
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920, PAGE TIRES KING BEE West Indian News Grenada CIGARETTES NG BEE GRADE FORTH CENTRA DUTHANA EXPO AMERICAN Extra Mild GARETTES were to inx of bein protest BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY LTD and effort at persuasion, and on the day before the Conferenca consent to ten minutes was given to the solution dealing with the West Indies and Grenada in Grenada Affairs particular. The Emergency Rosolution, moved by Mr.
Handled at Confer Sor. and seconded by Dr. Morgan, reads: ence of Labour That this Conference views with strong disapproval the inParty troduction into the West Indian islands and other Crown ColoEmergency Resolution nies of vanecessary legislation restricting the liberty of the Passed Unanimously Press and of the subject, and protests especially against the Seditious Publications Ordinance AN HONOR PAID TO THIS COLONY (Grenada) 1920, and asks for its withdrawal.
The Twentieth Annual Confer The veteran Mr. Ben Tillet, ence of the Labour Party of supported the resolution in a Great Britain was begun at Scar brief speech, and the meeting borough on the 23rd of June last showed that it was carried unaniThe Conference of the Labour The Resolution, we uoOur friend Geo. Foster, he Party, just as similar midterica. de has been submitted to Whose middle name is other Parties, are the Went out last night to see his girl events, but the Conference this was made of the Resolution in the Asinokin old KING BEE.
yoar was of more tromendous London Times of the following importance due to the nation. morning. Thus not only our pro wide recognition of the fact that tests on this side, but the weighA package occupied the Labour Party is the coming official protest of the Labor His pocket, bulging wide; political party of of Great Britain. Party in Conference is before the He wore a wide and pearly grin At the Conference, all the great oficials of Downing Street, And stepped with jaunty stride.
leader of the Labour Party We are sure that all true Grepresent, including hundreds of nadians will be glad to hear of the And then Geo. Foster, he delegates representative of the help extended to us by our coun: various branches and depart trymen in Great Britain who is Got Clementina ments of the promising move taking an active part in the poliTo help him count his package of ment. Our talented countryman, tical life of that great country The Wrappers of KING BWE.
Dr. Morgan, who has been Bat Dr. Morgan, having done hits nominated by the Labour Party duty largely from a sense of jusNow would you ever guess as a prospective candidate, was tice to his islandbome, we desire That she could buy a dress present, and it is due to his in. do recommend that a motion of Anonce that an important Grena. thanks be moved at a Mass MeetBecause Geo. mokes old da question was brought up al ing or at a representative meet KING BHE the Conference of the leaders in the But, so can you, no less!
We give the details in order, movement in this colony and con 1c. silver for each empty As soon as Dr. Morgan knew of veyed to Mr. Spoor and THE TROPICAL TRAMP)
that un British piece of legisla Mr. Ben Tillet. Mr. Spoor, we package of KING BEE tion the Seditious Publications understand, is the Laborite who Bill he took action in the mat takes charge of Colonial questions ter by submitting to the execu in the House, and we gather that cigarettes manufactured in tive department of the Labour his interest in our cause was in Party certain memoranda dealing tense. Mr. Ben Tilet outspoken the Republic. From now with West Indian political condi support was spontaneous.
tions. 3oon after fall represen Of course, success is not yet.
tations were ere made to him by the But valuable spade work has been until further notice.
managing department of The West done. It is for us to do the trowel Indian touching on the unneces. work for the new foundations.
sary harshess of the infamous We have reached far in the disBill, and drawing attention to the tance of the constitutional limits great weight of the general pub of our protest, and we must go lic protest of the colony.
last inch.
Oar fellow Grenadian in Eng last inch. Delegates from Grena: We must go the last inch; the land increased his efforts and ventured on apparently impos da, and from other West Indian sible undertakings, one of which islands if possible, must go to was to get the matter put down England so that we may underon the Agenda of the Conference stand and be understood. This is difficulty was twofold (1) the flood of the tide and we must The Giddy Goat.
land system that obtains on the Isthmus, ease the majority of we did not come cost of living? What is the so called da is decided on months ahead guarantees of prograss along the It was weli known that the Agen launch out for definite, civilized and the monopoly of a few of a kind. No bere to live and die.
guarantee is held out to the man who is of us get busy and get not only out of hem would be thankful for the money Energency Resolution is enter life as a people.
So its well we subsistence they get? The majority of and only in exceptional cases an lines of British requiremts in our Dear Mr. Editor. ermit me a small energetic, and enterprising enough this city, but out of the country Taking and be allowed to feed themselyes.
An to be entertained Friends of the West Indies in space in the columns of your vatuable to launch the venture, that he will be the article as a whole, it is not tar short in the Hospital authorities will re such a Resolution must be consi. the Mother Country are prepared journal to make a few brief observation fully paid for bis time, latuor and money of a fubfanorade of blatant falsehood, search the Wake Scale for the silver em dered vital to the movement to help and instructour Delegates to an article appearing in the Spanish sutkay. There are instances where a man and must have gonera. ed from a mind ployees and give the men what is diw The Labour Party stands com on th ir visit to England in all section of the Star and Herald of the after obtaining the necessary land, and full of late or prejuu ce or both. Auy to them. beg also to refer to some mitted to the decisions of doll the intricacies of approach and 24th iust. The writer of that artick putting in a good oultivation, just as way we are going and nothing is going bf the nurses of that institution who berations in Conference, and the procedure, a knowledge of which seems peeved over the present exodus, as the time of reaping approaches, be is to stop the avalanche. could have taki jake more upon themselves that the decisions become detinitely in is necessary to a may be judged from his manner of ex served with a notice to quit before heen up and discused other points of that superintendont bimself. If the Super corporated in the programme o a proper healing We advise a speeding up of prosing himself. He starto out by inti bad time to diante a green the marido bate le mode Mucediroybut also be eligible that intendent would only one tho it want these and policy of the Party in the the Great Prive for the Grenada he Indians way in Darien dis too much on valuable time and called treat aun caplayout Arst wyshe Isthmus will in no way suffer trict with his large and thriving field; pace already. So will stop here, and is right, he would have lou men leaving the with Grenada could not be consi. turn all promises into cash by the place, Resolution dealing Delegates Fund. Collectors should from this exodus; that West Indians are around the coast districts of the Repub tkanking you for space and indulgence job. It would take the Lord Himmel dered vital to the Party, and in end of this month, and get in as not pod agriculturists; but are strong lic they are to be found. have known am ete.
work witor name of those trece. Ok, the second place the Conference many subscriptions as possible.
anough to do excavation work rueh many whom le uld name it needs be, who that Nie Superietendeuti (and don needed time for members to acH. WYNTER Our destiny is in our own hands the Canalete that they prefer to remain preferred the jungles to life in the elty.
blame him for ho is never told the truth Quaint themselves with a matter, to day. This day has salvation in dhe city rather than a rural life which Ito known as a faet that perforee and out Panama City by them) would only know some of the to which the Party had to stand come unto our house.
of to irse means a non desire for agricul of sheer decenity many are compelled to 28 90. things that are carried on in the warda mitted. But Dr. Morgan suc tural pursuit Now two things sug live e in the city. One has only to me to the and sections by thone number, especially readed after much energy of wil Continued on page 4)
pent themselves, either that the writer sa playa on food quest to see the number of in Smotion Ct It takes caly totally devoid of a general knowledge of West Indians, disosing of their provision Ancon Hospital with Job patience to work the West Indies a whole, and the beight brought from round the coast to give the rections. But the publie will get to to which the science and art of Agricul lie to the assertion that they do not like kaow all some day.
ture have reached, or he does not know a rural lite and farming. Farming it Its System and Nurses CrlThanking you for space, you what agriculture means. Nearly every West soome to me as used here applies to a few ticised HENRY Indian who has set foot on the Isthmus cows, pigs ete, and the selling of milk knows not only the practical side of agris at least it seems to me some persone culture, but is well taught it not versed idea of what farming alone means.
The following letter (greatly nodified in the theory of it. Any mau who dom The real reason for that article seem to by this office) is published not because not know that such places as Jamaica, be soreness Barbados, Grenada et al are purely agri and bow some will feel the lose and ite pleasantness, but because of the many cultural countries, ought to be pilied. ultimate effect. It is is Do IS fun when the and persistent reports, verbal and otherBut if we come to the real point, the source of supply is out of West Indian wise, which reach us from time to time. 157 Central Avenue, corner reason if there is any, why West Indians have long been the source of supply id It is hard to conceive that so many do not go in largely for cultivation, is every department of existence. They are complaints in this particular connection Street due in. great me sure to the defective not now wanted any longer, and in any would arise unless there was some res UNITED FRUIT COMPANY son for same, and though we would not HOURS: to 11. 30 a.
credit all we hear, yet we believe in the to 30 30 to 30 Port Limon Costa Rica old adage that smoke never comes out Sundays: 10 11 a.
where there is no fire. Ed. THE WOMAN EXCHANGE Sir It is regrettable to state tha Appointments can be arranged the Ancon Hospital attendanta working NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA ephone 875 Plenty of ontract work, make all you can. Plenty at the rate of twelve hours a day ge no of housing accomodation DRESSMAKERS Suppose these people were working out Dr. Hoffman day, what would be the result? Have has re opened his clinic for gen Knowing the service that is demanded from the authoritice Free Transportation. No Deposit.
itio any consideration.
Have eral practice for, gynocologica every garment in these days of high prices, we have they any conscience? Good hea vena cases and urological disorders of Thor employees spend more of their time both sexes. Diseases of the blood Must have Passport and set a very exacting star dard to STYLE and WORK for the government than they spend treated in accordance with tbe Vaccination Card.
their bemes. Isn that hard, consider latest German discoveries. ApMANSHIP.
ing in comparison the salaries which plication of the Genuine German they receive? Then consider also the 606 and its latest modifications ANN JTHOMAS, rough treatment and the poor subsistence (1495 and Silber salversan. Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
Many of the male employees an mar Telephone No. 746 Proprietress.
ried men and have two or three or more children. Isa it bard for them to live CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, Cristobal, Canal Zone.
a mi poor wages and fight the bile Opposite Amador Theatre tertained home Wanted! Wanted. Dr. OGILVIE Carpenters and Laborers


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