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Thor is AFRICAN PRINCE LAWMAKERS Comments on Marcus Sidesteps Presidential Veto Garvey Aspirations. and cases Salary.
following article from Although President elect Don Collected From West Indians by the elemente difeles pare, che Bellehrer Pras june longa Held Prisoner for Several Hours pablished with the hope that it New York newspapermen thut Pay Roll Deductions.
mik Murnish food for thought the and not yet reached at Balmoral Castle.
amouk many of our readers: thºse shores, the Deputies to The New York Times, under the National Assembly of this This is the one question that is ing from the hall through con. The proposed at our odice every day certs and dances would be aux date of August 15, says: Marcus Republic have proved to the learer in the sub stopping at nothing to force the locked up.
by the hundreds of interested ilary to the upkeep, but not. hentrary by their demand for a won. That the Sinn Peiners are moral Woods where they wer to recluim Africa for the incrouse in their salary hands of Britain and establish. Several hours later when the West Indians who were made to responsible for it altogether, the tbehera of the nero, Hebei xercised in obtaining saue. At the icidnapping of Prince George, missing the King and Queen or und the determined Weather do the pay roll deduction to cool that at hallowed to the sal Negro Improvement Aweocin the pression of the Assembly held youngest son of King Georxe sarized search party cas dels spirit ibeg reign of terror is evidenced by Castle realiz the Prinde wa of one dollar last August to help imagined Anance the West Indian Rud purposes of Red Cross meetings on are likely to have discour instruction called og en oxing tank il they post in Lon ervants the Royal first aid a ruler ou paid to the present don cablegram discloses:uler on introduced Crosrican Red Cross West In could be restwnsible for its own the native Apricos, according by Guards tor London Detectives What Prince Wadariknul Denizione travelling expenses was to be din London, Sept. 10. Prince and diun Branch.
hre WAS da George, the King youngest son, searched, the For less than a year this organi collected for, if they were not to Nigeria. The Prince who is continued in favor of free trant was on Monday night a prisoner prison bəing tinally disony nad en hoe best thing the return public heal two bear the expenses of the con New York learniny operate portation on suvernment owned otsiun Feiner for several hours a darkness in the This bagianing of the end it of a cires, and nearly every tion?
curns home in a few months, rate when you the lower your now in residence was in an on a paper left by the kidnappers WA SCR West is stilla Panama more who without a Now, it is dead and the corpse Have the authoritieu of the Red day aud registered. protested the u inatuad ol 250 wystery as to details.
has not even had a decent burial Cros9 8p nt all of the money in against the Free Africa move outh during the perimasked men capJured the Prinos tarbed fearing kidnapping work or Three tempting to harm the Prince, The Royal Family is much disgiving charities, paying sal nies ment.
sessions of the Assembly as it is But where is the mney and meeting other incidental exWhere is the dollar that man servant returning by Irish sympathizers among the mnaot understand what though wll its stakes and wat to from fishing about 30 o clock servants at the Catia and thing at present. The bill was rushed and a thi over ten thousand West Indians work of the Juving tire arrey means when he says that the acting President Don Ernes, and hurried them to an. mpty they might babu l) kerp the ne pensos in connection with which tue Negro intends to plant Who has this money, and what end so feebly?
will become of it Tre West InTostate in the publ press thet nentot Africa. Prince. Jadaridad turned it down as uuconatibu propos.
dian Red Cross is gone into bll the We indian Red Cross belt said. The African Negro enjteIt is said that the ed law is in direct coothiet with vion, but some accounting of the has been given up and thint the love for the fire una resente artick blor en een studion e President of France province of Aries Lorraine, interference of ontsiders.
Society cases to operate is no certainly Sure of fulfilling uninperions no eertainly would the Republic which provides that not stand for in ho Resigns and a most crueldoty, Isabynit When the boosting of the Red way to close the activities of an wrference on the part of North Cho cereas in wakes or travi cimasis was ca, the people were organization which ensurerens and American Negara den to use this be elfective uncit tite close of the ON ACCOUNT OF ILL President of the pubic.
expenses of Depaties shall to the Senate and the Chamber o patie my resignatiou as that Briti would all go for the support of French subjects whose hard earn descendants of slaven.
period for which those Deputie: needy West Indians ings were brown in to help please If it is impossible for a klave wbo passed the law had been HEALTH PAUL DESCHANEL.
on the Isthmus But the rointy tressed and impoverishud Went to become a native cuief or King elected.
in Africa rica at present, Marcus Gar.
las lived only a year, and during Indians in this count manding resources ceruluts have Taking advantage, however, of With reference to thaw West Indians Among the important happen. Intest information to hund status time darity whose magnitude consome even one third of the port published in the public not chance of ever holding of a technicality in the veto of the ings of the week in political cirl that Premier Millerand carriol fice and President, which was counter cles was the resignation of the the presidential contrast bra other section of eye subscribed among the pres, are only doing what any. Luding the destines of signed by the Secretary of Gov. President of Peance, Paul Des large majority. The cublegein tha communits the people of his prey employees on the Zone, would du under vimiliar circumo potice, and some very boy by the Secretary of the Treasury down brought about by repeat as yerine hi. generully speaking ernment and Justice instead of chanel, due to a physical beak conveying this information reads sothing to day of the coutribu: Stano the Treasurer All tions from non employees resi: other oncinis of this reaniza unless outsiders come in and stir ia prov. ded by the law. the billed fals. President Deschanel Versailles, Sept. 23 Arndents in Panama tion do not submit the demanded up trouble. The nutive chies and being considered a deal meas in sunnitting his resignation om Donatas Ingu Saturday said in spitting dre Millerard wishes this le nu thoil it authorities of the American Red lie willibe entitled to the inost uw wo eeted by the severamenis My state of health no longer afternoon President of the French owing the territories. 14, un or the twenty permits me to assume this nigh Republic, Cross who have always cuatrolled unrestrained indulgence. The Prince then save out the want items. names, dates, members present voting functions which your coatidence Abe funds of the West Indian Congress was opened at in tvorot sime. This, it is for invested upon me on the vecasioa o clock with Loa Boarg is pre.
revenue large claimed, was another breach of the session of the National As. eiding and the voting boganimfrom suche hul calidonia to be able to show, and all these divided into states just as other of the Constitution on the part sembly of January 17th last.
Deputies, as all mediately. The absolute obligation im warrant its being retained by must only include the period continents. Each state has svetoed by the Presidentposed upon me to take a coinvole ws as follows: Mitlerand them. This is somewhat puzzling when the one dollar deduction Mandents that one king alon. constitucioual shouid, if the Da. plete rest, makes it my duty to received 635 votes. Gustave The completa results of the black kings, chiefs and The West Indian public did not from the silver employees pay Puties are determiued that it no longer delay in announcing lory, Socialist Deputy 68 votes; understand that the hall had to checks took place to the date of cannot control the whole state or should become a law, be keep itself in operation. It was closing the doors of the hall in account of the various tribes. And the Supreme Court to you the decision have been twenty votes were scattered and the opinion that any revenue com Calidonia.
it ja impossible for the Governor bed in order compelled to take, rune to decide its constitutionality. The 108 were blank, the total number of New York It is infinitely painful and it is of votes deposited being 982.
so it is impossible for protesting voice akainst the law with profound heart pangs that After the result of the voting renounce the noble post of was announced, Millerand was The Great Exodus, plores the great outrush to the Americe, Missouri in North local press, bowever, raised its at in order to prove that they which you deemed noel wordt het were proclaimed eleventh President of past few months. The latest of east Africa to control the the convened a a public demonstration The duty of President of the France by Bourgeois at 67 at all times o clock, To the Land of the Sugar these are from Jamaics as the peuve kings and chiefs in West which came off last Movsized Brave res, Oasibilities. It dem subjoined article from a corres Africa. Theref Marcus Cane Continues.
pondent in the Gleaner will vey, a native of British West In wus attended by showdies, cannot elect himself as the the the crowd, The crowd assein bled in and activity and ens during years NEW MEDICO.
The exodus of labourers to the new leader of the world or pres. the Santa Ana Park nad march trom all weakness to the National Palace, Yesterday the Orite sailed where when Victorious France is called hendred West Indiau deckers continues unchecked. Conditions can people and control 300, 000, 000 vion but was refused hearing broad the integral application of from Cristobal carrying over nine neighbouring republic of Cube stilleet of Africa to rule the Afrithe Assembly way then in ses upon to reconstruct her domestic resources, meanwhile assuring We are pleased to announce to from the Isthmts. It is under are said to be so unsatisfactory black people in the world Deputies that a similar number that even those that returned dur electrica can only have himselt protest should be submitted in the treaty of peace so gloriously public in vereaders and to the. had as president of general already booked for the next boat.
writing over six thousand persons have tablish their own little holding Pepable of Liberin in West Africa Alfaro, and the President of would fail in what owe you in of whom mention was made in His estimated that since lastApril intended to settle down Wandesversal Negro Improvement As80 peraluk, stary arlore dis but so dearly gained. bave pers. Otway, graduate of the Midof Govern severed even to the last extre inga, cia šioa in New York. The black ment and Justice, Hon. Ricardo mity. The hour is come when dlesex College of Medicine and idea, Surgery, Massachusetts left this country for Cuba and have given up the back the has elected ber wa President the Assembly. Don Enrique not resigoing my funetians into these columns a few weeks ago, CubaNow the loss to to the next six months may fud the con colony is evident. Here are RON Vest Indian community conbe acting for Dr. Lowe.
spicuously absent authorities don to go out of the colony to make headquarters of the Association by by Mr. Anibal Rios, the peo dare express the hope that the shortly. Dr. Otway has had exseem to care a fiddle stick and returning to the island, there. Teativebieis And ple speaker for the occasion, representatives unity of the nation sensive practice in Boston, Mass.
auto land bring his schemes with the playing by the bed attulaid to victory, will maintain bike wapi compelled to come out to Lexodus with stoicism their cash! No lands tropics march for the of his their unido for thegreat family health. He can be seer The Canal work, we under all around. It is rarely that has and Ideks lato Ihovo sistem. The funer sad that a write France, to whose service Central Avenue, between the doll stand, has been in a hopeless these men return, they return to trouble with Wareur Garsoy and and. muddle since the Silver Eminary duas independent coming of Ruthy Again. will be submitted to the Assom Is will be the role and on RI Dr. Otway is also licebedo labour. The hithe followers la bat they talk to obiskoyees strike last February nuddin Punique and all interested have devoted my life, and who lours of and d. and and protest is now being signed by that saved rewidents of the Republic and will bare my last thought to top. com leteche Electrician demands a ate collapse te the hauty grant parchase tome land, erecta and thus raise the standard of the Bly iu de course able privilege of my successor in pratico in the Oanal Zond. Pesonato. Inntendered thing that we learn froh Pettibile con la clarity become the complete within Icw va a desert the laturin us of Panama is money is all squandered away in we derangementer are lagun beson the accomplishment Bathe only place that is ex soother and it be eno tone that ing mado to give the patlio in logo Rath but that on bow of the Republic which after bare at the periencing the gmat Exodus of whereby none of the landa that momente tavaks the students of limited to the seating capacity of ot Honort itoy years ago, hasCream. Why do you moc ver something ought to be done her opportunity are beingming scension dhe sale of deceta sillte ing been saved by the Battalion Uso Elcan, Disappearfag borers. The Press of the var West Indian islands de (Continded on Page the Dramawo Zantela The Com the Hall. Thas die idee vuil brought back under our dag the 01 Llenye Cream 0106809 199 you focus OD and uvet ات AN State to to control ar the Garand Repablie Yolveg a energy free ed the staad that a have the and gone USA The Canal in ness tweb will


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