p. 6


THE MIDNIGHT MAN which in ve Sunrisene Drakes me rep in geon Besine pyres guson, Night School in VIGOR others, cult to replace. The Francis soure discussion: lo WHY order to lectors WHEN GAS Is Available in the near future. de has not benetited discussion PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1920 Grenadians Cele brate Success HOUSEHOLD REMEDY PACIFIC THEATRE PRACTICAL ECONOMICAL (By a Correspondent. For burns, outs, bruises, sprain, for sore, tired feet, for lame TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, OCTOBER Talk of conviviality, if you baek, strained muscles, dobie itehuse 1st, 2nd and 3rd Episodes of the big wanted to see it portrayed, you DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC mi ought to have been amonga Universal serial bunch of Grenadians who inet It has been found to give quiek relief from pain and to heal open last Saturday evening on Central wounds quickly Avenue at the residence of Mr.
It has also a positive, established value as a quiok re ief, taken George Washington Boyke, Presinternally, for colie, cramps and diarrhoea.
ident of the Grenada Overseas At your druggist, you need it.
Delegates Movement, to rejoice To morrow, Sunday, October over the success (so far)
has crowned their efforts in the by any means a LOVE SWINDLE spicable sum. 234 60 CY: New Democracy will Coach YOU sent forward to help the home folks their fight Continued from Page 1)
for the repeal of the hated for College.
Sedi. lessness need rectification in the And continuing with Episodes of the MIDNIGHT MAN Each tious Publications Ordinance. present. We are inclined to gasp Show Night the coming week.
Among those present were in horror at the tales of Turkish To pass the ENTRANCE EXIMI.
Mr. Boyke, President: Mr. atrocities in Armenia. Ve skud. NATION TOWARD AND OTHER 00300:20 Dis0 xoo McDonald, Vice President; der at the rape ut Belgium by UNIVERSITIES in the states, cande!
surer; Messrs. Bedeau, cursory notice to Belgian haraydates tre requested to do sofifactory Mr. Ivan Grace, Secretary Trea the mod modern Huns, but Cricket.
Mcleed, HIGH SCHOOL units.
kelames an. in the Congo Basin, or the lynch work icon secciod num er of secondary THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD of Georgia McDonald, Decreasley, and Carolina; we are likely to unibelp you to prepare for the Bubb forget the terrible experience. also keep a Day School for children The beavy raigs last Sunday washed TONIC which give both Elementary and out the game that bad been started beMcLeod. Ford, Welsh, Waller, LaPierre and has no place in the tween thg Primrose and Britannie The picture of a race in chains Higher Education.
in the present order In both Scbools due attention is paid thus causing it to be abandoned Primrose had lost wickets for 18 runs when the This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended and a jollier set of good of things. It is an anachronism. to Commercial Subjects.
tellows it would bave been dini dimi Men want For particulars, call on, or write to me.
to be free. The princi big downpour came. The game between which was altogether informatiple of suche Versailles Treaty in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverish.
Jamaica and Demerara, and Vincentian self determination fea: ROBERT LINDSAY, and Standard were put off for another ment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
was called to order by the Pres. just principle. We cannot, should (Cambridge Senior)
date, It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives ident terse little ad not, be ruled without our conser t) Classical and Commercial Bobool.
The Chemical Hall Trophy.
tone and energy to the whole system.
dress, complimented the several Races and nations should of their No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz, Puss The Chemical Hall having offered a colleciors on their brilliant own votition work out their na Box 1044, Anoon, Beautiful Silver Cup to the cricketer Doss One Soall Wine glass before each meal or times a day achievement, special mention tional or racial aspirations, with.
making the bixbest arrregate score for the being made of Collector Gresham out extraneous interfererce.
1920 season in the Spalding League JAVIER MORAN whose collections topped them all.
Just about a month ago, the Dr. Hubert Edwards, Competition, we are able to inform the Universal Negro Improvement many inquirers as to the standing of the FARMACIA AMERICANA.
The meeting was then thrown Association and African Commu.
182 Bolivar Street furet eleven players in the contest.
open for suggestions as to what nities League met in Conference Thomas (Surrey) 184, Cain (JaTying AED for cars maica) 173, Walker (Jamaica) 159, raf: IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE the Isthmian quota to ONE in New York City, and there drare Smith (Yorkshire) 153, Barnett POUNDS, and after eid bits Magna Charta; its Declara: tion of Rights, a document which begs to inform the public that Jamaicn) 143, Clarke (Surrey) 107, it was unanim without reservations stated Patterson (Surrey) 105, A1 De Sousa ISOs agreed that all subscribers Negro right atong stated the he has severed all connections Continue cooking in to self determina with the English Drug Store, ele (Surrey) 100, Croney (Britannic) 93, be again asked to the old fashioned way Brathwaite (Yorkshire) 93, Tohn, contribution to make a further tion, to self devels economia a Owned by Mr. Salazar, of the in bring cial, ex. Pan American Drug Store; but Pure about the desired effect, the col.
col. pansion. Many do not take the his oftices have not been reinoved willingly taking their Games for To morrow.
eart Many may, and he can still be found about lists a second time, The Fund be inclined to jeer or to jibe, but the Singer Sewing Machine Chorrillo vs. Britannic at La Bocawill be finally closed after Octo be sure of this, it is the precu Company. Same old stand. 18. Standard at Isthmian Lark.
ber 15th. Then as the meeting sor of great and was supposed to be more of the velopdracs The pages of Dr. LOWE Umpires of a celebration than a The Husbonds and Samuele at La Bocal of business, the most under The naves Coulthustatud Jolin at Isthmian ark important item of the evening his history are dark with inflicted was iminediately announced, viz: wro The nations who Information Required.
have what be award over his destinies have the CHAW. And oh, what L, Edin DOUGLAS: information is re joys! Thu hostess, Mrs. Boyke, Tailed in self imposed spora 139 CENTRAL AVENUE quired by Cargill Cargill, Duin and the gay bevy of ladies who sorrhip, and he has at last dete Demonstration at Our Office Will PANAMA CITY assisted her, worked themselves inined to free himself of his Solicitors. Duke St. Kingston, to a warm place in the hearts of clanking chains, and to cry Make Jamaica, as to the whereabouts of Douglas, formerly of those present for the real gastro way for Liberty!
THOMAS Convince You that You Should Use GAS Office Hours: 30 a. nh Richmond, Jamaica, in the Parish nomic treat with which they The colored peop people have a vi.
were provided sion of a New Democracy a new p. 6 me of St. Mary.
Several toasts to King. Em a aptation of Rule of the people, Box 798 pire, and success of the move or the people, by the people, Phones: Office 844 Self Help Society Formed ment in the Island of Grenada and they are on the march. The Acco.
Residence 1002 Among Barbadians.
were proposed and drunk, the way downfall of the Seditious Public worth the march.
the way may be long but the end is cations Ordinance being asserted Owing to extreme suffering AT Forward then; pass the word among West Indians on the Isth PANAMA GAS CO.
with loud acclarations. Bravo, along the line and On.
To us and the scarcity of work, a Rescue from the sou plucky little Grenadians, number of Patriotic Barbadians Cathedral Plaza YOUR fol 93 Bolivar St. you have our sympathy, The lowing lines by a son of the soil, Reply.
have formed the above named SoDeadly Enemy Tel. 798.
Tel. 364.
SERVICE cieip in order to assist the unem Mr. Thomas Bedeau, though ed to to other fields not a gem of poetry. goes to show In our daily talk and excitement over The following is the reply of in various other ways. ili the spirit getierally existing am Mc. George Richards, Ex Press the high cost at living and matters of it is expected that a delegation will le sent to Cuba to enlist the sym.
FROM GRENAD;ANS ON THE ident of the Empire Christian les importance, we seem to forget the Endeavour Society, to the fare. Onslaught and ravages of our worse pathy of other Barbadians. This ISTHMUS. well address tendered him by the enemics Kidney and Blader Dis. is not to be considered an insular Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
within our Geratitude we owe to Grenada, members of that Society and eases step, as it is hoped that the other which was published in our last BACK; SIDES AND JOINTS, SOME Their symptoms are: PAIN IN THE island colonies will fall in line. emembering the land of our birth, Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
issues Watch the newspapers for furE nelaved by that Obnoxious Ordinance, Fellow members of the Em TIMES WITH SWELLINGS, SCANTY ther particulars. o, we are not less than others od FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE this is what we have done pire Christian Endeavour Socie OR DISCOLORED URINE, TOO FRE. BULLEN, onated as our share 254. 60 ty: Your kind remarks express QUENT DESIRE TOURINATE; Provisional Secretary. TYNE God we put our bope, ing regret at my departure from URINE SOMETIMES CONTAINING will sail from Cristobal on FRIDAY 15th OCTOBER for nd we must thank Him for the succese your midst are carefully noted. BRICK DUST OR SEDIMENT; DE PRESSED AND TIRED FEELINGS;S ASK FOR London, Rotterdam, and Havre, accepting cargo only. ever before was there cause so just. pathes. to thank you for the syn. DESTLESNESS AT NIGHT, IRRITApchieved.
expressions which they OCROL. It is really not nntil one. S. EBRO PAINS IN THE are Grenadians!
has to leave a community in OUS THIRST; GROINS; which he has laboured that it is BURNING Blood and Liver Tablets SENSATION: will leave Cristobal a. will leave Balboa noon TUES.
uv IRRITATION BLOCK; possible to tell the esteem in WERK OP THE Newest and best Medicine DAY, OCTOBER 5, 1920 for made for Callao, Mollendo, Arics, Iquique, Antofagasta and Creoline Grows Hair on Bald which he is held by his asso These venemous enemies have been Liver Complaints Indigestior, VALPARAISO Heads. Your Hair Must Grow ciater. It has always been with Creoline. sobre o prite to me to know wrecking the lives of our prople in this. Loss of Appetite, Billiousness that S. GUATEMALA have been able to do Republic. NINETY NINE CHANGES etc, etc.
my people.
will leave Cristobal a will leave Balboa noon, WEDNES.
which is evidenced in the many marches For sale at all reliable Drug Stores. OCTOBER 6, Dr. WILLIAMS may be assured by uplo You The ONE they always come out of content Sole Agent for Panama, Guayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry. B. CH. EDIN. The coming of Dewitt Pills to the will not wane, but shall ever rest Callao, Tambo de Mora, Pisco, Chala, Mollendo. Arica, lquila my memory. While shall be Luthmus marks the event of a great offer Demetrio Fábrega.
que, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, and VALPARAISO away from you in person sive against these terrible monsters, as Panama Drug Store PHYSICIAN SURGEON get my spirit shall always be not only are they checked, but are roAS. ORBITA Muller Building Calidonla Has removed temporarily to with you, and exhort you not ceiving a crushing defeat will leave Cristobal WEDNESDAY 6th. OCTOBER 1920, for to allow the good work to dwin. Those who refuse cure by this GRAND LA Rochelle Pallice and United Kingdom Long Building No. 5045. Section A, die by reason of my absence, but ENGLISH REMEDY are their own CHURCH NOTICES. ESSEQUIBO FOLKS RIVER that you throw all your energy enemies and traitors to their country.
at the disposal of the new officers. Such refusal moano tresaon. PENALTY, St. Peter Church, La Boca will leave Cristobal THURSDAY 7th, OCTOBER 1920, for All cases fully Examined giving them all the co operation DEATH.
NEW YORK OCTOBER 3, 1920 OFFICE HOURS: shall your Society The fame of DE WITT PILLS ringe Highteenth Sunday after rinily 10 a. to pm.
and be of lasting good to all over the world, and are echoed by SALVADOR euch The services at St. Peter Church Sold in two sises at all loading Drug as to the comuunity in general.
will be as follows: will leave Cristobal s. will leave Balboa noon, Tais being religious work. stores all over the world, Refuse imi Holy Communion at 30 a. Mapins MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920, for Take Notice want to Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto. Amapala. La this and sermon at 11 a. Sunday School thought with tations Union, La Libertad, Acojulta, San José de Guatemala, at a m, Choral Evensong and sermon MANUFACTURED BY D:Wit you: Moses is doad, bat God Iveth. may be gone but God COMPANY, LIMITED, ENGLAND at 30 kaya and Champerico. MULCARE, The public is hereby notified will surely raise up another in my THE CITY PHARMACY, For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at that the West Indian Trading Co place. Be strong and coarageous Rector.
CRISTOBAL Corozal Road Baptist Church, Ltd, is in no way connected with and you shall see your work pros 139 Central Avenue, Panama.
or to the Paclfc Steam Navigation Company, The spacial meeting for the different bohalt of my partner, beg SOLE AGENTS ON THE ISTHMUS, Sunday Schools bold on Sat 25th is ex PANAMA The patronage of the public to thank you also for the kind is solicited as usual by.
peoted to be held again on Sunday Srd senti nents expressed concerning kind co operation during my term or Nassrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sul Agents.
of October stp.
to. Al Schools are THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS her woek among you and trust of office and for all the good asked to remember the date, and to The Royal Mail Buat Packet Co. Pame.
sh. nae may continue her work things you have expressed, Isthmain Undertaking Co Ltd, or ugele nea: In der new sphere. el se by wishlug you sti God send tbeir representatives Mattress Factory, Calidonis Road Aguin toanking you for your blossing.
in their to travel to ong them: doors. have something acquaintances fond withe grave o the grave yard.
possible, leave DOS Ltd.


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