
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920. STAG Blue Soap Three gress, worked lars the NEEDLE POINT o this city.
the Parish Church. The deceased way.
was a kind father, to frir was Colon Liberty Hall THE WORKMAN Is Now Undergoing reconstruction.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaThe colors (red, bhek and WALROND, at the othee Central AVV tion. Correspondence on all matters green) of the Universal Negre Due and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited Improvement Association and de All copy for publication must be can be had anywhere in Panama if you ask for it, African Communities League and Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and the house flag of the Black Star Line Corporation were hoisted on RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the same of If you don say Colon Liberty Hall at a.
One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publieaSeptember 1st, thus decuting on but as a mark of good faith.
Bix Months the 864 we do not undertake to return self determination of the Negroes STAG blue soap, in this city for Liberty and ProOne 25 jocled correspondence. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS unscrurpulous chinos will tryto pass off some The Oficers and members i! sun set in order to SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920, nferiostuff on you.
remove all the partitions. beautiful platform ten feet wide by two feet high is now being NIX ON LABOR CONTRACT.
constructed to accomodate al STAG BLUE SOAP IS ENGLISH who should require the need of the ball.
Wild and numerous are the rumours that a system of contract labor for the silver employees is to inaugurated he he amnected, that the hall will in time for the on the Canal Zone shortly as a means to ensure a stable Garden party acd Dance that status among the working foroes from the West Indies will be coming off on the 11th.
which are now being reduced to such proportions as instant. All Negroes without ex ception are invited to pay Colon to be the cause of serious alarm among the Canal authoriLiberty Hall a visit ties, according to public opinion.
REMEMBER It was thought and believed by We know nothing certain about the latest exeitenent many that the six thousand dol in the ranks of so called alien labor on the Isthmus, but if paid for the building was ex: the rumour is true it might just as well be expressed that THOSE GOOD VIRGINIA CIGARETTES orbitant, but since they have had privilege of inspecting the nothing would be more improbable here than to institute building themselves, they have anything like the contract system, on a successful basis.
declared it a barguin. Many dis.
Even if there were surplus labor now and we know there tinguished Negroes came to in.
is not) it would be far from being easy matter to get You used to smoke in the spect the building and congratulated the Officers for the move the silver people to agree to or sign any contract, in any they made form whatever.
WEST INDIAN ISLANDS The argument against such a system, as put forth by the OBITUARY more intelligent and thoughtful West Indians relative to the question, is worthy of respectful consideration. Sinoe By recent mail, the painful intelligrace to the effect that Mr. Ramos Dawson, they claim that the treatment received at the hands of THEY ARE HERE aged 80 year, bad departed this life on their employers, under the system of independent labor, is the 10th ulio, at his entire home, Saw so outrageous and inhuman as it is known to be, it could not yors, Trelawny Parish, Jamaica, was rereasonably be imagined that the same employers would ofceived by his daughter, Mr. S. Brady fer anything by way of amelioration under a system intended to bind employee to employer for a definite period.
Boru in the Old Mountain District, deceased was a staunch member of the When this contention is carefully weighed, common The West Indian Favorite old sebool of Wesleyane, and at the time sense and experience will be compelled to bow to the arguof his demise be held the responsible ment, and at the same time create in the mind of the people position of foremost Leader slong with the potent suspicion that another form of serfdom is being Beveral other minor and useful ones 10 sought to restrain the West Indians from making any effort FRESH AND GOOD to improve their economic condition in the face of the exinterred with all the becomining rites of the church he loved 30 well, and na traordinary and exacting demands in their domestic cocerns. The law of logic works only one way and it is natu Packets of Ten Cigarettes, Packed in Silver Foil. mark of appreciation for his untiring services, the Minister from an adjoin ral to conclude that if there is discomfiture under the ing parish journeyed over to asist the free system it will be death under the arrangement of regular incumbent in the ceremony. devoted and affectionate husband. contract service.
There can be only one solution to the colored labor question on the Isthmus, and that is, a satisfactory scheDeath of Mrs. McGinnis all those with whom he came into ontact to know him was to love him dule of wages suitable to the vital question of subsistence.
He was ailing for upside Dr. Tichenor Antiseptic The West Indians can all obtain profitable employment in 10 for a cunsiderable to during which he was hich he was constantly being Cuba and elsewhere, at present, and the outlook promises spiritually administered to, and despite is in the home of thousands of families which have often good fortune for an unlimited period; and what is best, the Advices from New Orleans re. all that medical skill could do, the end saved doctors bills by having it.
port the death of Colonel Mccace as above mentioned.
people can make and save more money in a year in Cuba You should carry home a bottle to day because you or Lellan, father in law than they can in three years in Panama. In the face of such was twice married and besides your wife or children may need it to morrowl Theo. McGinnis, prominent busi ren, grand and great grand to mourn hie of Mr. sorrowing wile, bo leaves facts it would be gross absurdity to suggest, with any deDR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC ness gentleman of this city. Just lome there also surviven by the first gree of seriousness, the introduction of the contract system is certain relief for burns, dobie itch, bruises, cuts and about a montb ago, Mrs. McGin union oue son and two daughters, this of labor among the silver employees of the Zone.
soreness in all parts of the body. It is the one best pres nis, received news that her father younger being Mr. Brady of this The status of alien labor has been reduced to a ridicucription for colic, cramps, and diarrhoea. lous point, and the people themselves are far from being was knocked down by a track in city aforesaid, to whom the WORK Ask your druggist. Buy now New Orleans and she immediate its sincer sympathy to the bereaved MAN tokes this medium of proferring responsible. If the Canal authorities bad listened to facts ly left for that city to assist in relatives and reason when the leaders of the United Brotherhood of nursing him. His injuries, how.
Maintenance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborerer, proved fatal and he suc Briel life is here or portion, ers had so humanely and rationally approached them on employees bas, up to the present, been met and received ce mabedor de uring the latter part Brief sorrow short lived care; brehhite of the seventeen thousand colored workingmen here, with determined opposition by the people whose industrial sires woextend ito profound of this. THE WORK MAN The life that knows no ending, The tearless life is dear.
a general exodus to Cuba could never have eventuated as Jamaica papers please coyy.
there would never have been a strike, nor would there have condition has been thereby jeopardised, and we know of no sympathy to the bereaved family.
been such wholesale dissatisfaction among the silver em ruse or spider web invention emanting from the brains of our Olympian gods installed forever (as they believe) on ployees as exists at the present time.
The depletion in the ranks of alien labor, the very the Pacific heights that will be slick enough to catch the best that the canal ever had, is an indicting stigma on the people off their guard. Once bitten, always shy. is a proverb among West government that created the conditions which have made it possible and necessary, and it is something highly credit Indians as forceful as it is colloquial and it would require able to the spontaniety and independence of the colored men with more ingenuity than that possessed by those wiseacres of Isthmian germination planted on the Balboa workers here that they conceived the idea of seeking new hillside to decoy, deceive or debauch the contidence which pastures when the arid circumstances of the one in which they browser to ade even the very grass to grow; so that it is impossible for the existing conditions to ensure. It is the forlorn tope vi while the grass is growing the horse now a question of man, man; and, of course, the stronger SUNLIGHT SOAP is made is starving vas not even felt as the remotest promise of man will win.
from the sweetest and improvement in the future, far or near.
choicest of edible oils and fats.
We believe that fortune smiled considerably upon the EASY WOMEN IN CHORRILLO It contains no harsh or strong colored denizens of the Canal Zone when the sugar boom of ingredient.
Cuba lent impetus to the desire to move out in protest The presence in Chorrillo of women from the abondon It is the purest and most against unnatural treatment, and for the people to have ed Red Light district in Cocoa Grove is the source of much efficient of soaps and, if used lost the opportunity to better their living condition would discontent and strong feeling on the part of the respectajudiciously, the most economical have been as great a crime against themselves as any of ble residents there. Numerous families with little children those committed against them when the strike exasperated have now to move in and out among a set of chronic prostiA little goes a long waythe fatuous autocrats of Isthmian economics and occasion. Uutes who know no other livelihood but that of vending!
every particle is pure there is ed the humiliating acts recorded on the conscience of the cheir bodies. This is, to say the least of it, a most lumilianothing to harm the clothes on to impede the rapid progress world.
ting and degrading state of affairs the result of which can of the wash.
And now that the rumour to make colored employees not be other than disastrous, and responsibility for which sign contracts for stated periods is afloat nothing bui tre must rest on the heads of those whose official position gives ALL THE VALUE stoutest resentment looms up in the breasts of the people them the power of correcting such an undivilised condition.
Perhaps, if the matter is put into force there might be There are scores of Panamanian and West Indian We are soepmakers with an found some lugubrious and good for nothing men who familie who have been living in Chorriilo from the time ideal our ideal is to make a would be weakkneed enough to feel themselves obliged to that district became a settlement, and who have grown to Soap which shall have no SUNLIGHT sign, but we fear that this bunch will be a cold and insignifi regard their stay there as permanent; but when equal for Purity and Efficiency an invasion of worthless women is permitted to tarnish the throughout the cant minority.
country 10 But as to the contract itself: will it be anything supe respectability of the district it must cease to be a desirable superior in all the world.
One rior to the infamous Las Cascadas bluff which was intended location. The present crisis brings the question to a serious PURIT We realize our ideal in every tablet of Sunlight Soap which as a strike proof propaganda and which met such a merci point. Either the respectable families should be ordered out is manufactured.
less exposure that less than twenty families accepted it? and the ill famed vultures allowed restricted habitation, or ALL THE VALUE IS IN Would the Canal authorities expect it to meet approbation else the prostitutes must be turned out and prohited from THE SOAP THAT WHY.
among the silver employees at a time when unconditional settling or visiting the district. It will never do for the employment is so plentiful just next door and where good sake of morality to allow the indiscriminate residing of dejobs are obtainable simply for asking? Do they think West cent people and women of the under world together. Our Indians such gullible idiots as to see a snare and walk into it? children are not in a healthy atmosphere when ladies of Every attempt to strangulate the interests of the silver the scarlet are their neighbors, tima He several ebild.


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