
THE WORKMAN SATURÐAY OCTOBER 2, 1920, PAGE THREE imposTrinidad FREI TEN on the side remain as those positivas tute THOSE GOOD OLD ON there to NEEDLE POINT ware be the conty.
brougho Pugilist Johnson per hundred payable, by the Ja pay for all class of workers, but maica Shipping Company. arrangement is felt to be Held Up. WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
sible by planters. One member of the Agricultural Society, in INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF JAMAICA.
discussing the subject, said that Action On Johnson Waits the wage earners found it impos 73 ORANGE STREET, Chicago Return.
sible to live and their only reply The following regulations in was their departure from the co traffic for the maintenance of lony. So far, nothing definite has OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping The United States District Attorney business.
order were scheduled to be ob been setiled.
fe in Chicago announced on receipt served during the Prince of (Continud on page 4)
of advices that Jack Johnson bad been (b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, Wales visit to the land of the arcusted near San Diego, that no action Panama, New York and England. humming bird.
would be taken until Johason was brought CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share. It is proposed that all vebicu.
Dr. VERNON CROSBIE, back here.
lar was traffic shall cease along the Jonson was convicted about five you (b) 40, 000 preference sbares at per share.
route from the Jetty, Red House, Surgeon Dentist spo for violation of the Mann Aut (c) Shares may be sabscribed for as follows: 5s. per Town Hall, Government House, transporting Berthe Schreiber from Pitt share on application, 5s, per share on allotment and the baFrederick Street and St. Joseph Begs to notify his patrons and burgh to Chiongo for immoral purpose Road, half an hour before the the public generally that he has lance as the Directors think fit He sentenced to serve one year ia landing removed his the house of correction and the decision (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. During the tour to the country DENTAL PARLOUR ww affirmed by the United States Appelall traffic will be required to stop. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold lata Court. Before he was taken to priand the procession will be pre to the more commodious preson, Johnson vanished, forfeiting his 15, not less than 50 shares in the Company.
ceded by the Constabulary or mises at 100 bond. The government has been The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and for securing this obje this object. All 143 Central Avenue seeking him ever since.
hope to start the service about the end of September.
persons whether in town or coun.
District Attorney Clyne atated be to draw up office of the late Dr. Chas. Bailey It is hoped that Jamaicans and their fiends abroad will ty will be red would oppone vigorously any more to avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num tar as possible in Crown and Bridge Work pardon Johnson.
OF THOSE ber of shares.
Persons who own houses with Specialty 2, 000 Walt To See Jack Johnson SOLICITORS: Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St. galleries or balconies overhang: NIGHTS BY APPCINTMENT Kingston, Ja.
ing the streets are particularly OLD HOME PORMER HEAVYWEICÁT CHAM BANKERS; Royal Bank of Canada.
requested to make sure these are Telephone 784 PION SLIPS QUIETLY INTO THE not overcrowded so as to constito public.
CIGARETTES WINDY CITY bikecTORS When the landing pakes placo WILKINSON Jack Johnson is again on Chicago soil, CAMPBELL, President; COCHRANI Vice President the Guard of Bonour and Band sad is expected to her a ser hearing will ou bie own, which has bees pending sino DR. A. LOGAN, Preasurer; DR. ST. CYR.
be on the western side of CONTRACTOR BUILDER the Lamballa le donaran Finet Clase Workmingaladiz shed will face heted abroad rayon po.
Do. ONWALD ANDERSON TULLOOR, BINHAM The former husvyweight champioa hao Pada ma y friend in Chicago, bd sort of JOHN WarTTGRAM GRANT, trees have offered their services in my toe want, while the variant and Spaciontiere Pro MIBS LRA BANDFORD, Secretary Contingent will be drawn up 15 ble to that pour oppon: the bac fociag dorth 19th Street properly put bila anda betono bo cm Oberte to thoused per APPLICATION FOR BHARES ended the station to Jaok som big discussion to proceeding www fotenil olican stopped the Erinidad on the subject ori Dr. ÖGİLVIE outside the WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
and brought him bo jail.
Uving wage. The Waco Comunale In Hatement the Abodetad No be appointed 19 Now LOCATED AZ go into the 73 Orango Otroot, Kingston Pro loco id: qubject bus reported recommend: 157 Control Avenue, cord It is my desire to make my mo bag to apply for. shares of 21 each in the West les that one dollar st at lead hoold Street Iadian teamship Co, Lid.
fare the people. that she will no lo minimum pay for workers laboring under the impression that herewith send you be por share with this application e bad things wid about de stron The crioultural Sociottes here Nakon dtrong exception to the and agree on nobification of Allotcent of a me to pas Be. per HOURS: 11. have made many mistakes sense of the rate of pay, and valik 360 20 ca.
sbare and to make further paymedia an indicated la 5e per. 30 eyou have hown that all of sain turut shot that should be left to be vould been me by the eocompraying rodar.
ranged between employer mod Bundays: to d.
doleating Jim Jeffries at Re o, would Name in tem employee. The committee also re have laid down in Reno, just so did to that legislation should be appointments can be arranged Williard in Havana portegned fixing a standard ofl Address.
Te ephona 878 CIGARETTES Doring the war called upon the Occupation.
Amerionn embamy in Madrid making the offcials there if could enlist. It was in Date powible.
Finds a Submarine Base THE WOMAN EXCHANGE few months later, Maj. Langin attaché of the United States Army in NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA Madrid, asked me if would de eertain seeret service work for the government along the coast of Spain. Working DRESSMAKERS under a Captain Saweett, near Malaga, on the Mediterranean, found many im.
portant things, anong them a subma Knowing the service that is demanded from Lion at the increase, for although Jamaica Nine base, and where and bow German all the butchers did not slaughter every garment in these days of high prices, we have submarines obtained their oil and gas.
yet there was beef up to a late all this time paid one half of set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK hour in the afternoon. With the my own expenses.
Sarton Note: vague determination of special MANSHIP. will immediately get in touch with cuts, the consumers are at the Maj. Lang, wbo, believe, is now in Ewarton Sept. Quite a mercy of the butchers. It is felt dlery United States. feel that he will change has been experienced in that the present regulation re the ANN THOMAS, mo was convicted of violation of the the weather, two heavy showers sale of beef should be repealed.
Mann Aot. The case against me was of rain having fallen during last In days when epidemics are ronding Belle Schreiber, upon her solici week.
frequent the Government should tation, 500 with which to come from While there is a great demand use every effort to see that cheap Pittsburg to Chicago in August, 1910. for food, there is really nothing clothing and food of a nourishing She me ber sick to sell. The markets week by nature be obtained.
Opposite the and that she wanted a flat for her and week present a meagre spectacle.
her brother. She arranged for the care and even the thoughtless ones are met here to travsact business.
To day the parochial fathers Freight House of them and for the furnishing of the becoming anxious over the situa: From what can be gathered it has. and mango procent.
Fidanque Henriing. oranges Bay cemetery for the isola.
Previous to this time and before which are now being bought tion locality. Many of the citizens married my first wile Beta Durven bring in 4s. 6d. per box. Theirst think that the idea is a preposterous one.
dobuson had for two your lived with crop of coffee has come in and Belle Sobreiber, a my commun law wito, the price offered is 4d per lb, more suitable locality is is Just as soon as my cake is cleared up and and am free, m going to try and at buying of logwood, and it is noth: There has been a change in the consequence advocated.
some fights. can liok any man in the There is a Sanitary Inspector world to day. m 12 years old and cu ing favorable to the small settlers here, but it is thought advisable UNITED FRIUT COMPANY do stunte now that could not do at 22. Whereas a man could sell a scale that temporary and additional or two right down here, now he Sanitary Inspectors be appointed.
is told to take it to Linstead, and Port Limon Costa Rica Creoline Grows Hair on Bald expenses incurred by travelling, The effects are keenly felt for what with the drayage, and the The drought is still prevailing.
Heads. Your Hair Must Grow there is no gain in selling in small several weeks now, ground pro Plenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty with Creoline!
vision even at an exhorbitant rale With regard to the beef ques. is scarce and can be obtained at cannot be had here. Breadfruit of housing accomodation, tion, the butchers have found that prices ranging from TRINER TONIC WINE. to stop selling this article is the and upwards each. The second. a Free Transportation. No Deposit.
ple who want beef must get it at It was indeed The For Run Down Systems Linstead, and as the price went crop is now almost at an end. Wet Must have Passport and Is your system run down from herlestweek, only a few people sugar is still sold at 1s. 3d. per Vaccination Card.
diseases or overwork? Just start got any.
quart, peas at to day with Triner Tonic and at 2s. per quart Wines. Specially recommended At Buff Bay.
will minimize the food shortage as a Woman Toric. Can be here is the depot for Lucea yams taken any time.
that has been opened here since We carry a complete stock of Buff Bay, Sept. On Saturday last Saturday. This commodity Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
Triner preparations at the 4th inst. the price fixed for is sold at 3d. per lb, Bananas are beef in the Food Controllor new ge ting soarce on account of the THE CITY PHARMACY, order was charged here. The drought. On Tuesday the 7th inst Cristobal, Canal Zone.
139 Central Avenue public showed much dissatisfac. the price was lifted to 22 10s.
WestIndian News BRING THIS AD.
TO THE Factory During welp, nos.
in Panama, or to aid, and in addition duva Alia Schreibol wrope are over. Bananaanto fetch the begane decides pueden door Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers er 600 quez in Colon.
get You will receive TEN 24. to 3d.
Needlepoint od blessingee one.
at is 6d. per quart art. What coffee at 23.
Sailings Every Tuesday, af o clock Cigarettes TEN Absolutely EA TEN NEEDLEPOINT CIGARETTES TEN FREE FREE THIS OFFER is just as much on the square as th advertisement. YOUR cigarettes are waiting for you. You better get them TO DAY.


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