
PAGE THREE THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1920, poissions West Indian News What are You Doing with YOUR Money?
and SAVE As You Smoke!
was 11 that FROM NOW UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: For every empty King Bee package returned to the King Bee Factory, opposite the R, Freight House, you will receive ONE CENT silver. This offer good only for King Bee Cigarettes manufactured in the Republic.
in the guite a discovered the Grenada IT UP in Mr.
TO YOU The ed production of foodstuffs, and there is good reason to believe that a vote of fully 700 pounds sterling will be submitted for ube sanction of the legislative Destructive Fire in Council in order to have organis.
ed lood competitions in different St. Andrew parts of the island.
In this connection the assist ance and co operation of the Agri Fine Premises on the Hag cultural Instructors will be obley Park Road Complete be a great effort to produce as tained, altogether there will ly Destroyed much foodstuffs as possible, and the Food Controller will, of RIGIN IS MYSTERY course, make arrangements for the disposal of a good deal of what is produced.
From the Gleaner)
Another disastrous fire occur. New Buildings Of Big City rod in lower St. Andrew on SatFirm.
urday morning resulting in the Total destruction of a fine resi.
We understand that Messrs.
denee at Boddington on the Hag. Grace Limited have forwarded the order abroad for the mateley Park Road.
Mr. pashed on as quickly as possible The premises were owned by rials for their new buildings at Soutar wharf which is to be had Istom Pe Temarkably well on the and the plans for which have remaica, Mr. Rowe acquired the cently been approved by the the Building Authority property and erected what certainly a fine residence.
On As already stated in these colJamaica some time ago and the Government have acfor one of the neighbouring required the present premises oc publies, the premises were left cupied by Grace Limited in Olivier Square, and the are in charge of Mr. Alonso Rowe, a brother of the owner. The main puttink up commodious wharf building was occupied by the premises and stores at Soutar latter whilst other portions were wharf.
sub let to tenants It appears on Friday night The Railway Scheme Maughter house to supervise the shore scheme is carried through, Rowe hoped killing of his cattle; and at about the line will be taken right on to 15 to 30 a. a big blaze was the pier of Grace Limited.
observed in direction of Hag It has been stated that there ley Park Road. The cries of fire! may be opposition to the scheme fire! attracted a number of in one direction, but the persons to the scene, and it was of wharf owners seem agreed the majority soon that the premis that it should be carried out ses were in the grip of the fre and anyone not willing should be fiend. The fire originated in the compelled to fall in with the eastern portion the building the tenants succeeded occupied by Mr. Rowe, and whilst scheme.
in remov.
ing their furniture, there was no time to save anything in Rowe apartments so quickly did the names spread e water was locked off and every effort was made to communicate with (From the West Indian)
the Kingston General Commis.
sioners with a view to the water discussion by the Legislature at Among the items set down for being turned on our its next meeting is The spectators and occu a grant in aid avail, of the premises merely had George We presume that this cu for a Technical School in St.
to stand up and watch the fine refers to the work to be done in structure consumed by There was no hope of saving it that respect in connection with In less than two hours the whole the Church Hall. We are glad place was razed to the ground certain amount of public was estimated at a couple thous we should have preferred to hear and the extent of the damage money will be devoted to the promotion of a School, but and pounds.
It is understood that Mr. Rowe that a real institution to teach lost a fairly large sum of money. me trades with a Board a business man, Mr. Rowenali we have to be thankful for the proved of, subject to the follow. The majority report of the ment were proposed. However, ays kept fairly large sums of little that will be given and hope ing conditions. 1) that the male Profiteering money in his house with which that the boys of the island will teachers on the permangut staff. gether with a minority Report by Commission to purchase cattle, and he lost ba benefited by association with at Harrison College shall be pos. Mr. Cinckett, has been laid whatever he Mouse beside the curniture in his Technical School of the kind to sessed of University degrees. 2) before the House of Assembly, be apartment. How the fire origina that any female teacher appoint Mr. Clinckett dissents from the Butchers in Trinidad are said From Demerara comes news ted is a mystery. The Police bave ed to that school shall be posses. Majority Report that no evidence to be having a hard experience to the effect that leg islation will taken statements, but up to yes ed of a University degree or of protitearing has been dis They find, it impossible to sell shortly be enacted providing terday no clue could be obtained certificate from recognised closed. He considers the undue pork at the scheduled price fixed that on the death of a public offias to the cause of the conflagratraining institution. 3) that no profits now made by dry goods there, and have indicated that cer or pensioner, including Ministion, capitation fee shall be paid. merchants profiteering in its unless that island Food Control ters whose names are As stated above, the premises Journalist Honoured motion by Mr. Reece that no fem very essence and exploitation of Committee Axes the selling price on the Clergy List, an amount were of a very substantial char ale teachers should be employed the people, at 1s. 1d. per lb it will be impos equal to a month salary If such acter. Constructed for the most Mr. Woodbine Porde, at Harrison College was lost, fino sible for them to continue trade. paid to the family of the deceasofficer or pensioner shall be part of timber, it was excellently editor of the Agricultural members being in favour of it The Govornment has published designed and, if built in these Reporter has been made Justice and oight agaiost.
an order requiring returns to be ed as in the opinion of the Gov.
days, it would have cost at least of the Peace by His Excelleparien, made with respect to Governo ed in Trinidad some months ago claim thereto.
The wages Committee appointernor may have the best moral three times the original amount Governor, Sir Charles Fatal Aocident, The Herald comm expended, ment Sugar bought by traders commentcou fatal accident occured at each month. This. it is hoped, win disputescollit hierop bed or above Loyal Perseverancz Lodge, within the first seven days of as the result of the December it is believed the buildings ing on the meritorious act says: were covered by insurance but And we well knowing the staple Grove plantation on Satur prevent the further to sportation made recommendations for adop: the amount could not be definitely atness of the recipient for day morning last, when young of any of the sugar reserved fortion by the Government of that No. 10, 105 ascertained for the reason that the honour conferred we have married woman named Ellen local colony.
him our!
the country will be paid 68 cents. by but he has been communicated very hearty congratulations. Dhe falling of the plantation beill per task and female labourers in On Saturday night, July 31, at Eureka with us to the destruction of the Furnalist and educationist is a the beli, which was being rung by passed a Resolution granting the begiven to the findings of the of Oddfellow, initiated four candidates Mr. Forde public service as a on her. She was sitting under House of Assembly there was day. Legal sanction is sought to Lodge, No 10, 105, Grand United Order At Tuesday meeting of the the town will be paid 17 per Lodge Hall, Colon, Loyal Perseveran do premises.
matter of general knowledge, her husband to summon the sum of 32, 500 to be placed at Committee.
and the houour done the press labourers for their wages, when the disposal of the Governor in term Making Effort to Stimulate by this recognition of one of its it suddenly broke away from the Executive Committee to meet the July December. The following were the Food Output. members is highly appreciated wood work and crushed her to cost of purchasing the Commor officers installed: the earth. Her husband scream. cial Hall and expenses in connec the 30th Jane devotes its leading Golbourne, Belfon, G; The Port of Spain Gaxette of Bros. John Wilson, Grants to Ald Schools ed for assistance, which Was tion therewith. few days ago we announced quickly rendered him, but when article to the form of reception Woods, Haselwood, that the Government had decided The House of Assembly at a the huge bell was lifted off her that should be accorded His Treme. Deane Claeken, to bring into force an order recent meeting also considered a body, Maloney whereby al large landed proprie. Resolution afirming the princi breathed her last. An inquest hade inceady Dr. LOWE Bariadenies here in the Prince and Fletcher, on occasion of his visit The The various ceremonies were ably tors in the island would be called Plaid as from the 1st of Septem held by Mr. Bartlett, Coro ple of aking increased grants. in connection with her death was L, Edin.
to Trinidad. It is anxious that performed by those entrusted with that arrangements satisfactory the duty.
upon to plant a certain area of in their lands in food of the district, later in the to avert anything tops, in order ber, 1920 to the following schools ner and Dr. Hutson, who 139 CENTRAL AVENUE democratic spirit of the Prince present. At the conclusion all present a food fam. in the respective amounts men. day, PANAMA CITY should be made so that the dis took seats at the banquet table and did tinguished visitor might have an justice to the fine repast when the cushere. It is learnt that several tioned, namely. Harrison Col. performed the post mortem examiin the gentlemen concerned have lege, 2800: Lodge School, 500; pation, attributed dea turto re Office Hours: 30 a. 1 of his father subjects. It urges dulged in.
Topportunity of meeting all classes tomary congratulatory remarks were in expressed a willingness to do all Combermere School, 650; Christ fractured skull. The jury rethey can to stimulate food pro Church Foundation School, turned a verdict of accidental p. p.
that the Reception Committee learn the lesson in democratic Coleridge and Parry Schools death.
ated) 120. Box 798 The Office 844 From what a representative of when amalga WILKINSON reception of a royal personage he moved the Gleaner was informed on Attorney Ancon, Residence 1002 which the Prince is trying to CONTRACTOR BUILDER Saturday, the Food Controller House into Committee and a long WILSON teach throughout his tour and hopes tions to the Government and posed vote to Harrison College DYER AND RENOVATOR FITZ BOWEN will take the form of true popu. First Class Workmanship these will be submitted in a Mes which was the only item of the NO. BUILDING, CALIDONIA lar loyalty and devotion which is Plans and Specifications Free suge to the Legislative Council Resolution dealt with, up to the THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR the characteristic of the people in October next. Mr. Park is of time the Councittee rose. As the (Opposite Muller Building) 28 November Street, San Miguel befogged through oficial and eli 15th Street West of that island, though at times Houses opinion that everything shouid result of the discussion the adbe done to bring about increas. ditional grant of 500 was ap. BOX 1176 (ANCON, C, House 20.
quish wismanagement. Box 411, Panama, Each Package Means Money in Your Pocket.
a of Manage As a Trinidad Demerara to.
Barbados consumption. There were severa Phones:


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