
Inteersting News from the WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. Continued from page 3)
Demerara MANY OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping Demerara Electric business. b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, Company.
HANDS Panama, New York and England.
CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share. Increased Light and Power WIPE (b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share.
Charges. c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: 5s per The Demerara Electric Com share on application, 5s. per share on allotment aud the bapang. Ltd. have decided to place ON ONE lance as the Directors think tit.
an additional ten per cent. sur.
charge on (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors.
all lighting and power bills as a result of the in TOWEL. el) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold crease in wages recently granted not less than 50 shares in the Company.
the company employers. The The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and Company also propose ose to ask the hope to start the service about the end of September Government for permission to make a change in the tram fares.
It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will present time the public avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num can purchase a single fare for ber of shares cents or a slip of three tickets SOLICITORS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St, for 14 cents. Now it is proposed Kingston, Ja.
Lto abandon the sale of a three tickets and sell instead five BANKERS: Royal Bank of Canada.
for one shilling. The surcharge on the lighting and power bills DIRECTORS will take effect as from the 1st.
CA. CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President DR. RA. LOGAN, Treasurer: DR. Sr. CYR. New Company.
THE many hands which are wiped on the JOHN WHITTINGHAM GRANT, poration Ltd. is the name of a same towel are busy all day long handling Miss LENA SANDFORD, Secretary.
new Company formed in that colony to take uver certain hold. germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, ings in sugar shares. The capiAPPLICATION FOR SHARES tal will be a million dollars divid Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
ed into 500, 000 in 71 per cent edumulative preference shares WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
The public will not be asked to subscribe, the company being 73 Orange Street, Kingston only a holding concern. the beg to apply for. shares of each in the West directors are the Hon P.
Sherlock, Messrs Robert Strang, PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
Indian Steamship Co. Ltd. herewith send you 5s per share with this application Gibson, Percy Wright and Robert Harper.
and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay ős, per It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy share and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per Soap does more.
Repatriated ImmiIt positively protects its users from the accompanying Circular.
the many germ laden things they come into contact Name in full grants with daily. Health is stored in every tablet.
Address Occupation 919 Sail by Sutlej Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will Date From the Demerara Chronicle make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe we learn that the 919 East In with it. Shampoo with it.
dian immigrants who are being Dr. LOWE Dr. WILLIAMS repatriated from that Colony to India sailed on August 17th by MORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE. B. CH. EDIN. the immigrant ship Sutlej, under L, RC. Edin Capt. Robinson of these 476 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, PHYSICIAN SURGEON are men, 281 women, 77 boys.
139 CENTRAL AVENUE 87 PANAMA CITY Has removed temporarily to girls, 12 male infants and 16 female Long Building No. 5045. Section A, Office Hours: 30 a. Ip. nl.
FOLKS RIVER appointed by the Crown Agents, Another question has been foreign publications designed to the past few days the Ice Com. p. p. All cases fully Examined immigrants have be: on Grenada. a. and OFFICE HOURS: Office 844 netitted by emigrating to the cul. 11 is enclosed 30 Box 798 Phones: 10 a. to p.
recent out. evil.
can be seen from the am may be noted that the that it take precautions to cope with this longer existed quite a number of Residence 1002 persons would have begun to ap.
in Grenapreciate the taste of waver, After been able to to accumulate during da, possibly engineered by one or all ice is a most neccessary evil.
STERLING their residence. From inquiries two individuals of doubtful Barbados it was learnt that the cash tation or mentality, has been in reunittances amountedt Says the Graphic of June 5th, FEMALE TONIC ed to 112, 710 the most contemptible and outra the (From the Weekly Herald)
them in took away with of this Ordinance and as evidence lery All sailors visiting Barbados which Targe at world wide unrest reaching and it is fortunates that it is so: ciate the new Union Jack Club, Theice been broken. will reason to Tonic and Alterative quantities. Baciu, wiiv alter his Grenada. What connection there we have perspired sympatheti to consist of sleeping accommoterm of is lanting, was credited with of incendiaris in and economic un cally with others for many days, dation for at least titty men. din: ing rooms, billiard 2, 800; Ragnath, a farmer from rest the Colonial Office does not and have gone around looking as Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and liard rooms and so though the price of potatoes had on, situated on the most charmacceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, Berbice, 2, 050; while Genesh, a condescend to explain.
been further increased Many ing grounds, which, as the re Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, It has been decided to ask the shovelman from Essequlbo, was credited with 2, 990. new Labour Party Executive persons diseussed with great se sult of a 5, 000 gift from Mr, Alis etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial reriousness their intention of adopt tair Cameron, sugar planter of sults may be anticipated.
manifesto against the Ordinance ing their coats on their arms, but ers, will shortly be erected.
Grenada and The Sterling Laboratory, that publicity should be giv, on after thought it was decided en to all the salient features of that it was a dangerous fashion the Case in as many papers as Los Angeles, FOR SALE owing to the increasing possible.
The Seditious Pubnumber much tations the Labour Party to the ground. Certainly, the absence 1st Street, Coco Grove. No Owing to the fact that a depu.
shirts now walking An Estey Organ in good con.
dition. Can be seen at House No.
GOOD WILL lication Bill.
Colonial Office, as previous ed of ice is one of of the most excellent perience has has indicated, would business lives through its LAURIE PILE Mr. Morgan, member of take some time to be of little use; promotors of prohibition. Very reasonable offer will be refused.
the Labour Party in England and tion, it has been decided for the customers. And its greatest and possibly attract little atten little liquor has been sold during asset is their good will. representative of the interests of brede Our service has always Grenadians in their protest aga present not to ask for the receiv.
inst the Seditious Publications the Labour movement in and out to this standof such a deputation ard and brings forth volun. Ordinance, writing to the West of the House of Commons should tary expression of friend.
Indian states:continue to call the attention of ship and confidence. am now in a position to am the British public to this outra.
Come in and see our New DIDIT plify my former statements as to geous legislation which is being Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold the position of the Labor Party introduced in their name in loyal, EVER ers. Better than pins. with respect to the Seditious peace loving Colonies.
Publications Ordinance, am en STPIKE OWNED BY FULLER elosing two memoranda which You JEWELER submitted to the Advisory Com. The Clipping from Han The National City Bank of New York mittee to the Labour Party on 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Sard on international affairs on the Head Office: 55, Wall Street Panama, above Ordinance. The first was Mr. Hayday asked the Undersoon as original Secretary of Colodraft of the 1st Bil reached me. nies whether there has been an Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits. Over 9, 000, 000 Excelsior Furniture Store The introduction of the Ordinance sedition, disloyalty, or unrest in having invalidated many of the the Island of Grenads or any Official Depository of the Republic of Panama AND observations in met the situ evidence that seditious matter ation by the submission of from abroad is being introduced Depository of the Panama Canal Employment Agency memorandum now dealing with in that Colony. Depository of the Panama Railroad the present Ordinance. It Lieut. Colonel Amery: have All kinds of Furniture and other articles bought, sold and exchanged. poticed that I have drawn freely no reason to suppose that the in Through its Agencies in the Interior and Orders taken for Water proof Rain coats. Whatever you want to sell, buy, from the comments in your paper habitants of Grenada are any less its Foreiga Branches this Institution offers exchange, etc.
and the letters of Mr. Lucas loyal than those of other West InSEE ME FIRST.
for which make suitable aeknow: dian Colonies, but the Colony has exceptional banking facilities.
All kinds of Information given ledgment hande now ask you to ac not escaped the world wide un Draftsſon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands SANGUINETTI BROWN, do so. The latter memorandun by an outbreak of incendiary together with a suon mary (also fires in the Island, and in other Interest Paid on Savings Account at Per Cent Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Sts. Guachapali. enclosed. is being circulated ways. In common with other Adoon Box 1130. Phone 160 among the new Executive of the West Indian Colonies, Grenada Per Annum Labor members of Parliament, is affected by the introduction of II ansard Ancon, repu.
made it 1920:in comparatively rice seter sleveless and patched measured up INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION in it. OD It will be

    EnglandWorkers Party

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