THOMAS, THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR INTEREST, PAID, OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER GENT. PER ANNUM ssie is a ens OS 28 Novenber Street, San Mig.
Lot de 9002 House 24.
8854The West Pharmacy four or 2 to 30 pm. 30 to 30 in three out out of a family, the piainlar may INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION hawe pued their fina try. nale in medicine, a Hyneinth Rube William Rustace DI DU Capital, Surplus, Undivided ProfitsOver 89, 000, 000. 00 top The Woman Exchange like cream woman Duhaney of Jamaian This should pa servo islanda) JE Waptoprioticons


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