p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920 ఆలయ NOSSO 02 PACIFIC THEATRE UNIVERSAL THEATRES AMADOR ELDORADO Continuation of the exciting Serial TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 LIGHTNING BRYCE TO NIGHT SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 LOCLEAR IN The Great Air Robbery Great Vaudevil and Moving Picture Show WEST INDIAN STRAND and interesting Features and Comedies THE COMING WEEK GOOD SHOW Each Show night the COMING WEEK LOOK OUT FOR Exciting and Interesting PROGRAMS EVERY DAY 0:00 జ జర Cricket.
IS MORE ACCURATE the fine out the Standard open bawlers Ambrosine Wanted. Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers Windy rutra ion Blike FOR Free Transportation. No Deposit.
Dr. VERNON CROSBIE, CHURCH NOTICES. the A3 Sun day Sinn Freyer Surgeon Dentist St. Paul Church, Panama. ad addrem.
YOUR GAS METER Standard Wins from Demerara Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Begs to notify his patrons and by One the public generally that he has Su. Holy Communion Celebrant, St. Peter Church, La Bora very interesting game was played ranoved his the Archdesse; 10. Matine; 10, 30 AUGUST 29. 1920 Holy Eucharist stron, Cele last Sunday on the Standard Oval beDENTAL PARLOUR braat Preacher the Areldesoca; 12; Thirteenth Sunday after Trirady teeen the Standard the noon Holy Baptiem; 3; to the more commodious pre Sebool; 7:30 Evensong sermot. Peter Church Tra trow merasa The conOCABUB of opinion Sunday The following will be rvices at St, THAN YOUR WATCH WAS that these rwo clubs were evenly mises at matebed, and that therefore the Preneber the Rev. Nighbengale.
Holy Communion at 30 am. MornRame 143 Central Avenue should be Demerara won be interesting NIGHTENGALE ing Prayer and address at 11: Sunday the toss and elected to but, und were all office of the late Dr. Chas, Bailey Priest in cherge.
School at 3:30 pm and Evening Prayer disinissed for 45 ruas. Demerara bat and Sermon at 7:30 pm.
Crown and Bridge Work St. George Gatun.
ted one man short. Lewis bowled well Put one hundred of the best watches against one hundred MULCARE, for Standard, and came out with a Specialty Rector analysis of for 11 11. Mattins and address: gas meters on a lest for accuracy and the meters will win 11 after bowling through NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT pm Sunday School 7, 90 Evening ipnings. Hinds, who went on out every time.
St. Barnabas, Empire for nothing Bot Telephone 784 Prayer and address.
Stands st. Alban Church, Paralso There will be Matins and scrmon at ed their intings brilliantly, but as the 11. Holy Coutination at pm.
got their length, things began to WE GUARANTEE THE CORRECT REGISTRATION Wedding Bells 16. Holy Communion, Cele. very cordial invitation is extended tone down. With nine wiekets down, OF YOUR METERS.
brant, the v. Nightengale. 9:15 to our Golden Green, Lirio, las CascaStandard still wanted two runs to otave. What was certainly a high class Holy Biptism, 11. a. m, Holy Eudas and Empire members and friends to off defent. Excitement was now at boilwedding took place at Christ charist sermon, Celebrant Preacher, this service ang point, the spectators all staudink We carefully test and prove every meter before installing Church, Colon on Sunday afterHarith bushed breath, till Agard the last it in your home.
noon, Auk. 15th, the Red. Father an to made the winning stroke, burely Cooper officiating, when Miss winning the game by one run. Wells Walthrust and Mr.
was the only man to reach double figures Henry Lynton to hear were united in holy (10) MeClean of Demerara captured joatrimony. The bride was given wickes for Irun AT PANAMA GAS CO.
Away by her father, Mr. Johna Britannic Defeats Vincentlan than Walthrust, QM. em Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. ployee, and was attended by her At the ismian Park, Britannie me ister Misses Matilda and Nicey and defeated the Vircinia ia Tel. 738.
SERVICE Tol. 364. wali hrust as bridesmaids. Mr.
the first match of the neond half of the Gerald Sams served as bestovan BAS. Vincelian bad firsá knork at Mr. Lynton is well known in we wickets and were all distried for cricket cicles on the Isthms, runs Of this Lemon mıde 34 not mon 300 having repc sented the cul, Samuels 18 and Milligan 10 Leu City in nearly all the inter city UNITED FRUIT COMPANY en hade made his na terly way matches. Alter the ceremony.
and deservd the uvainle TOODE the party mutered to Gatur. 14 treated all the towers automobiles Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
being used, where Port Limon Costa Rica borought of IDP Preity shos, Bow bran an excellent reception was held ling for Britannie Bcales o wickets at the home of the bride father. for Sur, Bud Muxweli lur 17. When Pacific Steam Navigation Co, wiany were the congratulations Britannia got their kook at the wickets wood wishes tendered the Plenty of coatract work, make all you can. Plenty eight wickets were down before they happy pair.
reached Vincent scute; but Jue Hill of housing accomodation, Tore to the ocension and with Pinder FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE League Meeting.
parsed the score. Maxwell was lost main There will be a meeting of the Spald in and with Hill carried the score to 114. JAMAICA ing Cricket League on Thursday Spa Hill made 30 not out, Hilford 20, aud at the Ideal School Important busines Beckles 10.
will leave Cristohal, n. will leave Balbos, noon on to be settled, chief of which is the elects One painful thing we canot refrain Must have passport and SATURDAY, 28th August, 1920 for an of President, in place of Mr. Merrit, from chronicling, is the an agonistic syrit Vaccination Card.
in which this game wae played. Insalt Buenaventura and Tumaco who will be leaving a few days alter.
ang remarks made by the layers of both sides, can only work harin in the kord Rescue from the old gate. Umpires should take it their CHILE duty to report to the League any rógent will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa, noon on Deadly Enemy demanly behaviour manifested in cricket Cristobal, Canal Zone.
matehes, us cricket is a gutue ouly for SUNDAY 29th AUGUST, 1920 for gentlemen.
Gusyquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pasasmayo, 1Salaverry In our daily talk and excitement over Callao, Mullendo, Arica, Antofagasta, Coquimbo and the high cost at living and matters of Valparaiso less importance, we seem to forget the onslaught and ravages of our worse will Coach YOU enemies Kidney and Blader Dis. ORCOMA eases within our doors.
Why Suffer with Dobie Itch for College.
will leave Cristobal MONDAY, 30th August, 1920 for Their symptoms are: PAIN IN THE BACK; SIDES AND JOINTS, SOME when DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC will relieve and cure La Rochello Pallice) and United Kingdom TIMES WITH SWELLINGS, SCANTY you?
dates are requested to do satisfactory will leave Cristobal SUNDAY 5th September, 1920 for PRESSED AND TIRED FEELINGS; Droo number of secondary The advent of DR TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC has proved RESTLESNESS AT NIGHT, IRRITAHavana and New York taking deckers for Havana inCHOOL Unite BILITY, ACHING LIMBS, CONTINU.
to be the right thing in the right place. Those that have noun will belp you to prepare for there tried it for this troublesome iteh have found instant relief THIRST: PAINS IN THE units in my Night Sehool. cooling, smoothing, application for the affected parts For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at GROINS; BURNING SENSATION also keep Day School for children WEAK BACK; IRRITATION OF THE and you are doubly grateful to DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC when the itch disappears.
in which give both Elementary and CRISTOBAL BLADDER.
Higher Education.
These venomous enemies have been Others have tried it and found relief why should you suffer?
In both Schools due attention is paid or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, the lives of our people in this DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC to Commercial Subjects.
Republic NINETY NINE CHANGES For particular, call un, or write to me.
PANAMĄ TO ONE they always come out winning can be found in all drug stores. Try it.
ROBERT LINDSAY, which is evidenced in the many marches Massrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents.
to the grave yard. Cambridge Senior)
The coming of Dewiti Pills to the Classic. on Commercial School.
The Royal Mall Steam Pasket Co. Pansina.
Isthmus marks the event of a great offenNo. 2, Calle Domingo Dias, Panama sive against these terrible monsters, as STERLING Box 1044, Anoon, CZ not only are they checked, but are receiving a crushing defeat FEMALE Those who refuse cure by this GRAND TONIC ENGLISH REMEDY are their own Dr. Hoffman enemies and traitors to their country.
182 Bolivar Street DEATH.
Sueb refusal mouns treason. PENALTY, Tonic and Alterative bas reopened his clinic for gen For Run Down Systems The fame of DEWITT PILIS rings eral practice for gynocologica Is your system run dwn from (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE) All over the world, and are echoed by cases and urological disorders of even the BOERS in South Africa.
Sterling Female Tonic contains in palatable and both sexes. Diseases of the blood diseases or overworh? Just start acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, treated in accordance with the in, to day with Triner Ponie begs to inform the public that sold in two size at all leading Drug Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Ropt, Vervain, Black Haw latest German diseoveries. Ap Wines. Specially recommended be has severed all connections Stores all over the world. Refuse imi etc. andjwhen taken according to directions, beneficial re plication of the Genuine German as a Woman Toric. Can be with the English Drug Store, nation.
owned by Mr. Salazar, of the sults may be anticipated.
MANUFACTURED BY Del. it 06 and its latest modifications taken any time. 1495 and Silber salversan. We carry a complete stock of Pan American Drug Store; but COMPANY, LIMITED, ENGLAND Triner preparations at his offices have not been removed The Sterling Laboratory, Telephone No. 746 and he oan still be found about THE CITY PHARMACY, THE CITY PHARMACY, the Singer Sewing Machine 139 Central Avenue, Panama.
CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, Los Angeles, 189 Central Ave. Company. Samo old staad.
OR DIS WITH work in a cr HIGH OUS Wrecking TRINER TONIC WINE. Dr. Hubert Edwards,


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