
PAOS TWO WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 192, Canal Zone Notes THE WORKMAN Caution to Housewives All Blue Soap is not the Same.
wa Since STAG has been on the market imitations are being offered. Be careful Insist on the mark STAG IT ENGLISH assisted also gave Messrs.
PARAISO Amoncherrent visitor here were Nished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applice Mrs. Sterling, who leave the Isthmus WATBOND, at the office Central. tion. Correspondence on all matters New York to join her, and sue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
other members of her family; Mr. Bob de All copy for publieation must be Felds, whose Jebu speed did not pertuit Box 74. Pandma written on one side of paper only, and us to shake heads, Mrs.
Paul, and Miss Quinland, who were er RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of the writer, not necessarily for publicatertained by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 82. 40 s. Oy One Year Brooks Six Months. on but as a mark of good faith.
Three 8C do not undertake to return Mr. Brooks motored with his daughter One 25 rejected correspondence and cow in law a few evenings ago from Panama to Paraiso to see the rest of the family. The lady in the picture of good The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ur rights JU health, evidently the change from single SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920, bloesedness bas agred with her.
Green corn is in full swing. and Mobile is doing a good business. Some one at Pedro Aliguel we heard to say CRIME AND SUPERSTITION ON that his corn is quite a specialty. sad as he sells them reasonably, there is al.
ways a ready marked for him in this dis trict.
Peter Williams, reigning as a bandit monarch of Las Isthmian League Of Many of the Big Bugs visited PaSabanas, with a forty five colt that spits fire like a serpent STERLING raiso last week, and as they came sp Indians.
cialty to inspeet, the residents are curious and makes his pursuers beat hasty retreats for dear life in FEMALE TONIC accordance with the not altogether valiant principle of to know what they think of the town so The general monthly meeting overgrown with tall grass and weeds. safety first. George Dittmar, with an invisible file that of the Panama District will be If there is such a thing as constituted gnaws away the locks and bolts of Chirigui prison whenconvened in the Wesleyan School authority, it ought to be rus ec ed and ever he concieves the notion and gets ready for a flight; Tonic and Alterative room to night beginning at p. the tura dowa no doubt contains les mid night rovers, who with uninterrupted consistency, Members are asked to be out sons which it learnt may bear fruit abua prowl into family residences and stores without invitation early on time. The Rally is post dantly Sterling Female Tonic contains in palatable and poned for next month, date to be and either dive through panes of glass or clean up acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, fixed later; the general public The Electricians who work this way unarmed chinks, leaving their victims to exclaim We Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, and friends will please note this. are wearing victorious smile. Even nearly had them, but we missed them. and the numer etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re.
Shortie (colored) carries different sults may be anticipated.
ous gangs of sleight of hand operators and good luck donors Rally Postponed. countenance. Does he think that he is included in the Thirteen. Why Shori make up a list of criminology that puts Panama second The Sterling Laboratory, to none among the Latin countries.
Owing to the inclement weather if you were given what the first syllable which prevailed during the early represents (3 cents) you would do wall The police department has to face a tougher propoLos Angeles, part of the week, the Rally, in aid but the three and the ten (13) is out di sition in dealing with crime and superstition than the of the Organ of the Coruz il Road satisfied to know that you will get, offeethe question all together. Anyway be average resident of this country may happen to think.
Baptist Church which was to The detectives in plain clothes as well as the khaki men take place last Tuesday night, tive from August 1, what the last letter are always on the job as vigilant as they can be, but it the 17th, has been postponed to a represents: that is NOTHING, date to be named.
seems to be a fact that the more they capture the bad NO MORE TIRED FEET RED TANK boys the more robberies and outrages increase. The two. AFTER USING.
great social evils of Panama to day are crime and superI will Coach YOU In spite of the adverse effects of stition. There is searcely a house in Panama or Colon Dr. Tichenor Antiseptic for College.
the late strike the Red Tank Liter.
that is free from the depredations of the light fingered ary Society is much alive. We reconfraternity, and even the Canal Zone, es ecially New It promptly and effectively relieves Sore, Chafed, Tired cently had our semiannualetre Cristobal, is the rendezvous of the human rats who Aching feet. sure enre for dobie itch.
To pass the ENTRANCE EXAMI tion of otticers, and on the night NATION to HOWARD AND OTHER of their installation we had the don give a continental for the man, woman or child he The soothing cocloees felt immediately upon applica attacks.
tion is indeed grateful, it is not greasy and feels good on the UNIVERSITIES in the States, candi pleasure of having Mr. Reynolds dates are requested to aby satisfactory of La Boca with us.
House breaking has becorne an art among certain ex feet. work in a specified number of secondary in installing the new officers and ana convicts for whom the jail has no terror and the law nu ri Use it to night, you will be delighted.
cr HIGH SCHOOL units.
gave an inspiring address. will belp you to prepare for these Then, there was on another night gor. The case reported last Sunday in which a man, when Go to the Drug Stors and get a bottle now. units in my Night School.
a discussion of the topic Race cornered, dashed through a pane of glass at the entrance also keep a Day School for children Pride ably dealt with by door shows the amount of quick wit and perhaps keen in which give both Elementary and Palmer and Manning. On the preparation on which he depended to pull him through when Higher Education.
evening of the 29th ult. a very he got into a tight corner. The other fellow that made the In both Schoola due attention is paid interesting paper, notable for its to Commercial Subjects.
Chinaman head a target entered the shop with a cena Black Candles! Black Candles!
For particulare, call on, er write to me. duties of a wiſe. On the 5th inst, read by Mrs. Palmer entitled The dence worthy of the Mexican Villa, or any other champion ROBERT LINDSAY, of the jungles. The empty room in Central Avenue which we also had a debate on Heredity was found in tact so far as the lock was concerned proves (Cambridge Senior)
or Environment, which is the that well educated chaps are on the job, and Sherlock Have arrived Classical and Commercial Sehool. greater factor in Character BuildNo. 2, Calle Domingo Dias, Panama, ing. Messrs. Brown and Man Holmes would have a lively time in trying to solve some Box 1044, Anoon, Continued on Page 5)
of these problems of the twentieth century finger smithery.
Then the jugglering of the lottery kings who sell ing game on the Cuban Oval making 150 and 200 not out, good luck. and the winning number. for handsome ply the good it may be said that Stoute and Inniss are the greatest sums every pay day! Those who trade with them, or rather, patronize them seem to have the deepest confidence in them, for the money slips out of their pockets champions that over struck the Isthmus. Some people old English thought that they didn know what they were doing when into the hands of these shufflers faster than the shots out the game commenced, but they are singing a different song of Pete forty five. The police sometimes come in ISINGLASS in these days. It Coming events cast their shadows betouch with the Duque fairies and take them out of fore. accomplished acts throw them behind. Encore. dream land into the investigating office where they are told la nd WAX that it would be better and wiser for them to buy the lot.
tery themselves when they would win all and keep every CANDLES Link up with LIFEBUOY thing home rather than sell the secret number that the jumbies out of Cocoa Grove or Mount Hope cemetery in any colour.
for Health Sake.
whisper into their ears.
But whether it be jumbyism or the superstitions of On his way to. the burglars, it wants cleaning up with more force and fact than really obtain at the present time. Nothing seems THE WEST PHARMACY, to be safe in the line of personal belongings whether one GUACHAPALI is at home in bed with the silvery moon overhead or away CORNER 18 STREET on the job with the sun in perihelion. The Duque fairies do not scruple to offer their rakes and dopes. on the drop for the following Sunday, and every month finds of protectionists to resist the operations of thieves, rogues scores of victims skinned to a frazzle by the take it and vagabonds, and the government should not stinch the easy crooks who find their practices a profitable modus public of the privilege of giving a warm reception to all operandi.
uninvited and suspicious looking visitors who may make Now, if Panama is to be attractive to tourists and safe calls at unseasonable hours.
for residents the only thing to do, right away, is to start a campaign against the increasing crimes that are horrify ELECTRICIANS SUCCESS!
ing the public. We do not know the numerical strength of the secret service department of the Panama Folice, but we believe that the number is inadequate to be enveloped in darkness if the electrical engineers did not When it was learnt that the whole Caual Zone might YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with the size of the city and frequency of the crimes. Both on receive the increase in their pay that had been asked for, Lifebuoy for health and for the the Canal Zone and in Panama there is a need for greater the matter was taken seriously and the threat that they children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proactivity in this matter, as the marauders and tricksters de pould go on strike was not considered a bluff. It would LIFEBUOY motes health happy, smiling health; not seem to have any real fear of the present staff.
have been another feather out of somebody cap if the is reputable it protects the children from the Seriously, we are confronted with a not too modest ships in transit through the canal had been delayed through dangers of contagious diseases.
difficulty in sweeping away the increasing crimes tha an electrical tie up. But the strike was averted and the Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where haunt our peace and disturb our comfort. The going electricians bad things their own way. Whow! quashie Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap away of thousands of laborers may have some modifyiug started the bail a rolling and was heading fast for the goal will safeguard the children keep them effect upon the situation, but only in so far as their going but the Hump Higher gave a wrong decision and poor healthy as well as clean. lusist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
clears up the congestion in our cities; the chief thing we quash was kicked of the field and afterwards out of the USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE have to fight is noneni ployment, and that, of course, among pavilion. When ine Hump Higher saw what was coming HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH the class which has always elected to live on easy street after his bean if he had fooled with the electricians he IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
or Lappy jack avenue. Most are going to avoid the out hollered louder than Billy Sunday, Strike One. and the rageous treatment meted out on the Canal Zone and to engineers scored. Quashie had got mad after the dirty improve their financial condition, which remaining in this deal he received has turned his giomach, and he quit the country has reduced to a physical impossibility. gume for good, goir to a field where his ability and prowMORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
LEVURE AROTHER LIMITED, PORT SUNLICHT. ENGLAND The whole community should form itself into a corço ess would nevet bo cosaled. He is now playing a fast soon!
was We can supSAVES LIFE Remember SOAP ia sore than soap.
cermicide and a sure disin.


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