p. 6


66 PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1920 esets PACIFIC THEATRE UNIVERSAL THEATRES To night, Saturday, August 14 Sunday, August 15.
WEST INDIAN STRAND Peg o the Ring PRICES: 15c. 30c. 50c. ELMO THE FEARLESS GOOD SHOW EACH NEXT WEEK SHOW NIGHT And Big Special Continuation of PEG THE RING For the coming Week Features ta Acacia The Purple Mask NO HOME Sold on very easy Monthly Payment Terms BLADDER because pruten upheld. Tos foros any Lins rain, which Dr. VERNON CROSBIE, Canal Zone Notes OBITUARY. Rescue from the Surgeon Dentist News has been received on the Deadly Enemy Begs to notify his patrons and Continued from Page 5)
isthmus of the death of Mrs.
the public generally that he has Evelyn Ambrosine Nurse, which She was one of those who in sad oyent took place in the bar the high cost at living rod that ters of le our daily talk and excitement over removed his these days of moral decadence bour of Trinidad, On DENTAL PARLOUR undoubtedly upheld to a grrat Sunday, July 18, 1920.
les importanen, wesem to forget the ESTATE extent the idents of matronly dig Mrs. Nurse arrived on the weinught and ravags of nur worse 10 the more commodious premises at nity. We extend to lier bereavisthmus, March 16, 1919 and was enetnico Kidney and Blader DisIS COMPLETE ed family our condolence. It is married at Christ Church, Oolen cases within our doors.
143 Central Avenue Their nymptoms are: PAIN IN THE the ito mediate effects can only be herbert Narne. She did not en BACK; SIDES AND JOINTS, SOME severe day.
office of the late Dr. Chas. Bailey softened by time, but the com joy good health on the Isthmus, TIMES WITH SWELLINGS, SCANTY Crown and Bridge Work WITHOUT ONE munity sympathizes deeply with and was advised by doctors to OR DIS OR DISCOLORED URINE, TOO FREa Specialty those whose heads are bowed take a change. She left the QUENT DESIRE TOURINATE; under the yoke of sorrow Isthmus for Trinidad on July URINE SOMETIMES CONTAINING NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT on board the Italian steamer BRICK DUST OR SEDIMIENT, DE Telephone 784 What is life? Tis but a vapor; soon it Europe and died as the ship PRESSED AND TIRED FEELINCS: yanisbes away, Life is like a burning taper; oh my island at 30 a.
anchored in the barbour of that RESTLESNESS AT NIGHT; IRRITA a. Cricket.
soul; why wish to stay?
THIRST; PAINS IN THE Why not liſt your wings and fly, straight above mentioned on the date BILITY, ACHING LIMBS, CONTINE.
She has left husband and CROINS; BURNING SENSATION; to yonder world of joy?
Jamaica defeats Britannic aunt WEAK BACK; IRRITATION OF THE 10 mourn ber death. Mr.
MORTS. H, Robertson and Narse who is at present on the The long looked for game between JAS. Foru, Col minsary Man Isthmus. owes much to the many This mich and Britannics was played lust ager and District Quartermus friends who took part at the mouwreaking the lives of dur people in being Hunday at the Istosa Park. This was er re ctively, bave beeu seek neral of Mra. Nurse especials Republic NINETY NINE CHANGES game replayed between the two clube, TO ONE they always come out winning ingejuvenation and relaxation Deau Halt. Jacob Cumberbatch, of by Jamaies which au Tabuga.
di rs, Lilian Herbert, Mr. Jor: which is evidened in the many wasebe be leagino dan, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Holder to the AT rave yard.
Jamaica won the tone and seot Brita PANAMA GAS CO.
COLON GAS CO. According to latert news Costa and others.
The coming of Dewitt Pille to the nica to the bat. The wickut was dewp Cathedral Plaza Istbaus make the event of gretutis YOUR and the bowlers could put plealy Repenguid real esrnest.
93 Bollvar St. Trinidad papers please copy. Men working on contract can earn sive gainst these terrible wutlets. devil in the ball. Darby just did a lo Tel. 738.
Tel. 364.
28 much as sixteen dolla in SERVICE HYMENEAL Dot only are they eleked, but are pleased with Britannios, and is the real three days.
ceiving to erusting defeat on line of the poor showing tundu by them.
Those who refuseure by this GRAND The only then of Brunes bo xwed Mrs. Batcher has just under This evening at the St. Paul ENGLISH RISMEDY are their o spone an operation in the Ancon were Graham, wbo made 16, Layne 11, and Loekke Dung the tim aluspital. and from recent advicon Church, Poonaa City, the Revd. enemies and traitors to their person of britannic play, there was a beavy is colng well. It is not long since Nightengule will unite in Bucte reful nous treason. PENALTY: down pour of the family lost a baly through holy matrimony Mles Pure Cleer DEATH play apped death, for an hour. It was the brought that the Pruly sorrows never daughter of Jumes Philip by Le of Famouth, Jamaica, eldest. The faune of DE WITT PILIS ringe game would have to be abandoned, but Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. come singly.
deceased) an ex cutechist of ud even th: BOERS in South Africa, after conultation, the exprius decided The boys of houses and 57 church, and Mr. James Nond Ski in two sites ut all leadinx Drug to pay, with the result that Britage Pacific Steam Navigation Co. are howling for a decent rond or of Clarendon, Jamaica, both long stores all over the world. Refuse ini.
got dimissed for 47 ruas live of Brita tations even a trail to their quarters. time residents on this is this us.
nie men got a duck ugs.
The tracks used at present are The bridegroom is an eroployee MANUFACTURED BY C. DeWit On going to bat Jamaica trade 08 for slippery, muddy, and overgrawo of the Steward Der Department. COMPANY, LIMITED, ENGLAND the loss of wickets, Barnett by some with grass. Why not turn the Ancon Hospital, where he has good hard hitting made 40 nint out. It THE CITY PHARMACY, Is FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE grabny slopes over to the Cattle worked for the continuously true that he should be out when he tund Tudustry?
Selle. Panama.
only six tu bin eredit, but Huiford bigh esteer in which be is SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS Wunder gave him uw life, and be Francis, one of the oldest held by his fellow workers, the słowed his apprecia ih biving a bine employees of the Commissary following acidiess mus presented suils for Cuba on Sunday, 15th bim Isthmian Grenadians to exhibition of hard vigorous bitting. For nst. One by one they ko. Jatosios, Darby captured wickets for Dear Friend and co worker. help isiand home.
28 runs, auid Cain for 11. Beckles was Vassal, also a salesman, salted Having learnt with considerable on the 8th, Peter Perry left on satisfaction of your jotention in The Grenadian Overseas Comthe only man ob sbe Enitennie wide o capture any wickets, he being sponsible Thursday, while Mrs. Perry sail the pear future to enter upon the mittee have been making for but olibe thailak.
will leave CRISTOBAL on Thursday, August ed on the same date for the Isle higher responsibilities of man special drive aumg their people of Springs hued in the taking of a life parte for the collection fands to Pacific Stars vs. AtlanticStars Tomorrow.
19th, 1920, for and member of the Shamrock sincerent congratulations on the Representative government, and Linton, all round ericketer, ner we desire to render you or ist in sending delegates Eorg.
land to make representation for To morrow all ronde will be leading od te eschewing the freedom of excellence of your choice 10 to the Isthmian Purk, when the best HABANA, CUBA; La Coruna and United King rolloking bachelor dom for the express our hesrvelt wish that have the Seditions Publicavited lives be a period of matrimonial traces. He will lead your uni tions Ordinance players in Panami will meet the rescinded.
best players of Colon in an All Star powe.
to the Hymedeal altar on Sunday unending happines, At its first meeting beld at content the residence of Mr. Boyke Colon has been itebing for quite a while dom, accepting first, second and third class 15th, Miss Ambrogine Walthrustment and peace.
Linton bas been Oaught in the Kindly accept the accompany: 6th, inst, the amount of No. 76 Central Avenue, on Friday to meet Panama, a Abey think that slide.
inglirifle becausa of its one hun they can easily defeat them. The boyo Passengers mat value but beca prool that our dred and two dollars 102. 00; of the Pacific end will not believe this, Thirteon candidates were presentiments are deep, fervent will was subscribed.
and tomorrow lovers even oft the game will sented for Confirmation on Sun and true. May God bless you Collectors have been appointed have the pleasure of socing the fight for night both.
by the Committee, representing Also deckers to HAVANA.
supremaey on the lathsin park. The crowaed and the street filled with a Ramsey, Howard, excha Parish of the islaud, in game to scheduled to begia at 11. 30 crowd of sight seers. Ouriosity Stewart, Alexander. order that every Grenadian may so that may be over at 30 m.
2, 50 is truly the one human attributo as the invincible Cable Football team Charles Toussaint; Eave the opportunity of aidiya that occasionally breaks out of Panatoa is to meet the Tigers of tbrough the veneer of our refuel De Dior, Bynoe, Ricketts, which British subjects have Lewis, Morgan. their Island home in a lexitjdave For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at fight Oolon on the mme ground. The line for liberty and justice, meat and diguity, mer the erick it and follows: al Bailey, Pasey, Ker ways enjoyed in the Mother olunur CRISTOBAL PANANA Mr. Lesas Gabay, omployed at ridge. Joslyn, Blackburn, COYS the military pont has been issuing Dizon, Hylton, Han: Country and its dominions over Cain (Capt) Atberley (Cape) or to the Packic Steam Navigation Company, cards. Of course there is wed ter, Glasgow, Martin, the seas. Thomas Lynton Drakeo.
Tue Committee intends extend.
ding on foot, and Issac looks us Dryadele ing its activit! es across the IsthPANAMA pluused as a cat with two lails. Walker Eloock mus to the Atlantic end, in order Borne Harding or Nassrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Int. Sal Agents to make a substantial remittance Clarke CHURCH NOTICES.
to Grenada by the close of the WANTED Juba Porter next The Royal Mall Steam Packet Co. Panama.
pay period. Archer Reid www St. Peter Church, La Boom HOUSEMALD la event of any intending subG. William Coin seriber not being approached by Blackthe Wilova Apply to MRS. BARHAM, an authorized collector, please 3rd Ave, Bella Vista.
Coleridge AUGUST 15. 1920 Hill be informed that the Editor of Dance at La Boca GRAND TEA MEETING Collins THE WORKMAN has kindly volTo night, at the La Boca AT GATUN Eleventh Sunday after Trimite unteered recelve any and all the Silver City Band wil subscriptions that may be left ab Moeting of the Surrty There will be celebration of the Holy Dr. Hoffman TEE WORKMAN PRINTEEN.
give a lance, for which the usual There will be a meeting of the Burrey entrance fee will be charged.
Communion at 0, 30. Mattis and On Sunday night, August 14 p. tonight Saturday. The latest hits just to hand will there will be a grand De Meet Serenom od 79and Brenes med bra repperied her clinic cor een Royal King Edward Lodge No.
ing at the Lodge Hall (colored. borasi 80 14th, at the usual place Members and be readered there.
eral practice for synocologica 13. 5, requested to attend a matter of impor Doors will be opened at 30 cases and urological disorders of XULCARE both sexes. Diseases of the blood apo are to be discussed at this moting drfernoon at 30 o clock, under cipated! The Queen has arrived side boner attendance 18 antiHector treated in accordance with the There will be a special meeting lahe auspices of the combined incely from the Lole of Springs.
latest German discoveries. Ap of the above named Lodge leEM. PERE choirs of St. Peter and Si, Bar and all her courtiert bad better St. Barnabas, Empireplication of the Genuine German night August 14 for the purpose Golden Green, Lirio, Empire nabain ehurches. This will be the pull in their appearance ander Moraink Trayer and addres und ita. latest modifications of initiation and the conferring and 14 Cateadas Folles, ses grandest tertainment aver pain of her most interno del prebet alcek. Graad Saared Comment cons and Buber, malversan. of Deereen: ure. Admission will be rty ht Tolophonedo. 746 dan members are requested to ready to enjoy the Grand Sacred Riren at BL Barnabas.
Admienions Adulte Concert coming ott 10 B1 Bardas OenwU. carro Vill VULOARA, de Abreg, Noa, be pro prevent Charoby Lapire, tomorrow Children, 10 cents be served Members of the Sister Lodges Beat OL Oopsit Amader Theatre ar arrdially invited. ORIANA COLON Layne Darby 29 Boles


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