
ROYA passed in IANT St Vincent LIFEBUOY SOAP is given aces the ய ய PAGE POUR THL WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920.
Inteersting Nows From the WEST INDAN STEAMSHP COMPANY LTD. Continued from page 3)
INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA Grenada 73 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA Are we all ready the conscious all, the progressive all. the MANY OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping truly British all. Are all responbusiness.
sive. the all who desire to make life grander and nobler than they (b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, found it the all who believe in HANDS Panama, New York and England.
theinselves, the! a. who know CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share.
intellectual honesty, and who have the passion of the explorer WIRI (b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share.
in their quest for what the sofa (c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: js per apologist deerns difficult and un share on application, 5s. per share on allotment aud the ba. attainable! Are we ready all!
lance as the Directors think tit.
Are we responsive all (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors.
Seditious Publications (e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold Ordinances not less than 50 shares in the Company.
The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and To Mr. Hsyday, who asked, on hope to start the service about the cod of September July 6th, whether legislation similar to the Seditious PublicaIt is hoped that jamaicans and their friends abroad will tions Ordinance: Grenada, bad avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num been introduced or passed in any ber of shares.
other of the West Indian colonies, SOLICITORS: Messrs. Lake Rowe, 99 Tower St. Lieutenant Colonel Amery re Kingston, Ja.
plied that the same law had been in St. Lucia and St. Vin.
BANKERS: Royal Bank of Canada.
cent, and legislation of a similar character had been passed in DIRECTORS Trinidad, the Leeward Lylands, and the Bahar. a Islands. CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President DR. RA. LOGAN, Treasurer: DR. ST. CYR.
OSWALD ANDERSON, TULLOCH, BINHAM THE many hands which are wiped on the JOHN WHITTINGHAM, GRANT, same towel are busy all day long handling MISS LENA SANDFORD, Secretary The Hookworm germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, APPLICATION FOR SHARES Campaign.
Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things. WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
Remarkablə Results in St.
73 Orange Street, Kingston Vincent beg to apply for. shares of 11 each in the West Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
What can be done towards the PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
eradiction of ankylostomiasis: 11 herewith send you 55 per share with this application and agree on notitication of allot. cent of same to pay 5s. per adequate support is forthcoming, is demonstrated by the campaign It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy share and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per against this disease in St Vincent, Soap does more. It positively protects its users from the accompanying Circular.
carried on on with funds provided the by Name in full many germ laden things they come into the International Health contact Board. An account of the results with daily. Healın is stored in every tablet.
Address attained in the report of Occupation the Colonial Surgeon of St. Vin.
cent for 1918 19, 319, which to Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will Date measures taken from the incep make your skin glow with shealth. Wash your face with it. Bathe tion of the work in 1915, under with it.
Dr. Jacocks, who was later Shampoo with it succeeded by Dr. Gardner GOOD WILL So successful have been their efMORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
forts that out of 12, 395 persons business lives through its (or over 45 per cent of the popuOTHERS LIMITED, PO SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND.
customers. And its greatest lation of the districts dealt with. asset is their good will. who were found to be infected.
Our service has always 11, 577 were treated during this measured up to this stand. and as many as 10. 279 ard and brings forth volunwere cured.
throughout the colony It is now stillborn, and that 373, or nearly the able bodied labourers and artary expression of friend. In practically all this work. pretty generally admitted that the one third of the children born tisans to leave the Presidency ship and contidence says the report the intensie Diego Martin wells are something and considerably more than one and the high rate of mortality Come in and see our New plan of work has been followed. like the bois immortel. regard third of the children born alive, among infants, and if these causSlip Grip Soft Collar Hold This intensive plan requires that ing which Mr. Barrett, died before attaining the age of es continue to act at their present EVER ers. Better than pins, each home in the territory cover cultural specialist who visited us five years.
ratio, they will have fir reaching led be visited by a member of the some years ago, remarked that STRIKE FULLE?
Among the calls for this effects upon the physical and eco.
staff, who takes a kus complete cen it failed in the dry season wher teavy infantile mortality are. 1) nomic condition of th:n ople YOU JEWELER every person living in this it was most required. It is no he emigration of able bodied la territory, obtains a specimen for use crying over spilt milk, but 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, examination from as many as is melancholy to think ing their children. 2) malnutri.
how much ing to FOR SALE Panama RP possibly of the people included money was spent in digging for frien os mothers, parily on that in the ensus, and treats as wat we miles away pump count and truly because An Estey Orgran in wood con.
se of the dition. Can be seen at House No.
as possible of the people who are back and up to reservoirs over high cost of living, 3) neglect of 21, 21st Street, Coco Grove. No found to be infected until a cure looking Port of Spain, to say the children, which is not always reasonable offer will be refused.
Black Candles! Black Candles! has been effected.
nothing of the cost of rebuiiding willol, but is in the Red House, the loss of which to the facts that the mothers have in many cases due LAURIE PILE St. Vincent Plantation was due to disturbances over the to work to support themselves Sale.
Have arrived would go far towards providing to patheir offiapring, cannot afford Dr. WILLIAMS Upper and Lower Diamond es. a full and sufficient supply by after their children, and have no (M CH. EDIN. tate in George Parish, St. gravitation from the plen teous depot or créche where the chil. PHYSICIAN SURGEON Vincent, have been sold by the sources in the surrounding hills. dren can be left in good keeping Hon. Lewis Punnett to Mr, However, the inatter will have to for a reasonable fee, and (4) last, Has removed temporarily to Lynch, of Barbados for be tackled now, and it may be but not least, the insanitary sur 12, 000.
stated that one of the most com roundings and diet that sap the Long Building No. 5045. Section A, ply the good petent engineers in the colony, vitality of the children and render FOLKS RIVER occupying a most responsible them an easy prey to disease.
old English position, has publicly stated that the two most significant facts in All cases fully Examined all the necessary information the Vital statistics of Dominica OFFICE HOURS: with regard to levels, is now are the increasing tendency of 10 a. to p.
ISINGLASS available, and that the necessity There are six factories in Tri of waiting for a topographical nidad making coconut oil, the survey does not exist.
and WAX output of which is about 140, 000 gallons a year. Il, however, the for CANDLES as compared with that for coco, nut oil, more copra is exported and less oil made.
in any colour.
St. Lucia Coastal Service. model village is to be erected On his way to. in Trinidad for the work people The coastal service is being conOWNED BY employed by the New Trinidad ducted by the tug Midge, pending THE WEST PHARMACY, Lake Asphalt Company and its the completion of a motor boat The National City Bank of New York CORNER 18 STREET GUACHAPALI village will be companies. The which is being built for the Gove provided.
Head Office: 55, Wall Street own waterworks, sewerage, and electric light. garden plot will be given round each house, Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits. Over 9, 000, 000 Excelsior Furniture Store and those who wish to cultivate a plot of ground will have the Official Depository of the Republic of Panama AND privilege of using an allotment of Depository of the Panama Canal one half to one acre.
Employment Agency Dominica Children Depository of the Panama Railroad Trinidad Water Supply.
All kinds of Furniture and other articles bought, sold and exchanged.
Through its Agencies in the Interior and Infantile Mortality Scandal Orders taken for Water proof Rain coats. Whatever you want to sell, buy, Writing on June 18th, Mr. Tripp its Foreign Branches this Institution offers exchange, etc.
reports a further spell of dry SEE ME FIRST.
exceptional banking facilities.
weather, and adds that the posi. Some disquieting figures fare All kinds of Information given.
tion is becoming serious indeed given in the annual report on the It is believed that at last the au Vital Statistics of Dominica for Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands SANGUINETTI BROWN, thorities are coming round to the 1919; which show that out of 1, 070 conclusion that, of all questions deaths in that year, only 477, or Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Sts. Guachapaki.
urgently pressing for attention, less than half the total, reached Anoon Box 1130. Phone 160 nothing should take precedence the age of fourteen years, that Per Annum of a sufficient supply of water 102, or just over 10 per cent. were LEVER DIDOT the age sus of We can supTrinidad St. Lucia INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Dominica


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