
Jamaica Lawyers Fees Salary of an AdminIncreased 25 Per Cent to istrator.
Meet High Cost of Living Resolution Passed IncreasSome time ago the Jamaica Gleaner announced that there was ing the Pay of the Gova movement on foot to increase ernor of British Guiana.
the fees payable to Solicitors island. The movement was based MOVE IN LEGISLATURE on the grond that office and general expenses of At a recent meeting of the the solicitors had gone up they Demarara Legislature, the Colohad not been able to increase vial Secretary moved: Sbeir fees, same having been set That this Court is of opinion tled by a process of Law: It is that the salary of the Governor Al wine to tell yo all de way learnt that the Ruling Author. should now be placed at the full rake dose eigarettes today.
ities have been approached on Amount provided for by the Civil the subject of focreasing the List Ordinance of 1917. UB spoke Gawge Foster, he fees; and it can now be itated He said that the secretary of that dedoine action has been tak. State bad expressed the opinion Who always mokes the best an and the few have been in that the salary draws by the KING BEET Grensed.
Governor should be be in accordance His Honour the Chiel Justice with the limportance of the col has passed a rule oder the Juony. opinion been Dey got a fret ry here in town: dicatur. LAV Nhat all Bills of expressed by the elective memo Dey get tobacro fresh an brom coule, ure sad except the day. bers the Conference and la From ol Virginy whar dey grow ment of foes for costs and briel seu circumstances, the Goving prescribed the schedule ernor agreed to the proposal pro Do bes tobacco dat Ah knowo.
al fees, shall be increased in res vided it received the support. Doy age it eareful; cut it fine; peel all business done after she Bulk of the elected members.
who la January, 1020, by 25 per Mr. Brown seconded.
It make a cigarette devine; cent and that such increase His Excellency said he would Ti bigger dan it ever was; shall be allowed ipon any taxe like them to understand that the Hon whether a between party Dot personal 10 him. If any.
It am de bes an je bekus, and party or between solici body asked him before the Bays Gawge. initial or and client amount yus voted what he was This new regulation took tot going to do It am de bres data why with it he would have trou be 25th June.
said that it was bis business and ah stoke Car Conductor Dios from Secretary of Stato intorming him ao abeiro. He had written the KING BEET Injuries that he would spend 500 more in the colony than be had been Ta ThoriCAL TRAMP.
1c. silver for each empty Alexander Holmen, the son doing in previous years.
duetor of the West Iodia Compe The resolation was unanimouspackage of KING BEE Dy LAD. wbo, us already statedly adopted.
in the Gleaner, met with an acci dent on the 3rd ultimo, being Domorara Colonization cigarettes manufactured in kpoeked og his car by dray on the Hope Road while on duty, Scheme, the Republic. From now died at the Hospital sarly on the 224.
LIDLAN DELEGATES TO VISIT Holmes was on the steps of the until further notice.
car coming from Hope Gardens On reaching Waterloo Road, it is alleged that two animals that Three delegates have been were in a dray going up the road selected by the Indian Goveragot out of control and ran into ment to visit Demerara in order the steps of the tram car with to report on its suitability for the result that the conductor colonisation by Indian families.
was knocked off the car and sus. Information to this effect has the Public Hospital, where it was seereteceived by the Honorary discovered that he was suffering Scheme from a Secretary of from extensive injuries on his India. The dekat are the on WALIO Source head. He remained at the insti. Hon. Sastri, Mr.
the Federation New restrictive laws tution and despite the utmost and Mr. Tiwari, and are Labour Flowing BOCAS NEWS probably will be introduced in Congrees feature was the p. service, which was medical skill. and attention, he probably on their way to the colo proceded with procession through the collapsed, and died.
that Toward the immediately after it convenen in principal streets in which officers, com to leave ludia this December they were to wher Mennwhile the flow of immigrante is Church work la thore parte has reciv. rades, juniors and friends took part is memo 70, 000 Immigrants Landed expected to grow langer, officials ber Rodney, who arrived from Jamaica pe owes to mother. last night they ed a new spet in the person of Rev. Returning to their Halla most parentai of the hoperial Legislative lecture was delivered deseribing the duty cil of India and one of the dele say. Oppressed by high taxen remulting At Various American from the war, lack of employment on Sunday, August lat. He was met at gates sent to England by the Indian Government to give evi.
Ports In June. because of factories not yet rehabilitated shower by Revd. Notraun of the Brew held senect which came off sectum dence more the joint Committee and strained general economic conditions, Baptist Church with whom he the night That In Martinique traetors were of the the workers of Italy, Spain, and Central or ya impresive wrmon at khe Baptist vin de have been favored with mails from ago, and their use has increased of he For two weeks this two or dian of Lords on the In 600, 000 CAME IN YEAR. Europe are flocking to the United States Churab and was recorded hearty wet Cristobal delivered by VS. lub to such an extent that mules are Mr. Andrews is an Englishman Reform Scheme. He is one the America again looms to them to political leaders in India Washington, Augurt Unskilled land of promise and plenty, wit di gore by the Minister e beball el kierto not seen now drawing heavy who has worked in the interest doet. The following day he left for Al before August 4, 1014 beur of Europe again ia beginning to miesto to jola hio novia worker Revd. The walking floop Vinta. loade. Tractors are employed of Indians in India and abroad flow toward the United States ia tide Storage dooko ol overy large line are Dunaumio. bor under over de Capt. Neben derived todas las instead to haul heavy freights and recently visited East and and to do work about the sugar Bouth African early crowded with low they enter United Me wo hold of labor.
y equal to pre was daya Sun with leodets the lodias Boventy thousand immigrante landed States harboun. Immigration Nations factories. The island is mostly question.
American porta in June, recording to and working overtime. Immigration Mr. Dyett, hos polared to so billy that cultivation by means of tractors is not practicable. Continued a page 4)
an endotin otment by Commienioner Gon officials are reabed with hearing to Somain and reduring lor web will al Caminetti of the immigration Bureau determine theme of new arrival to penter la FOR SALE larger sumber in the pro become ridents of the United State Wine month of May. Compared with Immigratu arriving in the Government V. Green, bank again the job year ago this about 100. per epat, in fiecal year surgente more than 800, 000 He woully wired forandrine aition. Can be seen at House No.
An Eatey Organ in good con the 6o. Comomimary Guabila crease in new arrival.
persone Al at which they 21, 21st Street, Coco Grove. No Unskilled labour now To coming the total for 1020 should be more Thanks to the vigilance of Watebinan reasonable offer will be refused.
throughout the United States plenti than 1, 000, 000, officials say. Downer, saployeo of Menor. Carl ful supply menne lower cost of operation, Taking into count that appros Price and Co, this wity was pared what LAURIE PILE increased produetion and eboerer com imately 400, 000 persoas left the country may have been distrous fire. At. modities for American citizens and the during the fiecal year the not gain we colock on the morning of the 16th inst.
immigrants sesording to some officialo waly 200, 000, Dovinar came upon man bere. It also meane reduced wagen, men Government officials socording to labour leaders. fight to interested in eving the humanitation building who had already maturated the NOW palestre rentriet immigration is being flood reach pre war figure are not dig ing same. The man seeing tant he was 157 Central Avenue, corner place with oil and ww in the set of lightplanned by the fasteinn Federation of couraged by the large number of obwerved, bent abasty retreat and though Laborare odiniale and undacioken a departures. So long the rate of Downer went after him, at the same time Street direet orders of the recent convention of larrivals remains wat prevent the whouting for naistabee, howeveded in UNITED FRUIT COMPANY making his crape.
HOURS: to 11. 30. to 30 pm Port Limon 30 to 30 Costa Rica Mr. Binnon who was employed in the capacity of baggage baster on the Sundays: to 11 a.
THE WOMAN EXCHANGE Changuinals Rályay nailed on the 17th inst, by the B. Atena har New On Appointments can be arranged NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Te ephone 875 Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty Communiortions pocsived tells of the of housing accomodation DRESSMAKERS safo antival at Haven Cube of Mr. Dr. Buckley who left here on the 6th inst.
Hoffman He encourages any one not permanently bas reopened his clinic for gen employed to seek employment in Cuba.
Free Transportation. No Deposit. Knowing the service that is demanded from eral practice for gynocologica every garment in these days of high prices, we have Tencher inuing carde med cases and urological disorders of Must have Passport and ere long be will reply to For bobter or both sexes. Diseases of the blood set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK for worse. Go to it Teach.
treated in accordance with the Vacoination Card.
latest German discoveries, Ap.
The Salvation Army of this city, complication of the Genuine German bined with the Lagoon corps held the 606 and its latest modifications ANN THOMAS, Mother Day on Sunday last, the special (1495 and Silber salversan. Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
Telephone No. 746 Proprietress.
Rain will continue, The number of Cristobal, Canal Zone.
departures is deereading with each month, CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, is ia pointed out.
Opposite Amador Theatre taited source is Andrews.
wonth, don Sastri is Martinique lodged for fully ending is Wanted! Wanted. Dr. OGILVIE Carpenters and Laborers lose.


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