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PRICE CTS. British Diplomatic Relations WITH CUBAN REPUBLIC PINAMANIAN PASSENGE. LABOUR OUTLOOK AT GIRL DIES TO CUBA SOMEWHAT STRAINED COSTA RIGA PROMISING Cuba Refuses to Pay Indemnity on the night of the 4th insta Parsons coming to Cuba Service With (United Fruit Comfor Killing of Some Jamaicans.
pany Full of Opportunities.
Leaps from Automobila on Werted 00 Look Out for Sabanas Road Bogue Contractors.
which compa House of of a the The Pantina General tion, but rrillo took an rent no wrong with fine is modern best of there branspired on the Savanas should be provided with passroad a disgraceful wearrence ports, and should be warned which culminated in the death of against Contractors of Labor who a girl named Andrea Gonzalez, meet them at the Ports, as there The Havana Avening News of tion to cover this indemnity, but event passed completely are many unscrupulous contract July 1, publishes the following: until recently Congress bad post apoticed by the polishe event money from new arrivals! The the labor outlook in Costa Rica is into the Bocas Divisiou, where who only ors, who endeavour to obtain According to the latest ndvices part of this force going overland There is a statement in El poned consideration of this moas. bxcaine ware Merenrio of this morning which ure. Recently the bill provid. through the denouncement made repu able Contractors require no extremely promising. This splen they were paid in yold. But here ways that the Brit sh Minister to ing for that payment is said to by two other girls, Josla Urria eard them free of charge to ers more inducements for settle the call of that magnificent counfrom the labourers, but did country (God Country of the things are on the np grade Cuba has been or will be declared have been defeated by the lower la and Pastora Santana persona non grata to this govern: La Noche Clai in the the mis wtrlo said ions of the deceased.
ment and that the Cuban govern than any other place in Central at about o clock requirants should aloo be America Costa Ricrn life is Isthmus of Panams from the hundeeds sent bacis because of on the night in question bey van will ment will ask London for his sion was sons Garman, or a ware standing as the corner of warned that whilst in Cuon the charming country for the tour. tively easy to reach Port Limon, in the extreme. It is a recall.
the presencof In the first place it is comparir the one This is said to be a result of man of German descent, who is the La Plata cantine (froatian are subject to Caban law, and tablished autho ity, sent to Secretary of State Dos that had on in te British with Andrea Gonzalez awaiting confirmed in valid, and for the Bocas, at a cost of from Tea to If the street car which would take This warning is necessary; immigrant in vernine commission black list during of relinhawa ni watoticials was on list is the anse sf course the th them to their bones in 23rd because disrespect towards the nity, the chances for rebus viuitate the starting search of opportu. billeen Dollars with Colon as point are rosy in the ex. Ser rice in the employ of the official visit o? Alchgl Bunsen, through the British Logation in for some time, thay at lerigih dered a very serions offence Mercurio Havana took a Ford car driven by Man there and the British West In and although the During the Tinoco administra. Onited Arait Conpany is full of Secretary of State Desverning wul lupoa, who was accompanied dian is apt to lay too much stress tion fully sixty per cent of the much greater facilities than they getting states that the real tasou for this vinit being called oft has not lipcain in Washington a fow and hold rundt et by Julio Ayalar res his Britisnete Nationality and we Indians fer for other parts, could dream of on the Pandun?
yleis bien correctly stated, the days in consutation with John and told the driver at the outset restente bra interference by the direzionare a measure totes les canal. There are opportunities renl ortance is said have been Bassez Moore, the legal adviser where they wished to 89. local representatives of Law and tirement of large lunded proprie cultivate laeyely on the aboncommitted by the British Legs engaged by the tuban Stute De the corner of the Centra Fire war.
tors from farming operations oreld lends of the farms, tract tion in Havana partment.
There are other abandonment of extensive rangiar from 10 to 18 hectares (35 very likely untrue, as the London his to take up with he Washine they did not kaow also got UP TO DATE DENTAL tracts of productive farm lands to 45 ueres. ale to rear sul attr part of this claim is tions which the Cuban Banques. Calon another individual whose aboard the car.
due to the inroads of the dreaded large and horned stock; to owa PARLOURS.
The thres girls immediately Disease Home Office is hardly taking to Governm nt, and he will not. fungus which land and houses. in short to the return for observel that the chwiffeur in orders from a minister of luga attacks the banana) and last but a mua. The committees are all for several days.
minister of legation Calixto Garcia Veles, stead of bənding towards ChoFrom announcement appears the currency due to the declin tion, no deductions not least, the depreciation in setuled. There is no fear of eve18 supposed to report to his home the Cuban Muister to London, he andan imtirely different ing in another clumn of this in the rate of exchange the move route Reduction of Forces case is believed that he attention. tiae non eros There going to 1918 as far are Excellent schools and churchto request that the British Minis bears the full text of the inssage chauffeur instead of doing an has There was nothing wrong es, and the communal life is equal ter be recallei has been made, sent the Cuban Gorera mans by they requested only speeded up removed his Dental Parlours down as 47 most comodious and up, to the to that of the Islands of the West government Ottice at London, and the car and headed in the diruze recall the entire legation and until the full text of premises at 183 Central the countrybut it was crippled Indies. com financially. The Last the United but not least, the cost of consular statt.
laint against the mission thare will be nothing done they who e. The girls went on to say that parlours at once discloses the recognized by would throw bemiselves most living is infinitely cherper than mission was called off because by Heraldo claimed that the ceive peal governin notiorals, of the car. but the bed. al dentni lipe opent in the states, and capital could not be on the Canal Zone or the Isthmus attracted Bisce ptice the United of Panatna, One can obtaining the indemnity for the State department officials seen which was going prevented The spa The spacious Fruit Company which they, and Des sofices have been now at the lowest prices Killing of the Jamaican Subjects to day state that they are conf. theta fmm so doing.
monopulizes the labor all the internetion of the based on denominated latest em market, there would not be other milk, beef, derr theat, fish, winys, ilen that the misunderstanding all Savanas quirements of sanitation or be ista operating in the country all custos of vegetables, and had not been paid. The presi will be cleared up and that the Pueblo Nuevo and dent has at various times asked Oubar mission will resu: iu roads the speed of the earling installed. There is the corporation or cropp of capital Fraits. It is a country where one mo This was a great pity, for it and that fact accounts for the Congress to pass an approp, ia journey, London in tew dayd was somewhat reduced and it dorn steriliser hec ted by elec can lay aside for a raluy day.
was then that Andror Gonmale. Oricity, where all forceps and ingrand agricultural country, great number of independent EX SOLDIER DIES FROM FRAC uerable out and tell to the ground properly attertulimad ummediately land, and with and of the three girl, threw other dontal instruments are with thousands of virgin wood homesteaders that abound in the soil capable country TURED SKULL na an unconscious crated result and clean laboratory which is tropical producte, Costa Rican boon. Thise who do not relish The Costa Rican boom is Tufon was forced to stop the car codee is the of branilist or the dea of going to Cuba, be Inflicted in Free Fight With Jitney Driver and both Urriola and in Deing buted up with Gus And Blue Mountain Coree, Its bananas cause of its distance and the lack Bantana gos Electric Installations As the result of a melóe which svagser au fall from a blow re Andrea. Then they all came back waiting room that must at orice vegetables are widely known, beautifallgt urnithe a took place in front of the Ameri ceived in the head by bottle to the city in the same cer, the attract the patient to a corn forta certainly avail themselves of this The exodus of 1017 to 1919, opportunity, for surely this is a can Hotel opposite the Railroad shina tuommons, the icowa wolence user to stop better ble beat while waiting we turn drained behee countered most od band dowing with milk and depot in this city last Tuesday The pulice quickly arrived on bomes, while its ablebodied laborers, a honey.
to the air to chair.
night, the 10th inst. Edward the scene and made several ar was taken Santo Sth. Indantry United States carried them of to the police about the next morning, sheng up of the entire offices changeurs Strlko Endod Shareholders of West InO Rourke an er Serveant of the rests, Rourke included, and Hospital where, a few hoursotter filine Whole the laying out and is are a credit to Dr.
Crosbie and death, caused by a blow dealt lederen, where Anes were inflict. died. The medical certificate is his associate Mr. Hylton Howell On receiving woed by the hospital showed that who for the slan Trading Company link to the head with low bottle the blow or rubrike past two years bas On Therday afternoon the TAKE NOTICE and Clasence McClaire colored Lle attention to sume and after hemorrhage or the brain due to patronage established by the chuuffeur held in jail to ans. leaving the police station went the blow received. The Detec interdum. Battery Holished ciboy the Jitney delivers fa the city went is Shareholders of the West Idon strike on woootos of the raisedian Trading Company are bero.
sode oleep, but it having been alleged that he never lead adair in the bande of the for these two enterprising young caused vehicular traffic to be tied meeting of the shareholders to be has confessed throwing the bot It is said that his wife, Mrs. Vourth Circuit Judge.
won in the dental line.
ble that fractured Rourke Amalia Rourke, got up Wed up for over 24 bowrs with great held at No. 1, 19th Street, Cenakull.
nesday morning and went about PERSONAL inconveniencefto the public. The tral Avenue io night, Batueday, From Information gathered, it her business not earing to die BOCAS NEWS chanteun claimed that gasoline! Tue meeting is une of great August 14th 30 appears that on Tuesday nigtit curb her husband, who the be Among the passengers who ar dealers have raised the price off importance, as matters aducting last some seamen engaged chant lieved was resting soundly. She feur McClure jitney and after went out in the morning, kod Pro or Correspondent)
rived on the Atenas; of the gasoline from 45 cents to 75 cents he intake all concerned will Co; on Wednesday evening per gallon and that the presen be dealt with?
driving around the town for after completing her business 28th, ulumo, froin Bastiaentos some time stopped in the vicini. returned su about 11, 80 and find. Ola Bank) Bocas del Toro, was fares charged oould not meet the ty of the Ameridan hotel when in her husband til asleep de. The many friends and pala of Miss Maretano Powel; eldest raise.
Thanksgiving Servico.
they got off, and on being tola cided to wake him, but found Allan Budiyan, Bo Serceant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rober Thermatter was referred Tho Thankniving service for to payhe dead ACo. B.
we little argument it was discovered The body was later taken to Regement will regret to learn of Powel, during ber atay of bout the Mayor and after going in the West Indian Red Cross at St.
the men had no money to pay, and that was where the the Santo Tomas Hospital where bis ill luck which resulted six weeks here, she will be the it, it was learnt that be bac Paul Church will start at pm that death. Sullivan was a Jamalenn Ar Garan, Canal Zone.
ulted in guest ot ber aunt More Francis decfded on allowing 15 cents to sharp, Sunday 15th inat. The an autopsy discovered a single fare and the usual price procession wulstart from the Red trouble began.
death In was the result of cerebral and Bad been service in of 10 oente for more than one Cross Hall, Calidonia at 45. p, France, Belgium and Italy. As On hearing the mix np outside.
it is stated that Rourke came demorrhage caused by a fracturatficer he was quite courteous pond Company, and one day pandengar.
reaching the Church at ed skull.
at Chauteur MeClaire was later und of excellent charactet which along with Osmond Thompson oral jitneyd resumed work and be on time at precisely a o clock Early yesterday afternoon sev. All the societies are requested me once joined in the fray, and being arrested, and it is alleged that won for him a host of friends and twenty two others they took it was later learnt that the fin order to glue ample times known for his pugilis tid ability, he confessi a coho police having Slnoe demobilimtion, after spend. about to go up to the Plamond for a peupedition has been se forur in line. The procession will he hea little diffionity in chasing thrown the bottle thustrack ing some time in the Idle of Melds prospecting and while cepted and a deeree will be is march througla Central Aseala around more than one colored Rsoeke, as the latter bud boat Springe he decided to seek on the Mazarami River they ran sged to wateteet: buffeur, and getting in a few e Teid of laborinto wbtrlpool at the Popelinao wnderstand that the church, headed by barning 16th Street Weat to the McClain is held to jad Avell Ben Villed or dish Guiana, Rapids and bible bow was cachead alone will apply the laterter service to tortas hacking almost every chautres son trial by low esla Okreme Court Jointog bila brother Regel who in and twelve out of the number onze problemas Bo gdale per primera ho they had adding Rourke ww wuddenly seen to judge.
a drowned; Bullivan Igalow equal Toma On a Army came to and again.
that bada, jabs on McClaire. After aen him.


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