
goon LIFEBUOY many labourers wool found pound to VDESINFECTANT SOAP trade, they have have them For several THE many hands which are wiped on the shall good deal LIFEBUOY SOAP in the Resi fully 700, 000. PAGE POUR 10 TAL WORKYAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1970, lateersting News From the site destination, the Public Lib. have written saying that the rary, will be. will depend on what we raise (Continued from page 3)
locally. There is a fair amount Grenada of cash subscriptions in hand St. Vincent 2: in Grenada. It might have been against the names of subscribers The Government of Grenada more, but we have little cause Food Situation in St Vir have sent out two officers to re for pessimism. Those who think MANY cruit for labourers for Demerara. that the Grenada Delegation to cent. few hundred of our agricol. England was all talk will soon tural labourers are wanted for experience rude surprise. Let GOVERNMENT IMPORT RICE FOR the Magnificent Province but we us all unite in extending a good HANDS PEOPLE do not know whether any could old Grenadian welcome to our be The food situation has got to as we can understand, no greater from it, and after that let us go got from this colony. So far Royal Guest. let nothing detract WIPE such a pitch in St Vincent that facilities are offered to the labour over the top.
the Government have adopted the ers than are obtainable in Triniexpedient of importing rice which dad by way of wages or other Grenada Goverment Notes, two they are selliog to the public at cat special accomodation. We know ON ONE 10 kinds, Five Shillings and Two than the mer.
a cheaper price as a fact that a certain estate shillings and Six Pence, are in propos of this the St.
proprietor in Trinidad has pro circulation. We saw a number of incremand after the 13th instant ployees on the estates. Judging nial Bank yesterday. We think says:tiem the our paternal Government will be by the pro sitnity of Trinidad to the design very pretty offering a limited Rice to the general pablic at limited quantity of Ran: this island it is not likely that would be the Gover went Cotton Ginnery, here anless certain inducements We hear that the local Gorern.
of from to are are offered. However, the matter ment contemplates the revival of for pounds. Unfortunately shop is purely in the hands of our la the idea of establishing a big received small shipments of the the issue for themselves.
who have also recently bourers who will have to decide tropical hotel in Grenada. The facts, as they appear to the wellsame Rice which they are retail.
informed, are that in view of the ing at a higher price, the govern coming big Canadians ment action is likely to interfere The estate of the late Mr. Sand these islands should prepare to with them, but bach Parker, who for years was meet the convenience of visitors selves to blame for the situation, connected with sugar manufac from the Dominion. It seems to be tion to complaints from the peo net personality of nearly 60, 000. tour these islands annually, Greto the Colony, and in addi valued at 80, 223 gross with a accom accommodate the Canadians who ple, Government institutions sut Mr. Parker was one of the fortunada will be passed over, so opfered from the shortage. nates when the price of sugar portunities for larger business The merchants all! declared that soared.
will be lost. If what we have same towel are busy all day long handling they could not import Rice at the heard is true, the local Govern.
prices quoted for sale and the Part of the new reciprocity ment will have done itself and germ. laden things. Books, Money, Tools, Government acted very wisely in in agreement with Canada is to the this colony a lasting service.
ordering for the institutions, in effect that Barbados and Trinidad Furniture, Pet Animals and countless other things.
cluding a supply for the public to pay 5, 000 and 7, 500 re Barbados It will certainly entail a tide the Colony over hard times, Subsidy towards the steamsbip The entire colony of of work, but we feel sure that the Trinidad is satisfied with the gen.
Patrick Flanagan, an Irish sea public will he grateful for the eral terms of contract. West In man, who for some weeks had considerate act.
dian Business men are acknow. been strolling around the streets ledging gratitude to our bigger of the City on the rocks was PURIFIES AND PROTECTS.
the very to lemn dedication and maintenance for 10 y ears of the during the early hours of Thurs Those who are responsible for sister for all that she has done to found by a policeman in a helpless West Indian Trade. Her condition in the Jubilee Gardens It does not merely cleanse and refresh the skin. Lifebuoy Soap does more. It positively protects its users from copy of the tlag and shield to ex da and the West Indies cost her could be obtained he expired.
meters of An inquiry was beld by Coroner the many germ laden things they come into contact ment deserve congratulations.
Briggs and a jury into the cause with daily. Health is stored in every tablet. The flag, we understand of death at noon on Thursday. will be presented to Grenada ex Grenadians in the United post mortem examination was soldiers by His Royal Highness States are campaigning for a made by Dr. Hutson, Act.
Give Lifebuoy Soap a trial to day. Its abundant, antiseptic lather will the Prince of Wales. We still 10, 000 objective in the interest ing Government Pathologist, make your skin glow with health. Wash your face with it. Bathe think, however, that a service of our fight for Representative who said that death was due to of dedication sometime after the Government and against tne Se cirrhosis of the liver, caused by with it. Shampoo with it.
24th iost. before the flag is sent ditious Påblications Bill.
an excessive use of alcohol. The jury returned a verdict in accordMORE THAN SOAP YET COSTS NO MORE.
ance with the medical testimony LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND SUSPENDED SERVICE பபபபம ய ய ய Liverpool, August. Interview. BRANDON BANK)
sion of their West Indian pas Miracle Shrine Tale shrine walked away without. work of Mise Henrettin Mastre senger service one of the manassistance, as their sight had and Milroy Francois deserves special agers of the Royal Mail Co, says Called True been restored.
mention. Mrs. Iris Mosley yoke pattern SECURITY the company feel justified in sus was very much admired, together with a SERVICE pending its passenger sailings to the West Indies because the American Priest, Back Pilgrims having assembled at klinkson. The infant dress made by Miss Dublin, Sept. 12. Crowds of couple of dresses made by Mrs. Clara Governments of the West Indian Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon Colonies had 12 months befrom Erin, Says 30, 000 Cashel to witness the alleged Elma Blake was all that heart or mind manifestation fof the bleeding could desire, and speaks well of the tween paineJuly Daily see Boy Healer.
1919 and July 1920 statue, Dean Byrne writes to the Superintendent bege to thank Very bearti of this young girlThe Our large Resources and well known. in which to decide upon their newspapers saying that the Superintend course of action. In the absence of such decision the company Journal, dated, New York, Sept. tion in the case. He warns they come in the affair After a two weeks conservative Management afford unA special cable to the Courier priests disbelieve divine intervenly his many friends who have so donated prizes which helped to swell wave o Renerous.
has ceased to carry passingen er 12 gives the following: quzstioned security for every dollar although the cargo service peopleagaiast expecting miracles the interest in at Cashul.
elses will be re opened, and go on as usual. Since 1915 the the patronage Tales of iniracles performed at of deposited with this bank the public is invited, a Royal Mail has catered for pas. Templemore, Ireland, were told SEWING CLASSANNIVERSARY duct the class under better and more the management is expecting to con sengers to the West Indies with to day by eleven Catholic priests out any subsidy whatever, and who returned to this country on spotomatie advantages.
such a service, it is contended. board the steamship Caronia. The first anniversary of the Christian General Banking Business Transacted bas meant the sacrifice of thous The Rev. Father Dawson Mission Sewing Claw was oelebrated in ands of pounds. It is boped, how: Byrne, Beresford, who sho Schoolroom on Tuesday ováning the PASEO ever, that the new Imperial was born and educated in this 14th inst. The Rov. Thorbourne WANTED NATHANIEL BRANDON BRÁNDON Shipping Committee will recog: country and ordained in Chicago, provided In spite of the rain there was Tresidenti AGM Vice President. Treasurer the of a visit to Templegood attendanon some subsidy, and so the intima more THE thom od the suspension of sailinge wornebeseptember 2, 3, and then abildoer was highly complimented in place all spite of the irregular attendance clas in a Cook and a Housemald APPLY TO its firennunci bfurther notice. miracles have been performed, evenime Ma. Thomas the woll known It remains to seen what 12 tot GOOD WILL is in a drossmaker by two other expe.
now be done by the Government roo MRS. MORRICE, room of a small pall thatched cotta cottage, rienced parties where the Blessed Virgin appear competition. The prices van present judge in the 1st Avenue, NE business lives through its Corpse Rebuked Re ed to James Welch, poor boy, ed by Dr. Thompson The Bella Vista customers. And its greatest 17 years old. July and told him asset is their good will.
to dig a small round hole in the Our service has always Jens Jonssen, a fariner in earthen floor of his sleeping measured up to this stand Sweden, fell ill and within a week room, which would become a well ard and brings forth volun. died. His body was placed in a for healing the sick, the lame tary expression of friend coffin and for three days was and the blind.
ship and confidence.
kept in the home. In accordance He told me that the Holy MothDIT Come in and see our New with an old custom, the neighbors er had appeared to him in visions Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold EVER ers. Better than pins.
called to pay their last respects several times during June, but and to partake of whatsoever re: he had been afraid to mention it FULLER freshments were provided. until he was convinced that it OWNED BY On the evening of the fourth was his duty to do so after mak You JEWELER aocording to well douched or by sore or come togethem he had made the bole. The National City Bank of New York a of witnes CHATURE 122 CENTRAL AVENUE.
ses, the mourners were bil about the size of a small washing ariously eating and drinking. basin he said the Blessed Virgin Head Office: 55, Wall Street there was a stir in the cotfin. The passed her hand around the dead maa slowly raised him and the water began to now, and Capital, Surplus Undivided Profits over 13, 200, 000 Excelsior Furniture Store self to a sitting posture and in it has been kept filled ever since. Bogor these words rebuked his family The next demonstration was AND ES and those assembled to comfort. August 14, where the states in Omelal Depository of the Republic of Panama his room began to bleed. saw Depository of the Panama Canal Employment Agency You thought me dead. may blood coming from the mouth of ก2 เส Depository of the Panama Rallroad have been, but the sounds of your the statue of the Holy Mother All kinds of Furniture and other article bought, sold and exchanged.
and blood from the eyes of the Order taken for Water proof Rain conta. Whatever you want to sell, buy, Through its Agencies in the Interior and spending my in exchange, eto its Foreign Branches this Institution offers SEE ME FIRST.
feasting! have done with you pilgrims we as at Templemore, and prefer the next world to your were arriving there at exceptional banking facilities.
All kinds of Information given.
the Jonssen eyes closed, his body parts rate of 30, 000 a day from all Drafts on Jamaica and other West Indian Islands SANGUINETTI BROWN, relaxed and be sank back into the Outside the cottage there are coffin, actually dead this time. piles of crutches left by Pilgrims Interest Paid on Savings Account, at Per Cent Corner 3rd Nov. and 19th Sta. Guaohapali. The funeral and burial decurred who have had the use of their Anoon Box 1130. Phone 160 the following day, attended by limbs restored to them. Blind Per Annum everybody in the village. persons who had to be led to the TRATTATRIUM Panama Banking Company qualities holiday the ISAAC BRANDON done by the מס. aoted velers.
INTERNATIONAL BANKING GORPORATION day rim them: revelry awoke me. She money on statue of the Savior society.


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