
EE TEN the word signiti the THOSE GOOD OLD fered to and and has been NEEDLE POINT ing of TREWORKKAN SATURDAY 25, SEPTEMBER 1920, PAGRM Royal Mail Steam now.
costs for failing to notify the land results of the high petal Director of Agriculture of living in that colody has complet Packet Company WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTO.
case of banana disease on his ed their investigations and for property. It also came out in evi warded their report to His Real dence that the planter refused to lency.
INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA allow the Inspector of Plant Temporary Suspends Ser73 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA Diseases to treat the diseased vice with West Indies area St. Vincent OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping The financial News of London We read that increased mot business.
in its issue of August 6th pub.
tality from tuberculosis inKlok: Agriculturists Cotton Meat lished the following. b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, ston, Jamaica, during the last Alihough the decision of the Panama, New York and England.
few months having been primarRoyal Mail Steam Packet ComWriting from St. Vincent to a ily attributed to inferior housing, friend in Trinidad a gentlemak CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share.
pany to suspend until further it is expected that the matter will says: Our island has reached notice its direct passenger ser (b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share. be embraced in the scope of the the record for prices of ground vice with the West Indies, ap.
nearing almost simultaneously (c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: Os per enquiry of a commission which provisions. This is mainly due to will be appointed by His Excel. the fact that every body is plantes with the official announcement of share on application, 5s. per sbare on allotment aud the balency the Governor to enquire ing cotton even in the yards, in the trade agreement entered into lance as the Directors think fit.
into the housing question of the some cases, in place of flowers between Canada and the West (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. poorer classes. Sir Leslie Probyn Indies, seems to indicate that the bas got the whole question under Fresh vegetables are now alredes (e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall bold one bad a direct bearing on the consideration, and it is unobtainable. Nine plantains not less than 50 shares in the Company.
expected other, we learn authoritatively that the gentlemen to serve on potatoes realize the same sun, fetch one shilling; ten small swees from the company officials that The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and the commission will be selected and you are glad to get it. There such relation exists and that hope to start the service about the end of September, during the present month.
shenend the one the decision to suspend the seris a rice and sugar famine these vice has been made purely upon It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will necessaries being, at present we th grounds that it has proved avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num Demerara obtainable.
OF THOSE Bu ber of shares.
financially a heavy loss to the company. The use of SOLICITORS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. Suspend is not without writer to the Viocantian Kingston, Ja. OLD HOME cance, and, as a matter of fact Open Branch at Jamaica. saya There is en undercurrent in the entire questiou of whether or BANKERS. Royal Bank of Canada.
The Demerara Chronicle pub St. Vincent which is sweeping CIGARETTES wol, were is to be a direct lishes the following: everything in one direction, and senger service from this country DIRECTORS The large and enterprising slowly but surely the indigenoust to the West Indies now resis with the Imperial Shipping CA. CAMPBELL, President; COCHRAN, Vice President firm of Messrs. Geddes Grant population are being wiped and Company has decided to ex. the scene. The mad rush to!
Board. This body has the mat DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. ST. CYR.
tead its operations to y Jamaica America Ciubit and other parts o Wer under consideration, and a OSWALD ANDERSON, TULLOCH, BINHAM world. and definite statement of policy may branch in that island has been on although the horizon is at present JOHN WHITTINGHAM, GRANT, soon be expected from it. As accepted dimmed or darkened. yet the will be recalled by readers who MISS LENA SANDFORD, Secretary, by Captain Guy who is at pages of History are clear to saw the statement which Sir wesent acting as Manager of the the mind.
Owen Phillipps, chairman of the in this colony. The firm (Continued on page 4)
mpany, made last May, the APPLICATION FOR SHARES has several branches all doing R, M. has been operating bright business and it is almost a Lindie senger service to the West certainty that the branch in Ja Dr. OGILVIE at a loss which in the past WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP. COMPANY LTD. maica will be as much a success twenty years bas aggregated as the others.
IS NOW LOCATED AT 1, 000, 000 73 Orange Street, Kingston Mr. Woodley Slack, the 157 Central Avenue, corner Five years ago, owing to the beg to apply for. shares of each in the West Manager of the local branch, is Street withdrawal of the mail contract Indian Steamship Co. Ltd.
on bis way back to the colony and the subsequent commandeer from Canada and he will possibly the company boats berewith send you per share with this application for be accompanied by Mr. Fred HOURS: to 11. 30.
and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s, per war purposes, the regular ser Grant, the managing Director. to 30 vice was suspended, and 30 to 30 pm share and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per during Sundays: to 11 the war only an intermittent com the accompanying Circular.
It is learnt that the Commission manication could be be maintained.
Name in full which had been appointed in De Appointments can be arranged About a year ago, which was as Address.
inerara to enquire into the causes soon after the armistice as it was CIGARETTES Te ephone 875.
attempt a resumpOccupation tion Ton the company as an ex periment offered the GovernDate.
three boats of the intermediate on THE WOMAN EXCHANGE passenger type, two of them of 3, 600 tons and one of about 3000 NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA tons register. These boats were entirely uusubsidized, and the result of the experiment bas DRESSMAKERS been a loss of some thousands of pounds upon voyage.
The Imperial Shipping Com.
mittee has been notifiod of the Knowing the service that is demanded from fucts, but to the present it Jamaica up and especially his expected bride, every garment in these days of high prices, we have has reached no decision as to the because he was to be married on set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK the very next day (Sunday) and course to be adopted. The MANSHIP.
sume Company are ready to re Queer Events at all preparations were being made for the marriage ceremony. His Government will subsidise them sume their service provided the Richmond bride, who was residing in King or meet any loss incurred. The ston, had gone to the home to ANN THOMAS, trafic to and from the weat Tas Lineman who was to Wed various parts to attend the weed help in the preparations friends were dropping in from Proprietress.
dies was very small, and as regards passengers is ngens is purely on Sunday Died Mysteri ding festival, which sadly turned however, has still a service both ously The Day Before for. oper and mortem examiuation was performed by Dr. Fred. Ritchie, Opposite the ating to the islands from Hallax under rect contract with the NATURE FREAKS the for Richmond. Freight House Co adian Government and calling at te muda and the Western Is Extraordinary Birth of Five An Unusual Incident in Panama, or to lands fortnightly, The withdrawal of ships owing Children at one Time; Don Mrs. Charles Green, living in key also has Two Cubs Fidanque Henri iso the war, combined with the one of the adjoining districts of danger to Richlaond, gave birth to five childquez in Colon.
ren at one time. Such a case the submarine, had the effect of diserting most of the trade with Richmond. St. Mary Monday. this has never been heard of be: the islands to Canada and the enter, but the watiwe tilfreean: fore, by even the oldest residents and United Braves, Geographically by a resident at Buł Bay, a tele alarm. All of the babies have chester, who. these are the natural markets for the produce of the West Indies, town to construct a telephone lire limbs and deformed bodies could dies, phone line man, sent from that since died as their undeveloped and with organized effort being UNITED FRIUT COMPANY made in Canada to bring about died een Richmond and Highgate. not really support life. The mothreciprocity in trade there does Railway station on Satardeer has since been doing well.
suddenly at the Port Limon rot seem much probability afternoon, Costa Rica ef diverting it again to the lite meal. He was always ajally had the male cubs at one time.
United Kingdom. The In past week a is the efore now largely one of and was at work among the other They formed a well matched pair Imperial sentiment, and this is and Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty largely satisfied provided the line men up to within forty min but unfortunatelv both died since.
of housing accomodation hand between the great Western utes of his death. He never com Dom for nion and the island culonies plained any prin nor did he say he sick, had Recent changes have taken reuiuins strong While it seems his meal, he said he wanted to lay place in the police force here.
de irable that there should bus Free Transportation. No Deposit. been direct link between Great Britain a down, and went into the and the West Indies, this need station and laid on one of the transferred to the retreat station Must havé Passport and not be greater than the minimuma beaches where he expired a few owing to ill health, he leaves service required with the best wishes of his sub.
It was a real shock ordinates, as well as of those Vaccination Card.
such contact friends and co workers to whom he has subordinated.
in and around Higtagate and Rich Constable Folkes has also mond, but especially among the men who were working with him Maria Static been transserred to the Port Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
Craoline Grows Hair on Bald his sudden domise. The news for they could not uaderstand Heads, Your Hair Must Grow must have been a worse shock banana grower in Jamaies Cristobal, Canal Zone.
with Creolinel to his friends around Bull Bay, was recently floed 120 and 136, possible to BRING THIS WestIndian News AD.
och TO THE Factory and Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers You will receive TEN between after be question healthy looking young and Needlepoint.
Railway minutes after. It maintain to all his to Cigarettes TEN Absolutely TEN FREE NEEDLEPOINT TEN CIGARETTES FREE THIS OFFER is just as much on the square as this advertisement. YOUR cigarettes are waiting for you. You better get them TO DAY.


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