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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 18. 1920 UNIVERSAL THEATRES PACIFIC THEATRE TONIGHT, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18 The Wicked Darling SENSATIONAL FEATURE To morrow, Sunday, September 19th DREAD An exciting Show Monday, September 20th Last Episodes of THE RED GLOVE 385. coloco Syass. cc sex. Se, ecsesse 008 IC AMADOR ELDORADO TO 17GHT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 TO NIGHT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 The Universal presents Universal presents MARIE WALGAMP IN THE RED GLOVE MARIE WALCAMP in THE RED GLOVE Last Episodes Last Episodes Al a very nice comedy TO MORROW (SUNDAY)
Universal presents Universal presents PRISCILLA DEAN in WICKED DARLINS MIE MURRAY. in. FACE VALUE Also a very nice Comedy Also a comedy STRAND COMING, MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20th GREAT VAUDEVILLE SHOW THE BEST ON THE ISTHMUY. DO NOT MISS IT QUICK SERVICE any UDS or ve him. way to an came conduct me held We moet be 23rd diested oxing Draw their the British as it was Cricket. will Coach YOU The Man of. Prince of Wales to for College.
Vincentians Qult to Surrey Continued from Page 1)
Visit West Indies.
Before a fairly rised crowd, last 8obring gifts. Treat us square day, the Vincentisn threw in the To puse the ENTRANCE EXAMI and do yourself credit is our cry Commenting on the proposed sponge to the Surrey The tusa NATION TO HOWARD AND OTHER to the powers that be.
visit of the Prince of Wales to Still we know that our plea is the West Indies the current was won by Burrey and they decided We maintain for your benefit and use UNIVERSITIES in the States, Candito bat on a damp wicket, much to the dates are requested to do so tistaetory that it is the old, old story: says: in vain. We need not be told issue of the West Indian Circular disappointment of their fans. At rate they put up a total of 121 work in a specified number of secondary And Pharaoh hardened his heart.
a Quick Service man who is ready to for HIGH SCHOOL unila. For weeks past the colonies The time is fit that we exercise now to be visited by the Prince the loss of wickels, and declared their will answer any call. erefore don for one help you to prepare for thes jonings closed. Pitterson made 25 out unit in tuy Night School.
our manliness, that we square out, Holder 23, Dasousa 19, Challen.
moment put up with any trouble it can ako keep a Day School for children our shoulders and act the man have been vying with one another in which give bolest het nie alty and part. We have stooped and we receptions or their royal generation making arrangements car 14 and Clarke Il. On going to the wickets, the have not conquered. Stoop no and we may be sure that nothing Higher Education.
tian who showed any form was only batsman of the Vincenonly be due to some slight local condition la bob Schools due atteation is paid more; crawling is doing no good. will be left undone to Leave that to the class Reptilia tavourable impression of the is to give Dusent, who made 35. six of the Vibe to Commercial Subjects.
which our man can correct in a jiffy.
wickets had. sentians whose surprise of all, the captain For particulare, call on, or write to me. men, and then act in the free of our great mainland colony in Stand up like men Think like lands included in its itinerary and woen, wben, to are out and called his bistemen in It REMEMBER ROBERT LINDSAY, dom which God hath given you. South Ainerica, The Prince short WAS a most disgraceful act.
Tres not do credit to the Vincentian and certainly (Cambridg Senior)
stay in Barbados on his does This man time and work are free Classial and Commercial School. Urgent Notice. C. whore as a whole on the at. Na Calle Domingo Dios, Panama.
moment; serving as it did to si. reprehen ible. We hope TRY HIM Bux 1046, Accon, lence effectively the preposter the longue will take steps to put an end The Officers and Members of the Canal ous suggestion, which emanated to aucla disgraceful state of affairs Zone District of Loyal Order of Anciout from a prominent American, and Bowling for Surrey, Thomas and Do Fou were the two cooraful bowlers, AT Dr. Hubert Edwards, ciety are hereby advised that shall be British Peer, that the West In.
DeSousa capturing wickets for runs. PANAMA GAS CO.
leaving the lathmus on or about the dies iniyht be transferred to the Yorkshire Narrowly Escapes 102 Bolivar Street Cathedral Plaza YOUR instant and that neither my wifo nor my. United States in part payinent of 93 Bolivar St.
Defeat It will hold our e IN FRONT OF MASONS TEMPLE) ebat date for the property of the District all who were privi ged to hear elves responsit le after our war debt to that country, and The Yorkshire Demerara match at Tol. 792.
SERVICE Tel. 364.
Isthenian Park li at Sunday ended in an pegs to inform the public that which is now in my porosion. thare it will recall His Royal Highnes he ha seyred all connections fore request the present Secretary to ar tksoire batting first be made forceful remark put up a total of 123 runs for wiketa with the English Drug Stre, rauga to make final settlement of our upon that occasion, to the effect and Joeared inhings closed.
owned by Mr. Salazar, of the panding accounts and take over the that His Majesty subjects, whether white or otherwise, were Baith Pallat can Drug Swre; but properly before the 22nd inst.
made 20, Brothwaite 24, Goddard 19, Sargeant 15 and Pinder 10. s oftics av not been removed HENDERSON pot for sale. That statement, but tho Deinerare replied with 2 for the furs Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
for and he can still be found ibut fact that the West Indian Ex Secretary.
of wickets when the one came to the Sinner Sewing Macho cable system was at the time elore There is no doubt, but that tund Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
broken down, wuld completely Company. Ea ne old air Public Lecture, lave boen Mashed throughout the two teams played the game to West Indies Lapues titre, there would have been no FREIGHTLAND PASSENGER SERVICE Notice There will be a public Lectare Wert lasian aud to the outside world; but a wider Bowling for Domerata Me Clean Budience will now at Chorrito Luis Hint, to mor have the opportunity of hearing enptured wickets ir 30 runs and row night Boyce Husbonds for 43. The outstanding S, TYNE To members and invited guests will be the akorThe subiect from the lips of the heir to the feature of Demeraru batting wis the will sall from Cristobal on FRIDAY 15th OCTOBER for the luperial a nuni Bail will toke brink Millions now living will throne that their colonies and tend made by Prescott and Me Clean London, Rotterdam, and Havre, accepting cargo only.
place at the West Indian Rid never die. This subject is at people are indeed valued and ap Crow Hall, on Saturiay niyot trueting large erwde whero whom they give alleviance, and who made 43 nət out, and 34 resiectivly by the Sovereign to Jobo also got 11 to bis oredit, Sept. 19 Commen. inc at 9: ever presented. The same dis that the irresponsible sugges Games for To morrow S, ACAJUTLA Martin Jazz Band will be course will be kion in the after tions for transferring them to in attenuance, so bu ou HOLD Boca Lodge Fill, at will leave Cristobal 6: will leave Balboa, noon on Chouillo Jainsica at Glorillo another flag will be trened with o clock by Mr. L Harry: THE SECRETARY SUNDAY 26th, SEPTEMBER 1920 for Beitaunis Demerara at Standard the contumely which they de Oval Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, LA Strike at Honduras serve West Indians inay some times like to work under a foreiga Yorkshire Surrey at Isthmian Park Union, La Libertad, Acajulta, San José de Guatemala, Rescue from the Umpires and Champet ico.
Advices from Honduras via flag, but they prefer to sleep unCoultrust and Lewis at Chorillo Deadly Enemy of Sunana gatherers and long the Prince visit to Barbados in New that strike der.
Pollard and Ashby at Standard ORDUNA shoremen in Honduras Biparent Ma last, the new reciprocal Wall And Samuels at Isthmisa Park will leave Cristobal BATURDAY 18th SEPTEMBER, 1920 for Ly well organized, threatens to trade agreement has been urrived La Rochello Pallice and United Kingdom.
In our daily talk and exeitement over seriously interfere with ship at, which should have fat reach Isti mlen League of the high at living and matters of mente of fruit from that country, iing etfects, and be followed by less importance, we seem to forget the especially through the port of the investment of British capital Indlans. ORITA onslaught and ravages of our wone Ceiba, according to statements in our oldest group of colonies, will leave Cristobal THURSDAY 23rd, SEPTEMBER 1920 for anenies Kidney and Blader Dis bere to day by representative and this should bring in its wake The publio, friends and well wishers Havana, New York and tne United Kingdom.
eases within our duors.
a bereby reminded of the Rilly and of a fruit company who arrived such prosperity that West Indians Concert to be held in the Wesleyan Accepting Deckers for Havana.
Their symptoms are: PAIN IN THE on the st amship Ceiba which will be content to work as well as BACK; SIDES AND JOINTS, SOME was forced to return without sleep under the Union Jack Schoolroom to night. good turn out SWELLINGS, SCANTY MANAVI cargo.
anticipated and a lively time is in is the FOR DISCOLORED URINE, TOO FRE lela, the moet important bana. Prince of Wales, by his charming store for all wbo shall attend. Remember will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon ou QUENT DESIRE TO URINATE; na shipping port, however, is not personality. you have no admission at the door to pay MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27th, for URINE SOMETIMES CONTAINING greatly affected.
endeared himself to for, you come in free. Come and boost Bahia, Marta, Machalilla, Manglaralto, Puerto Bolivar and BRICK DUST OR SEDIMENT; DEthe community.
your favourite. You are cordinliy invited another Guayaquil PRESSED AND TIRED FEELINGS; know that he RESTLESNESS AT NIGHT; IRRITA: NOTICE and will be just as cordially received.
with the most favourable imFor further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at BILITY, ACHING LIMBS, CONTINU.
pressions of the British West In.
OUS THIRST PAINS IN. THE Billard Tournament.
CRISTOBAL West Indians requiring the ser dies, based on his brief experien GROINS. vices of a competent lawyer in ces in Barbados, and we can con The Panama Billiard players CK IDBITATION or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, OF TAK the Panamanian courts are here fidently predict that this mutual How touring the Canal Zone Sil.
rer Clubhouses defeated the PANAMA These venemoussetnine bave bose by invited to consult the under sentiment will be renewed on his beta Paraiso team on Saturday last by wrecking the lives of our people in nigned at his office in House No. Royal Highnuss ruturn to those 44, Central Avenue. Clients will colonies, and that all residents 88 in a 150 point carom game.
or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Iac. Sub Agants. Republic NINETY NINE CHANGES et et all times be given prompt at will echo the prayer that God and by 190 in a 500 point preket The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Panama.
TO ONE they always come out winning. tention and faithful service as may bless the Prince of Wales.
game. The next matoh will be is evidenced in the many matches well as the full benefit of my proinst the Li Boca players to the grate yard.
fessional ability, which am al League Meeting.
coming of Dewitt Pills to the ways willing to exercise in deInspiring Confirmation Service Subsidy to Raise Birthrate Is hmus marks the event of a great oflen tence of the poor.
All are reminded of the League moet ing tonight at the Ideal School. Repre Discontentment Among at St. Peter Chnrch, sive against these terrible monsters, as Pedro Ycaza entatives will please be on tims.
Tramway Employees.
not only are they checked, but are reA Paris despatch dated August ceiving a crushing defeat 30th, states that, to encourage the Those who refuse cure by this GRAND Last Sunday evening, th 12th inst. birthrate in France, the Authori. ENGLISH REMEDY are their own Owing to the discontent which has arisen among certain Span. It the clone of Evening Prayer, the Rt. ties in one district decided to pay enemies and traitors to their country, FOOT EASE.
Panuma Tramways Cox pany of the Panama Canal Zone, duly confir child over the first three.
The Gļeaner states that a late The fame of DEWITTS PILIS rings Walks great deal and be happy and healthy.
with the treatment of Traffic med a class of twelve enndidates at St.
But you can if your foet trouble you.
minspector Clarks who, they Peter Church. The edifice was packed Havana paper contains a news all over the world, and are wcioed by allegrd, is partial to the West to the door with devout worshippers item stating that the barbour even the BOERS in South Africa DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Sold in two sizes at all leading Drug long before the service began. Confirma: unions now on strike against the Indian employers of the Com. tion over, the bishop. taking his text Port of Havana Docks have made stores all over the world. Refuse imalis is the best treatment.
pany, and which a Pull direotions with evo piekage. It gives quick rellot to acate. dobie itch, bruises and artis.
Partial strike of the ntent from Romane 14th chapter. 8th, verse, a complaint that the docks coin. tations, discontented parties, we Used internally, Dr. Tichonor Antiseptic is delivered a very impressive address.
understand that pany is bringing 1, 500 Jamaican MANUFACTURED BY C. DeWit certain reliet for cramps, oplie and diarrhoea. It saves dones bills.
The Ven. Archdeacon Carson, laborers here to take the places COMPANY, LIMITED, ENGLANDE Mr. Clarke has been teu porarily When in a drug store, don forget to buy Su penued pending further in. who accompanied the bisbon, read the of the strikers on the Hsvang THE CITY PHARMACY, 1, 04 vestigation. As the matter is louons for the evening, and also the por: wharves, and they are trying to Dr. Tichenor a Antiseptie till enb judice, we refrain from tion of seripture which is usually read keep these out as it is a violation 139 Central Avenue, Panama.
making any comment at present, ulter the presentation of the candidaten. of the contract labour law, SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS.
TIMES WITH un railing tact classes Similarly, we the Carribean Tert the WEAK BACK; BLADDER.
which is The nigbe.
The La Eoca.


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