
Caution to Housewives All Blue Soap is not the Same. One Year Six Months Three Оое retur 6CC 25 Since STAG has been on the market imitations are being offered.
Insist on the mark STAG IT ENGLISH Board will coerty their the unflinching stupendous Fatima FATIMA IS NOW LOCATED AT PAGE TWO TB WORKMAN, BATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941. Colon Caar ered THE WORKMAN Division of the 1A.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies Purchased a Llbert Hir WALROND, the office Central antion. Correspondence on all matters nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
the Sum of 6, 000 de Boi 74. Panama All copy for publication must be The above mentioned division written on one side of paper only, and is certainly going some. The RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of present officers: Messrs Wil 40 9. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publicaIan Brooks, President; Jou on but as a mark of good faith.
Pilgrim. Executive Secretary, 014 We do not undertake to Dr. Willis, Treasurer; Dr.
rejected correspondence Be careful Hamlet, Chairman of the Trus te Board; and the Hon Josepla Cockings, Chairman of the Hou The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS orable Advisory Star stall, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920, ed Bob together and dron ed that Negroes Hall of must Own wherein they WEST INDIANS AND THE PANAMA soon establish school and 00 stores. Through CANAL efforts of Bro. Francisco Gregoire, Member of the Board, who was determined thit Advisory Not a few histories of the Panama Canal have been we must buy, and not lease, the written by men who have watched the construction and the extent of public appreciation for the flat road can be NOTICE sum of 6, 000. 00 has been fully paid and completion of the Canal, as well as a group of mediocre seen by the large crowds of promenaders from early evening the colors of the Red, Brachi and scrap reports by ambitious, but ephemeral visitors whose till midnight strolling leisurely along Panama Fifth West Indians requiring the ser will be unfurled on the cacoethus scribendi has more been the cause of their bold Avenue. The eternal gratitude of the cosmopolitan popu1st of September, denoting the attempts than any ability to chronicle facts which their lation of Panama is felt towards the city fathers whose ci vices of a competent lawyer in transient stay made it impossible for them to collect. Here vic pride was no less in degree than that which caused the the Panamanian courts are here close of the Universal Negro Im Convention, and the and there, highly colored statements and unauthentic reports Rotary Club, the Panama Chamber of Commerce and the by invited to, consult the under opening of the road of progress depreciate the value of the records and make the biblio Press to shout in concert for the removal of the ancient signed at his ottice in House No. that leads to the continent of graphy of the Panama Canal one of the most perplexing but time served land mark known in the past as the Cali 44, Central Avenue. Clients will gro Liberty at all times be given prompt at donia Bridge. With the Street Railway running its cars over tention and faithful service as questions of the day.
EDUARDO MORALES, General Organizer UNIA No genuine history of the Canal could ever leave out this road the convenience to the public will be enhanced one Wollas of its calender of brilliant men the names of Governors hundred per cent, and when September First dawns on this fessional ability, which am alLetter of Thanks.
Davis, Magoon, and Goethals, or such engineers as Colonels side of the Isthmus great will be the crowds to watch the ways willing to exercise in defence of the poor Gailliard and Sibert, and Messrs. Stevens and William ffrst trolley car hit the road from the Cathedral Plaza Pedro Ycaza The Editor THE WORRNAN son, and last, but not least, General Gorgas whose inventive or Laboca right through Calidonia for Las Sabanas. Let go!
genius and scientific spontaniety, exterminated malarial Sir: Permit me space in your valuable paper to thank those and yellow ſevers from the Isthmus and made the conwho have so kindly subscribed struction of the canal a possibility; but being concerned towards the fund for the benefit only with the part played by West Indians in the building of my children and mysell. of the great water way this article does not purport to disheartily thank the oficers and cuss the abilities and merits of any other people or class.
men of the IJ. Dredge Casca dies and also the many triends of Once in a while some crass idiot blurts out the state.
that division.
ment that the West Indians, apart from shovelling dirt have received froin Mr.
and blasting rocks, have done nothing in connection with Collins the sun of 101. 35 USC the canal to merit a place of recognition and that this is too Yours sincerely common place to give any special attention to. But, even ALICE MCKINNEY if it were true that West Indians here were all laborers and did nothing more than shovel dirt and blast rocks, it THE Dr. OGILVIE would seem logical enough to esteem that service as the basic contribution to the operation of the whole undertaking; yet in addition to this it is a matter of fact and his 157 Central Avenue, corner TURKISH tory, hitherto unwritten, that West Indians have worked SENSIBLE 3treet.
here in every department of the canal and have by their CIGARETTES own brains achieved some of the most herculean tasks HOURS: to 11. 30 a. over performed on the Isthmus of Panama.
Cameron Cameron Co.
Employed as clerks, storemen, foremen of gangs, sub Is Issued by BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Sundays: 10 llam.
sanitary inspectors, teachers, druggists, checkers, interpreAppointments can be arranged ters and other forms of intellectual employment, the Te ephone 875 quality of the work done in these offices could not have been excelled anywhere. This fact was attested by Gov YOU SMOKERS OF WILKINSON ernor Thatcher when he was here and when his close ob servation of the West Indians made him give utterance to who are really appreciative will find CHOICE VIRGINIA TOBACCO CONTRACTOR BUILDER the most liberal statements concerning their worth and keen enjoyment in AND Oontribution to the canal.
First Class Workmanship Now that the canal is completed and officially opened THE FATIMA BLEND Just Enough Turkish Plans and Specifications Free there comes the discordant statement that West Indians 15th Street West are no longer needed here and should leave. Of course, the House 90 Box 411, Panama, inhuman treatment they have received from the present administration is responsible for the ceaseless exodus, but for any one to say that West Indians are no longer needed Did The Strike Do Have No Flag; but We Must Have Country, and We Must here is really saying in effect that the development of Any Good. Have Flag, It we must stand Panama and the successful operation of the canal are not on the platform of Equality with sensible desiderata.
the other races of the world, we Link up with LIFEBUOY (By EDUARDO MORALBS. What section of the community has contributed more must put aside ali encumbe cances for Health Sake.
to the commercial life of Panama or the Canal Zone com have been patiently, but an sary past times, selfishness and Negro Fellowmen: For months from among us; such as unneces missaries throughout the sixteen years of American occur xiously awaiting to see the after. graft, we must stop pooling our pation than the West Indian colony. Who have done more math of the strike: money into the coffers of white to preserve the integrity and womanhood of Panamanian ed attentively, to several theatrs and other alien and aren dames than West Indians. While others have been prosti. is lehetety car to the natuke and with the probe one to caterinary effect; and from what tating Panamanian women and finally abandoning them gather, many of our unthinking ism. And in closinc, let me isk with fatherless children have not the West Indians been brethren seem to have thought you this one favor, to remember making their sisters honorable brides and mistresses with that because tney did not receive wherever you go, let your Motto out reproach?
the desired Seven cents raise, be, Negro first, Negro second, Ne.
and because they were compelled crolastand if anything remains, And even now, who is the back bone of the commer to return to work at a reduced let that also be for the Negro, cial life in Panama? Ask the Chinese, East Indians, Greeks rate of pay, they thoughtlessly Colon, August 24th 1920.
Jews and Panamanian merchants, and their unanimous re came to a sudden conclusion that ply wul de Che people from the West Indian islands. If the the Union did no good for them West Indians were all to leave the Isthmus it would be in. Why are a groes so anxious and strike humbugged them. West Indian Trading Co.
teresting to hear what other people would do the work.
determined to ieave this Isthmian When West Indians want to move they dont wait to We are advised that the West Egypt be told, and the good thing about them is they have the Cuba or the land of democratic Indian Trading Company has now and elsewhere?
faculty of foresight and do not suffer from hook worm or Did the YOUTH and happiness are linked did. It was the only rement, the following gentlemen up with health. Link up with inertia. If one form of work is scarce they can apply and certain de strike do any good. It beca placed under new manage medy that could have brought to comprising the Board of Direc Lifebuoy for health and for the adapt children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proknow how to choose another that is profitable. If they are gro on the Isthmus to his econo Mr. Jacobs, Treasurer, Mt LIFEBUOY Williams, Secretary and motes health happy, smiling health; imposed upon they don wait for the Camel to get in his mie senses. It has caused the Messrs. Rothery and Mc whole body, it protects the children from the Negro to realize he lias vabid Sliareholders is a reputable are taught ng city here, 11 dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects to loosen the cord of costidence continue to give të new Direct as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where RIGHT THROUGH CALIDONIA: with which he was bound to the ors the same support as taat ex white man and other itemrecessors.
wertended by them to their prede Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the children keep them forever, It has taught him that healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them he wishes to be recognized as a using it before school, after play, before meals.
At last the roadway leading from Central Avenue to full fledged man he must be eco BIRTH USE UFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH Calidonia Road has been completed and passenger and vehi noruic, thrifty, self dependent and IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
cular traffle can now go rolling right through from one end deur he himiweden In brief, it has taught to realize and recog Born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel of the city to the other without turning to the right or to nize more fully the doctrine of the Applewhite on the 17tb, inst, a the left. The old bridge which was razed a few months Bon. Marcus Garvey, the doctrine dear little baby girl al 94 lbs.
ago after long years of public service has disappeared for or the Universal Negro Improve Mother and baby are both doing ever and not a single trace remains to suggest that anything manities League. It has caused wearing a pleasant smile and ment Association African Comwell, while father goes around MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
other than a clear gang way ever existed there. The im. Kim to acknowledge the fact that receiving the congratulations of provement to the city is something beyond expression and We Have No Country, and we his friends.
BLEND to 30 30 to 30 ca, CIGARETTE SUCCESRors to Cameron Cameron Co.
have listen churches, institutions SAVES clothe ourselves LIFE and the Remember SOAP is more than soap, it Laine Germicide and a sura diainfectant. LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER OTHERS LIMITED PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, 100


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