p. 6


PAGE SIX TULE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920 UNIVERSAL THEATRES AMADOR 66 SCX659603 PACIFIC THEATRE To night, Saturday, August 21 Monday, August 23 11, 12 and 13 Episodes of Last Episodes of the Peg o the Ring Peg o the Ring Sunday, August 22.
For the last time on the isthmus Tuesday, August 24 The Gilmore Troupe First Episodes of Acrobats and the regular picture entitled Mother Confession oooooooo. co Soosoo OSCO 30 TO NIGHT SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st Ruth Clifford in FIRE OF YOUTH Also 12th 13th Episodes of Peg o the Ring WEST INDIAN Elmo the Fearless And Big Special Features ELDORADO TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st RUTH CLIFFORD IN The Cabaret Girl To Morrow Sunday Aug. 22 Mary MacLaren in BREAD Also WEEKLY NEWS and a Comedy Coming THE WILD CAT STRAND Lightning Bryce Sunday August 22nd PRISCILLA DEAN in THE WILD CAT OF PARIS a three bear bear what he he would bave to say telt by Their symptoms are the police 108 Years of Gas took OUS Swan Brorm.
Come onrush the Tikers or Colo! TSINER TONIC WINE, OT. Hubert Edwards, at Istina.
Park for the second hall America andIreland Rescue from the Dittmar Sixth Attempt CRISTOBAL Fustrated.
Puerday evening last was quite Deadly Enemy Continued from page lively time in the literary circle of the THE TEST OF TIME Clubhouse; Mt Gaskin pape was the We make ourselves merely ridi oulous when we effect, with obGeorge Dittmar, American, sist of the evening discussiou, mwd its her derdly take ad awaitement over undergoing a long term sentence advertisement enused many to come to vious shallowness and insinceri.
the high cost a living and nature of in the Panatna prison for at by, interest in the affairs of the loco importano. loved the fold crime, made his sixth at Mr. Gaskin brought cavia people of Ireland than is ะ beslaugh and mage of our worse the intelligent men and women of The Test of Time is a Most Rigorous culties within our door stole Kidney and Blader Die tempt last Tuesday to enjoy that array of historical facts conneoted with liberty which be now considers ancient Egypt. Babylonia, Greece and England and Scotland whose ho dear but which he evidently Rome, and facts relating to the more sense of justice and fair play is ate: PAIN IN THE did not esteem at the time he modern institution of Afriese eluvery quite as well developed as our One To Meet BACK; SIDES AND JOINTS, SOME was his dastard ly and was perpetrating put his subjeet Slavery a necessary own. We We have freedom of the TIMUS WITH SWELLINGS, SCANTY acts. According to his own state Evil in a different light from that is press and of the platform, and it OR DIS DISCOLORED URINE, TOO FRE ment, Ditttnar ealled Top which it would at first appears trais QUENT quite as permissable for us to DESIRE TO URINATE; man discuss the Irish question here URING SOMETIMES CONTAINING asking him to buy.
ONTAINING man on duty in the prison yard vesty.
some The subjeet was well handled, and as it is in Canada, Australia, or in France But it would be in extrePRESSED AND TIRED FEELINGS; mely bad taste for the French RESTLESNESS AT NIGHT; IRRITA: take as he was not feeling well. und convincing elements in the firens.
BILITY, ACHING LIMBS, CONTINU. heed of his request but suspect by Mr. however no Senate or Chamber of Deputies tive would be strong indeed, it handled to take the Irish question of tiup THIRST. PAINS IN Gaskin THE ing foul play, drew near and ex GROINS; BURNING SENSATION amined the padlock on the cell his rendition to the piano of dishes cially and to psss resolutions delighted his audience with about it.
Is Conclusive Proof That Gas Has WEAK BACK; IRRITATION OF THE door which he found ons by aThe following persons became member: BLADDER filed piece of musie entitled The The venemous enemies have been thread. He immediately sum Meeste Cyril Lawson, Swa, through and hanging Successfully Met This Test. vrocking the lives of our people in this moned help, and friend Dittmar Cardice. Abrubams and Min.
Republic NINETY CHANGES TO ONE they always come out winding, ing his purpose. It is also stated was made safe again thereby foil. Cruise.
Announement of text Tuesday pro Only one came was down to be which is evidenced in the many marebes that there was found in his cell a gram will be made luter.
played last Sunday and that s to the wave yard.
an All star of Panama against fire brick nicely wrapped in a AT an All star of Colon. After hav. PANAMA GAS CO.
The coming Pills the mus marks the event of a great of that with this he intended to lay certain American oficial do ing made all the necessary ar Cathedral Plaza rangements for the game, and YOUR 93 Bollvar St.
sive ngainst these terribio nunsten, as oit the gatekeeper as he himself of Panajoa City and saggi only are they checked, but are re expressed it was his intention to that stricter measures be entor accepting the conditions laid Tol. 798 Tol. 284.
delving a erusting defent SERVICE down by Colon, for some unexscape through the gate. It is evi ced with respect to all persons Those who refuse eure by this GRAND dent from the number of at Dittmar. In this we plained reason, they did not show wearing as up. The cricket loving public of Panamna was very much disapenemies and traitors to their country. man and the manner in which of things would not bave bee Such refused muutus tremson. PENALTY, they have been effected that permitted in any other country pointed, and it was no wonder DEATH they turned out in such a large some outside party or parties are in the world, and Dittmar is to The fame of DE WITT PILLS rings interested. local contemporary more entitled to clemency than number in evening to watch all over the world, and are echoed by makes certain charges against a any other thief or murderer.
even the BOERS in Buuh Africa.
at Forthall Sold in two sisa at all leading Drur Games for To morrow 182 Bollvar Street Stores all over the world. Refuse imi Standard vs Demerara For Run Down Systems WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
Standard Oval.
Is your system run down from (IN FRONT OF MASONIO TEMPLE) MANUFACTURED BY C. DeWic Vincentian vs. Britannic at diseases or overworh? Just start COMPANY, LIMITED, ENGLANDE INOORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OP JAMAICA Isthmian Park.
in to day with Triner Tonie begs to inform the public that THE CITY PHARMACY, Umpires: Ashby and Coml. Wines. Specially recommended he has severed all connections 73 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA.
thrust at Standard Oval John us a Woman Toric. Can be with the English Drug Stob 239 Central Avenue, Panama.
and Sannels at Isthmiani taken any time.
be owned by Mr. Salazar, of the SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTIIMUS The tixtures for We carry a complete stock of Pan American Drug Store; bo the sia on starts tomorrow, Triner preparations at his offices have not been removed OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping and he can suli bu fouudubint and speculation is at present rite business.
Dr. VERKON CROSBIE, THE CITY PHARMACY, as to whether or no Surrey will the Singer Sewing Machine (b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, Surgoon Dentist de champion again or she premier 139 Central Ave. Company. Same old stand.
Panama, New York and England.
position will be wrested from her.
Bege to notify his patrons and CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share.
At present Jamaica is tied with her for first with Britannican the public generally that he has romoted his (b) 40, 000 preference sbares at per share.
indifferent second, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
DENTAL PARLOUR (e) Shares may be sabscribed for as follows: Os per share on application, 5s. per sbare or allotment aud the ba Died at 174 years.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
to the bore commodious pro lance as the Direetors think fit.
mises at (a) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors.
The Barbados Herald of June 143 Central Avenue 19th records the death of Mr. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall bold Henry Crichlow Collymore at the office of the late Dr. Char. Bailey not less than 50 shares in the Company age of 174 years.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Crown and Bridge Work The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and Spoelalty.
hope to start the service about the end of September.
PERSONAL NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will Mr. Cave of the Gatun Hy avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num dro Electric Station after many Telephone 784 ber of shares years of continuous service goes SOLICITORS. Mepare. Lako Rowe, 98 Tower 8, of in the near future for ninety ACAJUTLA Kingston, Jua days leave of abseneer will lour Cristobal, will leave Balbon, Aconan WANTED BANKERS. Royal Bank of Canada Mr. Whiting, Postmaster PRIDAY, 2712 August, 1920 for us HOUSEMAID at Gatun, has gone on vacation to Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corſoto, Amapala, La Apply to MRS. BARHAM, DIRECTORS the land of Uncle Sam Ubertad, Aanjutile Ban José de Guatwale wad Champerio.
3rd AveBella Vista. A CAMPILL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President BIRTH DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. Cyn.
you The stork arrived at the home ORLD AND BROOXT506. TULLOON, BIKRAM of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peters Tolox TXTRINCIAL AL GRANT al Colon last Monday morning. CHILE has reopened his ollola for gen and ile MO LA BANDFORD, Becretary.
eral practice for gynocologica 1600 algo.
Tho Colón Electrical and will Cristobal m. will leave Balboa, noon au cases and urological disorders of Supply Co. was minus their steno, for that day, as pur genial.
SUNDAY 20th AUGUBT, 1920 for both sexes. Diseases of the blood APPLICATION FOR SHARES friend Pete, who has been all treated in accordance with the Guayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, smiles since the arrival of his istest German discoveries. ApCallao, Mollende, Arica, Antofagasts, Coquimbo and plication of the Genuine German opit took the day off to celebrate.
Valparaiso Atup Pete. Mother and baby 606 and its latest modifications WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. 1495 and Silber salversan. GEHT WORD are doing nicely a Tolophone No. 746 72 Orange Street, Klngston Democratic Association to CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, beg to apply for. shares of eneh in the West Indian Bteamship Co. Ltd bid Adieu to a Member.
For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Opppsite Amador Theatre herewita send you 58. per share with this application and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay per la Special Literary program Attempt to Ki Hindenshare and to make further payments as indicated in a per will be tendered the publie or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, burg Unsuccessful the accompanying Circular. the members of the Democratic 180 WATT wo Name in full Association at the Red OTOSAN Hall, on Thursday evening.
PANAMA Berlin. Joly 12. An unknown Adara August 26, next, mark man broke into Field Marka of apprdelalioh Yor M: Jem. Wesers. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. lag. Sub Acoats Von Hindenborg house to day. Occupation mot one of its prominentimemThe Royal Mail Beam Pak Co. Pense.
And Ared at tio Feld Marshall Data hers who will soon be leaving for The bullet missed its mark and dhe United States the su comped ods or vine bout the end the Dr. Hoffman 2017 12101 CRISTOBAL 01


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