p. 6


Great Magicians and Ilusionists. SUNDAY THE MISS EVITA ENIREB CO.
Last Performance and a complete change of Program Starting Monday and for five consecutive nights the thirvilling Universal Serial THE RED GLOVE AMADOR TO NIGHT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Great Vaudeville show by LA MARQUESITA GREAT SPANISH DANCER Also episodes of THE RED GLOVE TO MORROW SUNDAY)
SHE HIRED HUSBAND by Priscilla Dean and last Vandeville show by the great sparish dancer LA MARQUESITA THE RED GLOVE AND COMEDY TO MORROW (SUNDAY)
Francis Ford in The Graving Also a very nice Comedy oso ooooooooooooseves will belp and the city police.
kasteet to om naked to and the entire side Wils propan wickets on spend dispute cop was in de WA 50 rush of He gives the now Louis current of polu accommodate a ate a hint DESIRE TO SLADDER.
Cricket. will Coach YOU INTERESTING LETTER FROM CUBA Five Reasons for College.
Sussex defeats Surrey.
Well known Colon Doctor Writes Impressions of Tun long expected relurn match he Pearl of the Antilles.
tween Surrey und Sussex was played last To pass the ENTRANCE EXAMIWhy You Should Install a Gas Stove NATION to HOWARD AND OTHER Bunday and Monday at the staodard UNIVERSITIES in the States, candi We have to hand a letter from government will take aleps Oval before a fnir sized crowd on euch in Your Home day. Ou Bundy, the wielet ww not datos are requested to do satisfactory Dr. Radway, late of Color wdeny samo.
work in a specified number of secondary now of Havana, Cuba, in which De. Ridway writes in very very Brod for batting, and it was no sur prise wbra Sussex arnt Burrey to be bat cr HIGH SCHOOL unite. atnong other things he says that after having won the tool. Thomas and o you to prepare for thies in his experience the Royal Mail complimentary tarins of the gen unita in my Night School. Steam Company boats are the woms tlemanly dispositions of the OueW. DeSousa opened for Surrey, and at IDEAL FOR THE TROPICS also keep a Day School for children best on which 9000 started to funke runs. The end, in which five both Elementary and officers and crew, doing on think of stripping travel. the The former he declares, nerer hourb, was rather disappointing, as the Higher Education womaa to the com Bet of bats did not come up to ex. PERFECT HEAT CONTROL In both Scboole due atteation is paid fort of the passengers. He af. Hea in her stockings as certain to see if she is carrying a pectation, to Commercial Subjects.
firms that theire is plenty of Hea dismissed for 15 runa. De Sousa 17 For particulan, call on, or write to the employment for all classes of concerning the peaceful for West Indians to of which be was an eye witness custom officers do in some FIRE PREVENTION De Suuna 15 and Challene 15. Sussex. and thinks it splendid sities of the police he cite ROBERT LINDSAY, Koing to the bit had lost he cites case for runs when Evereley joined Lyne, CLEANLINESS (Cambridgo deuior. and together they carried the score post Classical and Commercial School. to advise all intending prospec resorted to their fists to decide a 100. Lyne dewpite the two chances 5. ECONOMY No. 2, Calle Domingo Dios, Paramotors to be be careful how they have played well for his 53. They were Box 1044, Ancon, money on The money on wil vut for 124 runs. Laybe made 53 rexcting Havana and im diately on bebek proper advice before surprise when instead to on the song. Imagine his not out and Nurse 21. On Monduy, the doing so as cases of fraudulent clubs Aying in the air, the peaca or seeing second day of the gine, the wicket transactions have now and again officer stepped between the men, a good condition, but the towling of Rescue from the AT Bussex was good, and the fielding 10 PANAMA GAS CO.
been reported. Rooms, says, COLON GAS CO.
are scarce owiug to the great in. od in opposite directions. He cuperb that five of Surrey wickets leli parted them and arched the in Cathedral Plaza for just over 20 runa. It was just the YOUR Deadly Enemy 93 Bollvar St.
of newcomers, pricos rang that Clarke and John met at iba ines korom 15. 00 to 20. 00 a month. canceladas by stating that he had wickets and the stand of the mach Tel 798, SERVICE Tel. 364.
lie all the runased na tw story building con witaen. Eventualiy Surtey was did In our daily talk and excitement over of impending che upper floor of which are his eniger for 11 ms.
the high enet a living and matters or revolutiotis, which ratones are the lower Hoor has bean tixes up noteworlby oftices and living apartwent and that of the li ruce, all were sonde by es importance, we seem to forget the in most cases the wiles oi with bds to eues or wor, nut a ball reaching the slaught and ravages of our words wers to scare new arrivals from Demi Kidney and Blader Dis venturiug into the rural districts on curic trains and tram eurs, houndary during the whole woning.
ed nuinber of travellers in Transit Bases within our doors.
the aod hence the congestion in payment of a small charge.
Clarke made 32 not out, and Joba The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Sussex went to bat a little after p.
Their eytoptoms are: PAIN IN THE Havana city. He bas not heard BACK; SIDES AND JOINTS, SOME anything from any authentic minutes. Just ask the conductor puss his door every 10 or 15 wanting 63 ruus to win. They, mu. de it IMES WITH SW SWELLINGS, SCANTY with the lost of wickets, and thus won Pacific Steam Navigation Co. OR DISCOLORED URINE, TOO FRE source to justify those rumours to drop you at Luyano de Coucha the second innings. Allerly of BEX UNT and hopes that the Cubmor telephone 2319, Havana wade 37 by Rood Bard bittigere be CHINE SOMETIMES CONTAINING ORINA: bowled by De Sousa.
AFTER SHAVING Park US THIRST: PAINS. IN THE Primroso ys. Cherillo at Rod Tank ROINS; BURNING SENSATION TYNE. Uge DR CHENOR ANTISEPTIC. It feels Goe, Umpires VEAK BACK; IRRITATION OF THE Prevents soretiess, coap, ing, burning, chaffing.
Roberts and Coulibus: at Standard wi sail from Cristobal on FRIDAY 15th OCTOBER for Ovale If you slave often, you can do without it Tuine venomous emenis buvo been Bamuols and Aubby Isthinian Park London, Rotterdam, and Havrs, accepting cargo Only.
vrecking the lives of our prople in this Inexpensive, asy to use Just a dash in your bowl of Browser and Ward at Red Iruk.
bepublic NINETY NINE CHANGES water. Keeps your face sincoth and comfortable. ONE they plwaye Culle out winding, Card of Thanks stucha videnced in the way, cher pleusaut, satisfactory moothi wish tse it for dobio itch: SALVADOR o the praveyard.
The outning of Dewite Pills to the At your druggists. You need it. Sealy the well known will leave Cristobal G: a. will leava Balboa, noon hmus toarks the event of a great offenPhotographer begs through this SATURDAY 11th. SEPTEMBER 1920 for: against these terrible wonsters, as medium to thank his mox triends for their kind expressions of Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, LA dot only are they checked, but are notmpathy. during his recent Unlon, La Libertad. Acajúlta, San José de Guatemala, y Those who refuse cure by thia GRAND WRANS priti Ho and Champerica ENGLISH REMEDY we their own nemies and traitors to their country.
Mn Sealy downuch better pubb rafuial chionns tremwon. PENALTY. South America. 182 Bolivat Struet and pesto tontoapark at SEATH 10 any date The fama y DE WITS PILIS STRONG XMPTA MBINO MADU. FRONT OF MASONIO TEMPO will leave Cristobal MONDAY 1345 SEPTEMBER 1990) sor all over the world, and are cebood to Improved, Steamship service Rachelle Palline, and Maited Kingdom.
even the BOER8 in South Africa. To ous BRITISH COKPÅNY bere to inform the publie that Suld in twee at all leading Dtur IN VENEZUELA he has severed alt connection, for West Indies Store with the English ptog Store, over the world. Rituniti.
tion, owned by MF. Salazary of the sel bewegen MANUFACTURED BY DeWit by the London Daily Express come his offices have tist been removed Advlecei rap ved roogally at Now York Pan American Drug Borby but side view of the way tilebery For further particulars opply to the Office of the Componies et bio WAH WOONPANY, LIMITED, ENGLAND apondient from Cornend state that the fand he can stint be found about Aga madalipost, propt THE CITY PHARMACY, CRISTOBAL them Indie the Port DETALIK Verle bulai Choveraneat Wipting to the Sitter Sewing Machine Span Gaselle also be 3105 palto.
139 Central Avenue, Panams. im Companies whow boldimar cover at the oil pil. concretion of several Bri Company. Same old stand.
opmenting editorially dg the improved the Pacifer Star Navigation Company of Zulin ind Platosakip sign instituted byzibe Royal PANAMA Dugeh Meil elus ters Paleon, The Coriyumeut claims that the Within The Incl: Ahazthel Baru Ditob Nont IBANG BRANDOn Timbs. Hie. Seb Aignate, HORSE RACING Sodo 20 pounde Sono to have seen the We provide wait the bortarted in the Bupreme it robove. And parenger wir bietet saba Clod Dwvelopenent The Royal Mone Paoket Co. Panama.
be Candied the Pdget) At this istbthink Part to mor Company, controlled by Royal Dutch and Buell alents, and holding 5, 000, 000 syland De Coubetti will run bon by be commercial commun row, Messreitowell, Smith, Mar Horns 2012 ty and the Trinidad publie in general horsebwners make their entries for the The Government to mention musteht unteerdweide when or the sa salong them.
The Net Oranje N08801 will now make possible have determined to put at the colony prospecte arising from such action on the port for the public beingstrasit, oaly 2, 000 Kered hive been that Sfedim kad Marley lands 340 2in1 Smith Sit, in) Con the weekly passenger, cargo agkörande as to the dine SR3i waterrier from and to ANNN oro, On the bord Bouwens of greates facilities the part of the Royal Mail Com various horses in dach coupled drugite thittee years the start and Manleysate fat.
Amatendo tablo of improved certainly not to dete take out on tant os the cervice being vie Doseringue Metion of all who part to plead Gonnenbad Howell vare fight Lover os rip for the be BOBUR utmout fius enco GOVERNMENT CENIM welgatas Comel is confident of will bely be made of at are interested in the plody cervice run pelstudy the defe Or Sherat, in face, it ifte sent Sentridoreret victory but with saya evin Mayod but it is the intention, late with particular juncture when the other shipping companies, on their desi Weet rahead of the the corerosedt also elitoit boly odd Howell descobet company has not lived up to Mall, Copenhag, iniciatis eros fautes to viven to the best bi wanita alve suficiente sete de compose srious competitor Perablips a indude Doyer, The inauguration of heavily subsidised Royal.
10 perdere 26 Auguul, when of We Styre. Colonial Office notifying there the shipping needs of the colony witbou could be in the hands of turfiteering nights to the aire arus the program which mana beliau that oman Leonard Exploration Company bent ART The greatest interest is taken in the Trinidad Companies, the marine Star rand voyage. calling at Dover and Bop 314 follow the FooDuLo the proposta by The Propool by Dutch set the hedge for backing the oil lands beure of the rivalry Rep. The Gulf Being 1º Trinidad improve the albRetico Sedeng dita service come moob opportunely is therefore partily vloome, and in their favourite horses, scene the bone Foren rolpreden company ompag helping op so sledinigawan beharrem be advangtano bestow To Bd hoped their Horos. www. der er av de la determining to put their remarks so col comenzi med fube on through hish the colony Jahe time has not arrived by the color is a pasanger, des bavim of ownership cod chainterested as one down from Congresso hoteli blizinle il Company The Try the combe enpaaing the shopen site for the bontrol of the se, done Royal Duela En my own wiew with almost colm ladigate the colony, berpenko abd bent wished as and assist the management in Sorensidering the foreixa offers Yndesrouted to shards imple facilities the Row Mail beroes the colonists for that unqualified de despect make the Adong the companice which are sobrindotiew all apply, which, it is bem meeting that plannel for the rushed promptatives to Coraes Teved in rome que tenen como the shipping community weaponsib her concretion with Trinidad laculis role 19. September record onc.
Britike Eatiolled olikalds, Limited, the the fulon wajar apps are vertich Big O1 War on in Dru Hubert Edwards, ORDUNA thome Coches Wandtat diepgoals o na toplo sen prendt, and Cho during the


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