
THE WORKMAN 11 10 land have Paris, Sepse The Tale of the Piedmont.
estimated of paired special to ben mechanism, wledge of This, add Predmons PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1920 a Terrible Catastrophe HOW CAN YOU TELL?
in Switzerlang The Wonderful Simplon Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALROND, at the ofice Central tion. Correspondence on all matters How can you tell the difference between PURE Margarine and the dyed Tunnel Sucks in re eraly mo and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de Places All copy for publication must be grease called oleo margarine. One way Is Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and The Sandy Surface of the Alps RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of BY THE TASTE!
Slides Towards the Leisiing One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica1. Six Months Valley on but as a mark of good faith.
Three. ASK FOR 806 We do not undertake to return Vienna, Sept. 27. The ole One 25 rejected correspondence.
of the sandy surface of the Al LION ENGLISH MARGARINE pine Mountains is sliding The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS wards the valley of Leisting Sereral villages have been destroy.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1920, The best Chinese retail stores sell it. Ask to see the label on the tin ed. Whole distriets of rich, ar, before the Chino dips into it.
able bave completely chain ed their beation, making a tr.
See the LION. mendous noise.
Sept. 27. llarve Agen.
cy. In consequence of violent storms which have broken out over the two watersheds of the Yesterday, for the second term, Dr. Belissario Porras, French Italian frontier, there Panama leading political celebrity, was installed in the OLDTIMER RETURNING. have been disastrous The numerous friends of Mr from which have been in Hante Marienne, the inundations Executive chair of this Republic by the most general accladamages Hiram LeGrand, experttuner av da from whic mation ever accorded a statesman in any country. Comrepairer of Pianos, whose adver: 10 millions. The Mondana region merce, industry, finance and labor suspended all activities tisement appears in another co. has been the greatest sufferer, in honor of the occasion and Panama wore a garb of the lumn of this issue, will no doult, there the houses have been re most brilliant festivity, while Jupiter Pluvius spot out a Born and raised in Carolina, be pleased to learn that he is removed from their foundations, most copious benediction.
Picked and cured with care; turning to the Isthmus. Mr. In the North Italy there have The inauguration of a president is always a very moShredded long and fine and golden, LeGrand left Colon in 1914 and been real catastrophes, apks mentous affair, and it is especially so when popular feeling None other can compare.
Elayer have over flowed their favors the candidate and when personal knowledge of and of America, where he bic flooding Switzerland, the be With purest paper made of rice, of the of the Upper Rhine and that our confidence in his political integrity and vision cause the of added the Rbone.
The That never rolled too tight; people to look forward to an era of prosperity throughout surroundings bis exp ence in the of Lake Leman are completely his regime.
Machinery does all the workpiano business, guarantees gren: devastated. The railroad in the Dr. Porras is one of the strongest political characters That why m made just right.
er satisfaction with his wor. Simplon has sunken and the won of the countries in the Western Hemisphere, and his past which has a ways pleased his derful tunnel destroyed in sevg achievements in the interests of his country have already And twenty of me, all alike many customers in Colon and eral places.
endeared bim to the heart of every Panamanian whose All golden brown and whitethe Canal Zone. We will be glad to welcome back Mr. LeGrand Do You Use Creoline? The patriotic fire flashes out sincere Vive, la Panama!
Are packed together in a way to the Isthmus of Panama. Best Hair Producer is Creoline.
This new regime finds the public treasury of Panama That keeps me dry and bright.
stronger than it has ever been in the past. The days of deAnother question of interest presents itself on the aspleted and empty coffers are now gone forever, so far as sumption that it is the intention of the authorities to conPanama is concerned. The public revenue is in a healthful tinue the relief work among West Indians here. How is the state and if continued as it is at the present there is no West Indian membership to be perpetuated. Will there be reason why Panama should not be the most prosperous litany more pay roll deductions, or will appeals be made for tle republic in Central or South America. At least we wish voluntary subscriptions? The Red Cross is one of the most that it could be so, and we believe that our wish will be necessary institutions in a country, and the fact that the realized.
West Indian branch of the local Red Cross has been meted We know that it is the desire of Dr. Porras to place out the arbitrary treatment it has received is cause for the greatest regret.
Panama in the forefront of the small nations, and with the bigh aspirations be entertains for his country it will be an During its life it was known that several cases of destieasy matter for him to steer the ship of state in the most tution and want were relieved by the society, but it was felt at the same time that the unnecessary red tape in conuccessful course possible. He is already a favorite with the nection with the dispensing of charities rendered the useWashington Government, and a popular figure among the fulness of the institution less formidable than it might nations of this hemisphere.
otherwise have been.
That this term of office will eclipse all past records of the President may be imagined from the fact that there are The Panama Capital, and the Edith Cavell Friendly SIGARETTES numerous and ready opportunities for pleasing all sections Societies have been both operating for over two years; and both are successful in every degree. They have helped desof the people. If the Doctor keeps a chart of the real needs of the country and tries to provide for them as they force Pastaboliwnican chambers titute members and have aided in sickness and furnished themselves upon his attention there can be no doubt that funeral expenses in death. These institutions are worked MANUFACTURER he will see the means of executing them to a successful by West Indians for West Indians, and they are increasing finish. If they are allowed to slip by, we can opine nothing in memberships and public confidence.
but the most gloomy tragedy. m wrapped in glazéd paper and If the same confidence in the undefined remnant of the But Dr. Porras is not a man of tragic experiences. His m sealed as in a vault: West Indian Red Cross is desired the financial statements has always been a sunny life in a sunny clime with a sunny asked for must be given. contemptuous silence will not guarantee m proof against view of everything; and a man who has captivated official help to soothe the hard feelings of the thousands of West All dampnes, fresh or sail North America can not fail to direct the essentialities and Indians who felt compelled a year ago to submit to the deduetion of a dollar from their pay for the support of an or.
potentialities of Panama in a stream of glory.
The penetrating odors of Among the things that will screen themselves before The roasted coffee bour, ganization, which has managed itslaffairs in the spirit of the President will be the question as to the legality of arsuch unheard of autocracy, rest of Panamanians and foreigners enjoying the hospitality Or creosoted timbers, or case of korosene, and protection of the Panamanian government, on the trains of the Panama Railroad, for deportation; the making of Are naught to me; are naught to you, Colon a free port; the perfecting of the Panama David Railroad; the development of interior Panama; the ProhiFor, as ve said before, bition and anti Prohibition agitations; the instituting of reI sealed in smell proof package and formatories or schools of correction for the hundreds of m always fresh and pure.
Waifs and straiffs in the cities of Panama and Colon; and perbaps a score of other matters that do not now oceur to us. THE TROPICAL TRAMA We look forward with high hopes for a prosperous And we feel that being a man of power as he has always ual of premature (if not blank) mind reached this office durand pleasant term from the newly re inaugurated President, proved himself to be, he will not permit bimself to be hood ing the week ostensibly with the purpose of telling us how SUNLIGHT SOAP, is made from the sweetest kad vinked even by another President, much less any for the society operated during its lifetime. But what the pubchoicest of edible oils and fats sign official far and insignificantly belɔw this rank of bigh lic is asking for, through us, is not a history of the organiIt contains no harsh or strong ingredient est political elevation in republican countries.
zation, but a complete statement of its finance. History is Panamanians will serve the best interests of their one thing; money is another, It is the purest and most efficient of soaps and, if used country by combining to support the bands of the man It has been suggested that the work of the West Indian judiciously, the most economica who, yesterday, was invested with the executive Power of Red Cross still goes on although the big. headquarters of soaps the nation and who accepted the imperial wand amidst have been dispensed with. But what we are solicitous little goes. long waysuch thunderous and uproarious applauses and congratula about is where are the new offices located. Who has charge every particle is pure there is tions. The Republic has again entered into a new lease of of the work? What West Indian or West Indians are emnothing to harm the clothes or life, and that, under circumstances that can make her finan ployed in the office? In what way is the work performed. to impede the rapid progress cialis and econoraically great and influential.
of the wash.
to what extent is aid or charity dispensed. The WORKMAN wishes the President long lite, health It is persistently rumored that over fifty thousand dolALL THE VALUE and happiness; and for the people, prosperity, advance lars of West Indian Red Cross money was used as a stop IS IN THE SOAP.
ment and peace. gap for some big hole which was threatened with ugly exWe are soapmakers with an posure, but which was covered up by the amount mentioned ideal our ideal is to make HOW STANDS WEST INDIAN RED If this is true, the people have a right to enquire into the SUNLIGHT Soap which shall have to matter. It might only be a rumor, and such we hope it is; SOAP equal for Purity and Efficiency CROSS MONEY for the dirtiest scandal would fall upon the local branch of throughout the countrythe American Red Cross if proof as to reality of the rumor superior in all the world CUAD: PURITY We realize our ideal in every Last week an article appeared in our columns anent could be established.
tablet of Sunlight Soap which the peremptory closing down of the West Indian Branch of The West Indian branch was in operation for a little is manufactured.
the American Red Cross in Panama. That article was the less than a year. And the simple condition is this. How ALL THE VALUE 18 IN result of ceaseless clamors among interested parties for an many members subscribed during this time? How much THE SOAP THAT WHY, explanation of the financial status of the organization since money was spent in remodelling and equipping the Calidonia the members were not favored with a hint that the big in headquarters. How much was given for repatriation of in.
atitution under whose auspices so much money had been curables? How much for local relief work? How much was sllected was to be terminated.
paid in salaries. How much for miscellanevus purposes. premature letter written undoubtedly by an individ And how much is now left. All the VALUE in the SOAP COM SOAP UNSCENTEC SUNLIGHT 1000 Tone.


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