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PRICE CTS. Emigration Law Not Doing Well PRINCE OF WALES LANDS AT TRINIDAD. his and was low the were seen PARROTTE oa The National are offered INAUGURAL HAYTIAN DEPOSIT NOT ENOUGH TO CEREMONY LABORERS Of Panama New Presi To be Contracted for Work PROVIDE FOR FAMILIES dent at National Theatre.
in Cuba.
Receives Tremendous Ovation The closing of all business plac Havana, Septed as a president Steps to be taken to Ensure Proper es in the city yesterday gave un Menocal has issued a decree per.
from Enthusiastic Crowd. mistakable signs that some mitting the United Fruit Com.
important event in the history of pany to contract for and bring to Provision for Dependents.
the Republic was about to be Cuba 2, 000 Haitians to work at Lale information from Port of enclosed in a casket made by re celebrated. And so indeed it various places, prineipally in the recent issue of the Jamiaca have greatly exceeded the do Spein, Trinidad, reports the ar. Lurned soldiers, of the island for it was the beginning of a new cane fields.
rival of the Prince of Wales at wood.
The scarcity of labourers, and Gleaner in commenting on the law posit made.
administrative period and the that Colony thus:Amid dense enthusiastic climax of an electoral campaign their made it a necessity, say the Colony says: Renown, with the crowds, the Prince drove through our past year. It was the day hae attitude in regard to wages atlecting Emigration from that in the circumstances the Gove ernment have been making cerPrince of Wales on board, ar. the principal streets to St. Joseph on which the Chief Executive, the United Fruit Company officials, hose to import other classes choice, into whose to tain enquiries and it would not Within the past few months be surprising if steps were to be of labour.
unchored among the gaily decor return to Port of Spain he ad, hands were to be entrusted the There have been many Chinese large numbers of labourers have taken to see that before a man rived here this morning and the old Spanish capital. On The Renomon was escorted from children, and then had luncheon next four years, would enter upon past year. With the alcans, instances some of the men leaves made due provision for his. leaving the island for Cuba. whe It has transpired that in many 10. Hal Haitians, and a number Colori by the cruiser Calcutta, and at the Governor Palace. There his sacred duties. It was the children and not senseTatment of the This would involve the the cruiser Galliope.
was joined at Bocas del Toro by was a reception at the Govern auguration of Don Belisario Por in from Colombia, there will notive money for them they be Protection Law; and italBrants ment house this afternoon, fol ras as President of the Republic, bo as much dependence placed on ing any tremendous ovation any lowed by an official dinner and Despite the heavy downpour pour the sanish labourers who up to come a charge on public funds. is taken it won be until the a public ball in a building con which fell avout the time of as this year have had the call. Under law the amount de regular session of the Legisla given the Prince and his suite apuer posited in the Treasury before tive Council next year. In the spon their landing at 11 oclock. structed for King George years sembling, hundreds were wendung ther way to the Nation NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENT any amounts paid to such per. Governor has asked the opinion emigration is chargeable with meantime it is known that the They were met by the Govern ago.
al Theatre where the ceremonis oc, officials and leading residents Magnificent decorations were were to be The spacious sons, but there are many cases of certain gentlemen who are in with a Guard of Honour composto be seen everywhere. To night CROMWELL ETHELBERT specially euse was where the amounts advanced touch with the people.
ed of the Royal Sussex Regi there was an extensive firework stage of the the occasion and seat, stationed here, marines display. At the Prince request prepared for from the Calcutta and Galliope, no oticial engagements have been presented an impressive appar If you will call at this office COURT JOHN AT NEW the local Constabulary, and a made for the concluding two days ance with the Deputies of the Na readily group ot men who fought in the of his visit, leaving him free to tional Assembly in an extraordin med reveal your identity we will ces. ary session occupying the seats very timely letter in defence of WALLACE. PROVIDENCE.
Great Wnr. Addresses of wel. make and renew acquaint.
come were made on behalf of the On Monday the Prince will naries, President of the Assem: the West Indian Red Cross, Government and Municipal Au leave for Demerara, British Gui. bly Don Enrique Jimenez appoint Celebrates Fifteenth Anni. Ladies Division) Holds uforities, to which the Prince reana, on the Calcutia, the Renoun ed certain of his Deputies to wait OBITUARY versary Déied.
being unable to cross the bar on the outgoing Mass Meeting.
President, Don An illuminated address pres. there. He will return to Trinidad Ernesto Letevre, und accom death, after a long and painful We regret to announce tho ented by the Municipal Author on the evening of the 23rd, and pany him to the theatre; then illness, of Willian Hall, late Court John Wallace, No. 9111, evening of Sept. 21st, President The 15th Anniversary of Precisely at o clock on the ilies was the works of a French start immediately for Grenada, closed the session meanwhile. Grand Master of the Panama OF. was most fittingly cele. Mrs, Iris McDonald, of the LaNon of a local Convent, and was West Indies.
sound of trumpets loilowed District Order of Druids Friend. brated last Saturday Night, 25th dies Division, New Providence by the strains of the Anthem by the Republican Band the Ancon Hospital from an acute ult, in the Court room, which clared the meeting opened. Then hy Society, who passed away at NIA sounded gavel and deA NEW DEMOCRACY brought the crowds occupying cerebral cancer, early in the was tastily, decorated with followed the singing of a song President Ernesto Lefevre ording of September 29. Hall flowers and palm leaves, for the land a brief but impressive pray.
the theatre to their feet and (COMMUNICATED)
fevre was for a long time employed as occasion accoinpanied by his aide de camp coachman to to Governor Chester Immediately after the anniver R. Gordon. short address Much has heen written and The schools, the press, and the and the Deputies walked up to Harding of the Canal Zone, and sary ceremony, the court resolv: from the Chair then announced spoken about bemocracy. During pulpit have tried to teach us that the states the President seating are under statut. was weli thought ed itself into another function the topic of the evening, noe som period covered of nuself on of Don of his boss. The pro for.
aclysm of 1914 1918, it became a was democratic the rule of the rique Jim. nez. Soon the strains of cessio trains of cessiou left the Druids Lodge ers which ceremony was ably and difying addi catch word. Li tilled a large place people we there imelised to the lente and the grand old man the at pm, Sept. 30th, and was son, Past Senior Chief Ranger ability and capability, her in.
broke the an xious si. Hall, 20th St. Central Avenue, performed by Mr. Jonas Wil then people, for music e Woman ia pleasing.
riods, and rolling official docue to a believe in the divine right ef kings. Porras, entered taking his seat bis fraternal brothers as well as the Court.
documents, lieve other past Officers of on but now when things lin the home. Šis ters Go harge measure subsided, and gra. But the teachings of experience in left coherente de ingresos personil triende bewe tender our a gathering vitáted. the tion coin menced by. Ivey, Williams and Lee term seems to have lost its war of the ideal state, and the crush demt Lefevre handing the insignia sympathy to the bereaved family members of Court Wallace and being enamel and to have taken on a ing ill fortunes of our race bave of office, the presidential Bash, visiting brothers of other local Several of the brothers present new meaning, for Democracy, taught us to seek salvation only in to Don Enrique Jimenez, who in Papers Ralse Prices.
Courts who had been delegated also took part. special feature like autocracy, means the domi. our own efforts. The Democracy turn placed it on Dr Porras, pro to convey fraternal greetings of the evening was the vocal riation of the strong over the uuder hich we live and labor has claiming him Chiet Executive of London, September 11. AN to John Wallace, fon the cele solo rendered by the Secretary.
weak a distinction in terms with not given us a man chance. Its Republic.
the London Daily newspapers bration of its 15th Annivrsary, After a few remarks by the President complimenting the out a difference in meaning or ap policy has been one of stern re 11 Addresses of welcome and con. except Lord Northclif Daily were present.
The ceremonies in the Court various speakers and the singing mic. It has overtly pression, both political and econo gratulations were then tendered Mall and Evening News will in.
covertly President Porras by the outgoing crease their prices on September room being ended, every body of the National Anthem, the Democracy. During the last fifty Our racial development. We have the National Assembly after 1d. Morning Post and Daily Tele where one of the most sumptu How does the Negro fare under placed obstacles in the way of President and the President of 20th next. The Times goes to repaired to the banqueting bal meeting was brought to a close.
se sixty years his outlook has read of the terrible scare called which resident Porras held the graph to sa: Daily News and ous banquets customary on such been colored by Hope; that Hope the Yellow Peril. Is there a audience spellbound for nearly Chronicle to 24.
occasions, provoked the appe. Public Lectures)
which springs eternal in the bu.
minutes in lites of the brethren who had man breast. He has fought preety called to be the loud approach Permic signiticance!
for tary or which his erstwhile masters; he has. Thus far we have not sought then followed a reception at the Quarterly Meeting.
just finished a four hours session To morrow night there will be.
of work and to Members of the Board of Die refreshed. As soon as the fes Lodge Hall, the subject being public at Court shed his blood: he has east him.
defeat and are hereby was an audible sigh of in the breach and staved of in any field. We have striven Presidential Palace at which were rections of the Mutual Life and thereboard was daiktored is open Talking with the Dead being ingly made the supreme sacritice, nity, and to work out our ma Diplomatic and Consular Corps, minded that the regular quarter reljet, and knife and fork, bottle openbare wambe topic El Bosch will Mr.
and wherefore the contempia miowa, dos ting on the outset owur way the members of the National As: meeting of the Board will take and glase were brought futo. com: cussede sa nacho teplice mobilisele thon of the devotion of the Race We have not Yomented revolution sembis, several prominent of place to morrow Sunday) Octo tante contact with each other, Syamed Louchserie, It would be that the no to refractulog tehotener un pro at the office of the Secretary, the George cesses of law we have been minent citizens of the republic toasts King social and governmental We Ideal Pharmacy, at Calidonia England, The President of peaceable and law abiding.
fabric of the world is built on have endured calumny, stripes, NEW LODGE. Cuatro. Members are specially of the Repubile of Panama, THANKS.
magnificent hypocrisy. Men martyrdom, lynching and all the Seguit for freedom only that they untold as aules or erac kerisin, new locage or the Grand Unitea timo Evergreen is the name of a requested to attend and to be on The President of the United States. and the Order having The friends and well wishers Baxle for Justice. They and yet when the call came we Order of Oddfellows, which we been drunk, the representatives of Mr. Benjamin Ralph will fought Coming Activities.
of the various courts present be pleased to know that he has hola they may prostitute it.
for envie argument in favor of Democracy may survive, not the result of a Social which had with our traditional termeneles, that understand is at present being This new lodge is We have been asked to remind message of glad sidings from iliness, and that he is now to convey partially abstract right only to hand out knowing that Other brothers were home, Ralph takes this opportuterrible wrongs to the weak suffering within their borders are would turn and devour us, now the sing for some time, and our readers and the public in gebe also called upon to speak and ex. nity to thank those fraternal bro.
to maturl eral of the coming renditions of also Such is the bbing known as De to justity itselt; to exemplity to or the teised to theoretical democracy appended to the mother lodge the beautiful Dramatic Cantata pressed their appreciation of thers and friends for their kind by Washingtn, Jefferson Shioboleths.
begere me lule torinei de mais down working out of its slogans and the order to put througа the new Bias 14 he Goddes Hall, with a brohority responded to be moderne et colorline blendedowe waiting woria the practical bas delegated noted oftigers of Friday, and Saturday, October The town of The Press was Lincoln. It has become a The case of the Negro is a bar, name adopted by the founders be limited, and no standing will his brought on the small was indeed a big time and every the very significant 15th St. sale of hours of Sunday morning, yet.
name for en order. We have hence the been schooled in the belior thai sinister on the escutcheon of ne. Evergreen and in wishing the high permitted. This cell be yowe members wicemed Loath to leare azing that they had a good tinta and it was not until the first Want of space prevents ng the world was moving onwards outlined Denoid crimes new lodge success we would saya minh may sbab the good time prdicted by coinmitted on him in his defence tuiness for which it is estab. did to Portauity to see this splej. cock crowed for the dawn offroin giving in detall the Beerecreation. Don miss morning that banquettarg yearly report, but we shall dards and sages, was due to come. Continued on Page lished: ball was finally cleared. It a. so in our next.
we viz: instructive were delivered resses on We be.
speakers and Black Abah thus ended the cereapplause, pittal.
whole that stood op their court what we helped to andere now your the it TO


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