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PRICE Cts, notett elle To Probe Killing of Jamaicans ERA OF AD THE PRINCE BRITISH EMISSARY VANCEMENT OF WALES KAFFIR POX EPIDEMIC ARRIVES AT HAVANA ON THE DECREASE out various proceeded and he is credited with itus tion andra the dmner music NO Claimed to be Opening up Again Visits Panama on in Costa Rica Way to West Indies.
In Connection with Killing of Ja. New comes from Port Limon His Majesty Battle Cruiser Says Latest Issue to the effect that an era of ads Resowa with His Royal High of Jamaica maicans About Four Years Ago. ha republic of Costa Rica y arrived at Balboa Vase standay vancement now opened for ness the of abord Gleaner To Hand.
understood that the United Fruit morning returning from AustraHayana, Aug. 28. Col. James Denley Ward arrived its einployees in American cur Prince bas been on soon to start paying lia and New Zealand where the extended Latest advices from Jamaica state that the Kaffir Pos In Havana aboard the Orizaba yesterday via Spain rancy instead of the native colo. Lour during the past five months. Epidemic which has broken out in that island seems to be on an important diplomatic mission from England. meht be delete fare una riche e the winter beings wagodicial de mon on the decrease as the following from the Gleaner of the of fluctuation of special reception arranged, Colonel Ward would not say what the purpose of his exchange, has been a source of and and the sbip in mediately enter 6th inst will show.
mission was stating that at present it was inopportune wuch discontent.
It is also stated tha: the Com. tobal. At Pedro Miguel, the source there are now fewer cases of Kaffir cow pox in ed the Canal on her way to Cris According to information gleand from a reliable to speak of it.
pany has entered into a contract Prince, in keeping with arrange Immediately upon his arrival, Col. Ward went to with the usernamente in partea pents made by wirless to the Kingston than a wook or two ago. In the first place a num.
municipal imp ove. British the British embassy and then to the Hotel Sevilla. He ments in the city of San Jose Allaires ber of patients at Bumper Hall hospital have been cared Panama, landed and expects to leave for the United States to day, but will The building of a return to Cuba soon tər an extended stay. Mr. Ward wone for evoployees, the opening love between where he was and during the past few days the list of notifications and of new bacana farins and vaca by Colonel ciuke o Foru the guest at a tishing party kiven dropped considerably. On Saturday there were about 316 Is acquainted with the island, baving been here on a tion with pay to certain employ De Lesseps Fishing seems to cases of the disease in the institution but during this week previous occasion.
ees, are all annans the various be a favourite pastime with the a big batch of patients will be discharge. having recovered.
changes of the new program. Prince Reports were that Colonel Ward visit was in conAs we mentioned on Saturday, Dr. Paddyfoot is now baving landed one of unuse tine nection with a diplomatic discussion of the question THE COMING OFRUTK tarporis for which the Gaten the medical officer in charge of the institution, Dr.
Lake is now famous. That even. DaCosta having resigned. It is understood that the Mayor Involved in the killing of a nunbar of Jamaicans at ik at 30 the Prince fentertaiu has caused a letter to be sent to Dr. DaCosta, thanking him Jobado about four years ago.
It was a record breaking crowded at a private diner aboud the which greet the rising of the Ranwa the following officials of on behalf of the citizens of Kingston for the splendid work curtain upon the tirst scene ve the personas 100 caval 2018 ha rendered during the time he acted at Bumper Hall.
JUDGE FEUILLE EXPECTED stored donatle cantaa President Ernesto Lefevre, Gørurner Chester srding, BenComing of uti It is learnt that the City Council are making daily in.
Gudes mit a night by die Kücher General Kinety provements at the finstitution, werd in a short time it is hoped Wesleyan Choir urder the dire Admiral Malsbury Johnstvo The Isthmus of Panama will, nor been what might be termelon of Mr. Harris. Secretary of Guvernueut aud that everything will be run on up to date lines spacious wall wis pack to Jesuch, Hon. Rcardo Alfaro in the next tew ways take to be a cridant one, le bus not so o ertiwing, not even standing and Mes Amaro. acting Secretary THE MAN OF INDEPENDENT the residence of Judge Franklar us our records show. won a room being obtainable long byfore and of Foreign. Hon Hazera Feuille according to current ro single case either in the local the tour for commencing Many iluzera, British Charge MIND IS KING OF MEN.
ports circulaud in oltivial and courts or in the Supreme Court ticket holders left on account of u Allaires, the Hon Constantine noticial circles ou tw Casal of the United States for the th: imprissibility of obtaining Grahaa. French Charge A.
Zuue and in Panama. Railroad during the whole tenure seats. This was regrattible and faires the Hon. Felix Teliter, yearsb.
The struggle for Independence matter of no surprise then that After about eleven living here during which time ed the company in damage suite of ckets and sea in of patrons Wie Hon, Win Price and Collopinent in the national life o! tariat is in a state of ferment; he ortical tions even to that ut uchung Got and nas been for many years tower limita ius as to nung ca content en les ele was veidu and accentuate thot race at last go a point where it mo ernor of the Canal Zone, the win monly talked the. view of the fact that Dur!
Royal Marine Consel consciousnes which is prime has dawned upon their slow intel.
was that ut atwrney Jor the they were made to suffer unwia witnessing this fine play, Mr. Licht Polecane Baile de forma vetme mere flere recente Haring tyrepeat the performance and drunk to the Kingof England there that noticeable Tiger oder in the the bodo Panama Railroud Company and poverty turough the unjust treat Harris and his associates are preces and this is wers proposed high national ideals. It seems the producers of weal the should to us amongst our people at least have a reasonable share of the Canal Zone will sever his propriation of their properties on il sufficient inducement is offered.
action connections with the social aud the zone without proper com. On account of the crowded con lo the United States and Paul independent thought and The world is repudiating political site of the ever iuring pensation or consideration paradise of Central America, sion of the ball and the inability The Prince sailed away on Tuus: We are inclined to meet upon our slave system which lines durant the Amoug the numerous dissatis Most prominent men on ter fucutons which the public holds chera, mas considerable course and many of the British West ubings as they are to folow the the time that the Israelied on of a large number to secure seats day morning expecting touch ors, We are addicted to take practice of the oligarchy fora of minating official on ficial career of the commotion during the opening badia Jalanda och his way to the valleys, to loll in the shade, kive our labor for noaghtWe least resistince; to rest ia journed in Egypt We cannot Istnmus can look back with Judge, is the latest which is still scenes. This was very unfori Bugland. We wist in ea ea rather than to bear the beat of want its correlative. We need approuiated by the publie Ou the of everyone, near and far, and really wished to do 80 who Joyablo aad pleasant wine.
satisfaction upon years of service tresn and green in the memory nate as it prevented those the day and to climb the heights sufficient food, and sufficient one hand and by the government which is too painful to discuss. sing hold of the whole plot of which are in the distance: This also for that proverbial rainy Successful Moetings.
of dolce farniente exis on the other. In such uses, It is believed that many of the the play. As the cantata y allo sufficient to embrace proceed pol conducive to pro the recreational facilities open to newspaper reporters and editors Pauama Railroad damage agits od however the large audience find it pleasant works to glean Quald have been coin promised yielded to the spell grens, and will not serve to us.
of its charm The anniversary exercises of ameliorate our present condition trom among the many interest satisfactorily to the interests of and manifestod its appreciation the Nazarehe Church Christian which is far from being satis insistent demand. The high cost Wages and more wages is the ing and krauifsing facts sum the claimants and Railroad alike by profound silence during the Endeavour Society held on Sun factory. We need to get up: we of living is having an exeursioa naries of records with which but on account of the judge rendition of the closing scenes day and Monday last were bril need to indulge in some indep. in aeronautics. Wages too, do the departing or retiring officials deterinination to fight his cases at the close of each of which there haut successes. Tue church was endent thought and action. We mands a bit up: it wants to soar.
ale permitted to pass out of through to the bitter end, consid was loud applause.
at each meeting and need to feel that we are men This mad chase cannot last.
public life, crowded was expressed by breathing God free air, and Conditions have become unstable.
erable delay and waste of money Here it would not out of all who attended.
It is, however, rather regret caused to the discomfort place to suggest that in future Ainon up to the heavens from Bred from the present slaable tiiat in the present instance and inconvenience or the poor care should be taken to test the deserves tipeciems be following which conseth our help. It seems to have are strikes, revolutions, have no people mention: Pecords or facts from which to ne deres egen were use the secure its proper working, as dressed by Masters Hi Harus pense that like us on the pros teoria fluctuating exchange: and. Bennet the Junior and lack of edo world presses heavily, constitutional is in bad shape. The of edort forbids condition of gather interesting resumé of the Panama Railroad Company which soinewhat marred the perform Benin by Miss Wilkinson. of. These things ought not own liv. able, and we in our Sudge very long residence on was finally settled only a few anos last night by its erratic and a solo Only us making an efort to shake Ibe Isthmus. This is an alto months ago lasted during a With respect to the world quough it is us yet the only one ood Toppin won the suit in the natinted praise, o tley simply a beautre bouquet was present has perfected a system whereby every body else. We are seading guther singular case and al. period of five years and in the Pendition the choire deserves During the Monday meeting, to be. The Overlord regime seein to be in worse shape thaa habe bistory of the caual, it Supreme Court of the United excelled themselves. The chuted to the Superintendent of the the mass is kept poor. moving backwards.
might only be the first of many Stites and was awarded damages roses were excellently rendered. Paremake Baptistics for the condition of incipient poverty is tion at the prese.
of the same category. to the amount of 10, 000 and cost the one at the opening of the members. We congratulate Mr. Wo dare not be independent be better for the administration part taken by biunself and his the key to the whole question than it ever has been. It would It is reported that Judge in the region of 2, 000.
the at the Feuille resiynation was officially Another case, that of one Pig close of tlie sixth scene being the prerancis ethe President, on because we are poor. The wolt. enter into an agreement on accepted at Executive Otfice de content and the camera bed days got of Colon is now pending particularly effective. The act shoe progress being made by the Is ever at the door, and we cannot feed us, dotlieurement before Society.
our courage and walk vide shelter. rather than to pro ago. It is we need is Money, petuate such a system under years old. production whether the services of the judge These and other coses could have palustaking and careful prepara terpretation of the rather dira ought to try with that mathematical atrocity called have locally and cult partonssigned to her was all our endeavor to obtain, Sordia the Wago Scale. The presence to the ta fal Zone or thọ Was been settled loca terrible.
to the satisfaction and advantage ington authorities, but public of the Panama Railroad.
other Special mention must be made grand, and Mrs. DeDier as Ruch as the thought seems, yet that situation is of the excellent inunner in which was superb. Mr. Waiters Money is a poveot factor in the baen endured. It is an anachronpur ly academic state in the world would it have opinion nas never been able to It is to be hoped that the judge Mrs. Williards as Naoni, Mrs. as Barak and Miss Findles as world. It. Ture is as powerful lam. It is cruel, grinding and vure Mr Feuille as one of the will be inore successful in his DeDier as Ruth, Mino Paburan were also very elect with the cleric as with the heartless. Every cent of in.
men who have shown much dis new field of labout and that the Williams as Orpah, Mre Git ive.
Interests of the residents of the Panaina and the Canal one how. Willinms as a Moabitish Princess at the Paraiso Clubhouse at an ure ease and present joy. This hardly want that dole. Tince position to promote the best experiences he has gained in tens as a Prophetess, Miss The cantita is to be rendered Laymanı It is the procurator of crease in rate works us harm (the happiness, the insuraace of fut Commissary sees to that. We lsumus, uccurding general ever bitter they may have been, and Messrs DeDier, Dean and early date and those who will be xumours.
a dona ferentes (bewill prove advantageous in his Rouget as Elimelech. Manlon aud fortunate etiough to hear it there is our handicap. We are a poor Mr. Veuille record us attor future etforts.
Obition respectively acquitted will ba treated to scared ping people, and we are thus either ware of the Greeks when they ney for the Papama Railroad has We wish him a long farewell themselves, Mrs. Williaras o worth going wiles to hear. hobbled or hamstrung. It is (Continad on Page get kind day, tence is.
were looking to the mass is by no it means behaviour.
This Our condipresent time is condi 10 screw out. What now amicably tion.
до Donais 10)


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