
WIL ho any SUNLIGHT IN TA MORNING, The Brink 01 ber START Trinidad hich official SUNLIGHT SOA PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920, Inteersting! News From the Prince of Walet (Continued from page 3)
WILL VISIT WEST INDIESNotice to Corres AGAIN pondents On Barbados paper.
On his return from Australia will be of reduced size of via the Panama Canal, the Prince which they for publication of Wales will again visit the West office It is an the order in Cab Fares Discussed. Indies, according to the following cap to the workineived at this proposed program: all late coming mlous handi In the House of Assembly on Jamaica September 29 25 last night work, to to rush Tuesday, cabs and cab fares were Grenada 27 of the fact that more to the discussed. The rate of fares were Trinidad 28 30 news may be crowded Ving raised, in deference to petition, st British Gujana October 12 account of being too late. thout protest. But the cabs were Antigua not complimentarily referred to. Bermuda Sad Case of Burning One member facetiously stated that we had a breed of cabs lo JAPANESE STEAMSHIP cally, unknown to other part Jamaican Dies in Cuba of the world. They are peculiarils conservative in Touring With Commercial Mr. Geo. Lindsay writting from degign and in capable of being classified for in.
Punta San Juan, Cuba, states: very sad occurrence took place here on June cruelly emely remarked that most per ceived of the projected tour of a Kingston. was fatally burat.
Unofficial advice has been re: 17th, when one Alberths Minott, from sons were afraid of them because Japanese liner to the principal it was never known what brand ports of the world with exhibits herself before her death were that while of disease was likely to be caught of Japanese inventions, porce engaged within their musty confines. It lains, lacquer ware, raw and tin engaged in lighting an alcohol stove, the was hoped that from an increase ished silk, and other products. fermented up into the bottle ishe had in berband This immed ately burst, ment in appearance.
of fares wold result an improve. She is due to sail from Japanshe ran out of the house; flames all over ber.
SUNLIGHT ALL this month, and is expected to DAY.
reach the Canal about the end of making wind which fa ned New Water Boats.
this year. Canal Record.
the flames On reaching the home nearby, the owner, one Edward Lavelle. Co, Singer Sewing Machine threw a pail of Sunlight Soap. Have the clates water on her. Then The first of the two new Water Co. Bryan Co, and other people came and tore off the reon the line early, and the meal, Boats ordered by the Govern. Garraway Co. the owners and maining portion of her clothing. But ready to time. The afternoon ment for the purpose of supply tenants have received notice that by this time she had sustained severe ing the water to the shipping the properties are to acquired by burns on the head, back, chest and then yours to spend at your own read sweet will.
noon from Messrs. Blackwood requested to send in statements Directly after the fire was do yards. The boat which of values of building lands etc ed she was conveyed to the baspital and extinguish.
and Co Pleasure follows in the wake of efficient was constructed abroad and sent and claims for severance.
left under the charge work. With Sunlight Soap the housewife a nure out in parts was fitted up under but in spite of all the care and attention does her work most efficiently, most easily, the capable supervision of Mr.
she died s. the morning exretly There is no mystery. You get out of soap Clarence Reeves, Master ship12 hours after the incident. Her body just what the makers put into it. The cream wright. The water tanks on the inspected by Drs.
was laid to rest the evening of the same boat were of soap materials go into Sunlight Soap.
The name Lever on Soap day at the General Cemetery. Next John Hutson and F, Bridger.
day, it was exhumed for a post mortem The Sunlight environment is in keeping is a Guarantee of Purity Water Supply examination by order of an and Excellence.
with its mission of cleanliness and The.
Half of the 540, 000 already manner in which the Jamaicans At a recent meeting of the efficiency no soap is better fitted to subserived to the Trinidad mill. Trinidad Agricultural Society cal. show how kean an interest they took. son pound Loan has come from there was a serious debate on in the unfortunate girl. On their behalf, serve the British housewife than Sunlight outside, Barbados it is said con the water shortage and Colony I am extending to her mother and is Soap. Prove this to day.
tributing the greater portion. general supply, in the forwarding of the According to newspaper rent Governmentthe following solutions to the tere, who, understood, are living in 1, 000 Guarantee of Purity on Kingston, a deep felt sympathy.
ports sugar supplied to Great Britain from the West Indies is (1) That in the opinion of this every bar, BIG CRICKET MATCH being re shipped to America.
Society comprehensive scheme of Water Supply for the whole COMING The printing plant of the Colony is imperatively necessary Federalist Grenada People and that this work should come What promises to be a very interest is being offer for sale by Mr. first in the development Seheme ing game of cricket is that arranged for Donova of the colony now under consid to be played between the Primrose eration of Red Tank and Westmoreland CC. a result of ta Resolution re. 2) That this Society respect of Colon. This game will be played at ently passed by the House of fully suggests that the guaging Red Tank on Sunday, Mad inst.
qualsory acquisition of the block of Northern and Cuntral Range of clube will be putting very strong teams sembly, favouring the com, of the necessary Rivers of the From what is goiaz the rounds both buildings at the head of Broad Hills and the taking of necessary on the field, and it is a certainty that seet occupied by Messrs. lavels for Reservoirs should be the struggle between the Homeaters and Licorish, Bowen Sons, Musson. com nenced immediately. DESERVING CAUSE Sands, to swist in keeping the flag flying Tobago, St. Vincent, Grenada, the sportsmen from the Windy City will at Alpba. Catholies on the Isthmus, Barbados, British Guiana and sery keen one as both clubs are de ermined natch vietory. It is real It is a regrettable faet, but neverthe bute something to the cause. The Catho: a certain sh nld assist Pather Prieter, and contri Venezuela, which has been given GOOD WILL ported that Messrs Savory, and 2. less it is true that an institution which lie Mission in Jamaica is a branch of the in the Press, unt of prominence Blacktan; Weatherbead, Wiltshire, han for many years filled creditable New York Maryland Division of the So materialize.
has so far failed to business lives through its Myers, Holder and others, will Other companies, bent Primrose and reprë role in Kingston, Jamaica, bas been ciety of Jesus, customers. And its greatest is true that brought face to face with a financial ciety of Jesus, and all priests are Ameri however, are in the field and asset is their good will.
the Westmoreland will play such crisis. We refer to the Alpha Indutrial can. Any one wishing to contribute to should not be long before some Our service has always as Messrs. Aird. Samuals, Cuin, School eonducted by a noble band of the cause, can do so by mailing same to such scheme for the West Indies measured up to this standIcon ChinSisters of the Roman Catholie Scenarch Rev. Father Piöster, Alpha Cot. was definitely embarked upon ard and brings forth volun. Boss. Williams and Simpson lit is an institution to which hundreds of age, or Winchester Park, Kingston, Jaand in full working order.
than who can predict what is goient hope Kingston wails and drays are sent, the Catholie Opinion.
maica, and same will be acknowledged in tary expression of friend. All is that there shipand contidence.
will be some BRITISH CONSULATE display with both but and not only for sale keeping but to get the Come in and see our New Digit of the softening influence of Give liberally to the cause, NOTICE.
Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold. The game is already creating a great three who are in truth and in fact their It is worthy of support.
EVER ers. Better than pins. deal of interest, surely it will be a match foster parents. Their education is in no way neglected.
worth while going miles to seg.
and on all sides it will The British Consulate would STRIRE West Indian Aviation.
be glad of information as to the FULLER bome team desires through this paper td readily be acknowledged that boys and You The Guardian says that in whereabouts of Christopher JEWELER invite members of their contemporary girls who enter Alpha as victims of airclubs from Panama. largo turn out cumstances, leave a young men and reference to West Indian avia. Cheeseman, a native of Barbados, 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, of members of the Gentle sex is expected young women who aspire to become tion the Port of Spain Gazelle has who came to the Isthmus about Panama, and will be heartily welcome, creditable oitizens.
it that a service in the interior 1912.
This is the first match that the Red At Alpha the destitute are encouraged of French Guiana has already Tankers will play under thuir now name to develop that spark of manhood and bathinausnica terdistrito Frames WILSON they are on. Brilish Companies Excelsior Furniture Store sporta man will come forward and offer in che Nature. But those who are have also projected schemes for DYER AND RENOVATOR be hoped that some worthydowed by of the iustitution are in want advancing aviation in the Caribean NO. BUILDING, CÁLIDONIA AND a fow prices for the game and so add of money to continue the work. but it is believed that the ambi. to what is expected to be a TRUE and the war public finde allowed a tious project formed by one com (Opposite Muller e Building)
Employment Agency RBAL game of cricket, grant of four shillings per head for every pany for a passenger, mail and child committed to the school. During freight service between Trinidad BOX 1176 (ANCON, C, All kinds of Furniture and other articles bought, sold and webanged New Jamalca Central four and in half years of the great.
Order: taken for Water proof Rain coate. Whatever you want to sell, buy, conflict. prices for necesarios of life canchango, ete. contract has been entered rose to an abnormal stage, and it was SEE ME FIRST.
into betwnen the Gray Inn Cen. found necesary to make arrangemente All kinds of Information given.
tral Factory Company, Limited, to appeal to the Government for an inof Jamaica, and Messrs George crowned contribution. The appeal wat SANGUINETTI BROWN, Pletcher Company, of Derby, granted and at the present time an at for the supply and erection of borhood of five mobil. ince and four ponce Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Sta. Gusekapali, modern sugar factory in plant worsbadequate to meet the require and per head, the ruleThat this amount is Apeon Box 1180. Phone 160 is to 10, 000 deg. crystals OWNED BY per crop and about notions we clothing, food and hou 2, 500 gallons of ram. The housing of wages of is of the very latest type and de la may and medical comporte, in The National City Bank of New York signed for the highest edicte anther requests for an increased grant hare cient to prove that belp is needed. Tur Head Omce: 55, Wall Street being electrically on. It is contemplated duplicat been refused by the Central Gový, and ing the capacity of the plant in the bonition of the school dian, terefore, Capital, Surplus Undividad Profits Over 9, 000, 000 NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA and be better inzagined than described. To cilitate this in the most economiable pittance granted by the authoriting scheme has been arranged to fa. continue the work of caring for the miser Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DRESSMAKERS cal way when the ultimate impossible.
Depository of the Panama Canal ty is reached. It is of interest to The inmates are not only faced with Depository of the Panama Railroad Knowing the service that is demanded from in the old days a mus starvation but a couple of the building every garment in these days of high prices, we have Through its Agencies in the Interior and factory on are Gray Inn Lotato, the man and fast coing to pieces for rent il ne And yet the public annot chinery of which was supplied to allow Alpha Cotrage to close ite afford set. a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK its Foreign Branches this Institution offer by Mears George Fletcher To suspend operations would be nothing exceptional banking facilities.
Company in the year 1862. The short of a fatalis; sed while lear that cultivation of augar wasabandon the Gov Government rould be voll advind Drafts on Jamaica and other Wostindian Islands ANN THOMAS, od when the prices at sugardropressider the question de grate to ped to point when it was not destrial cohools in the island, har Interest Paid on Savings Account, at Per Cont Propriotruss.
profitable Industry, but theruing hoard with pleasure that the Rev. Father of the old plaat rómain Mis Manager of the battutes Por Ann dev. Compte rendus hare dalled the pule SUNLIGHT SOAP.
amount it men as. الجيل ang full benefit of The way It is to Before the war the INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. The factory nothing of The Woman Exchange whole te capaci know that in re door


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