
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1920 PAGE FIVE Our Atlantic Side Page Canal Zone Notes LADIES SHOES You will always find the largest assortment of styles in our PANAMA AND COLON STORES and and will The public is already aware of the excellent quality of OUR MERCHANDISE on PRICES MODERATE American Bazaar Stores 26th for the Kashmir Beauty Parlor modern appliances LA BOCA Escaped and Re captured Anniversary Services Mrs. Olga King, celebrated her 25th Colon, September Solomon Del.
birthday at her residence on the night of valle bintate of the Colon jail, effect The annual anniversary gap.
the 8th, instant. Among those present ed un esenpe yesterday evening, but wa vices of the Nazarene Christian caught a short time afterwarda in the Endeavour Society wil take place were Mr. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lyttle John, the Misses Riley, and JohnViinty of 10th and streets.
on Sunday and Monday of the Ivalle, it will be ren. embered, was coming week, September son. Card and other games were indulg.
Izth ed in the refreshment game being the lodged in jail a few months ago on a and 13th, Invitations have been best enjoyed.
charge of burlars, and will now be issued to to various other Christian required to answer two charges instead organizations to lend their assist of obe, ance and a soul stirring time is anticipated. Francis, the GATUN The Westmoreland C, it is under. President, is sparinz no pains in stood has tendered an invitation to the preparing for the occasioa and, It is rumoured that there will be a Renown through the in this, he is ably assisted by wholesale reduction in the Building Divi. British Conzul to play friendly Rame Miss Taylor Messrs.
sion forees located at the New Army of cricket on the Camp Bieid Oval on Neal and Padmore. The ad Post, at the elose of business on Saturday the arrival of the boat, dresses, recitations singing 11th. This automatically releases a few all be worth wbile hearing bundred laborers.
The exercises will start at 45 Dr. Gilbert Thomas, prominent medical The newly formed Literary Association practiuner of this city. who it will on Mondowoday and at 15 After the Monday in connection with the Silver Clubhouse be remembered Jeft Colon sometime ago programme a inonster Rally of beld its first regular ineeting on Friday in order to take up bigher studies in Endeavourers will be held with 10th, inst. The subject for debate was Edinburgh University, England writes to Comandant Morris of the Sal resolution that Women be denied the the effect that he has up to the present vation Army in charge of the right of Suffrage. It is expected that been successful in all bis examinations, proceedings. cordial invita the first of. series of Inter Clubhouse heaving only the final, after which he tion is hereby issued to one and debates will be agninst Cristobal, on or intends to return to the Isthmus.
about November 3rd.
The doctor is now on vacation, and is The Al Four Tournament on Labor enjoying a tour on the European conti. Loyal Pragress Lodge No. 18, Day, ended in the usual way. There was Dept. 0, no decision, the captains of both teams being self constitutod umpires.
It is understood that the Colon lode. ineeting of the above named Lodge pendent Mutual Benefit Cooperative will be held on the 14th, of Sept. 1920.
There was an exhibition of Hindu Society intends to take charge today of lat 7:30 sbarp. All members are magical art at the Clubbouse on Wed.
the building, of which mention was requested to be on time as business of needay night of this week, and also a nade in these columns a few weeks ago. vital importance will be transacted.
game of indoor baseball, La Boca defect large shipment of goods is now ex.
ing Gatun.
PANAMA pected and with the various plans for COLON Those interested in curreat aews, CAD improvement now on foot, this coopera: An Oldtimer off for Cuba.
obtain from the Secretary of the Club tion wit in the near future prove itself house copies of the best of the monthly second to none in the Isthmus.
SOMOSOS Among the passengers who left co and bitnonthly periodicals, such as for Cuba by the Royal Mail The Review of Reviews Current OBITUARY Co steamer Ebro on Thurs.
History ke.
day last was Mr. Oscar Greaves MY CREED. Ossie as he was convivially!
The Speaking Meeting at the Lodge We regretto chronicle the known among his friends is an hold that when it person dies West Indian Industrial House Hali will take place on Saturday night, death of Wesley Legall, Barba old timer on the Isthmus and The SOUL returns again to Removed to 21 Cash St. Facing Christ Church Schoolroom)
11th. ist, intend ni the 13th this is pray din night, har tentare in dian, aged 19 yars, who breathed was qui was quite popular ia the cities of earth ve your shirts made us. The advantage in yours. Choose your his last at the Santo Tomas Hon. Panama and Colon All his Arrayed in some new flesh dis.
anticipated material and get your correct ft.
pital on September 2nd. Legall friends wish him good luck in the guise, All residents in and around Gataamo entered the hospital on on August Pearl of the Antilles Ladies Hats a specialty. Satisfaction guaranted.
Another Mother gives it birth, invited to the Rally in aid of the Free treatment of a bite in With sturdier libs, and brighter AMY MORGAN, PROPRIETRESS Night Sparjeet on Wednesday flicted by a a poisonous insect brain.
Meeting of the night, September 15th. Sbine the which, ultimately proved fatal The OLD SOUL takes the road This popular Comedian will entertain.
There will be a meeting of the He leaves a mother, a sister, ani again je free to all. Those who have not Barbadoes, as well as a lathe at 30 M. tonight received envelopes for free will contribuand another brother in Cuba, Saturday 11th inst. at the usual Snch is my own belief and trust; tion can contribute in the hall. This is THIS HAND, this hand that whom he was expecting to join place. Members are requested holds the pen, a philanthropic venture And we invite at the end of the present month, to be on time as matters of im.
Has many an hundred times been 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon all, young and old to mourn his loss. We tender portance are to be discussed.
dust The Parlor of Distinction and Sattalaction Mr. Robert Praris of the Q. s Our sy in bathy to be beareaved And turned, as dust to dust Flair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeios. Facial Blemisbes removed, Coros cured Scalp and Froial Treatment.
Manicurink. Shampooing. Hair Straightening Llewellyn Kerr Carpenter force left on the Ebro again; quioped with electrie vibrator, electrie oomb, electrie hair dryer, aud other for Cuba. Bob was an old landmark Sympathy.
These eyes of mine have blinked TEACHER: TODIST EPISCOPAL HT SCHOOL WE WAVE YOUR HAIR WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE in Gatun, and is off for fortune if not COLATI STREET, COLON and shone for (ame.
Much sympathy is extended to HIDDRACE: 18 Market Street, Col. In THEBES, in TROY in BABY Two Private Apartments. Best Result, Lowest Prices LON.
Mrs. Rachael Grabam on the Mr. Gunter, employed as salesman, Mme Anita Patel Brown, world fomed prima donna whom to.
Gatun Commissary (meat seotion)
sudden death of her mother Mrs. Music, Spanish and Evening Lesson At Vory Modorat. Price.
And as wander on the roads recommende we.
been transferred on request to Apoon Eliza Coalson, which sad occur. shall be healed and helped Mme. ROBERTS, M, Beauty Specialist, Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, The Panama Canalis fast becoming rence took place in her home at WANTED apa blessed, Port Antonio Jamacia on the 20th Deer words shall CHEER and be taoping ground for tourists. Parties of aigbeoors are noen on the Locka and August last. Mrs. Graham is as GOADS an old liver of this city and her a Cook and a Housemaid To urge to heights, before un Nod Spillway almost daily, with Mr.
many friends join in tendering APPLY TO guessed.
THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE Stockman of the Look Operating Forse her condolence is her bereare MRS. MORRICE, My road shall be the road made guide.
ment 1st Avenue, ALL that gave shall be re167 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
Amusement Hall Renewal Bella Vista paid.
Rally and Concert at EmBò sball fight, So shall tread, Call and inspect our stock of parlor (clocks with Opening pire In this long wer beneath the cathedral gongs, office and kitchen clocks; a full asstars, sortment of alarm clocks, plain and luminous fdials; The Empire Colored AssociaThe friends, members and well So shall GLORY wreathe my baby and big Bens, and must get up.
tion (hitherto known as the Club)
Physician Surgeon wishers of the race are asked to variety of Ladies wristlet watches, emblem rings, has been removed to bigger and help this deserving cause.
Begs to announce that he has so shall faint and show the diamond rings, diamond la vallieres, etc. etc.
better fixed un quarters and will For some time it was rumour removed and may now be found scars, open with a Big Dance on SaturUNTIL this CASE, this CLOGAll at Marvellously Low Prices ed that the principal of the Colon at 131 Bolivar Street, Colon.
day, Sept. 18th. One of Pana GING MOLD, Free Night School would give Phone 91 ma best jazz bands has been Be turned into ETERNAL Rally and concert in Empire, EXPERT REPAIRING DONE secured for the occasion and old GOLD.
timers will again have another assisted by Prof. Shine, same to in furtherance of the school. CONSULTATION HOURS: A: DJ WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS opportunity of tripping the light This has been hanging fire for am to 12 noon; 1:30 Druids to Have Grand fantastic toe in the old town of the Palms. Please remember some little time. It is now Made to Order to p. p. to p.
the date, September 18.
Rally, peeted that the concert and rally will be held in the Club Alallat The Rally to be given the JAMES WILLIAMSON, Proprietor.
day night.
BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, St. Peter Church, La Boca This is a cause that lacks as. marvellous succes in the treat to night at the Druid Grove 20 Street Central Avenue.
ment of The šistande, let us help a good cause.
SEPTEMBER 11, 1920 sporting public is cordially in even if that cause winds up like Gonorrhoea and Gleet the STRIKE which was an eye Fifteenth Sunday díter Trinity vited.
There will be Morning Prayer and Relieves the most obstinate cas case sermon at 11 o clock; Holy Baptism at Cofebra, Empire, and Las Car. of Gonorrhoea in from 1103 days Disagreeable Annoyance and Sunday School at 3:30 cadas friends please take note.
FOR SALE AT This rally will be the rally of the The New Drug Store Dear Mr. Editor: Will you kind.
At the close of Evening Prayer the West Indian Islands, Corner 5th and streets, Colon. lygive space in your useful fite of Holy Confirmation will be pro(BRANDON BANK)
Paper for the following and formed by the Rt. Rev. James Cruik PHONE 276B REPLY oblige?:Morris, bishop of the missionary van KWARTEL, For sometime past a Liw has District of the Canal Zone. All our Registered Pharmacist SECURITY been in force against the bringing friends are cordially invited to this service.
Dear Mr. Editor. Kindly grant PROPRIETOR.
of drink into the Canal SERVICE T. MULCARE, Rector.
me space in your valuable colZone, and yet our folks every umns to refute the statement think to gat away with it, made by my busband, Dr. VERNON CROSBIE, but, worst of all is the continual Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon St. Barnabas, Empire Lloyd.
In your issue of the 31st practice of some of the residents of July, saw a notice appearing Surgeon Dentist of the West Bank who will insist Our large Resources and Well known There will be a celebration of the Holy against me stating that he is not on trading liquor with the solCommunion at 6:30 a ma; Morning responsible for any debe Less to be puble penerally that he has Culebra. It is high time that our as Begs to his the two Posts Empire and Prayer sad address at 11: o clock, Sun conservative Management afford unhomeI now day School at 3; and Evening inform the public that did not removed his people think of looking up and. questioned security for every dollar Prayer and address at 5: len ve bis place, that he left my.
cease to carry on acts that only MULCARE, Priest in Charge.
DENTAL PARLOUR self and two children Kving in tend to degrade us as a people.
deposited with this, bank sincerely hope, Sir, that you Panama Canal River, and be qualooks to the more cominodious preR. WILKINSON mises at and lived there, and still paid will give this matter your atten143 Central Avenue my rent, but since the strike tion seeiag how CONTRACTOR BUILDER useful yoår paper has become against wrong.
have been thrown out and he office of the late Dr. Chas. Bailey doing.
having refused to shelter me, First Class Workmanship Crown and Bridge Work Thanking you in anticipation had to seek shelter for my chil. beg to retuain, a Specialty 13AAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON Plans and Specifications Free dren and myself in Colon.
Treasurer RESIDENT OF THE 15th Street West House 90 August 7, 1920.
Telephone 784 WEST BANK Box 411, Panama, OR. Mg20. MILLIARD, large head. NO aid in GLA Empire on the 11th inst. Satur Electric, Injection Guiding Star Lodge will come opener.
Panama Banking Company strong das General Banking Business Transacted Yours


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