
ness to Canader. It rinidad. gramme in fornt has Gov consumption The aree 10 rent LIFEBUOYS price Rope اه anal centre of DESINFECTANT SOAP a THE many hands which are wiped on the bas been LIFEBUOY SOAP measure Panama Banking Company compulsory The one PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920 Irteersting Nows From the honour of the visit of the Prince abandoned, because in some cases of Wales to the colony. Cana cows in poor condition under dian firm which supplied magniother circumstances do not yield Konlined from page 8) ficent fireworks items in bonour milk of a high quality.
of the visit of His Royal HighTrinidad to Canada is supplying the is believed The Victoria Instſtute, that the firm will send down a COST OP RE BUILDING MANY The Sugar Situation In man to put through the prou in Trinidad. All these Trinidad. lems in honour of the visit of The estimated cost of re buildCT the Prince are quite good in their ing the Institute has been put HANDS The Gazelle of 9th instant says: the human note by including in is figured out at 1, 500. The inway. Jamaica alone has struck down at 8, 500, while equipment ent our paragraph of the the programme such items as surance claim on the late insti inst and our article of Satur: will identify the sick and poor tute has been paid in full, and WIPE day last we understand that there has been ne charge to note ling. We read that festive pre in the Royal Bank of Canada the with the general spirit of rejoic the Board now has to its credit in the sugar situation. It is said that of the 17 per cent of the crop porations for the poor are being full amount of 21, 600, whicta ON ONE considered which the Government have or forms admirable nucleus towhave or dered to be retained for local ards re building. Says the Ga7 zelte whatever action the per cent TOWEL!
Mr Noel Scipio Pollard, a young ernment takes in the matter.
ba cot yet been only it in the hope as we previously more prominent advocate who died and especially our merchants, The is being bela lawyer in Trinidad, and son of is to be hoped that our tinanciers pointed out of compelling the ad lowing in his father footsteps. substantial aid toward the restor some time ago, is said to be fol will in due course, contribute simplin. When besides what we bidding fair to be a chip of the ation of the Institute Consider: we old block. Perhaps for purposes ing that the institution was, not yaddnced it is con of distinction inen may reter to na Cunt of educational of the Pollard the elder, and Pollard great value, but (what is infinite merely an. thich th sugar is the younger. In an interesting more imputadt) 1:0 perpes.
procured is grown by farın detengan cecie recently concerning aluates the memory of two of Fotografailles wito milk adulteration or with the general public lawyer night prove that the Peacemaker it would be both adulteration case, the young Britain best Sovereigns. Vic.
held successfully that the toria the Good and Eaward the which has supported the in.
he analysts ustry these years past) will be Deseti ting from the sugar over standard required, but conviction something not done to re erect of his client was below the ing short of calamitous were Here we hope the Acting Govern on the specific charge of having a glorified institute on the ashes.
or will not show any weakness adulterated the milk could not of its forebear.
in the matter and will act as be enforced. The result is that The Government is in sympatirmly as Sir John Chancellor did the law has been amended, and thy with the idea of its restorsame towel are busy all day long handling Acuple of months ago milk. vendors in future will have ation and will very likely give to be prosecuted for selling milk liberal tinancial aid.
germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, Trinidad is arranging for a below the standard required by ar Fireworks Display in law. Adulteration The Trinidad Agricultural SoFurniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
ciety has just passela Resolution which will be forwarded to the Government, urging the corsideration of for the en forcement of the planting of Rronnd provisions.
The scarcity of locally grown PURIFIES AND PROTECTS. BRANDON BANK)
foodstuffs and the high costofimported provisions have occasioned It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy SECURITY the idea for such legislation. The action of Barbados in this direcSoap does more. It positively protects its users from SERVICE tion has be referred to.
the many germ laden things they come into contact Resolution passed is as follows:That in view of the fact that the with daily. Health is stored in every, tablet.
Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon colony is threatened with a great scarcity of tround kround provisions Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will Qur large Resources and well known which might disastrous consequent upon the ght prove exceedingly make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe enserva Ive Management afford unscarcity and high prices of staple with it.
food Shampoo with it.
in other countries, this SoC. stioned security for every dollar ciety recommends that the Gus.
erncient shonid legislate to enMORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE di osit: wth this bank force the planting of ground pro visions on a ibi LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, as the case may be. That this Society yery strongly reconnGeneral Banking Business Transacted mods that the law which provides for Higging for praedia!
larceny. shall be made applicable offers. We are sure these men Royal Mail Service NATIIANIEL BRANDON 13AAC BRANDON I, BRANDON Barbados to the whole colony deserve the sympathy as well as The Direetor of Agriculturebas the good wishes of every think, Suspended.
resident Vice President.
drawn the strention of the Society ing than in the cominunity; and The Herald states that the fol to the Colonial Optica in attitude on The Bleeding of the cumstances under, which they seived from the Secretaryan we are equally sure that the cir lowing telegram has bien re.
for prae dial larceny have been labour States Colonies TERLING Island should receive the careful con 20th, with reference to my sideration of employers. Not at telegrain of 25th May Royal FEMALE TONIC The Port of Spain Gazetle says All is it a matter to be lightly Mail Transatlantic services will Writing Editoriallý, under the thought of. The future of the be suspended indefinitely after that on a recent trip of the Matura up North, about 20 cases above caption, the Weekloj Herald island depends to a great extent sailing of Arzila on July 214t.
on the industrial proticiency of whisky and old rum were dis says:of Tonic and Alterative men concealed in the tire.
the people. And the stolid com On Thursday 22nd instant plac ney with which the responFOR SALE department The Perth Amboy authorinies finna the ship, thrine mailed by the Chignect for Trinidad forty aruisans and me sible people of the island conteinAn Estey Organ in good con Sterling Female Tonic contains in palatable and it is stated, san, which itu tire chanics, who have been recruited plate the steady enig ation of dition. Can be seen at House acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, meir were called upon to pay y. here for work on the Usine st capable and industrious workers 21, 21st Street, Coco Grove. Na Un un Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, wh. ch was done. The booze Madeline Sugar Estate of this to the Cane fields of Cuba and reasonable offer will be refused.
etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re.
was contiscated by the Customs, number, there were 31 carpen the workshops of Trinidad is on LAURIE PILE Un ay be anticipated.
but what became of it is not fers seven engineer fitters, one object lesson in callousness.
vouched for.
mason and one painter.
These The Sterling Laboratory, constitute the first contingent of When we consider, too that sore For Sale a large number of local artisans of the men are reported to have Los Angeles, Grenada who are expected to leave the co left the island to take up jobs New built Row boat. Keel 13ft.
for Trinidad. Among the worth under two dollars a day, in. Total dimensions 16 ft.
men who sailed said to be we are afforded further light on 2 ft. 5 ft.
Two Holldays.
some of the best of GOOD WILL craftsmen, and we have GRIFFITHS.
at the inadequate recompense deplored The Tuesday of the arrival of short sightedness and lack of or.
by Gatun, many that through locally paid for capable labour. business lives through its customers. And its greatest His Royal Highness the Prince sisset is their good will. of Wales and the day followe dinary consideration, men who ing will be proclaimed Public Barbados, should be driven from are capable of doing credit to Our service has always measured up to this standHolidays. The Governor said he their native land in order to ob ard and brings forth volunwould ask the various stores and tain the bread shops zary expression of friend. to close by 2D p. on perisheth.
on This Monday previots is whip and confidence.
already suffering so as to enable from a want of skilled mechanics help a number of employees and artisans, and any further de 1D IT Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Holdin decorations and other things pletion in the ranks of these EVER e. Better than pins.
for the Tuesday. Mr. Fitt, a member of the Committee and people cannot fail to have the STPIRE representing FULLER lle com. most calamitous results in the the mercantile com OWNED BY future. It would be nothing JEWELER works bue lhe Governor swakhe short code scandal, and she never The National City Bank of New York munity declared That won of 122 CENTRAL AVENUE would still make the appeals to est indictment of the Head Office: 55, Wall Street Panama, merchants. If the public got to employers, it when the time know of it in time, and all the cornes for reconstruction, and the putting into stores close, there will be no hard lose Suilding schemes of the Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000 ship Excelsior Furniture Store Government it should be found Official Depository of the Republic of Panama AND Dr. Hoffman for skilled labour. This should pot happen in the Barbados Deposltory of the Panama Canal Employment Agency has reopened his clinic for gen bas to long had a reputation for Depository of the Panama Railroad eral practice for gyhoenlogica producing workweu of the very All kinds of Furniture and other artiels bought, cold and exchanged. Cases and urological disorders of Gpest class But to this Through its Agencies in the Interior and Order tasken for Water proof Rsin coats. Whatever you want to reil, buy. both sexes. Diseases of the blood that we are seemingly drilling.
its Foreign Branches this Institution offers exchange, ete treated in accordance with the The young men of today are not SEE ME FIRST.
latest German discoveries. Ap devoting their time to mechani exceptional banking facilities.
plication of the Genuine German cd training. tor All kinds of Information given.
the SOS and its latest modifications reason that they see old and DraftsJon Jamaica and other West Indian Islands SANGUINETTI BROWN. 1495 and Silber salversan. skilled masters of trades forced to accept starvation Wages. And Telephone No. 746 Interest Paid on Sarings Account at Per Cont Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th St. Guaohapali, for the same reason the skilled Acean Bax 1130. Phone 160 CESTRAL. AVENUE, No. 41, workweu do not hesitate to leave Per Annum Opposite Amador Thestra ibe culopy whenever opportunity a moderate proportion 17 Treasurer local ese have heard it our which INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION You it is simple


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