
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1920 law. LIFEBUOYES ROYAL DESINFECTANT SOAP THE many hands which are wiped on the same towel are busy all day long handling germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
LIFEBUOY SOAP the judge Intesrsting News from the WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. Continued from page 3)
The Judges of the Supreme Court in Demerara have comMANY OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping pleted the task of bringing the business divorce law of the colony in line (b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, with the English ordinance. Di.
HANDS Panama, New York and England.
vorce proceedings formerly were governed by the rules of Cape CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share.
Colony under the Roman Dutch Rules of court for the WIPE (b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share.
regulation of practice and proce(c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: 5s per dure have been made under the share on application, 5s. per share on allotment aud the ba Matrimonial Causes Ordinance ON ONE lance as the Directors think fit.
of 1916 and will shortly be (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. brought before the Court of Policy for approval. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall bold TOWEL!
not less than 50 shares in the Company.
There appears to be great ac The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and tivity in the diamond trade in hope to start the service about the end of September British Guiana, and prices of It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will stones are at a high level. Ex.
avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num peditions to the diamond fields Der of shares.
have been despatchd, and there is a great demand for stones, SOLICITORS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. large and small Kingston, Ja.
BANKERS: Royal Bank of Canada.
Fined Forty Shillings Each.
APPLICATION FOR SHARES The case long pending against Mr. Ludlow Livingstone, American Consul and his son for deten WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. tion of an affidavit the property of Miss Iris Nurse 73 Orange Street, Kingston cesterday in the Petty Debt beg to apply for. shares of each in the West It the Consul and his son bad both Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
refused to attend the Court and herewith send you 5s per share with this application the Consul himself had even aud han and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s. per assaulted the bailiff who attempt.
even It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy sbare and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per ed to serve him with a Court Soap does more. It positively protects its users from the accompanying Circular.
summons. Yesterday the case was again called the many germ laden things they come into contact Name in full fined the Livingstones re et fils forty shillings each with daily.
Address Health is stored in every tablet.
for not atending the Court and entered Occupation judgment for against Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will the younger defendant for the Date.
detention of the affidavit.
make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe with it. Shampoo with it.
Dr. LOWE Dr. WILLIAMS large number of the labour.
ing population, 291 men and MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
L, Edin. B. CH. EDIN. women, sailed on Sunday last for Cuba by the Uberaba. The deLEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND.
139 CENTRAL AVENUE PHYSICIAN SURGEON mand for passages. was great. here were numerous applicants TOTTICITATION ULUITOATA LUCULEIULLAMTITILICHOTUTALIILILODEIWITTER PANAMA CITY Has removed temporarily to up to the hour of sailing women Long Building No. 5045. Section A, preponderating but there was a Office Hours: 30 a. ni.
to accomodation and disFOLKS RIVER Trinidad appointment was considerable for local consumption. When bely regret our brother loss and convey sides what we have already ad. to him our hearWelt nympathy, trusting p. p. All cases fully Examined By a schooner sailing today quite. duced, it is considered that 60 that the Almighty will be his comforkor a number of mechanics are Bor 798 per cent of the canes from which in this most trying hour.
OFFICE HOURS: Office 844 Phones: leaving. The Colony continues to BE IT FURTHER AgriculturalCollege this sugar is manufactured RESOLVED Aacon, 10 a. to p.
Residence 1002 be bled. The eternal wage guesgrown by farmers and it is their that a copy of this resolution be forwardtion remains unsolved.
Site Decided on STERLING public sup the face of our minutes, and a copy be St. Vincent At a recent meeting of the who (together with the ed to the brother, a copy be placed on the industry these years published in local papers.
will be benefitting from the Thanking you in anticipation, FEMALE TONIC Trinidad Legislative Council His sugar over here. we hope the Sensational Incident at St. Cable from the Secretary of State any weaknes in the matter and HAUGHTON Excellency read the following Acting Governor will not show Acting Thomas.
Tonic and Alterative for the Colonies under date of will act as firmly as Sir John July 12: Chancellor did a couple of The St. Vincent Sentry of Your despatch No, 195 of months ago TRINER TONIC WINE, Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and late date states that a passenger April 16. After full considera acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, in transit from the United States uion have decided Agricultural RESOLUTION OF CONDOUnicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, be in LENCE last, to the etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re For Run Down Systems story of a sensational occurrence asking other colonies concerned WHEREAS it has pleased the Great sults may be anticipated.
Is your system run down from on the QL Korona in the har to telegraph their decisiones. to Grand Master to call from this life Mro. diseases or overwork? Just start The Sterling Laboratory, bour of St. Thomas contribution to maintenenceI our the last call of the Koro bave learned with the greatest ed brother 86. Aubyn Yearwood, Wines. Specially recommended na at that port she was boarded satisfaction of Trinidad decision of this Lodge, who is now away from as a Woman Tonic. Can be Los Angeles, by the Captain of the Mersey, an ment of College. Cheers. to provide 50, 000 for establish the lathmus, taken any time American Red Cross ship, who in BE IT RESOLVED, that we We carry a complete stock of brothers and members of the Loyal Triner preparations at GOOD WILL of the State, went on the and in an un.
WO Trinilad, July 20, At a meet Pride of the Isthmue Lodge. No. 7980, THE CITY PHARMACY, ceremonious manner business lives through its ordered ing of the Trinidad Agricultural 100. U. now in full son Captain e to day of. miodem This demand was im.
139 Central Avenue customers. And its greatest papaistely followed by frantic and Jing Governor) gave notice of his asset is their good will. outrageous conduct Our service has always tain of the Mersed by the con purpose to move at the next Capmeeting of the Society a resoluwho assailed tion in these terms measured up to this stand Captain Doyle with a revolver in view of the fact that ard and brings forth volun. wildly discharged five shots tary expression of friend. before he was arrested and cats the colony is threatened with a ship and confidence.
ried back to his boat.
Come in and see our New liv. Captain Doyleas Fortunate. Sreat scarcity of ground provi.
sions which may prove exceed Slip Grip Soft Collar Holdunin. Lingly disastrous consequent upon EVER jured but the bullet marks re, the scarcity and high prices of ers. Better than pins. main on the ship as evidence of the mad Staire FULLER mad assault. According to staple food in other countries OWNED BY to this Society sball consider if any Yankee was You JEWELER levidently in an extraordinary steps can be taken to encourage for on that day be also provisions in this colony.
or enforce the growing of ground The National City Bank of New York 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, up Mr. Oliver Samuel FasHead Office: 55, Wall Street Panama, sig, Director of the Carribbean Service Weather Bureau, The Sugar Situation in with the point of the Revolver.
Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000 Excelsior Furniture Store The incident has tele graphed to Washington.
and Trinidad, July The Port ofAND doubtless Official Depository of the Republic of Panama will be some Spain Gazelle publishes the followEmployment Agency Depository of the Panama Canal conversation between the English ing. Anentour paragraph of the and American Governments on 2nd instant and our article of Sat Depository of the Panama Railroad All kinds of Furniture and other articles bought, sold and exchanged, the Subject, the Korona being a urday last, we understand that British owned vessel.
there has been no change to note Through its Agencies in the Interior and Orders taken for Water proof Rain coats. Whatever you want to sell, buy, in the Sugar situation. It is said the its Foreign Branches this Institution offers exchange, ete.
For Sale that of the 17 per cent of the SEE ME FIRST.
exceptional banking facilities.
crop, which the Government All kinds of Information given.
has ordered to be retained for local consumption, only per Draftsſon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands SANGUINETTI BROWN, New Built Row boat. Keel 13ft. cent has yet been delivered. in. Total dimensions 16 it. The balance of 10 per cent is Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent Comer 3rd Nov. and 19th St. Gunoapali. 12 ft 3 ft.
Apeon Box 1180. Phone 160 GRIFFITHS, being held in the hope, as we previously pointed out, of com!
Por Annum Gatun, pelling the advance of the price limit to a a Trinidad on the Caraquet de Colin and should cheers. and an During a drunken deck of kan Doyle That in and INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION כיס the story, the held there


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