
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 9, 1920, PAGB: THRE KING BEE tained at luncheon at the Prince Ponsonby is the local Attorney.
Building. Pyrotechnic Display The Directors are Sir Roywill be given on the night of the den, Baron Pirrie, Sir Me first day visit. Apart from that Celland and Sir James Thomp the programme is much the same son, sbip owners, and merchants as the one carried out here in respectively. The local repreMarch last on the occasion of His sentatives of the company are Royal Highness visit.
Messrs, Sellier Co.
Civil Servants Bonus. Continued on page 4)
The Finance Committee of the Dr. VERNON CROSBIE, Trinidad Legislature at a recent meeting decided upon the follow.
Surgeon Dentist ing temporary increases to the Civil servants. Employees in re. Begs to notify his patrons and ceipt of salaries up to 25 pounds the public generally that he has be given an increase of 100 per removed his cent; for those up 300 pounds. DENTAL PARLOUR 40 per cent, 33 per cent for those in receipt of pay from 300 pounds to the more commodious preto 1, 000 pounds and 10 per cent toises at of those in receipt of salaries over 143 Central Avenue 1, 000 pounds.
office of the late Dr. Chae, Bailey shopkeeper at Trinidad was Crown and Bridge Work recently tiued 20 pounds by a a Specialty police Magistrate for refusing to sell a pint of rice to a customer NIGHTS BY APPOINTMENT unless he purchased some other Telephone 784 article.
to IT PAYS TO BUY KING BEE NG BEE AM MAL SORTH CENTRAL AN MUTHANI CAMERA osmos LAS Extra Mild IGARETTES Gawge and Clemtina Believe it pays to advertise. They say they re happy as can be, And owe it all to ol KING BEE.
For Clementina says to me, That if she hadn seen this ad.
She never would have been to see That preacher man, with her Gawge And KING BEE Gawge, he says to me, That if he hadn seen this ad, He never would have thought that he Could ever get to marry So both of them with me agree It surely pays to advertise: And so it does, as you can see, IT PAYS YOU WELL TO BUY KING BEE. New Oil Company.
The Trinidad Law, Commerce Dr. Hoffman and Trade Bulletin records the registration of the British Union has reopened his clinic forgon Oil Company, Ltd. concern eral practice for gynocolorica limited by shares. Incorporated cases and urological disorders of in England, it has a capital of both sexes. Diseases of the blood 6, 000, 000 divided up into five treated in accordance with the million, Preference shares, and latest German discoveries. Ap one million Debenture shares of plication of the Genuine Germant One pound each 606 and its latest modifications It is formed to deal among (1495 and Silber salversan. other things, exclusive in oil Tolephone No. 746 prospecting, winning, acquiring etc. The local office is situated CENTRAL AVENUE, No. 41, at Tabaquite and Mr. Guy Opposite Amador Theatre WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
73 ORANGE STREET, KINGSTON, JAMAICA 1c. silver for each empty package of KING BEE cigarettes manufactured in the Republic. From now until further notice.
OBJECTS. a) To engage generally in the shipping business (b) To carry on business between Jamaica, Cuba, Hayti, Panama, New York and England.
CAPITAL. a) 10, 000 common shares at per share. b) 40, 000 preference shares at per share. c) Shares may be subscribed for as follows: 5s. per share on application, 58. per share on allotment aud the ba.
lance as the Directors think fit (d) The Management is in the hands of Nine Directors. e) Persons qualifying for post of Directors shall hold not less than 50 shares in the Company, The Directors have their hands upon two Steamers, and hope to start the service about the end of September.
It is hoped that Jamaicans and their friends abroad will avail themselves of the opportunity of owning a large num.
ber of shares.
SOLICITORS. Messrs. Lake Rowe, 98 Tower St, Kingston, Ja.
BANKERS; Royal Bank of Canada.
West Indian News Trinidad DIRECTORS CAMPBELL, President: COCHRAN, Vice President DR. LOGAN, Treasurer; DR. St. CYR.
APPLICATION FOR SHARES and Corporation Spheroid will be published in due course. It may be mentioned that the Scientist left London for the West Indies on the 14th Sept.
and is due to arcive here about the 3rd or 4th of October hopes to assemble 5, 000. Each Demerara We are in a position, says the child in Trinidad will be given Port of Spain Gazette, to state and Programme of Entertaina flag with which to flutter a it doubtless will be of interest to ment for the Prince welcome on the arrival of His local shippers to know that the The Demerara Rice Royal Highness to inspect them. Harrison Line of steamers sail of Wales.
Situation Sensational Customs Selz ing between London and the West Indies, calling also at Port of ure in Demarara. Spain, are being renamed. The Out of the 5, 000 pounds voted Sargasos has been rechristened by the Government of Trinidad the Scientist. The other boats of visit of the Prince of Governor Refuses to Raise TROPICS CORPORATION FINED the line are the Savon and the Wales to that colony in Septem for the purpose of celebrating the Prices 5, 000 Spheroid; it is believed that the bor, 500 will be spent in treating former will hereafter be known the poor of the community. The 1, 200 Duty also to be paid.
as the Speaker. Further particu. Sailors of the Renowa lars concerning the Savan and other warships will also be enter.
The Demerara Customs AuHis Excellency the Governor of Demerara received a deputa thorities recently made a huge tion from the East Indian Asso seizure of a consignment of goods ciation at the Public Buildings valued at 40, 000 the property of at noon on the 21st August on the the Tropics Corporation Ltd. It the subject of the rice situation was discovered that the Tropics The was paying wrong Excellency to raise the Govern duty imported ment price of rice per bag from The Comptroller of Customs hav: to 11 wholesale and 11:50. ing authorised the seizures home Viapree, who initiated the bands of His Excellency and of company placed themselves in the discussion, impressed His Excel fered lency that the colony was threat. sideration of all the facts and cir.
the matter. Atter a careful. com ened with a serlous ride situation. All over the colony difa cumstances. His Excellency de: UNITED FRIUT COMPANY obtaining supplies of the ceresi: will be called upon to pay the dif.
calty was being experienced in cided to impose a fine of 5, 000 in addition to which the posiPort Limon tion was so acute that it virtually ference in the duty a sum of Costa Rica amounted tacute famine. Yet in 1, 200. As a result oi the company spite of this scarcity there was dy decision po proceedings will offering to abide by His ExcellenPlenty of contract work, make all you can. Plenty plenty, for some people held lunce stocks of paddy, but they be taken against them of housing accomodation.
were not prepared to sell it since Officers of the Crown.
they had purchased paddy at This, it might be mentioned, is prices and it would not pay the largest seizure that has been Schedule price.
Free Transportation. No Deposit.
sell at the Government made since the historic seizure of a cargo of smuggled gin in the Excellency replied that he early eighties, Must have Passport and could not see his way to increase the price. He characterised the WILKINSON Vaccination Card.
efforts made to force his hands to raise the price as the work of CONTRACTOR BUILDER profiteers.
First Class Workmanship la British Guiana, diffeulties Plans and Specifications Free Apply UNITED FRUIT Co.
vuotwitstanding, arrangements are made to present 12, 000 school children to meet His Highness 15th Street West House 90 Cristobal, Canal Zone.
the Prince of Wales. Trinidad Box 411, Panama, RP.
Wanted! Wanted. Carpenters and Laborers WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
73 Orange Stroet, Kingston beg to apply for. shares of sach in the West Indian Steamship Co. Ltd. herewith send you 58. per share with this application and agree on notification of allotment of same to pay 5s, per share and to make further payments as indicated in 5s. per the accompanying Ciroular.
Name in full.
Address Occupation Date.
abide by bis his decision in company by the Law aigh THE WOMAN EXCHANGE NO. 1, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA DRESSMAKERS Knowing the service that is demanded from every garment in these days of high prices, we have set a very exacting standard to STYLE and WORK MANSHIP.
ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
Sailings Every Tuesday, at o clock 229


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