
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920, PAGE THREE WestIndian News KIN Jamaica CIGARETTE Park ING BET on the (ORTH CENTRAL GANERICAN Extra Mild GARETTESLA is practically dumb, and shipped This week How child years An nen BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPUTYITD. Lady Chemist new departure is the appear ance of a young lady for the first time in the history of TriniDrought Affects the dat presenting herselt for examination in preliminary Banana Crop section for apprentical in the profession of THIS YEAR AND ALSO NEXT Lion is Miss the lunadaughtercer or YEAR.
Mr. John Duverney, of the Queen Hotel. She has opened the way for many others Shipping Companies, How who, possibly, thought shorthand ever, Getting all the Ba and typewriting theonly available nanas They Require. course for the more ambitious of our girls DE OL KING BEE Port Maria, Aug. 13. It is alarming to know the amount of School of Musie will shortly damage that has been done to nidad. Several students there be opened in Port of Spain, Tri Gawge bananas and vegetation on Foster, he whole, through the long drought and have passed examinations in have been qualifying recently Smile an light he las KING BEE.
that was experienced, but we connection with certain that can say with pleasure well Nen he stop an buy some mo from last week we have been get known Colleges of Music in EngAt de corner Chino sto.
ting fiue showers of rain and the land. The School is to fill a need nonotony is broken.
the along organised lines, Seen him put de yella ban?
But the banana crop will be very In he pocket careful, an small for the balance of this year, Child Villianously Treated Stay he got anoder cent also the grades, and the coming year crop will be very poor.
Dat will help puy de rent.
The price of banana has been called by the name of Iudattee, About two years ago an Indian An nen dropping regularly weekly and at present it is 86. Od. Der of Claxton Bay, adopted bale able bunch. All the companies Indian child whose parents were Gawge aro purchasing hore and somehow dead. As the child grew up. Foster, he other they to it LI neither could it walk Smile, an light de nex KING BEB.
ends of some of bananas. The Whether thic condition develop Nen he say, For mercy sake of Egotin. camo in porselen, sloop in ed account of. Yo kain make no gran mistake Ad dincharged cargo; the Port Elect, or otherwise, so not known of and Japassed and was Ef yo save dem wrappers, too maica Trading Company is now About three week ago, people old.
Like yo always sees me do.
in port, awaiting to in the coming wook with cargo.
passing on Dat de reason why dat heard eries Ground as it a child was wopios provisions is very in bitterly Ask fo King Boes when buy.
searcs and prices are high on in the cane piece, and when they 1c. silver for each empty secount of the Food Controller went there they found the or license for butchers meat it is phan amid the canes. The ebild package of KING BEE very scarce but that will soon be was rescued and taken to the Gawge rectified as the licenses are being Claxton Bay Constabulary stu He tell me, cigarettes manufactured in got readily tion, whereupon it was identified as the one Imdattes had been Smile an smoke de ol KING BEE!
adopting the Republic. From now To Enter Protest against It seems that Imdattee, grow Recent Legal Appointment tired of the helpless state of bis until further notice.
charge, speculated as to the best representative of the Cleaner means of quietly getting rid of it (Tus TROPICAL TRAMP)
learns that there is a movement least likely to incriminate himself, on foot on certain quarters to Having thought the matter out to draft petition and have it cir a turn, he took the child into the culated for signature and after. canes and left it there.
ards transmitted to the Secre!
Tae sequel followed in the San of. protesting against a recent ap when stood pointment in the Judicial De charged with illtreating a child.
Im Court partment. The parties who are many were bis excuses, many moving in the inatter are certain were his salaamns to the Bench legal gentlemen, and it is expect while while trying to prove that he in ed that their protest will be trans tended going back to bring the The Colon Free Night mitted to England as early as little orphan out of the canefield.
mean that the intentions of their various The free night school up to date has Shipping Line to Take in possible.
Neyertheless, he was sentenced School promoters were always bad, many of been eight months in existence, and West Indies to six months imprisonment, these failed simply because they were to those who believed that the free day hard labour.
not supported by those on whom they school was only a dream that could never come to realization wish to Montreal, Aug. 13. The Julius Mr. Editor, the Workman. Willow, let me say that the Colon Free phasize; it was started on Monday. has been incorporated privately Kessler Steamship Company cation of the following letter?
of a The Tobacco Trade Night School made a rally in Colon for at which time the predicaments were any is now going slowly, but expec to trade between Canada, the Unit.
The purpose of raising funds for the test thing but favourable, Many tried to go full speed ahead in the nearby future. ed States and the West Indies: The Colonial Secretary bas istablisbment of a free day school for the me the impossibilities of maintain sued notice calling for three The Panama and Chorrillo branches The Julius Kessler, which was re orphan and fatherlese children of this ing a free school, but having failed are under consideration and we way reported at Halifax yesterday is an There is every reason to expect medical men from the Windward to discourage me they were compelled to port in a few days.
oil burner of 1, 500 tons.
a revival of the local tobacco in Islands to fill three vacancies in City This school solicits the support of all In connection with this scheme there withdraw and many are now taking their dustry which, some years ago, if the Medical Service of British words back.
loyal Negrees. 11 was no end of abusiye remarks made to you have a donation HYMENEAL.
not a very lucrative one, at least Guiana. We think this is the tirst furnished tobacco leaves of ex time that such an appeal has the collectors who ventured to approach It is my desire to inform those parties to give you may send it by mail direet to and which were been issued from the Magaificent a skeptical public soliciting funds for that am not one that is easily discour the Secretary of the Colon Free Night delightful wedding took place at considered by experts to be same. It was a matter quite alarming aged; do not believe in failures. Before School. Box 1942, Cristobal. Your e equal Provinca to the Windward Is.
as well as discouraging to hear the divers undertaking a task it is customary that donation will be acknowledged through St Peter Church, La Boca on Sunday to many of the better prepared lands. We are however afraid August 15, 1920 at p. when the Rev. and much vaunted kinds of late that Grenada will not be able to remarks passed chiefly by some of the count the cost. take a summary of very people whom we sought to benefit. its possibilities, and when the engineer St. Vincent too does not Muloare united in Holy Matrimony, Mr. several small factories have help.
Some said that (the promoter) was (any mind) gives the Henry Bennet and Misa Adina Bailey, been engaged in the manufacture seem to be well served with medmerely seeking to raise money for my no stopping me, start first slowly, then both of Jamnica; Mr. Eugene Downes of cigars, cheroots and cigarettes ical men and it will be a matter personal ure and as soon as the money full speed a sead but no going back.
Bestman, Mies. Resolution of Sympathy To those who predicted that the free son took her part as chief bridesmaid. cenes and modern equipment private practitioners in the was secumulated it would go like the a factory of up to date from that side. There few strike. In fact will not attempt to day chool would come off like the strike After the ceremony was performed the enumerate the numerous sarcastic re. wish to thank them for their forecast, At a meeting of Royal Exeetsior lodge happy couple journeyed to 21st Sweet has been started on Frederick Windward group. We very much marks that fell on my ears. If these peo. because in my opinion the strike was a the following resolution of sympatby was Gunchapali, where they eukertained the Street, under the direction of Mr. regret that full advantage canple had taken the trouble to investigate big success.
adopted by members presentJ. Cabrera. With capitalists of not be taken of this sign of interthat Mr. and Mrs. Drakes, Mesdames they would find that our coreanindan trub estimation on the Canal Zone. God to remove from this life Mm. and Henry, Mises English: It has made Negroes to realise their standing at organization WHEREAS it has pleased Almighty Sweeney, Shepherd, Brady, Small, lent materials with excel colonial preference. The West at to Indies will willingly serve De Treasurer, speak of experience in the Advisory Board, who must administrate has caused even the dead in their graves Albertha Webster, the dear wife of our Herbert, Davidson, Messrs. Burness, a really fine blend pusi merara ia whatever way she de of the school funds.
of cigar sires; but, in the matter of the expending of like leaving this country for a beloved brother James Webster, a mem. Dett, Hunte, Duncan, Charles, ettes. Flor de Antilles. will cal men, the small islands are so pity that Negroes oan land of liberty and justice. In short ber not learn to trust each other. It is true the strike has made a man of the Negro of this ledge; Weeks, Watson, Herbert: shortly be marketed. the product understaffed that they can hardthat many organizations have come up bere; hence wish to thank my friends cers and members of Loyal Excelsior and BE IT RESOLVED that we the offi Clarke, Blake, Gale, Bradley, of a blend of Trinidad and Vene: ly respond to her present invitaS.
zuelan tobaccos. which should tion.
in the past and many have failed some for predicting such a magnanimous su Lodge No. insembled this nigh Cocks and Murray, who contributed to Caracas. The packages are very 9308, MU, cess for the school.
Mueb credit. within a fortnight, but that does 10 be given to Mesers equal the product of Maturin or in solemn session There is reported a case in of the 10th day of August, 1920, in the succes of the evening with their attractive.
England where a man, growing Grove Hall, La Boca, Canal Zone, do beautiful Solos; also to Mrs. Wilson the Extending and Improving disgusted at the inefficiency sincerely regret this loss and hereby fashionable dressmaker who applied the the place ourselves on record in of Cultivation.
telephone service, gave conveying dainty touches to the Bridal costume.
our heartfelt sympathy to our beloved the public call box a blow, brother with the hope that he is not Encouraged by the liberal ad broke it up, and took away the puerwhelmed with sorrow, but rather FOR SALE vances made by Factory owners, receiver. He was charged with NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA. sliping on Him who is a very present reclining on trouble.
lony are extending and, in many technical grounds. writer remarks with satisfaction that the DRESSMAKERS RESOLVED, further, that a copy of An Estey Organ in good con respecta, improving their cultiva this resolution be spread on the be seen at tions. is belt. along of o robier meeting a copy forwarded to: 21, 21st Street, Coco Glouse No the northerns saglably the case in judgment of the Court went Brother Webster. and that it be pub reasonable offer will be refused. Knowing the service that is demanded from tunately although ground provi which feels that the receiver lished in the local prese.
LAURIE PILE to some extent is being is worse than the thiet.
every garment in these days of high prices, we have (szd. WHYTE, more atten nion is not pald to this set a very exacting sta ndard to STYLE and WORK (mover)
The opening of the new Indiah WILSON Rreat We are not in Legislative Assembly at Delhi is MANSHIP. JOHNSON, any manner alarmists, but we expected to take place in FebruDYER AND RENOVATOR Shink it our duty to keep on ad ary of next year.
ANN THOMAS, NO. BUILDING, CALIDONIA vising those who are able to utiConfirmed by the lodge.
lize every inch of available land Proprietress. Opponite Muller Building)
Realizing the necessity for asA. HUNTER growing ground provisions otherwise pripos will continue to sisting the young women of the Permanent Bewetery. BOX 1178 (ANSON, 6, skyrecker.
Gout nege Trinidad to en Grenada show cellent quality this paper.
the order pohe there are following guests his side, not to to feel mediIt is indeed 18. Poster should be The Woman Exchange help in time of sions, to krown, it is regrettable that necessity.


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