
TIIE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMI EP 25, 1920 PAGE FIVE Our Atlantic Side News Bolshevism in the United States LADIES SHOES kind. xs degree PANAMA AND COLON STORES HEREUS What The public is already aware of the excellent quality of OUR MERCHANDISE you by WAY American Bazaar Stores tude turation At the ora.
The first vi dtheca The REDS nean Chat Lodge, ing suces.
war path in the Unted Stat 100 PMU. last night pre their first move claas Light refreshments were freely served to Mr. Adv. Foulk, Past and at 11pm tlir pirydred. lok many as thirty victims. sy Cliclive Secretary, a fine watching forward to other occasion of the notning of several lumirei wo were wounded to restorer.
a cebinin serp nied by a very appro; in tuken of appreciaion et You will always find the largest assortment Wall ca urvatest financat bu insa Stret, Ames FS chidered by this Personal and General Font Various departments of the of styles in our ctn the very sit do with CAPITAL is enthroned Be Mie Henrietta Wall. well known 13. Adrian Foulk; dres her, is at pynt lying all at her rock to its very found itv an explosion the origin of wh The Count Order of St. Charles Lodge residence, 10 and Bolivar streets. She thanehnat conclusion D7, centre of eid is besteed by Dr. il. Sitwas.
lied, is con idered to be me Pellows, Manel exter Unity, friendly So Mr. Anita Taylor entertained a num le but the bandiwork of siets, his, trouxeh its members followed ber vi friends on Friday night, the 17th e bandiwork of te with cute your continued and ardent la inst. at a card party and dance. at her world peace Themes Where :THEE bour, during the post twelve yents, the residence. She is booked to sail for the period which make your entire members ever may be thefir present des lates this week res, it is hard well West Bhi in cotinction with our Noble Lodge remember how bingo Americ and Order, during which time you have Miss Winnifred Morrell celebrated her entry in the Gr at World War.
Bred to the entire satisfaction of all, 19th birthday on the 22nd inst, with atrocities of a similar ar in alust every station in the Lodge party, at which there were about 20 of were from time to time perde Tho undersign have been called on her friends present. She received many trated. It was then presumed by our confreres and co workers, the nice presents.
that the object of the cut members of this lodge to officiate this Mr Roberts, father of Mme.
throat vang was to care to evening in the presentation of a gift to United States from throwing of tangibly m»rking our sin. Roberts of the Kashmir Beauty Parlor, was a passenger for Cuba on the sa. Ori.
of your services.
lot in with the Allies, and we als PRICES cere apreciate that we cannot do ta. He is well known, having been bag.
MODERATE remember to what extent they We are sanguine succeeded. Now the kage master with the Panama Railroad war is enough to sufficiently reciprocate your ef for the period of 18 years, and takes over and peace has, to all Intents forts which have been so helpful in the and purposes, been fully estabwpkeup and success of our lode, and so with bim the best wishes of the com. irulished hed, and the endeavourst of all are questing you to think lightly of the bity.
honest people are being put fortu intrinsic value of our little present, and to assuage the situation caused regard it as a symbol of our true grati Progry met and Ave the by the dreadful havod of that Westmoreland a thrashing on Sunvery war, there pomesasines In the name of Amicitia, Amor e day last at the Camp Bierd oval. Cap at the very source of all Veritas, wo un behalf of our Ladue pretnin Samuels, of the Westmoreland, call.
activity, the source from which sent you with this watch and chain, and ed the coin correctly, and sent the Proemanates the primary support of as ward sweetens labour. we hope greasive to lat on a fairly perfect wicket; PANAMA COLON all American life, the home of that this will encourageyou to still for and at the close of the innings they the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR ther efforts 1or the continued sutoess of scored 115 runs, of which Phillija Should any sort of contier our Noble Lodge and Order. played a very fine patne, scoring 35, and ocks Soxo020 03:33 3:33:0951 nel brut The Loval St. Charles Lodge No. 7252, Gatem 18.
whol nina 6FMUES After the turer Wratmareant witte it when wilcs hat Che Fliver, Chit Bult, Past Grand to Reilui Go Whio Hell in Wast Indian Eldustrial vous Mr. Foulkittingly replied, and light taking the score 10 63. Phillips and Removed to 21 Cash St. Facing Christ Church Schoolroom)
rews were enjoyed, after which Phillipe did the trick with the bal RED TANK Hive your shirts made by us. The dentage is yours. Choose your the enging of the National Anthem for the Progressive, whilo hrdly any to hubie Cat it will material and get your coree! ht.
Lenght ile pleasant function to a close. Vilties could be taken with Aird and Grant of the Westmorelang, Miss Elvine Welsh was a visit or at Red Tank last Monda. Ladies Hats a specialty. Satisfaction guarcnted.
Sept. 20, the guest of Mr, and Colon, Sept. 15. The Rising Sun DOT AMY MORGAN, PROPRIUTRESS blow or their heit what Lodge, No. 19, uf last night With the Churches To morr:w Mrs. Mitchell, the funeral of belons installed its officers for the ensuing term CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA whose little daughter Justina a9 followe: she was here to attend.
Parish Communion, Father WEDDING BELLS Bro. Corbin, R; Ches. Putnam: 10 Matins, Mr.
GATUN CHORRILLO DRUG STORE Barrett, Davis, 11. Stuart, Sis. Ricketts, Rome, cathechint; 10. 30 am. Holy EuNo. 48 WEST 18th STREET pretty wedding took place at the charist, The Cristobal team of Indoor choral) Rev. NighienRWT; Purkis. C; Bro. Colon Cristobal Baptist Church on Just Received a Large shipment of gale; 30 m. Holy Baptism; 780p. m, Baseballers suffered defeat at the Kolverts, RW. A: Dort. un, WL; Eveu song and sermon, Mr. Ronde hands of the local team on Satur1816 inst, when Mr. George Dixon Melean, Rodney, Creoline Hair Producer the World Best Hair Sttraightener and Grower and day night last. Julien, as pitcher and Miss Lydia MeCuin were uniter on theohist.
was the Deus ex machina, in wedloek. The Rev. Wilt perform OD.
Elcaya Disappearing Croam COLON WESLEYAN The ceremony was performed by Bro.
ed the ceremous and Miss Webster pr George Ionis Wint, after whicle Bro Messrs. Hall, Cater and Green 11 Mr. Kert; 80. of the Lock force sailed on the sided at the large crowd at Gordon and Sis. Ricketts were paud Rov. Byers.
ered in the chure al fost Kiling through the chair and given the outgoing Royal Mail Steamer for sacra celifier Mr Dixon is a pro degree, oficers of the Guiding Star, Miz.
Cuba on Thursday 23rd, inst, a Kashmir Do You Use Croaline? The nent were in the Colon Baptist Ch and Mies MeCain is an active RX poli. nod St. Peters Lodges giving valu. Best Hall Producer is Crootine so Mr. Mayers, employed op to a able 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon short in the in the same eured. Mr. The Parlor of Distinction organization.
At the close of the evening e beniness, of Colin was bestmas and Micy Scalp and Facial Treatment, Masteuring. Shampooing. Hair Straightenis the usual banquet followed. Llewellyn Kerr It is quite likely that a couple Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeing. Facial Blemishes removed, Corns oured Emith PADALOs was brideserid of male teams will be dispensed Equioped with electrie vibrator, electrie comb, electrie hair dryer and other WETHODIST EPISCOPAL DAY SCHOOL with in the near future and their modern applied Colon, Sept. 16 Mrs. Lopez, resi TEACHER: SC Heeren, Use Elcaya Disappearing place and functions supplanted WE WAVE YOUR HAIR WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE Cream. Why do y hot.
dent of Folk River, died suddenly at RESIDENCES Market Street Colon, RP with motor traction. These mo Two Private Apartments. Best Result Lowest Prices Elcaya Cream?
her residence at about 30 a. to day. ADDRESS: Box an Cristobal Mme. Anita Patti Brown, world famod prima donna Deceased retired apparently well last Music, Spanish and Evening Lesson dern days are Machine daye. and it would be well for team whom we treated to her entire sallalection, JUVENILE LODGE OPENED At Vory Moderate Prices recommends us.
night, but on arising this morning comsters to place themselges au courMrné. ROBERTS, pload of feeling ill. Immediate medical rant with the mysteries of motor Beauty Specialist, Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, The St. Ines Juvenile Indige in con aid was sent for, but she expired befure running Destion with the Order of St. Join Me arrival of the doctor.
The Humming Bird paid formally opener on Sunday, the 1961 Physician Surgeon visit to Gatun on Sunday last, VAUDEVILLE and THE GILMORE ACROBATIC TROUPE inst. in the Court Land Low Hall.
when ben they carried out their en The customary formatics attendant to Colon, Sept. 18 charming little Begs to announce that he has gagement with the Shamrock euch functions were lily gxecuted wedding took place at the St. Joseph removed and may now be found The visiting team succeeded Catholic Church, this evening, the con.
CRISTOBAL SILVER CLUB HOUSE Mrs. Edith Josephs und Mrid. Ch in dismissing the local team for mios.
tracting parties being, Miss Caroline at 131 Bolivar Street, Colon.
the small score of 65 runs, but in To night Saturday, September 25 At the inclusion of the ceremony Lashington and Mr.
Phone 91 Clifford E, Cath.
their turn could only muster 42; Burns officining following programowne rendered failing to negotiate the trund.
CONSULTATION HOURS: DON FAIL TO SEE Bong entir Dear ho While pussy willow silk timmed with a. to 12 noon; 30 hand Friday nest, October t, was attractively aitired ling of Seales and White, the left2 Speech by Eva Jatues SYD GILMORE Speech by Miss Elvira Soveph.
eilver Incing and orange blossoms, looked Son, Strike the Light.
indeed very pretty, and was given away to p. p. to p. there will be a big debate staged The world greatost balancing Trapezist and Sporch by Representative by her herinther. Her elaborate train was by the Literary Association St. Joseph Counder born by Mistes HMcCalla Gatun Clubhouse. The aftirm Duet, organladi.
uns dies Shand, who hersell was a marvellous succes in the treat. Mr.
Live side will be represented by Song, Harnbował the Angels singWebster, principal of ecatre of sttraction in her beautiful dress the ment of Colored ing.
The youngest human reptile the world has ever seen seconded by of white antin. The flower girl was Speech by Miss Edith Harper. Gonorrhoea and Gleet of the Representatives from An loay.
Miss Ramirex, and the groomsman, PRICES: 40c. and 25c. Cy.
Wir Moore.
At the close of the ceremony the party of Gonorrhoea in from to days and Grant, Relieves the most obstinate case represented by Messrs. Euglesoe 10 Speech by Mrs raneis Gerald.
and was photographed by Mr. Arhley, after a highly instrae 11 Song On This Day by Mr.
FOR SALE AT tive and entertaining evening is which they motored to the residence of Myers.
ed, bas contributed the public can baar emo. e testiler (Pre nior. 12 Speech by Miss Joaphie Braut wedding fenst was celebrated. Dabeing Corner 5th and streets, Colon.
13 Orxnnnt violin, duet by Niwas kept up until a, wext morning, more to civilization than Science. mny to nis unfailing cour. esy.
PHONE 276B The e gentlemen were hard Clarke hul Julius van KWARTEL, Prospective shoppers in Culon and his e ident cestra do asworicing and to bers of the Church, 14 Speech by Mrs. Edith Josepis, would do well to call in and see much for the purunes ing and and contributed in large measure Ranizer.
The past week has been a busy one Registered Pharmacist Mr. John Neverson at the Uni pleasure loving public us for the Colon Weeley Guilders.
pos to the success of both Church 15 Song, Holy God we praw!
versal Trading Co establish sibie, away from secu ing large and Sunday School.
Nanie, Ty the choir.
The Rally services were held on Sunment situated at the corner of profits, it would be well of the Tha vetering for the occasion dus last, beginning with sunrise prayer Bolivar and 14th, Sts. special members of the staff copy this was under the stipervision of Dr. VERNON CROSBIE, through.
meeting, which was well attended. At feature is the delivery of pars savoir faire which is the on railing Mrs Gi tens a chorister of long The Shantock to 11 am. there was also an onusual at: sign of. tendence Surgeon Dentist Evers conducting Station thus suving customers public the benefit or Surve, the hearing and much credit is due Expo con Sandalets of and to for making the gustatory in the wordship fine program consisting the lugging of recitations rand variono rusical itetos Begs to notity his patrons and around with them white in town, var der er store esperienta irrespec. and or to funzion a success.
present rendered at and in the public generally Mr. James Coulson of tho Things are gettiog mensely enjoyed by an appreciative au removed his Lighthouse Te Gatun nowadays The joy of son, Br wo. Jackman, Sub Division NA dience. The evening service was con DENTAL PARLOUR ceived the welcome tews on Fri life has been knocked clean out Smith, tens, and Miss 21s ducted hy Moodie, who Mr.
day last that his wife had duly of the community by the hard Baily. Valedictory speeches For Pun Down Systems an excellent rermon, arking no to the more commodious pre presented him with a new born times. Many of us have had our we made and the departie bir text Matt. 5:18, Lct your light so mises at bale. The representative of the bair stiftened with gray witnin breton coutaitted to the is your system rund woh fro: се thine before men. The prescher epoke fliseases or overtvorh? Jhststart 143 Central Avenue WORKMAN saw the news in Ji:p we last year. It is berriole. Well o we All father. lengib, and hadded is subject in a face long before he could utter can we write Irlabad upro Azamg dh the youngest Wines. Specially recow nended to day with Teiner Panic tery ereditable manner.
office of the late Dr. Chas. Bailey she glad tidings. Both mother the doorposte, fos uhe glory has set who left on Thursday for Cu The Cuild social took place on WedCrown and Bridge Work and child are doing well, and departed: as Woman Torie. Can be ba, John Walince, and all taken any tima.
needuy niebt, in the mission. sbd eigars are being passing around. On Wednesday evening, Sap. Cred Atkinson. wish how a Specialty.
es un of real enjoyment id plento We earrik complete stoek of The Colored Clubhouse is in terber 22nd. an informal repast yooax men abundant succes in Trines reparations at que. The series of a leeted med NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT first class shape, and second to was beld as Gaton by tne mera libe new country, and teel conti Keratuur, web in ddion to none. The organizatiot does bers of the Briscopal Olruren dent that the ab uning optin.
THEFTY PHARMACY, Purp, kiot, Land Teleison 784 credit to the present amber Choir ag a fitting send off wism of youth will ca. treni 189 Central Avenue Beauty Parlor time DR. Mc MILLIARD, AT THE cart, Father ivride, atthe istinzion, while her chied Pricemaid Electric Injection Little Eutie 2 School, school statit. The negative will will be og Organist) und HoldRef time of ass or position: Send in Anesten Lethes see TÄINEZ TONE WIN presched ab

    BolshevismWorld War

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