
Grenada E M.
saya day or two ago, we haard is TOWEL!
Roberts, THE many hands which are wiped on the germ laden things. Books, Money, Tools, LIFEBUOY SOAP kind.
PAGE POUR THE WORKIAN, SATURDARİ OCTOBER 2, 1820: List Of, Subscribers Bresley, Kyra Motober. Mr. Inteersting News from the Bubb, Church, Quake, John Aird, Enen Charles, RumTO GRENADA OVERSEAS dey, Maynard, Lott Byron (Continued from page DELEGATES FUND.
Cor, Campbell, Philip, Horsford, Samuel Hoeten, A, sítherland. We publish below a complete Plemming Collins, o. Springer list of subscribers to the above Arnott. Simpson MANY fund on the Pacific side of the Baptiste, Mn. Strachan. An Industrial School Isthmus. The total amount colStrachan St Bernard lected to date is 254. 60, of which Murray, Reason. 218. 10 in pur James. Jacques Peter La There seems to be a great more HANDS chasing a Bank draft, in favor of Motte, Thomas, John Bar on foot in Grenada for the estab Mr. Albert Marryshow; Edi tholomer, Romeo Joseph, Daniel lishment of an Industrial School tor of the West Indian, Grenada, Munroe, Sbedran John, James in that Colony. Strong appeals are WIPE which at the rate of exchange on Mrs. being by the day of purchase realized 67. 12s Mrs. Elverlina Charles, Mrs. half of the scheme. The West 10dian ving a balance of 50 in Perotte, Mrs. Eliza Celestine, ian commenting on the matter ON ONE Miss Rosa Andrews.
It is expected that the amount 075 James subscribed at the Atlantic end 59 each Jeffries. John Paul for such an institution was up at remarked that the best locality wiil be received shortly by the Paul, Shan, Bonaparte, Morn Jaloux. We understand Central Committee, when an Prescott. Jenkins, Phillipe. that there is an open area of billy.
other draft will be purchased to Percy, LaMotte, Fran cover the entire amount collect ed on the Isthmus for this cause: cin, Joseph, Phillip. or more acres of land in that quar: Wellington. Peters, Jone ter fit were required and an school 33. ench Charles and family; Ar of providing for our un pold Gill Mary Phillip, Mrs. Jane Shan, schem Elisabeth Henry, Patroline Red truit abundantly. The children Shan fortunate children would beer 36. cho R, Drakes.
bead, Millicent Peters, Pricile could be taught technical work. cach Boyke, McDonald, Cox, Amelis Bullen, Mrs. Mi Ford, Waller, Debuse, chael Alexander, Mary Webster, agricultural pursuits and the like, McBurnie, Miss Evalina David Commissiong. Alfred is reasonable to Rouget, Forsyth, Ivan Berts, Mise Cox, a Friends from the product of the Landa Grace, Taylor, Welsh, Mol. cod, James Alexander, Clifford Drakes Ram John, Tiburse Chodiar; large revenne could be provided We feel that the Walter Charter, Samuel Aird. 25 each. Brathwaito. Harper, project au island wide campaign unite in this fatter at least and William Cuffie.
Donald Wilson, Soott. for collecting funds. This can be 84. each Bedena. LAND, Nichollo, Daniel, done by the appointment of con. cach Dougle, James, A.
9, Mim Joseph, Jones, mittees and sub committees Hontoo, Calleader, carry same towel are, busy all day long handling LaMotta, Clifford Cumming, an extensive pro James, Marcus Glena, Bubb, Joburon, Williams, Mis all sections are agreed on the gramme. What we do feel 50 each Alexander, Forguson, Mra, Comfort. Friend. Good need for an institution where Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things. Croed, Wm. McLeod, Cause, Mis 11. Hall, Friend, ehildren who are wayward briel, Linck, Mr. Louien Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Webster, well as those who compit feloni Otway, Mrs. Alice Benson, Henry, A: Sinalt (10. ous acts can be detained for a Charles Morain.
Miss Rosa Luxemberg Alex time. In order to avoid the up ander. canl Leopold Butlen, Fergupearance of a prison, it it should be son, MoDonald, John Moliberal in its arrangoments and Donald Alexander, Roy Noel Dr. Hoffman private individuals subscribe one attractive to all who go there. If PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
Pierre, Mrs. Samuel Aird, e. El.
ball the amount of the oost liok, Owen Mitchell mod family, bas reopened his clinic for en providing the institution and pre It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy John Wiltebire, Ford, eral practice for synocologica sent their stiamo to the Govera Graham, Charlee Wilson and cases and urological disorders of men Soap does. more. It positively protects its users from ment, we are sure that action family.
both sexes. Diseases of the blood would immediately be taken to meet. We are the many germ laden things they come into contact 50 each StBerperd, latest German discoveries.
Ap. certain that inhabitants will be with daily. Health is stored in every tablet. 00 each Hubert David, Knighte, plication of the Genulae German willog and ready to give overs support to a scheme of the Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will Mark, Stella Coteaux, DeBo. 1495 and Silber salversan. The churches without exception make your skin glow with health.
should lead the way in the big Bathe Wash your face with it.
ry, Greaves, Leacock, Ren Telephone No. 746 more Hosten, Joseph Scott, venture.
with it. Shampoo with it.
Charles Isidore, Sylvester, CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, Sayers, John Baptiste, Opposite Amador Theatre MORE THAN We should have thought that SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
conditions in our Nedical seryice were quite satisfactory but LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND, from information to band, it seems as though the men feel ய ய ய discontented As evidence of their desires, we hear that ser (BRANDON BANK)
prominent organists. In from all plantation owners, those them have expressed their to BRITISH CONSULATE Willide Guiana and theremindful of the marked ability syrup being required to make to accept posts in posts in choosing an outsider we are not persons who only manufacture NOTICE.
SECURITY contend that they have too of some of our local organists; the necessary arrangements to The British Consulate would SERVICE much to deprives them of opportun: that the musical interests of the loted to them; be glad of information concernties to study their cases and Cathedral and the Community (b) that the sugar so obtained ing HARRY LAKE, Railway ConPanama (Founded 1863)
Colon give the best attendance to pe will be better served by man be paid for by the Government struction Engineer, alleged to who has specialized in music and at a tients.
ready limited in our medical sihat we do.
to be fixed by the have lived in Colon about seven magic his lifes Legislatures wakes years ago.
Our large Resources and well known we should not like to see some (c) that the Government be conservative Management afford unauthorized to make provision for of our bright young medical toen departing from the colony. Dom. CRICKET its reception, ware housing and WANTED questioned security for every dollar distribution to the traders as well erara is a large field and, as for expenses incident thereto, a Cook and a Housemaid deposited th this bank it profitable KU Pickwick vs. Wanderers such as insurance, interest, loss APPLY TO there. We have always reonma This gane ended on Saturday in weight etc.
mended the establishment of a past with no advantage to either MRS. MORRICE, competent Medical service for side. Weather conditions were Creoline Grows Hair on Bald 1st Avenue, General Banking Business Transacted Grenada, but the matter is sain ideal and the pitch far bet. Heads. Your Hair Must Gieig ways full of complications. We ter prepared than was the case Bella Vista, with Creoline: will not be surprised to a week before. The Wanderers, NATHANIEL BRANDON ISAAC BRANDON that some of I, BRANDON the Government Druggists want to leave the serhought ik quite For Sale FOR SALE the Fresident.
Vice President.
Treasurer vice too. Something is wrong Pickwick to make as somewhere and the right author as they An Estey Organ in good con New built Row boat. Keel 13ft.
ity should look out for We offsel bad, and to many runs continued batting This dition. Can be seen at House No. in Total dimensions 16 ff: improving conditions, decision un popular with 21, 21st Street, Coco Grove. No:2 ft. ft.
GOOD WILL the crowd, and it must have been reasonable offer will be refused. GRIFFITHS, a reckless effort to force runs LAURIE PILE.
Barbados business lives through its Gatun, for only 18 ruus had added customers. And its greatest when the innings was closed.
asset is their good will.
The Pickwick opened with the Our service has always The Cathedral Organist, idea of making a try, but after measured up to this standlosing very early and ard and brings forth volun.
realizing the danger, they settled tary expression of friend.
ship and confidence.
Revd. Dean Shanklard, acting on the latter was neatly bowled with It is understood that the very down. Eztago belped Tarilton the score to 179 when Come in and see our New the liberality of the St. Michned his score at 96. He had given Slip Grip Soft Collar HoldEVER Vestry, has written to Bishop Ber ers. Better than pins. keley at present in England, re two easy chances early in his STRIKE FULLER questing him to search out and innings, but thereafter was goselect a successor to Mr. CP.
OWNED BY You JEWELER quickly Michael Cathedral. In express the night, but the Woods were The National City Bank of New York 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Vestry content to take things and Panama, Head Office: 55, Wall Street erality, through the Cathedral thus time was called with 277 Magazine on behalf of the Cathe runs up for the loss of seven dral congregation the Dean wickets. The field in die tihe Wan: Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 derers was very brilliant, some Excelsior Furniture Store salary of 250. although a great catches having been taken.
AND advance of 100 on the present Official Depository of the Republic of Panama salary minus the war bonus, wih Sugar for Local Consump Depository of the Panama Canal Employment Agency not go far in these days, busa tion.
Depository of the Panama Railroad good man should be able to inAll kinds of Furniture and other articles bought, sold and exchanged. crease it substantially by teneb legislative measure introOrders taken for Water proof Rain coats. Whatever you want to sell, buy, ing There is risk, of course, in duoed into the Barbados House Through its Agencies in the Interior and exchange, ete bringing in a stranger, but no of Assembly provides for the its Foreign Branches this Institution offers SEE ME FIRST.
ins will be spared to make a retention of an adequate supply exceptional banking facilities.
All kinds of Information given.
satisfactory appointment. The of sugar for local consumption Bishop has been asked to secare during the year 1921 22.
Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands SANGUINETTI BROWN, a man, and it is hoped that he The objects of the measure are will be good enough to accept the as follows: Interest Paid on Savings Account, at 4Per Cent Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Sts. Guachapali, task. Moving in prominent (a) that the Government should Anoon Box 1130. Phone 160 places His Lordship is in a post be authorised to obtain the esti.
PeryAnnum tion to secure the advice and help mated quantity of sugar pro rata Panama Banking Company eral of in That.
who ir may thinte vara some of the to hear ander such circumstances in quite possible for secure them proved been kidney to INTERNATIONAL BANKING GORPORATION DIDIT Boisen as organist of these wildernes muito big departure says


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