
PIEDMONT Box 74, Panama One Year Six Months Three 806 25 One Podmorna Try them and YOU LL Smoke Them Always to look thut Brushe back upon the arduous battle plans that wereld dried financial members during our best e for MANUFACTURER in search of employmembers going abroad The Moisture Proof Wrapper Keeps Them Fresh is fully Tenants of the of urer Bro maica lett PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1920, Annual Report THE WORKMAN Subjoined is be Annual Report of Court hn Wallace, No. 9111, F. as road by the Secretary at their 15th anniver Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicasary on the 25th dimo:WALROND, at the office Central avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters Que and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
THE VIRGINIA CIGARETTE Panama Rep. of Panama de All copy for publication must be September 25th, 1920 written on one side of paper only, and Court Jobu Wallace No. 9111 RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of once the 15th Anniversary of which we are cele 82. 40 U9. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicabrating to day was organised on the 25th on but as a mark of good faith.
of September 1905 with a membership of we do not undertake to return 26. The name John Wallace is from the Patron of our Court who was the first Chief rejected correspondence.
Engineer of the Isthmian Canal Commis The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS sion. Taking a retrospective vww of the past 15 years of the Court existence we SATURAY, OCTOBER 9, 1920, had to co. cons. TM. Wilson and myself had to encounter before oururka. PANAMA CAN BE COMMERCIALLY from those tha: envied us for our sucess in the formation of Court John Wallace.
INDEPENDENT But thanks be to God we ed and overcome the wicked devices and have wire laid aginst usand truly wa The current comments, resolutions and memorials of can emphasize the words Veni, Vidi, Vi the Metal Trade Council of the Canal Zone Gold Employ.
SIGARETTES ci. Our merabership now stands104. From the organization of this Court we have ees with regard to the Panama Chamber of Commerce and It the Cigarette the business men of this city have gone through the whole patiblmrican Tobacco years in existence, we have community with an electric shock which instead of being of quality for members 660, for mem.
fatal will help to vitalize the inert fibres of Isthmian indusb is wives 400, members children 100.
try and economic construction.
For sick begetits paid to members 2, 304.
Donations given to members For several years we have been saying to the general employment 525. Loaded public of Panamá that this Isthmus could be an indepenout to Brethren. Our financial atened dent place so far as domestic necessities are concerned. We ing now as cast in the In ernstica Beaking Corporation is 3, 000. We also pointed to the vast tracts of untouched acreage in suburstill have the Liberty Loan Bond of Ban and interior Panama, and we demonstrated incontro 1, 000. of the 3rd issua likewise this Vertibly that the simplest and most elementary mea of property which is insured and free agriculture and industry would make this country a selfof all debts, Our sucorne monthly is 8398 supporting centre and, at the same time, reduce the disaccumulated from contributions from tress and impecuniosity of the people to a minimum, members and rents from building. With the Eagle eyed Trustees Not infrequently have we shown that the most culthis Court in the pable neglect is responsible for the scarcity of foodstuff Col. Qualis on Vacation for any period. We wish the Diad at Jamaica persons of and other commodities which we are now compelled to im.
Colonel and family a safe voyage Bros. Jonas Wilson Chas.
The many friends of Mrs. Flo Furde and Samuel Applewhite port from abroad at fictitious prices but which could be proCol. Guy Logan Quills, Super and a good time.
rence Shields will be grieved to along with our Worthy Treasurer cured bere in our midst if only the necessary interest and intendent and Chief Surgeon of Concert and Rally learn that she died at her home, John Charles Humphrey and your buce the Colon Hospital, and his famiattention were given to the production of them. ih, near Brown Town, Jable Servant as Secretary we are ever on ly, sailed Monday evening, the on Sept. 21st. Mrs. the road of prosperety trustio, in God Panama can produce all the sugar needed for local con 4th inst. on the travepore Sani, Grand Concert and Rally in Shields is ailing and left Colon for His guidance and providential care.
sump:ion if the desert wastes in this country were reclaim enora. for the United States on nid of the Pewarna Free Day and in Auxust for Sannica for a rést állough tinawy of our members ed and the natural resources developed. The fact that three months vacation. During Night School will be held in the and change and rapidly grew us for Cuba the present El Dorado and absence this cannot now be done is not the fault of the government District Physician, will act as Ocuber 11th, and at Gamboa on Einznuel Shields, is said to be in deavouring to keep the banner of Court Dr. William Levy, St. Anthony hall on Monday, worse. Her husband, Mr. Cyril Pearl of the Autiles, we are still alone, the monied men must bear the responsibility also, for Superintendent, Dr. Levy is well Friday, October 15th. All are New York city.
they are the people in every place to advance the business up in his profession and is cap. invited to assist in this worthy the World of Forestryand her doors are probabilities. It matters not how farsighted a government able of managing that institution cause.
OBITUARY over open to welcome every true and policy might be, if there is no money among the business Soya Bro. Forester, irrespective of color, creed, or language, people there can be no development, have understood the spirit and intentions of the articles Died at Santo Tomas Hospital Bubmitted in the Boods of It really seems that the necessity for national and eco which called for a statement of the finances of the West Panama, on Sunday October 3rd, Unity Benevolence and Conord nomic improvement in Panama lies on the shoulders of Indian Branch. and they have courteously submitted the Mrs. Lilian Ruece, native of Bar.
the investor or capitalist and the laborer alike. The ele report which the public has been asking for.
bados, after 10 years residence Alexander SANCHES, ments of all society for its advancement are money and We have studied this report and our impartial conclu were churched at the Methodist on this Isthmus. Her remains Secretary labor. This is what the investors in Cuba and Costa Rica sion is that it is highly satisfactory and convincing. It is Episcopal Church, Guachapali of BIRTH banana business. The natives of these countries are by no terests of the West Indians and to that end has been serv. of this city, and numerous friends Campbell, of this city, on the 1st knew long before they commenced to run into the sugar and our opinion that the organization has functioned in the in which she was a member. She a son, Born to Mr. and Mrs.
means indolent or incompetent, ing the real purposes of its creation.
to mourn her loss, inst, at the Santo Tomas Hospi The soil of the Isthmus of Panama is not a whit infe.
As far as the figures are concerned we do not believe tal, a son, George LeRoy. Both rior to that of the two countries mentioned above, and the that a better report could have been submitted and we have The many friends of the Mr.
mother and babe are doing well possibilities here are equal to those in both of them; but to congratulate the Canal Zone officers of the institution Alfred Smith, late ol Bock the difference seems to be in the business policy of the men for the way they have executed the work since its organiza: now of Panama City, will regret Special Meeting who have the money bere. When the big investors let out tion among the West Indian community. Only the most to learn that he is now occupying Members of Mount Zion Lodge, their money the laborers let out their energy and things disaffected among us could have any objection to the state one of the beds at the Ancon Hos: No. 4, of 13 always look bright. Money, counts and when there is plentyments of dollars and cents given and we are sure that the pital sudering from an attack of beroby notified that there will be of it there is active business.
public has received and must feel thoroughly satisfied with cation at LuSabanas. Mrs. Smith October 20ch. All members are contracted while special It is a pleasing report that some of our local business what has been submitted.
and their three children are also requested to be present there men have decided to launeb a million dollar sugar industry As to the information relative to the present and future inmates of the same institution will be nomination and election the gentlemen connected with this enterprise are in the never did contemplate the cessation of work among West family.
the an early recovery of the whole will start promptly at 30 of the United States making selections and purchases of the neces: Indians, and we are compelled to accept the good faith clock.
sary machinery for the establishment of the plan. This has pledged in the explanation of the work, and it is encourag: been a silent affair up to the present, but we are glad to ing information that a West Indian is still connected Searn that somebody has been thinking while most of the with the Home Service Office at Ancon co operating with others have been talking and dreaming Mrs. Ewing in the work of charity among the suffering Another pleasant bit of information to hand is that the masses in this enty.
Government of Panama oontemplates starting a million we have no unfavorable comment to make with redollar syetem of improved roads continuing from the rail gard to the operations of the West Indian Red Cross but, road crossing at Calidonia through the high road to the contrarily, we thank the officials for their prompt response Casino and on to Tapia. This will make Calidonia Road a to what was a general clamor among the West Indians on much better place for vehicular traffic and enhance the safe the Isthmus. These officials are gentlemen with good com.
ty of pedestrians walking along that way.
With these two enterprises operating at the same time their experience can help them to distinguish between permon sense and sound judgment and we have seen that from the sweetest and Panama will be bouming with work and we will need all of sonal and direct newspaper comment and that which is choicest of edible oils and fats.
the labor that is now going away from the country. Per general and enquiring.
It contains no harbor strong haps something can be done to encourage the people to ingredient.
stay and take part in the proper development and improve for and since everything submitted in the respect is frank, Now that the public has had all that it has been asking le is the purest and sou ment of Panama.
efficient of soaps and, if used We hope that proerastination will be conspicuously terests of the society before the people in the hope and with clear and above board we feel it our duty to present the injudiciously, the most economical of soupe lacking in these two coming activities and that labur will be the request that everybody do his best to help in the noble given an opportunity to do for Panama exactly what it is cause of ministering to the sick, the needy, the distressA little goes long way doing in other vountries. The ideas have met with oured and the destitute, every particle is pure there is nothing to harm the clothes or heartiest approval and encouragement and whatever publicity we can offer to the schemes will most gladly be given. such an institution and the extent of suffering among our No arguraent is necessary to force the desirability for to impede tbe repid progress of the wash.
people is sufficiently alarming to awaken the feelings of MALL, THE VALUE WEST INDIAN RED CROSS REPORT philanthrophy in everyone who hitherto may have been IS IN THE SOAP.
unconcerned, We are soapmakers with an On page sixt of this issue we publish the finan be found possible to enlist the interest and sympathy of all ideal our ideal is to make.
We hope that in the efforts of reconstruction it might SUNLIGHT cial report of the West Indian Red Cross which has been influential West Indians resident in this city and in Colon Soap which shall have no equal for Purity and Eficiency forwarded to this office in direct response to the requests of in the work, and we would suggest that an advisory board throughout the country the publie, this demand being made when the activities at consisting of a number of West Indian and number of superior in all the world, the headquarters of the organization in Calidonia Road were American gentleman be formed for the purpose of fostering GUAD PURITY We realize our ideal in every Jerminated a few weeks ago.
tablet of Sunlight Soup which On the principle that it is our duty always to give pub functionings.
and promoting the highest good of the institution in its tomunufactured.
Kcity to the views and complaints of the people of every ALL THE VALUE AS IN class and color we fe natural obligation in speaking out aims and requirements of the society before the public and This paper will do everything possible to present the THE SOAP THATS WHY.
cu 80 important a question as the West Indian Red Crose the officials may count upon our contributions in support and its functions. This we did unapologetically.
of the work. Furthermore we stand ready to assist in the The Canat Zone authorities of the American Red Cross, way of advice or information in every movement that conander woose direction the West Indian Red Cross works, cerns the interests of the West Indiau Red Cross All the VALUE in the SOAP SOAP SUNLIGHT 81000 SUNLIGHT SOAP


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