
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1920 PAGE FIV Our Atlantic Side News Elsetric Co. to lesure Employees.
LADIES SHOES You will always find the largest assortment of styles in our PANAMA AND COLON STORES The public is already aware of the excellent quality of OUR MERCHANDISE In connection with the recent interview which the motor men and conductors had with Mr. Barr, the manager of the West India Electric Company relative to an an increase of pay, we understand that Mr. Barr informed the fied that the cost of living bad deputation that he was not satis.
materially increased since the date of the award of the Conciliation Board.
Mr. Barr has recommended to the directors of the company that the men should be paid time and a hall for the holidays, Easter Mondayand 1st August. Further more, be is arranging to present each motorman and conductor with a life insurance policy for C100, payable at death, or should. se become unfit to earn his living on account of accident or disease.
is felt that the men and the management of the company were only to work on mutual lines the public interests would be greatly served.
The public will also be glad to hear that the six Railway motors have arrived for the Tramway Company and will shortly be re moved from the wharf. These new motors will enable the com pany to run three extra cars.
Death of Mr. Wesley Legall This strike in PRICES MODERATE American Bazaar Stores take COLON The many friends of Mr. John Legall a former resident of Panana and who now resides in Cuba, will repret to learn of the death of his son Wesley Legal!
who died in the Santa Tomas.
Hospital on the 2nd inst.
while Canal Zoue Notes Edwin West Indian Industrial House Removed to 21 Cash St. Facing Christ Church Schoolroom)
Hve your shirts made by The ndvantage is yours. Choose your material and get your correct fit.
Ladies Mats a specialty. Satisfaction guaranted.
Miss Rodney Receives With The Churches Certificate To morrow.
The many frieods of Miss Doris Rod. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA, ney will be pleased to learn that this young lady, so well known and respected the Parish Rev Faber Putman. 00 a. m, Holy Communion for by the contunity, is now in receipt of her Cambridge Senior certificate, having Mr. JE Rowe 10. 30 am. Matius and address pared the examination during the year 1918 while a student in Westwood High Mr Rowe 30 pm Evensong and address School, earning distinctions in eight subjects, WESLEYAN NETHODIST.
Miss Rodney received her early train11 00 am and 30 pm Wesley ing of Mr. Kerr, after which she Guild Rally services attended the Colon public school for Special musical program.
con time, leaves for Westwood in the year 1917.
First Death from Hunger She is also a stenogompher, and is at present anneeted to one of the leading Strike Occurs in England firms of this city Direct West India cable datMatch Postponed ed Montreal. August 31st, says that the Montreal Star to night Colon, Sept. 12. The Melbourne.
Ly White match which was scheduled published the following despatch from to take place to day accordink to cur first death resultig from a huu.
Worcester, England; The fixtures, had to be postponed, due to de the inclemency of the weather, and to the curred here to day, when Karl ger in an English jail, ockeen aisappointment of all concerned.
Arrangements will be made for the play without food for five days. He Dunwell succumbed after going ing of this game, as well as many others had been imprisoned for conpostponed for the same reason, as early. tempt of court because he insists practicable.
ed on re occupying his home after being deported.
Baseball Game Concert and Dance. baseball game is announeed place on the Camp Bierd diamond tomorrow at 10 a. when the Cristobal Mr. Sam Manniog, well known amuseOutlaws, who have not yet lose a game, ment promoter, hag arranged a swell will be engaged by the Engles. time to night for his to any patrons in the PANAMA Tie champions will be represented by ball of the Panama Capital Friendly Jarret, autcher; Martin, Piteher Society at 22 Street, Guachapali. It is Semmie, B; Jeanterie, to be a double header, comineacing with Smith, B; B; Ambursley, Japal, a performance by the Munro, Dudley Brown; FI DeSure, Company, whose fame as side splitters ateher; Johnson, pitcher, George, B universally acknowledged, and conclu Barelay, B; Crescia, S; Morrison, in with a dance. th music for which 313; Hawkins, and will be rendered by one of our famous Buster will play for the Escles. jazz bande. Follow the crowd to 29 This game it will be remembered bud Street, Cunchapai.
GATUN be postponed on two previous ouca due to to inclement weather, and The attention of Gatunites is OBITUARY truch interest is entered in this direc.
called to the newly opened trad.
til, as a re ult of the fact that th Mr. Samuel Gere Irving popular ing establishment, the Universal a determined to be the first to Titor of rota Med Colocated at the corner of Boli defent the Outlaws.
his be on Saturday the file instant at var and 14th, Streets Colon. The trollness of several months, Mr. proprietor is Honest John Nese Irving came to Panam about 10 years erson, well known to residents Personal and General 30 from Trinity Ville, Parish of St in The stock carriel, com To morrow cup fixtures call for Tuomas, Jamaica nud wa 19 years at prises an extensive line of grocer ervogement between the Progressive time of his death. llis romains were tak ie, also hosiery, and other mis. and the Westmoreland open to the Panama Wesleyan Church cellaneous articles. Prices are the Camp Bird Ovalwhich he was a zealous member and moderate, and friends and acthence to the Coco Grove Cemetery for quaiutances can give a call when The debate which was announced 10 internet. He is survived by a mother shopping in the Windy City, Pa take place at the Colon Wesley Guild on in Jatunics and a nephew in this city, to tronize this veature and renew old Wednesday night last as to wherber or whom we ender our sympathy. Any one associations.
not a lawyer bas any moral night to having unfinished business with the dedefend a man he knows to be guilty, based muy comunicate with the nep nection with the Silver Clubhouse The Literary Association in con had to be postponed due to the illness hew. Address Wilson, Box 1176, held its second meeting on Friday of Mr. York one of the moyers.
Ancon evening last; the subject for dis.
cussion being. Civilization is priCola, September 14th. Christiania Llewellyn Kerr marily due to the Intellect, and Henry, prominent member of the St.
not to the infuence of Religion.
Jeeeph Catholic Friendly Society died TEACHER: TODIST EPISCOPAL MY SCHOOL The meeting CORNER 3N of the week before yesterday at the Colon Hospital follow. RESIDENCE e Market Street, Colon, was an interesting one, and the ing an operation which was performed discussion lively. Messrs. Eagleson un Friday last the 10th Music, Spanish and Evening Lessons and Gract were the principals, The funeral ceremony was impressive At Very Moderate Prices and the subject for debate, Rely performed by Father Hogan at the solved that women should have Booty lodge Saffrage Rights.
room, ofter which the.
The Red Tank exponents of cemetery in the presence of a large Physician Surgeon th: gruelling game of indoor base.
bull, suffered defeat at the hands Mies Henry is survived by a pon and Begs to announce that he has of the Gatun Lambs on Monday two daughters, who with their many removed and may now be found evening both games being won friends and acquaintances mourn their by the local team. Better luck next at 131 Bolivar Street, Colon.
Phone 91 time, Red Tankers. Colon, Sept. 12 An elaborate banquet CONSULTATION HOURS: Mr. Hubert Gayadeen employed in bonor of Mr. Daniel Earle, M. as Office Helper in the Gatun Subprominent member of Jethro Temple, a, to 12 noon; 30 Station is scheduled to leave for No. 931, Wus given by his breto p. p. to p.
the Land of Opportunity, on or thren last night, the eve of his departure about the 23rd. inst. His many for Cuba friends and well wishers desire to The banqueting hall was exquisitely Electric Injection expaess their hope that success decorated, and was a credit to those rewill be sponsible for the work marvellous succes in the treat that old acquaintance should The office of tonstmester was ably ment of ne er be forgot, but ever brought filled by State Grand Master Drummond, Gonorrhoea and Gleet to mind.
while addresses were delivered by Bro.
Mr. Holder for many years Pelhomy, P. Bro. Underwood MH Relieves the most obstinate case Bro Cuto, MHP AP; and Bro Cath of Gonorrhoea in from to days employed in the Electrical Division leaves also on the 23rd He CATT,. ll of which spoke of the figh esFOR SALE AT toen in which the departing brother is The New Drug Store the Choir of the Episcopal Church has been for years identified with held.
Mr. Earle carries with him the best Corner 5th and streets, Colon. in this section, and has rendered PHONE 276B wishes of all who happened to know him.
yeoman service in this capacity. van KWARTEL, We wish him good luck.
Remember the big Anniversary which Registered Pharmacist The long school vacation will lit take place (Sunday) To morrow at TROPRIETOR.
soon be over and the children Color, when the Sheyberds of Ebene.
who for the past three months xor Lodge between 70h, and 8th, Sts, have been rejoicing in the freedom Brodway, will och ta procession to Dr.»VERNON CROSBIE, from books and tasks will be again the Baptist Church; sfter which they Surgeon Dentist answering their names at the roll will return nnd enjoy the inlance of the call and struggling through the eveni ar at their Lolo El. ll.
The Principal of the school was will be in attendance, nnd all Fraternal tbe publie gewerally that he has engaged in taking orders for the The Silver City ud from Ia Beca Begs to notify his patrons and mazes of arithmetic and spelling.
Brethren are cordially invited at this removed his Commissary during the vacation big function commencing from 30 until DENTAL PARLOUR period.
He will within two weeks night time.
be giving orders trom behind a to the more commodious pre flat topped desk a directing gen.
mises at ius, with chalk in one hand and 143 Central Avenue duster in the other.
WANTED office of the late Dr. Chas. Bailey It is persistently rumored that a Cock and a Housemaid Crown and Bridge Works there will be a tremendous reduction in the silver force in the APPLY TO a Specialty, immediate future this reduction MRS. MORRICE, 1st Avenue, NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT to bring the present force to about one third its present numerical Bella Vista.
Telephone 784 strength. Wo cannot Vouch for NILE QUEEN The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Made of oiis imported from India and Japan WHITENER AND CLEANSER BLEACH ROUGE COLD CREAM. LIQUID POWDER HAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFIER CREAM BALM. VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO.
Springfield, ni Chicago, Ill.
ten. nearly every thing to clear my complexion of pimples, liver spots and black heads without success, until found Kashmir Nile Queen, Now my skin is as smooth and lovely as can be and my hair has grown so long and glossy, my friends all admire it. wish all our women would try Nile Queen Yery truly Yours (Sad) SALLE REI SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS 19 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon Box 734, Cristobal. cz the truth of this, but such are the whispers borne on the wings of the wind There will be a dance given by the Silver City Ben to niglat at thisClubhouse and we understant they we been doing some hard praefices during the past weeks and would surely hand out the intest thing in the Jazz: 1e steps etc.
Joseph Mascoll employee of the Municipal Engineering Depart.
ment is now laid up with a very bad hand. All of his friends and acquaintances as well as his co workers wish for his speedy recovery as he is badly missed.
All roads will lead to the Shamrock ground (to morrow) Sunday when the postponed game be tween Humming Bird and Shamrock will take place; Skipper Earle. says his arms are getting quite stiff through not meeting any of his opponents for a long time.
ADDRESS: Box 87 Cristobal. C, instant.
Call and inspect our stock of parlor (clocks with cathedral gongs, office and kitchen clocks; full assortment of alarm clocks, plain and luminous (dials; baby and big Bens, and must get up. large variety of Ladies wristlet watches, emblem rings, diamond rings, diamond la vallieres, etc, etc.
BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, REPLY Dear Mr. Editor: Kindly grant me space in your valuable col umns to refute the statement made by my husband, Lloyd. In your issue of the 31st of July, saw a against me stating that he is not responsible for my debts, as left his home, and now beg to inform the public that dja his place, that he left my self and two children living in Panama Canal Quarters, Folks River, and he removed to Colon and lived there, and still paid my rent, but since the strike have been thrown out and he having refused to shelter me, had to seek shelter for my children and myself in Colon.
August 7, 1920.
Take Notice Panama Banking Banking Company.
The rublic is hereby notified (BRANDON BANK)
that the West Indian Tiading Co.
Ltd. is in no way connected with the Isthmian Undertaking Co.
SECURITY SERVICE The patronage on the public is solicited as usual by THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon Isthmgin Undertaking Cd. Ltd, Mattress Factory, Calidonia Road Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for every doilar deposited with this bank For Run Down Systems Is your system run down from diseitses or overwork? Just start in urday with Deiner Port Winee. Specially recommended 98 Woman Toric. Can be taken 18. AAO BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON We carey a complete stock de Triner preparations at resident.
Vice President.
THE CITY PHARMACY 139 Central Avenue 3190 Gentral Banking Business Transacted any time.


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