p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1920 UNIVERSAL THEATRES 2, 88 SX ఆవ TAOIFIC THEATRE TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 JACK HILLSON THE DEMON OF THE TROPICS mwand MISS IVNA Presenting Russian, Classical and Internat onal Dancing in Costu: ne To morrow, Sunday, September 26 JACK HILLSON and MISS IVNA in an Entire Change of Program Good Show Each Show Fight the Coming week.
The Universal presents ANNA PAVLOWA in Second Vandeville Show Also ANNA PAYLOWA la THE DUMB GIRL OF PARTICI THE DUMB GIRL OF PARTICI STRAND To night, Saturday, September 25 The Lieutenant and Sweetheart EKS work output Su Gas Stove Асе wa from Proin postal Jue 11 This is citches were nised ly them.
matter James Sickets, and a pare to 中中中中中中中中中 14 Cricket.
COMPLETE will Coach YOU The Great Exodus. Postal Profiteering.
for College. Continued on Page 1)
CONTENTMENT (By HASKINS News Service Surre, swamps Yorkshire.
are lying waste in many parts of Colon, September. Ather To pass the ENTRANCE EXAMI the island could be sold ont in instance in the rezine or fi TW Surrey and the Yorkshire is what you NATION to HOWARD AND OTHER lots to would be purchasers. This ciency which has 81 strongly Cui va the laban Park, Sunday Spalding Cup thatch, and the UNIVERSITIES in the States, ear. di would be solving many a problem. characterizu ih conduce na: Winkehir met with an iga ninius dates are requested to do satisfactory More land would be put under tional postal affairs in the United get with a feat. Bittiu: first Yorkshire put up a in a specified number of secondary cultivation, and the food States under the Wilson regime word of 57 Sit got 28 not out, and ESTATE or HIGH SCHOOL units. would be consequently increased came to light this wek. when the the only man to reach double figures, will belp you to prepare for them to an appreciable extent. chance 58. Parisiinina of the Ua tyd Hulder bowled throughout the ininga units in my Night School. of making good without going out Fruit Company, which doek. and captured wickets for 15 rune. salso keep a Day School for children of the island would thus be given, on Monday, September Patrey replied with 207 runs for wick in which give both Elementary and and that would mean that the 21st, failed bring the ac Higher Education.
erodes would be checked some. tomed supply of States Dipers ats. Clarke of Surrey kare a fine die In both Seboola due attention is paid what: a state of things desirable and magazines. Inquiry who wod Play of cricket, and in de boue very.
to Commercial Subjecte.
every point of view. The that those had been dispatched pretty. ots. De Sous, the Skipper, sa fie exh bition of vipitous hitting, For particulars, call on, or write to mo. time has come when something by the transport 8unta ought to be done for the labour. Leonora which had started for od kept the spectators in one round of Like a natural hot spring it is always ready to serve you.
ROBERT LINDSAY, ing classes, and the Government the Isthmus with some kind of a applauan during the 26 tinutes be was Lighting the burner starts the intense heat Gas Rows in atibu wikes, Hem de 51 runs bol out. Cambridge Senior) should interest itself in the matter. vessel in tow. The direct line Cirke 46 Pitter on 25, Moore 22, Chal stantly and continuously until the valveis closed, thus shutting Classical and Commercial Scbool.
boats New Orleans, CONNUD tenor 18 sud Binckman 17.
off gas and expense. Can you imagine a simpler, more effi.
cient and more economical way of cooking?
1o. 2Calle Domingo Dias, Puuawa. King Bee Cigarettes. ing five days in transit, have been Box 1044, Ancon, adhering fairly closely to their Britannic Defeats Demeran TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU.
schedule of late, and in no caso The Briannic and Deaneira C. met re have been delayed than the Standard Oval on Sunday sod Dr. Hubert Edwards, nowned and ever popular KING 33 hours. But the Now Dileen Demetra was defendedly score of 83 AT BEE Cigarettes have recently postal authorities apparently PANAMA GAS CO.
received from the United States class mail matter on the Svita that. Baiting first, Demoersta fall for 43 182 Bolivar Street second by sending seg TUIN, ut of which Present was clief Cathedral Plaza YOUR shipment of some very fine class 93 Bollvar St.
Actor 18 Lu his creat Britannic IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE) quality tobacco from which they Leonora they would save do Tel. 798 are now replied with a total of 120.
a much better carrier charxes, tinus doing a litTol 364.
SERVICE begs to inforin the public that and tiruer cigarette than was tle profiteering on the govern.
Dyed for inne, and was top rcorer He has severed all connections made formerly, the tobacco re, ment account.
snail fraid with 26 Runn. Denetara beld with the English Drug Stoe, maining on to the very ends of comfort the inan at the receive but was rather poor, and quite a few owned by Mr. Salszar, of the the cigurette and the ti svour of ing end who, these days, is forced Pan Aurican Drus Swre; but which is considerably improved to pay par exorbitant postal Talson To liaica Chorrillo gemeenus In his ofhios have wot beur noved Besides they have been fortunate second class draw.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. and he can still be found about in sucuring the services of a long Top the cimax it wie an.
The Chorrillo Cenanged the Js the Singer Sewing Machine experienced ex vert in the hand pounced to day that the San.
mic. CC at the La Boca grounds last Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Coinpanv. Samo old stand. ling of blends who is at present Leonora was compelled to put Buds, and a Gue display of cckt wns in charge of their manufacturing back to its home port on account plint.
Smokers, therefore exte ited by both sides FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Betting first Dr. WILLIAMS ble nog meer beboere fore, we are ofte some trouble or othes, with cigarettes resuit that God knows when ex put up total of 116 rutix for and declared their innings closed (M CH. EDIN. Barwtb dispite the chance the five cuntly slwald at once avail the mil from it will arrive; or S, TYNE themselves or the opportunity of tainly the States papers in this Dudle souw excellent shots, ads PHYSICIAN SURGEON: delightful smoke and prove for shipinent will snil froin Cristobal on FRIDAY 15th OCTOBER for than eyes the wonderful im history be in the kitchent Walle socie Cuore wib E3 for London, Rotterdam, and Havre, acceptiag cargo only. Has removed temporarily to provement in the quality of THE Th national postal systein of the lus of wickets. Willans played fue, rinsining innines and was chief KINO BEE. We venture to pre, the United States was once a Long Building No. 5045. Section A, S, ACAJUTLA dict that the demand will suun source of pride, but it is now a BTW 35wbscriit. co. de FOLKS RIVER will leave Cristobal 6: will leave Balbon, noon on outgrow the production.
the Be warsther doublul, and butt for jukes of the entire con Rany of the fitas beheved that bad time SUNDAY 25th. SEPTEMBER 1920 for All cases fully Examined try. Solocel Harvey in his perioPuntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto. inapala, La permittel, Chrillo would buye Leva FATAL ACCIDENT. Weekly devotes OFFICE HOURS: dical Harvey to blunders on the the winner.
Union, La Libertad, Acojulta, San José de Guatemala, 10 a. to p. mn. S. post: and Champerico.
Cainos for To morrow ostal system every week, recent letter from Cuba tolis land he always winds up with a of the sudden dea hof one 03: Thank God, only so many days Denera Vs Jautraica at G. GUATEMALA Rescue from the car MeGaskie who, entili ecent more, meaning thereby that this wa resident of this cityIt marvelous ruin of inefficiency in Park will leave Cristobal nm. will leare albou noon, WEDNES.
nie Standart DAY, OUTO SRR 6, 1920, for Deadly Enemy sobu un ve bilib. vilust montu the inment will soon stated that McGas in but as well as other departments Guyaquil, Puyla Pimelei, we, Preasnayo, Salaverry, ULO. bond Bowser at Call To bo de Mora, Pisco, Chaia, Malenda Arica, lqui.
secured em loyment as a Coulibrust wud Ward at lsthaเun que, Antíayasta, Coquitabo, and VALPARAISO In our daily talk and excitement over steel worker and oa the 14th come to an end, or to be more Purl.
the bigh cost at living and matters of inst, while engaged in curting precise on March next.
iesa inportance, Abby and Hall at Standard Oval. EBRO seem to forget the out some rivets, the mall broke onslaught and ravage of our worse out of the handle crashing into WANTED Letter Fium The Vincentlan will leave Cristoba! a. in, will leave Balboa noon SATUR cnetnies Kidney and Blader Dis. his skull and resulting in instant DAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920 for eases within our doors.
death. McGaskie, we understand a Cook and a Housemaid Callao, Molleudo, Arica, Iquique, Autofagasta and Their symptoms are: PAIN IN THE was a native of Trinidad, APPLY TO the Editor WORKMAN, VALPARAISO BACK; SIDES AND JOINTS, SOMEMRS. MORRICE, Bir Please allow me opon in the TIMES WITH SWELLINGS, SCANTY MANAVI OR DISCOLORED URINE, TOO FREThe Gilmore Troupe.
let Avenue, ping colume of your paper to refute Bella Vita sistement which was published therein QUENT DESIRE TO URINATE; will leave Cristobal a, will leave Balboa noon on SOMETIMES CONTAINING de 18th inst, relative to the match MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27th, fur BRICK DUST OR SEDIMENT; DE: appears in ne Elsewhere this issue ASK FOR the Surrey CC. and the Bahia, Manta, Machalilla, Manglaralto, Puerto Bolivar and PRESSED AND TIRED advertisement of Pentito Guayaquil RESTLESNESS AT NIGHT; IRRITA the Gilmore Acrobatic Troupe OCROL was ala ed that at tbe les of six tte Skipper of the Viucretiu For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at BILITY, ACHING LIMBS, CONTINU. scheduled to give a porformance entend the grounds and calleet hie OUS THIRST; PAINS IN THE at the Cristobal Silver Club Blood and Liver Tablete CRISTOBAL Newest and best Medicine batanan for what reasonab GROINS; BURNING SENSATION, house tonight. The Gilmore or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, not tol, what was the cas. made for WEAK BACK; IRRITATION OF THE Bros, mere youths have by their BLADDER.
recent performances in the cities Liver Complaints Indiges lon, We would like the crieket fans ubPANAMA of Panama and Colon made a treThese vedemous enemies have been men Loss of Appetite, Billiousness derstand that we were never brum Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sul Agents. wrecking the liver old found to be cold foo ed, or would ever le etc. etc.
the lives of our people in this mendons hit there is Republic NINETY NINE CHANGES ing that good wine needs no Wher justice is squarely given, and The Royal Mall Steam Pacicet Co. Panams.
TO ONE they always come out winning bosh and ihis is quite applicable For sale at all reliabla Drug Stores; that pay for de sportsmanship of the hich is evidenoed in the many murches Gilmore Acrobatic Troupe.
th: But Their wonderful actings have Sole Agent for Panama, On the 12th is ant we were cla bed to the grave After a final settlement was reached, NOTICE The coming of Dewitt Pille to the We therefore predict a bumper been their best advertisement. Demetrio Fábrega, up against obe Surrey in so up bill play was resumed, but it was no lonx Isthmus marks the event of a great offen. crowd at the Silver Clubhouse gabe owing to inclemency of the weatber, after another disputo arome, and fearing Panamá Drug Store West Indians requiring the ser sive against these terrible monsters, At the loss of six wickets for 123 runs the nowe sad occurenço, the Skipper of the vices of a competent lawyer in not only are they checked, but are reto night Muller Building Calidonla.
Skipper of the Surrey declared bis of the Vincentian entered the thą Panamanian courts are bere ceiving a crusbing defeat, veings clod.
grounds and called in his bats men, thus by invited to consalt the under Those who refuse cure by this GRAND PS4 the usual recem the Vincentian Riving a sure winning came to the Sur sighed at his office in House No. ENGLISH REMEDY Are their own. had their knock at the wicket, and 44, Central Avenge. Clients will enemies and traitors to their country, DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC at the low of three wickets for 45 runs Wall the Sorrey CC, the ricicet clam at all times be given prompt at Such relual means troubou. PENALTY, things were u Boothly On pious of the Isthmus be satisfied to have tention and faithful service as DEATH.
reaching 18 una dintreeful diale roeived euch me from the hands of well as the fall benefit of my pro The fame of DEWITT PILIB rings the ons bent preseription for itchien bruiser, euta, are wlub www caused ebiefly. the Vincentive CCT o, whers dies fessional ability, which am al wil over the world, and are echoed by authority und sa fii Dapire e nder the elemoj dnehip live?
ways willing to exureise in de even tbe BOERS in Buuth Africa.
apralus and fresh wounds.
League We hope that the longue will not tence of the poor.
Bold in two us at all leading Druk Ar an internal rem for cramps, colie and diarrhoea Owing to be wtut decision given by wply take stepa in putting an end to such Unire bursh words diegraceful Wetens bereit. ted but will Pedro Yeaza Storce all over the world. Refuse it bawa un equal utions Crowled bereen weibete of butter alan take phige sed to it that the You want instant relief and you get it such drewn as the one given this fieiul Umpires sive fair and impartint do Colon, 11. Dercos, Moora da MANUFACTURED BY DeWit Janicular em caly tend to war the cisions in the futur Descon Clarke from Prasa. COMPANY, LIMITED, ENGLAND aps of good er noketing. At this to Yours for ele in sport, Chorrilla, Rev. Wiw, 720 THE CITY PHARMACY, Dr. Tichonor Antiseptlo ged.
to ef tbe Surrey CC. itd wyt Buy it at the Drus store.
in hu was playing the galue BANUEL POLLARD Joruaal Road, 114, Van Juliu, 139 Central Avenue, Panama, fecretary 17 30 Rev, Witt.
SOLB AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS, de Cro1 part of Vil entiva Standard at lut min and ved between FEELINGS; Nichets, the is an Aller rey one of the


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