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PRICE CTS. 3 or sti VOL. No.
ly by misleading advertisements a here: is now at desired.
imprison souers. Tago for next offered up, after which.
connexion with sun of Klass 1916, and salad Oltv, marks licity has epochat given to event in time in come to to fight also DARING STONE ROBBERIES LAYNIG Thloves Still Active in the Ceremony of the New WorCity of Panama leyan Church, Colon.
Receives Despatch From British The city thieves are still alive Colon, Aug. 15. The corner Men Who Fought for King and and well as is proved by two dar stones of the New Wesleyan ing robberies attempted here last church at Mount Hope were laia Country Should not be Bondsmen.
Consul at Nantes, France.
night. the this a im first in of of The Jamaica Gleaner of the 1214sul at Nantes reports that a con James Driscoll, steamshiped Mr. pressive service, in the presence The early part of the day was inst. publishes the following, siderable number of British West on sited over the scales of as it rained all the previous night ing generally and openly expressers, were sent to the Military th Avenue which Barbados, July 20. Acting, it The Jamaica prisoners, as also a very unfavorable in appearance is said in deference to public feel few long termed Trinidad prison which we reproduce for the in Indians have proceeded to France was Were urnen formation of the West Indians to find work, attracted apparentand the thiet and increased in the morning, ed, the Government of Barbados Prison in Ja naica some monde who happened to be one Hutch.
CCOO improved by a thunderstorm. has declined to accept in Glend. ago.
The Colonial Secretary sends promising high wages.
Barbadian, now be Taings however, and lary Prison three Barbadians As many British West Indians inson, a In this connection Barlaus the following copy of a letter which the Governor has received who have proceeded to France hind the bars of safe custody. at the hour fixed for the cere. who, having served the meront des Globe published on the bearings falling an an adjoining room. for certain alleged erimes, were maron under the caption Military PriHavana, relative to the undersir circumstances, should be grate.
The singing of The 679, ability of British West Indians ful it Your Excellency will take Driscoll felt for his gun and staro: foundation.
in the investigadores coming upon there is one open sabile con le mani eti belirch mented to terms of These men along with Three military prisoners Wer od the proceeding the man to passage of to prevent British West Indians the after which of employment:a other arrived here some time received from Trinidad in care of scripture was read by from Toranto.
proceeding to France in search shots and hands, which Hutch Ror. Evers. Prayer was ling their stay were kept in hard but the authorities bere are al Italy; and dur wo warders by mail on Monday, British Legation, throw up his of employment.
inson Havana.
dia utandine before the labour at the Royal Joal. few loss to know the course they have, etc. glass door with his back to his Revd. gentleman gave a short weeks ago they to their should (Sgd) WILLIAM ERSKINE, pursuer. But Mrs. Driscoll on opening address in the course of native laudere Warehem. These men were court July 20th, 1920 DUIN in Sir. have the honour to inwaking up, attempted to take the which he stated that the under custody of ordera Year wood and Philipe Bar Minister.
martialled and sentenced in It form you that His Majesty Cor.
thiet observing this t:om the which was given by the Mission they sent away from their epuu Irinidnd since the return that red at of BIG CONVENTION OF NEGRO IM glass door before hits, took ad Board in London. He further try men to fight in the world war, BW. men. Theo Gladstone vantage of the situation and made stated that works would coin and refused therefore header through Lord, St.
the cutting himself badly but 000, which is a half of the es. and shell. bomb or grenare as 2010, whicoon me the sum of any of bar man who escaped shot and the enterpolipi enlisted in 1917.
succeeded in making his escape. timat cost, was raised. bordman. The matter has been wolward Howaru, non Ground, He however had to seek medical The first and principala stone referred to tege enlisted in Decelo Downing Street, and of his.
reer, and Iber, sentenced to live The great Convention of the marched, the advance guard of wounds at the Santo Tomas In this stone way placed three State for the Colonies are anxious Bardy Johnson, Black Rock, 6a. Codogan, directions from the Secretary of years for same olfence; and Mc Negro Improvement Association millions; and as the processional Hospital and there the fact was interesting historical documents, ly awaited. In the meantime listed in 1915, and sentenced to and African Communities Lea bands pealed forth, it seemed as established that the six inch a copy of the West Indian Warder, Yearwood, and Phillips years for unansina chter. The gue now being held in New Yorks though it was a paean of victory, groove in his neck was caused by Churchman. a copy of the speare having an unexpected and Gwernment is seeing into the the starting point of expressing infinite joy in victor: broken glass and immediately cial hymns used for the occasion, unprepared holiday at home. trouble, Negro development. Scant pub Solis was put on the and the names of the members of new epoch in the history of Pleow. For the first job.
theory, how the been building committee. was that his razor Sliped Following the singing of en: CHAUFFEUR SHOOTS AND KILLS decision with himself, while in the contempora com journals, but despite this re, and he is determined that under the cut. but Captain sólis bus was laid by Mr. Goodall who while in the act of shaving hence other hyma the second stone luctant recognition of of a great God he is going to work for bio puthe other there mape, also accom. horted his hearers to support the that on ice.
in his usual forceful manner ex PARAMOUR movement that is aggressions. race and it needs be to and yet passive, attempt as u people covet not what is panied with bloodshed, was made church in every possible of assembled delegates from all ers. We are Lot obsessed at a Chinese saloon on Calido The Amalgamated Friendlies Last Sunday evening at about settle things between them once lustnia dhe noise in the third. stone, in o clock, Brigida Cardenas, a and for all. Soon Saoday evening parts of the world is significant with land. greed nor blog bad. Hearing Lao and which were of the fact that the Negro basat We seek that liberty which is the store, owner Chung the signatures Panamanian girl was shot dowa observing her riding around the last reached out for self determi sation. The progress made and litt of God and as such is inalien two others took a look into the lof the various representatives, by Alfonso Cherie, a Panamanian city, he got in another car and the results achieved by the we have been defrauded of our negro, part of whose face was Ricketts reading a portion of she Alighted crom a jitney in moinent to carry out his plans able We been and came upon of during the past two years have been to say the least of islaved and robbed; we have en concealed by handkerchief, scripture from 1st. Kings, ist, which she was riding accompan which arrived when she stopped patrimony. We have been been helping himself to some of their chapter, and phenomenal.
The rise of the Ne down trodden and oppressed, gooed offering prayer.
immediately Mr, T, Garvey, the and we restitution and res opened fire upon his would be oldest and mawrence, one of the the Chop Suey place at the foot already mentioned. He tired five most faithful officers of Street on Central Avenue, shots at her, two of which proved a what has been gathered it fatal, one entering her brain and dream and subsequent realization sun.
skull of on. a Black Star Line all would be kept in darkness and thus it The Chinese returned the fire and gave a brief account of the common law wife of Cherie for lung Having finished the have made a fitting story for the is that despite all, we have but were evidently poor marks: times of the old conquistadores, struggled upward into the light, men as the thief succeeded in B, after which Rev. Home Wie past, but things never job, he imaediately got into an Evers made a few closing re did run smoothly between them. other car and drove off in the difor undoubtedly Marcus Garvey of a glorious day.
in making over rection of the Canal Zone. few is a man amongst men, and his sescupe. color: marks thinking those present, The last row, howeverwas o The significance slogan like Columbus is On and this epoelo) ed mao named Adolphus Samuels operation.
left in Share tup or a care a friend before go two on. and hike the general of old. Dovement cannot be lost upon was arrested for the act, butels and asking for their further co a sewing in achine which Brigida hours after he was discovered by hiding in people singing of doxology. to Oolon, Where spent ia is within the matrix raeee. on in on it of the race saying Cir future we cannot foresee por 45 calibre wup and that Peter ceremony 450 o clock.
dan intiched with and the bencdictiohelidontalement en bok om and white photo editorial de Carlos Diges het leader rie, using her name, cumstances!
ed in removing from the de room of Beeing beployed as chauffeur.
cornered, it is When we consider the rapia dare to be the need to be that Williams, the prisoner who some strides made during the last will be, the Negro as a Racetime ago escaped from the prison Nine Hundred More Going of this, put the matter in the the friend. Brigida OR reported turned the group Hospi year, we are umpled to pinch will make good and will move ard at the Santo Tomas the dunghill to ourselves to and out if we are seat among pringen. This is no the only perros koord to be in. Te day, hands of the police and Cherie ing barrel in his right car, the was ordered to return the ma. bullet lodging in his brain, Bound for Cuba, the Rhine. This, at appears so en rag: though not wild say fatal resalt The Negro has found himself; menet: shirido nine day wonder: provedene as therefore welded on Steamer Orians wilt weigha ed him that he determined bolup to the time or coin eu te resort meteorie move possession weapon. the Necto cobeomy. Thanks to Radial Movement holde the board ording Yutuber aoralow deckers, from the Isthmus ha to day with nine hundred man of Destiny we Race behind in the enda hin going to share in the AMERICA AND IRELAND him from Olympian heights, and its way. The slogan is fortunes of their fore runners We are looking forward into the way for Liberty. Give us Lib. OBITUARY whese encouraging reports have tutare feeling assured that in wewe excited the emigration fever and FAIR, SANE AND INTELLIGENT VIEW.
What future we shall come into erts or give us death. Such of the Con Much sympathy to telt for accelerated the rush from these our own, carving out for our vention. We are lovking forwara More Edith Niles nahe death o ghores, Tomorrow the Cox The following is from the larger governing authority than sellettered. From a spectacular that there will be elaborated. Yearwood which are seved to be more which will mean a thousand sane and sensible element in Liberals in Parliament, the Irish selves a destiny, untramelled and to a memorable cushion, and hope her mother, Mr BE Aubyn boat will follow for the same dos American Review of Reviews the people of England. By virtue a hundred for May, and shows what the of their working alliance with the point of view this Convention must have truly been a grand jais session Declaration of In: place in the early hours of SALES posing affair. How the spec dependence which will be to us, day, the 14th lost. at her relat one shot Two weeks ago the America says, and writes about members were for a good many thing happened and con the Irish question.
a part of the governing Yearwood had jority tators blood must have tipgled the Magna Charts of our liberty. Sidence, 24th street, Guachapellertalive estimate of those who of the United Kingdom to see thousands of the best of e situation is extremely Eunpire. The intter The for some time bat was not ez, have left since the beginning of SYMPATHY pected that her illnese was no ina exodus places the number puzzling and dificult, and it is phases of the movement have not our sons and daughters march ing under the folds of the Red, Mrs Rosa Levy, wite of Mr last Saturday morning came Passports have been issted to serious and her passing way at tive thousand.
not hoped in any practical sense been well understood in the the Black, and the Green, our George Levy, employed for many by attempts to inject it into ted into ted States, and nothing or value xlorious tri color! Well could years in the Balboe Machine they exclaim id shops, has been seriously ill for This Wer SNOWBsthmus ang baere is scarcely on Tuted Kingdom rest legislatures, or byahe United is employee of the Panama Cana.
There we fags of very shade, there are the last two weeks, but it hoped that under the able treat Yearwood, ho la present and come Hroad who doel the materie de bestilo. El no State Senate, in assuming led so dage of every But there to see howevar prand, like ment of De Gastendoro There are a calie and to per dagens com latera tu. Onda propostes de tots retinha speedy recovery may come ne aer, Mrs. Edith Niles, The Word enough and they don mean to to coerce the Scotch, or Welsh. range of our official cognimneo.
our owa Red, Black, and Green There in Gross New York tbex relief to all her friends and MAX extends condolence in their wait for soy more. So they go, In proportion to their population, ansions relatione berearemont.
Good Luck Boya. the people of Ireland have had (Continued on Page this convention We So cieties apd Thu thiet gro Moses, Marcus we Beek the right of a cood bis of пwo Papaaa detectives other and was found had succeed Exposition Grounds a foretell but we and asleep or really awake!
anchor to ליחיד tination and UniTo her the desire of the British cake, identin kong Beyond the versy

    EnglandFranceItalyWorld War

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